War Lord

Chapter 726: capricious

[Thanks to Heroes Jiang Yuan for the six monthly tickets, it’s amazing~~]

Never thought that it was Franklin that Agladis wanted him to kill. He was surprised: "You made a mistake, he is my companion..."

"It's you who got it wrong!"

Agradis couldn't tell: "Do you know where he came from? You can be called a companion if you fight together. If you become a companion with the wrong person, you will regret it in the future."

"Well, I want to know the reason." Ling said calmly, without any expression on his face.

"Franklin is not an ordinary person, in fact, he is an Atlantean, and the owner of Sky City, the owner of endless glory!"

With zero tremor, he had guessed that Franklin's origins were not simple. You must know that when Franklin boarded the ship, he was very familiar with the operating system of the Destiny. But Zero did not expect that Franklin turned out to be a person of the Fourth Age, and he was also the lord of Sky City. How could such a person appear at this time, and how did he cross the long river of time between these two epochs.

Agradis seemed to see zero doubt. He said lightly: "At that time, Prosius let Sky City torn apart. Franklin took the remaining people to escape Sky City, but something happened in the process. Unexpected. I found them and put them to sleep in order to preserve the seeds against Prosius."

"But then Prosius entered the atmosphere in a hurry to get the origin of the planet, which gave me a chance to capture it. Afterwards, Prosius was trapped in a specially designed prison, and Franklin and others did not send in. Useful. Because I was badly injured after dealing with Prosius, I didn't care about Franklin. After that, I have been working to regenerate life. Until recently, I found that Franklin was awake."

Ling looked at him and said coldly: "It's a very good story, but I refuse. Even if he is the life of the Quaternary, I can't find a reason to kill him."

"You say this because you don't understand the way the Atlanteans reproduce." Agradis said: "You are all the lives I created, but the way of reproduction is completely different. Franklin and the others are not like you. , Born by the love of men and women, and the combination of sperm and eggs. They tend to reproduce the way of plants. The seeds of life are scattered by the strange life called the tree of life. After three months, the seeds will turn into buds. The fruit splits. When it opens, a new Atlantean will be born. As soon as it is born, the Atlantean has entered adulthood and possesses extraordinary strength or talent."

"Of course, only the Atlantis in the Sky City can have such a wonderful way of reproduction. As for the humans on the ground, they are not much different from you. Therefore, taking Sky City as the boundary, those who live in the empty city are called Tian People, and those who live on the surface of the earth are called the earth people. The heavenly people are nobles, and the earth people are slaves. This class relationship was not completely broken until Prosius appeared, whether it was the noble heavenly people or the humble people. People from the earth have to take up the weapons in their hands and fight to defend the sky and the earth on which they depend for survival."

Speaking of this, Agradiston paused and said: "Although the heavenly beings are extraordinary, their strength or talents are already destined when they are born, and they will not increase any more even in the future. So every heavenly being After they were born, they would be tested by special equipment for their quality and then assigned to the corresponding work. There seemed to be no disadvantages in this method. I didn’t realize that this method was ridiculously wrong until Prosius appeared. At that time, there was no gene. The concept of debugging, but now it seems that the method of reproduction that I have given to Tianren is the current genetic debugging technology. Although the born Tianren can be put into work from the beginning, it has lost growth. Therefore, after that era, I erased this method of reproduction from the genetic code of organisms, and only retained the most primitive human production methods."

"I found that with this primitive method of production, even the genes of the new life born are full of unpredictability. But often a pair of mediocre parents, their genes will collide strangely and give birth to a genius. The descendants of people. Even if there are few such people, as long as there is a life like this, their contribution is far more than countless heavenly people. It is also because of the existence of such people that they will promote the continuous advancement of the times."

"But Atlantis’s method of reproduction is still highly efficient. Before Sky City collapsed, Franklin transplanted the gene pool from the Tree of Life to one of the members. Now, this member and the other members of the sky People are all under the control of the Pope’s Hall. If Franklin is allowed to rescue his people, once they activate the gene pool of the Tree of Life, then the celestial beings of Atlantis will appear in large numbers. Think about it, not a year When the time comes, Franklin will be able to have thousands or even tens of thousands of capable people. What kind of concept is that."

Agradis said solemnly: "This is the reason I asked you to kill him. Franklin will break the balance I have managed to maintain. Once the world loses balance, it will only be Prosius that will benefit in the end!"

Zero was silent, and the reason Agladis said was indeed sufficient. Looking at this era, no organization can fight against the large number of Atlanteans. Just looking at the Destiny would know what kind of technology and power these so-called celestial beings possess, but would Franklin be that kind of person? Zero can't help but think of the man who is like a giant. The eager light that overflows in his eyes when he talks about his people is not to release the gene pool as soon as possible to produce the ambition of many heavenly people to dominate the world, but out of a personal body. The responsibility and responsibility of being the king.

Agradis's request is to take precautions against unburned. But Zero is not him, he has his own considerations.

Seeing the subtle change in the expression on Zero's face, Agradis shook his head and said, "No, no, you are making a bad decision."

"Really? I think it's correct. Agradis, what you said may not become a reality. Maybe the celestial being with the gene bank is dead, or Franklin didn't plan to do this at all. Do. And now you want me to kill someone who can be called a companion. I'm sorry I can't do it. I can only say that if Franklin has this plan, I will do my best to kill him. But he Before doing this, he was still my companion."

"Oh my God, you are using emotions." Agradis said loudly: "It is the most correct way to wipe out the disaster from the bud. Zero, think about this world, it has enough disasters. Why should you add more uncertainties to it?"

"Perhaps what you said is right, but how can you guarantee that Franklin will do that. The man who gave me his back on the battlefield safely, that can be called a companion, I can't use such a reason Shoot him!"

"Zero, you must listen to me!" Agradis said solemnly.

Zero sneered: "Just because I am the son of some **** planet? Agradis, I don't deny that you gave me a new life, but that doesn't mean I have to be your pawn. I'm sorry, if you think this is wayward If you do, then I'll be willful. This is my decision, and I will bear the consequences with all my strength."

Agradis sighed: "I'm afraid you can't bear this result. Well, you can make your own decision. Although you were born by me, I can't interfere with your decision after all. Because you have free will, At this moment, I no longer know whether it is good or bad to give you this undisturbed will."

"Obviously, even if you want to regret it, it's already too late."

"No, I won't regret it. As you said, this is also my decision. As for the result like today, I also expected it. No matter what, you are still the person I chose, zero..." Suddenly, Agradis let out a "huh".


"Oops, this bug is dying, and I feel that its life characteristics are declining..." Agradis showed a solemn expression: "It turned out to be like this, not decline but evolution. I really didn't expect it to be created by humans. Life forms can actually evolve to this level. Zero, I have to leave. Its brain has begun to die and can no longer support my existence. Be careful, this thing has evolved into a dangerous life form."

After speaking, Agradis and this spiritual space began to fall apart, and he recovered and found that it was still in the brain of the queen of worms. It's just that the brain of the queen of worms is constantly growing up with a layer of dead dust. The color of this layer of dead gray caused the brain tissue to shrink and die continuously. Zero was strange, but he still used the ability to spirally pierce to form a cone of light, rushing all the way upwards.

Looking down, the speed of worm brain necrosis is getting faster and faster~lightnovelpub.net~ A gray tide is almost chasing the heel of zero. Zero speeds up. He doesn't know what kind of abnormality this phenomenon will bring, but he can know that there is no benefit to staying in a necrotic brain. So a moment later, Zero rushed out of the crowned skull of the queen of the worm, bringing up a few worm shells.

Zero made a turn in the air and landed on the floor of the second floor of the living area. Looking down, behind the mountain-shaped Andura worm, the energy spar in the gap between the somites becomes dim one by one, and the energy inside seems to disappear, but in the zero perception, all the energy behind the worm is known. They all converge to a certain point in the body. After that, the thing that transferred most of the energy of the queen began to move quickly.

The queen opened her mouth wide, and then spit out an oval object from it. It fell to the corner at the bottom of the base and crashed into a metal wall. After spitting out this thing, the queen spit out a lot of liquid, and then fell softly to the ground, and the worm fluid continuously flowed out from its body, and the protein was rapidly oxidized after death like an Andura worm.

Scattered to the bottom of the base, and walked towards the thing that was vomited by the worm. At this moment, a wave passed by behind the metal wall, zero and one sign. Just now, it seemed like a heartbeat.

The first heartbeat of some kind of life!

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