War Lord

Chapter 727: Newborn Queen

Zero cautiously approached the location of the thing. At this time, the Andura queen was dead, and without the energy spar as a light source, the bottom of the base was already very dim. Even with zero low-light vision, there are too many things to see. But at the source of the heartbeat, something flickered. The faint light was enough for Zero to see what it looked like.

This is an extremely huge egg, three meters high. The surface of the eggshell is covered with weird patterns, and the flashing light is emitted by these patterns. The flickering of light is regular, like the breathing of a certain life. The dome overwhelmed half of the wall, but the surface was undamaged. If you imagine the strength of the impact at that time, you can know how strong the dome is.

But it was such a strong egg that suddenly cracked from the top with a "click", and then one hand stretched out from the egg, followed by another. Pinching with both hands, the top of the eggshell was pushed out, and the eggshell broke and fell to the ground. Zero looked closely and frowned slightly. These eggshells were covered with a layer of luminous concentrated liquid. These concentrated liquids contained a very strong energy aura. Although these auras are dissipating, from the point of view of the degree, there is not a day or two of effort. It cannot disappear completely.

In other words, this egg is just like a biological version of the brewing tank, which contains another liquid that is more energy-rich than the nutrient solution. Even if it is an ordinary person, if he is immersed in this energy liquid for a period of time, a small amount of body absorption is enough to change his physique and become as strong as a cow.

And how could the life "born" by the Queen Andura become ordinary?

A gray shadow jumped to the ground, with its back facing Zero, but it could be seen that it was a female body. It's just that there is still no hair growing on the smooth head, but you can see the smooth back with elastic buttocks, and a pair of straight long legs. Only from the back, this is a very moving female body, but for some reason, there is no feeling of excitement, but the whole body feels like acupuncture.

No matter how smart the Andura queen is, it still can't get out of the scope of bugs, and its genetic code should be biased towards insects. But there was a person in the egg it laid, which seemed a little weird. And this person, if you think she is a human, jumped to the ground and picked up the eggshell and gnawed it. Every time she bites a piece of eggshell, the energy aura in her body becomes stronger.

Obviously, she was eating.

As soon as this woman appeared, the energy aura on her body was clearly marked with the eighth-order mark. And as she started to eat, the energy aura began to increase. Zero Belief, when she ate the whole egg and drank the energy liquid in the egg, she could even grow to the ninth level! Even... Tenth order!

Ling Wei bowed, her hair raised, her right eye bursting with dazzling golden light. In the darkness, the golden flame was clearly visible. The petty uses the limit power that can be used now. The toes pressed down on the ground, and immediately the whole person ran into the woman, dragging a cone-shaped shock wave behind him. Under the impetus of extremely sudden, Zero's momentum was shocking, the woman smiled softly, but flashed away faster than Zero.

Zero One punched the air, and the woman had pulled a gray light trail to form several turns in the space at the bottom of the base. In less than a breath, she had left Zero and fell to the corpse behind the Andura insect. superior. She slowly stood up, straightened her body, and saw an incredible life.

The head of a woman is like a praying mantis, with large compound eyes, but below the neck is a human body. The full and towering twin peaks stood upright in the air, two points of blushing like the most delicate flower buds trembling gently. The smooth and delicate skin even glows faintly in the dark, and under the double peaks is a flat abdomen, and when the curves on both sides come to the waist, it condenses in a thrilling manner, and then opens by the position of the arms.

The mysterious triangle under the lower abdomen is clearly visible, because there is nothing to do with a single hair on the body, so the beautiful picture between the thighs is enough to make any male crazy. The straight-closed legs are tightly stitched. From the thigh to the calf, every part of the curve is flawless, and even the bare feet are very provocative. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a perfect body imaginable, of course, except for the head.

"You are... the Queen of Andura?" Ling asked, and frowned, "Since you use this human body, you should speak our language?"

After the woman was silent for a while, she tried several times to speak, and then said with a slightly hoarse voice: "The structure of the vocal system between me and you is different. With a little adjustment, it is not surprising that you can speak your language. Andu After pulling bugs, this is what you call me. I prefer to call myself... Ye Lijie."

"Ye Lijie...a standard female name, it seems that you are looking forward to being us." Ling said.

She nodded: "Even though your race is not excellent, and you don't know what unity is. But there is no doubt that you are still the masters of this planet. You occupy most of the planet, so I I’m thinking, if I want my race to continue, maybe I have to integrate into your human society. Only by becoming a part of you can we ensure the continuation of life."

"No wonder you turned yourself into this way..." Ling looked at the corpse of the Andura Queen: "If it was this body, it would be attacked as soon as it appeared."

"Yes, so I feed on you humans, digest your corpses and extract human genetic codes. Every time I eat a human, my resolution will increase a bit. After I have completed all the analysis for you, I will be able to use This perfect body appeared. I deliberately left an emergency passage in this area, in order to attract more Zog’s people to come and take risks, so that my children can bring me more food. Just for now, after I evolve into a humanoid, I can leave. I will destroy the passage and turn this place into a tomb. Of course, the Zog must be buried for my children..."

Zero was surprised and said, "Do you want to completely erase any traces of the Andura bug?"

"Yes, so I can fully integrate into human society."

Zero smiled: "I admit that your body is indeed very attractive. But when any normal man sees your face, I'm afraid no one will treat you as a woman."

"I don't need to remind you. The reason for keeping the previous features is just to say goodbye to yesterday." She stretched out her hand, put it on her face, and then gradually pulled it down. The insect-like appearance kept changing over the palm of her hand, and when she wiped it on her face, Ye Lijie had a perfect female face.

With golden eyebrows, turquoise eyeballs, tall nose bridge and two **** full lips, she now has nothing to do with insects. As long golden hair grew on her smooth head, a beautiful blonde woman appeared in Zero's eyes.

"Well, now your heart is moving too, human. Do you want to mate with me too... Oh, forget you call this kind of sex. But no matter what it is, now you can't see what I was originally. Use such a body to enter your human society, and then find other males to combine. It will not be long before my newborn child will occupy this planet, and I will be your eternal queen!"

In Zero's right eye, a strange symbol floated. That was a sign that gene detection was activated. When every detection wave swept through Ye Lijie, she suddenly changed her face and screamed, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, just happened to find that there is still an ugly bug hidden under this beautiful body." Ling sneered.

Ye Lijie's eyes rolled, enlarged, and then suddenly narrowed. She opened her mouth wide, and the muscles on both sides of her lips did not break open. Her mouth cracked all the way to the base of her ears, and a row of fangs emerged from the original human teeth, making Ye Lijie look like a monster. She screamed: "Human, you have successfully angered me. Now, you are about to die here. Your body and your genes will become a part of me. You should be honored!"

it is as expected. Zero Xindao, under the effect of gene detection, Zero found that Ye Lijie's genetic code is still Andura worm, at least the most primitive codes are. And in her gene chain, it also contains several human genes. But human genes do not occupy the dominant part, they are more like mutant domain capable people, which belong to the genes that can be switched.

In other words, Ye Lijie can be regarded as an insect version of the mutant power. Now, she just made the few segments of human genes dominant, thus mimicking the appearance of human beings. Rather than what she said, she has completely transformed into a human being.

It takes tens of millions of years or even longer for a species to evolve or change from another species. Even if the Andura worm is powerful, it will not be able to absorb human genes and it will be able to complete the process of transforming into another species in more than ten years. But if it is a simulation, it is more than enough.

What's more, there are not many people like Zero who have the ability to detect genes. It couldn't be easier for Ye Lijie to fool ordinary people. And when she combines with humans, God knows what monsters will be born.

"You do have a great chance to succeed, but unfortunately, I am here today." Ling said lightly.

Ye Lijie's facial muscles closed again, and she smiled: "Only you, Zog?"

"I never said that I was Zog's person~lightnovelpub.net~ In fact, I came from outside."

Ye Lijie's eyes fluttered, and a moment later said: "It turns out that it is, you are indeed different from Zog. Those **** guys swallow my child's brain crystals to increase their strength. So the smell of their body makes me feel better. Disgust, but you don’t. You are the first to witness the birth of the future queen. I can allow you to stay by my side. How about, come and be a witness."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I refuse. The human society is messy enough, please forgive me for not letting you out. I will witness your birth and will also witness your death." Zero has decided not to let her out once Being integrated into human society, she can become another person by virtue of her ability. When the time comes, it will be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack if she wants to kill her again.

Ye Lijie was unmoved. She shrugged her shoulders very humanely and said, "Look, you made a terrible decision!"

At the end of her voice, she flashed, and she had already come near zero!

The speed is so fast, it is only seen in zero life.

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