War Lord

Chapter 728: you die! I am dead!

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soon! Zero secretly said in his heart.

He himself is better at speed, especially the fastest speed after the ninth rank has broken through the sound barrier and reached a whole new level. And this is also a weapon for him to fight against other strong men, but now, Ye Lijie, the young queen of insects, is on the front line faster than him. But the frightening thing is that Ye Lijie was silent during the exercise, and even the energy breath did not make waves, let alone aroused the air.

Normally, the faster the object moves, the more intense the friction with the air. Severe air friction will cause air combustion. The burning air will form a short-term vacuum, and once new air is filled in, it will cause expansion, resulting in loud noises such as sonic booms. Just like when Zero is advancing at extreme speed, the sonic boom will often appear after arriving at the destination. This is the effect of his extreme speed movement.

Ye Lijie seemed to subvert this common sense, thinking she should have a special way to do this. But now, Zero didn't have time to analyze, because the queen of the worm leaned forward and ran into him.

But this time, Zero saw her movements clearly, so he punched out. If Ye Lijie bumped into her intact, it would turn her into a zero fist in her face.

Instead of making any corresponding actions, Ye Lijie rushed forward with a triumphant smile on her face. Zero naturally doesn't have air, but when he punched out, he passed through Ye Lijie's face, and what he hit was air.


Just when Ling Xin yelled such a sentence, Ye Lijie's body slammed into a flower in front of him. The white fist brushed against Ling's face, and the power he used wasn't necessarily huge, but with the blessing of speed, Ling felt as if he was hit head-on by a moving car and flew out.

Speed, power!

After a few tumbling in the air, Zero fell back to the ground. There was a bruise on his face, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. He spit out a mouthful of blood and said: "Interesting, I didn't expect your speed to be fast enough to fool your opponent's senses."

"Of course, my phantom rush is not so defensive." Ye Lijie straightened her body proudly and pointed her fingers up and said: "Actually, I have more interesting abilities. Would you like to try it."

If Zero is not possessing genes? Gene detection ability, purely by sight, it is difficult to associate Ye Lijie with the Andura queen. As she said, Ye Lijie has already done a fairly in-depth analysis of human genes. Even if it is just a simulation, it is hard to tell whether the simulation is true or false.

"If you have any ability, please use it." Zero beckoned and put on a defensive posture.

Ye Lijie put on a charming pose and blew a kiss to Zero. Then the figure flickered, pulling out a gray track and bumping towards zero. With zero snoring, he wouldn't be fooled twice, so his body often squatted, the center of gravity is down, his hands are crossed, and he is ready to resist the impact.

But this time, Ye Lijie didn't use the phantom assault that fooled the senses just now, but slammed an elbow on Zero's hands. Zero's whole body was shaken, but he took the shock. Just about to fight back, Ye Lijie slid back with lightning, and then ran into it again when she was too late to react. The position of the impact did not deviate from just now! Next, Ye Lijie repeated the actions of hitting, sliding back, and hitting again.

The action is simple and can be completed within one or two seconds with more than a dozen consecutive impacts, the difficulty is beyond imagination. Looking from a distance, I saw a gray electricity repeatedly moving and flickering between the ground at zero and ten meters, connecting dozens of muffled noises, and the shock wave spread, pushing the ground out of cracks!

Zero couldn't stop the last impact, and the whole person flew upside down, a burst of warm blood surged up and spewed out involuntarily.

Zero directly hit a remnant wall of the base, and the metal wall groaned and deformed, splitting from it, embedding Zero in it. Zero spit out a few more blood, and the dullness in her chest gradually disappeared. As soon as he moved his body, there was a slight sound of bone cracks in his arms and chest, and he couldn't help but smile. He still looked down on Ye Lijie too much. He didn't expect this insect queen to be able to play the speed so superbly.

Repeated shocks like Ye Lijie can do without asking yourself. But if she can do it so quickly, the speed is so fast that the opponent has been in a stiff state of impact, and the number of times is so high, he can't do it. Don't talk about him, even other high-level powerhouses can't do it. That is not just a set of actions that can be completed at a fast speed, which involves extremely subtle body manipulation, and even Ye Lijie has added some skills that only the Andura bug can use.

Otherwise, the human foot bones will not be able to withstand this pressure simply by high-speed forward and sliding back.

When Ling broke free from the wall, he then tore off the tattered robe on his body, moved his hands and feet, and then made a "continue" gesture at Ye Lijie. Ye Lijie sank her face and said: "Your expression really makes me angry, human, don't think that you can carry me a phantom assault and be proud. I have already decided, and I will completely kill you in this blow!"

She suddenly bounced from the ground, and when she came to the high altitude, she couldn't stop moving, shaking her body from side to side, separating two figures. Then, Ye Lijie kept separating her own afterimages, and when the space figure above her head flickered, dozens of Ye Lijie completely surrounded Zero.

"What is this again?" Zero still has time to ask.

Ye Lijie yelled softly: "Multiple phantom strikes, you die in fear!" The voice rose, and all Ye Lijie in the air rushed towards zero at the same time, pulling the same number of gray tracks in the air.

Zero clenched his fists, his fists burst into red flames from the inside out. He sneered, looked up, and his shoulders shook. The fist did not see the movement, but in the blink of an eye, a group of sad red spots appeared in the air. Ye Lijie and her clone's afterimage happened to rush into these light spots. When several light spots flashed one after another, the clusters of light spots turned into red fire clouds. In the violent explosion, the energy flames are superimposed on each other, causing extremely violent vibration and destruction in the entire area.

A large group of red fire clouds spread out, and in the fire clouds, Ye Lijie's figure disappeared, and she herself was shocked by the violent explosion that appeared out of thin air. Ye Lijie fell to the ground, her face and body were blood red, and even her hair was burned by the high temperature generated by the energy shock. She looked extremely embarrassed, and looked bitterly at the figure after the fire cloud gradually dispersed.

Petty used a shot crit. Although Ye Lijie could not be severely damaged, it was enough to destroy her multiple phantom assaults. Otherwise, there were dozens of consecutive Phantom assaults, let alone zero, and even Franklin, who was astonishing in defense, would be seriously injured.

Ye Lijie's basic strength is not necessarily exaggerated, but the speed has reached the extreme that her level can interpret, and even Tier 10 agility cannot achieve her level. No matter what kind of ability, when developed to the extreme, it will become a terrifying force.

Tyr, who attacked the Green Capital, made every effort to develop his strength, while Ye Lijie, who evolved from the Queen of Andura, was speed-specialized, but both were equally terrifying. In contrast, strong people like Zero who dominate certain abilities and assisted by other abilities are relatively inferior.

But things are relative, whether it's Tyre or Ye Lijie, it is true that the ultimate power of a certain ability will produce the greatest power. At the same time, it will expose their weaknesses. And a person with a combination of primary and secondary abilities like Zero, although unable to maximize power, will not have overly conspicuous weaknesses.

There are always gains and losses in everything, and there has never been a good thing that does not require a price.

Through the brief and intense contact just now, Zero has already been certain that Ye Lijie has given up something in order to develop the speed to the limit. For example, the solid shell of the Andura bug, now Ye Lijie, who has been injured only by the edge energy shock of the shotgun crit, has basic defenses and her speed is basically inversely proportional.

Even Ye Lijie herself may not realize that she has given up a lot of Andura's advantages in order to integrate into human society and evolve into an adult form. For example, the sturdy shell of the queen itself and the large number of energy storage spars have turned the Andura queen into a terrifying war machine, but at this moment Ye Lijie has given up these advantages.

Perhaps for her, integrating into human society is far more valuable than the original body. In fact, this is true when considering the long-term situation. With the wisdom of the Queen of Insects, in the future, she might find and strengthen her deficiencies in these areas. It's a pity that Zero won't let her have "the future".

To let her have a future is to give up the future of mankind, and zero asking herself has not been generous enough to let her go. Similarly, Ye Lijie will not let go of zero.

Between the two species, it is like a dead knot, either you die or I die!

Anduras are full of aggressiveness. They are not the products of natural evolution, but biological weapons created by humans. The biggest mistake of Dr. Andura is that this life should not be given wisdom. Therefore, biological weapons with wisdom are the natural enemies of all life. They are born with a destructive factor and cannot coexist like other intelligent alien races.

"It seems that you can't kill me for the time being." Ling said with a faint smile, but his smile now fell in Ye Lijie's eyes but it was extremely eye-catching.

Ye Lijie opened her mouth and shouted: "Don't be too proud of me, human beings, you will not be my opponent! Absolutely not!"

She looked stern, but she was not as sure in her heart as she said. The shot crit of Ling just now easily broke her ultimate move, which was an extremely heavy blow to Ye Lijie.

Zero shook his head: "No, you can't beat me, no matter how fast you are, it won't change the ending. You can't compare to me in several ways, the first is combat experience. I have experienced battles outside. Countless, but you are relying on other Andura worms to serve you in the base. To be honest, if you talk about combat experience, you might not even be as good as the compatriots exiled outside the base..."

"Impossible!" Ye Lijie screamed: "What are you kidding about, I won't be able to compare to my own children. Humans, your joke is not funny at all."

"I will prove it to you. Now!" Zero leaned forward, pulling out the afterimages and rushing towards Ye Lijie.

His speed was a lot slower than Ye Lijie, but it was just a blink of an eye. Ling Yi fist drew towards Ye Lijie's face, the latter raised his arm to stop, unexpectedly a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, but Ling made a fist with her other hand, deeply embedded in her soft abdomen.

Ye Lijie bowed her whole body, spitting out the emerald green insect fluid from her mouth. She looked at Zero incredulously, and said calmly: "Just like this, you can fool you with simple tricks, so I said, you have little or no combat experience. Then there is the second... "

Zero slipped back, rushed forward, and pulled out several afterimages with one punch, which were superimposed and blasted towards Ye Lijie's face at the same time. Ye Lijie screamed and fisted with her hands. However, when Zero's heavy fist fell on her arm, there was a sound of broken bones. Ye Lijie slammed away the heavy fist that had overlapped several attacks, and she fell to the ground, slid out two meters and bounced again.

However, those hands have been severely deformed.

"You become a humanoid, your defense is far less powerful than before." Ling said, tapping on the carapace of the corpse next to him, and there was a metallic sound.

Ye Lijie's face was distorted, she screamed: "What do you know, do you want to say that everything I have done is wrong?"

"It's not only wrong, but it's too wrong. Your biggest mistake is that you shouldn't become a human being."

Ye Lijie became quiet suddenly, but the light in her eyes became hot and crazy: "It's you...human beings. You will find out later that I know myself better than you!"

Her hands shook, the broken bones were pulled by the force, and the twisted muscles were reset. Ye Lijie's figure flashed, and she disappeared into Zero's eyes. When she reappeared, she threw herself into Zero’s arms and plunged one hand deeply into Zero’s chest: “Most of your human energy is concentrated in the heart. This is one of your greatest weaknesses. Just squeeze it, even if you no longer Qiang must die immediately!"

She laughed wildly, her hands deepened, and finally touched the warmth of Zero. However, when Ye Lijie squeezed her tightly, she found that Zero's heart was ten million times harder than any human heart she had analyzed. It was not flesh and blood at all, but a hard structure like a spar.

"How could this be?" Ye Lijie showed an unexpected expression on her face, and then felt a peculiar power that was not necessarily so powerful, but she had never seen it before, pouring out of Zero's heart. When this force touched her fingers, Ye Lijie clearly felt that her fingers, from muscles to bones, instantly turned into nothingness!

Her face was tight, but Ling was holding her face. Ling looked at her coldly and said: "Our kind of life is actually more fragile than many species. But it is also because of this that we will desperately become stronger, because once we fall, the world will not be left. Any space for our living. How can our struggle and pain be understood by a monster like you who is born with powerful power. You can become a human being, but you will never be a human being!"

In the voice of her voice, Zero pulled Ye Lijie's head hard. With a click immediately, Ye Lijie's neck broke. At the same time, her face turned to her back, and for a second or two, Ye Lijie felt a bit unreal, all of which seemed to be dreaming.

But it was a nightmare. Following a pain in her chest, she saw Zero's hand sticking out of her back. In his palm, he was holding a beating heart.

That is her heart!

Pushing the corpse of the worm queen that was getting colder to the ground, Zero threw away the still vigorous heart in his heart, and stepped on it again to explode it completely. He looked at the dead Ye Lijie, shook his head and sighed slightly. Ye Lijie's starting point cannot be said to be wrong, but although she can analyze human beings, she is not a real human being. So she didn't know that the simulated human body was far more fragile than she thought, but she was used to being powerful as the Queen of Andura, so she subconsciously ignored these weaknesses.

In fact, the Andura worms that have not evolved into humans are the most terrifying. And now Ye Lijie is just a faster woman.

But in order to kill her, Zero also paid a lot of price. He clutched the wound on his chest that could see the inner core, and walked towards the big egg that Ye Lijie had left with a wry smile. His current physical injury is very serious, and although his heart core has not been crushed, there are dense cracks. If Ye Lijie's basic power were greater, then Zero would have become a corpse.

He barely climbed to the top of the dome, then before he could adjust his posture, he fell into the energy liquid in the dome. As soon as he fell into the energy liquid, he felt zero, and these things began to seep into his body. This process is not only painless, but very comfortable, just like a baby in the mother's amniotic fluid, and gradually relaxes and enters a state of sleep.

In this state, his recovery speed will increase exponentially.

In the experimental area a, the battle is blazing at the moment. The Zogner supplied the full power of the motor backup power to the area, allowing many equipment to operate as usual. The weapon platform and the high-temperature flame-throwing device formed a line of defense, repelling the Andura worm's offensive several times. But there were a lot of Andura insects, and with the help of insect guards, this line of defense soon collapsed.

So under Froman's order, the Zogner had to hide in the special room that was used to clean up their papal hall. At this time, the channel lined with the laser laser net played a role. At first, the Andura bug didn't know the reality, but only the bug flooded into the channel, and suddenly it was cut into neat pieces of meat.

Afterwards, under the order of the insect guard ~lightnovelpub.net~, the Andura insects will not attack the passage like death, but will bite the wall of the special room. Although these walls are composite armor plates, Andura insects can bite even steel. No matter how strong the armor plates are, they can't stop the bite of dozens of insects. What's more, the insect guard can secrete acid, spraying it several times from time to time, which speeds up the melting of the wall.

Soon, the room opened several gaps for the Andura bug. At this time, Fromman and Jonah had to use their bodies to fill the gap, otherwise the Andura bug would be killed in, and all Zog in the room would have to die.

This is a battle that will give up one's life. A fighter of Froman's level will have several wounds on his body almost every second, let alone other people. After Yifei also poisoned a bug guard alive, Fromman was desperate. But suddenly, all the compound eyes of the Andura worms flickered, and then they only stopped moving.

Froman didn't take the opportunity to stab these worms with his crippled machete. It wasn't until the insect guard was killed that Froman realized that all the Andura insects had died.

They won this war!

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