War Lord

Chapter 738: prophecy

"Master Sauron!"

The door of the war room suddenly opened, and Sauron's guard captain Wither ran in in a panic, and Sauron felt completely blank.レm♠思♥路♣客レ Now he is arranging the next strategic deployment with the few remaining commanders of the Knights. For such important occasions, even if Wesel has something to do, he must wait until Only after the meeting did he report to Sauron.

In any case, Wither was one of the loyal dogs raised by Sauron. He was so gagged that Sauron's face as the owner was naturally not so good. Wither seemed to ignore all these things, and leaned in Sauron's ear and said anxiously: "Something has happened, sir. His Royal Highness Paul is again speaking in the downtown area..."

"This is not the first time. You bother me for this little thing. Wither, is the power I give you too much?" Sauron said coldly.

With a cold sweat, Wessel bit his head and said: "My lord, it's not that simple this time. His Royal Highness Paul publicly told your crimes at the assembly, including the murder of the old Pope 15 years ago."

"What!" Sauron yelled, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he was full of anger. He really did not expect Paul to be so courageous that he dared to criticize himself for what happened many years ago in the public.

The commanders underneath looked at each other, wondering why he suddenly became so angry.

"What's worse, he claimed that he was instructed by the gods and predicted that in three days your Naftor Island will be sent by gods!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Sauron smiled without anger: "It's interesting to know how to use divine metaphors to write articles. But this so-called prophecy is too absurd, so what about people's reactions?"

Wither smiled: "Of course no one believes it." He tightened his face again: "But His Royal Highness is openly against you. Look, do you want to catch him?"

"No, like this kind of idiot and clown, let him go. The more embarrassed he is, the less people will dare to question me. However, let Natov Island increase its defenses and don't make any trouble at this time. ."

"But, let His Highness Paul go wrong?". Wither said unwillingly.

Sauron gave a smirk: "Of course not, it's just that it's not the time yet. I want him to lose face before I ask him to settle accounts, so that those guys who are still uncertain to this day can see who is the real one! "

He looked at the two places vacated above the war room. They were Joseph and Mendriza, the Patriarch of the two giants in Rome!

After Wither left, Sauron cleared his throat and said: "Well, gentlemen, something has happened just now. Let's return to the issue. The Poseidon has already occupied Cage City. Right now, the **** road. The area within three thousand kilometers to the south has become their occupation area. Regarding the current situation, my dear commanders, what do you think?"

Since the Battle of the Roaring Bay, the Pope's Hall has suffered heavy casualties. As many as six heads were killed in battle, which is unique in the history of the city of Rome. Now sitting in the war room, there are only Sine from the Fourth Army, Ron from the Eighth Army to replace Mamiro, Adam from the Tenth Army, Yafidi from the Eleventh Army, and West from the Twelfth Army. Liu Shi. In addition to Sauron himself, there are now only six captains left in the Pope's Hall, and the number of captains has been reduced by half, which is the biggest shame since the establishment of the Knights of the Seal.

Among the remaining group commanders, there are many powerful active members who will fight to the death against the Poseidon Group. The representative is Adam, the commander of the Tenth Army, and Ron and Seleus are responsible for his opinions. As for Signe, he never expressed it, and Yafidi returned because of the defeat of the Eternal Mountain, and was severely condemned by Sauron. If it was not for the reduction of the commander level, it would still be a question of whether Yafidi could sit here. Unknown.

Hearing Sauron's question, the newly promoted leader Ron raised his hand and said: "Master Sauron, the Poseidon group was also greatly injured in the Battle of the Eternal Mountain. It seems that after they only occupied Cage City, they stopped going north. I think we should take this opportunity to assemble an army and eradicate these robbers in one fell swoop!"

Ron was Mamiro's adjutant, and now he has received evidence of Mamiro's betrayal, his head of the reprimand was naturally cancelled, and Ron was replaced. In fact, Ron was only a seventh-tier capable person, no matter whether it was strength or experience, he was originally incapable of being a leader. But because no other high-ranking team can be found in the Knights, and Adam of the Tenth Army fully recommends him, he is able to win a seat in today's war room.

So Ron became Adam's response bug and pawn, which shouldn't be surprising.

As soon as Ron finished speaking, Yafidi sighed and raised his hand. He knew that what he said would definitely be disgusted by the three commanders headed by Adam, but he fought a battle with the Sea God and knew that their strength was by no means simple. Regardless of whether it is public or private, Yafidi felt it necessary to remind the three heads of the group who could not see the situation clearly.

Sauron's face sank when he saw Yafidi, but he still said, "Head Yafidi, just say what you have."

Yafidi stood up and said, "Here, I don’t want to pour the cold water of Captain Ron. The battle of the Eternal Mountains ended in our defeat, but as someone who participated in the whole battle, I have to remind everyone. Even if the Poseidon regiment’s vitality is severely damaged, they basically don’t lose much of their high-level combat power. Most of the losses are mid-level combat power and a large number of ordinary soldiers."

Seleus of the Twelfth Army sneered: "Captain Yafidi, I seem to have heard that Captain Leo and the opponent's leader died together in the Well of Gods Cry. Without the leader, the Poseidon Group should now be a group of dragons without a leader, no Is the best time for us to attack?".

"Yes, so far we still have no news about Captain Leo and the other leader, but their bodies were not found in one day. I think I can only call them missing? Besides, in my report, you should have seen it too. rìThe beast we captured was also in the Poseidon regiment, and seemed to be their number two. Without the leader, morale would be greatly affected, but I think they will not easily collapse because of this." Yafidi emphasized Said: "Their power still cannot be underestimated. When we launch an attack at this time, it may not necessarily be able to annihilate them all."

At this time, a tall man stood up. Adam of the Tenth Army said indifferently: "Then Captain Yafidi meant to let us sit back and watch the robbers in the south. When they become stronger, we can continue northward and cannibalize more of our cities?"

He looked at Sauron again and said: "My lord, I think that in the battle of the Eternal Mountains, Captain Yafidi left a great psychological shadow. He may not be able to make a correct judgment now. Under such a situation, let His continued participation in our meetings will only be a further blow to our morale!"

"You..." Yafiddy's handsome face flushed with anger, but could not speak.

Sauron also looked at him and said: "Head Yafidi, otherwise, you will go back to rest for a while. I will let you know if you have any decision."

Even when he said so, Yafidi could only give a wry smile and leave. Yafidi sighed slightly when he closed the door of the war room. He can understand Sauron's current mood, Roaring Bay and the Eternal Mountains have lost consecutive battles, and the throne under his **** has begun to burn. What Sauron desires most now is a beautiful victory, so it makes sense that someone like himself would be disgusted by him.

But what he was afraid of was the situation at the moment. Once Sauron got hot and desperately continued to wage war, what the Pope Hall would get is just another fiasco. He thought of the man with the golden right eye, and the words he said still echoed in his ears.

When fate calls, will you make the right choice?

Yafidi smiled bitterly. He didn't know the future fate. As for now, he knew very well that he might not be due to the command system of the Knights.

Just as he was about to leave, a person came across the corridor. He whispered: "Master Yafidi, Your Highness Paul would like to please."

In the war room, Sauron and the other three regiment leaders were discussing the offensive enthusiastically. For Adam's main battle, Sauron was naturally happy, just as Yafiddy guessed, he wished to drive the Poseidon group out of the mainland now. But when Adam and the other two heads were excited, Sauron noticed that Signe looked out the window and turned the ring on his tail absently.

"Sine." Sauron said suddenly: "What do you think?"

Signe replied: "It's winter."

Ron suddenly laughed: "Captain Signe, of course it's winter, as long as you are not blind can see it, right?".

He smiled triumphantly, but found that Sauron didn't smile at all, but showed a thoughtful expression.

At this moment, Sine turned his head, his eyes became fierce, and Ron was chilled. When Signe regained his compelling gaze, Ron was already in a cold sweat. At this time, the commander of the Fourth Army slowly said, "Even if Yafidi was defeated ten times, he would be better than you as an adjutant who took advantage of the loopholes. powerful."

Ron suffocated his breath, burning with anger. With this regiment full of commanders, Signe still called him an adjutant and made it clear that he did not recognize his identity. He was about to have an attack, but Alex stopped it. Sine said calmly: "I am not speaking for Yafidi, but I also disagree with sending troops now. Winter has arrived, and the road environment and snowy weather are not conducive to marching. Our soldiers are not all capable. People, just to maintain the medicine they need to march in the snowy weather will exhaust our resource reserves. Similarly, in such a situation, the Poseidon regiment will not be able to continue northward unless they all die. Therefore. At least in winter, our two sides will maintain a balanced situation. If you want a decisive battle, you have to wait until the winter is over before making plans."

"What's more..." Sine swept across the three Adams coldly: "Don't forget, our enemy is not only the Poseidon regiment. Istar's remnant army has infiltrated our continent. If we come out, dare to ask three. Commander, Joista is pushing me towards the city of Rome, who else will resist them?"

In a word, the three of Adam were silent when asked. Sauron's face changed even more, and finally he said, "Okay, Captain Signe made sense. For the time being, stop the plan to conquer the Poseidon regiment, and use this winter to train me all the soldiers. Wait for the winter. After that, we will attack!"

Signe sighed. He knew that Yafiddy was a man and would never encourage the enemy's arrogance, nor would he underestimate himself. He always used an objective attitude to examine the whole situation, but unfortunately, Sauron did not understand him.

It was dusk again.

Winter is here, and the time of daylight is relatively shortened. At the moment just after five o'clock, the sky is getting dark. Even at dusk on Natov Island, there was even a first snowfall. The first snow since the beginning of winter, finely divided snow powder fell from the sky and landed on this small island with an area of ​​only more than ten kilometers.

Natov Island was originally an uninhabited island, and it has been populated since Sauron designated it as his private military base ten years ago. There is a military base built in the center of Natov Island. The base is divided into two areas, the surface area and the underground area. The surface area is mainly used for training the army, while the underground area is built with an arsenal and the archive of confidential documents of the Pope’s Hall.

Sauron is stationed here with a private army of two thousand people. The army is only responsible to him, and does not need to obey the orders of anyone else. The army commander Natov himself was a Tier 8 capable person, possessing the power of a regimental leader, but he was willing to hide in such a barren land. This person had extraordinary endurance.

This small island is named after him.

This afternoon, Natov received an e-mail with the content of the e-mail asking him to increase his defense. Natov didn't care about this. This small island is not big. Just two thousand well-trained soldiers plus himself is a force that cannot be taken lightly. If anyone does not touch the island with long eyes, take Tov with confidence to teach him a lesson he will never forget.

What's more, the location of the small island is very hidden. It is located in the middle of the other two large islands, and there are many undercurrents. If you are not familiar with the shipping route, you can't get to the island at all. But out of respect for Sauron, Natov ordered additional patrols. Sauron believed no one but himself, even if Natov was an old man who had been with him for many years.

As far as Tov knew, at least two people on the island were his eyeliners. And Sauron's eyeliner is by no means the only two of them, if Tof treats his order as a trifling matter, it will soon reach Sauron's ears.

Natov didn't want to make fun of his life.

When the last ray of light disappeared from the horizon, the world jumped into darkness. There was a red light on a reef south of the island, and a soldier was smoking. He squatted on a rock near the beach, looking up at the dark red cloud in the sky. After being slapped coldly, another soldier laughed and cursed: "Snooker, let the head know that you are on duty when you are on duty, and be careful that he shoots you."

The soldier named Snooker almost fell under the rock, grunted, and threw a cigarette to his companion behind him: "Close your beak, Brand. Without you yelling, he wouldn't know. ."

Brand chuckled, jumped onto the reef and said, "Look at how timid you are, I don't know how Julie thought of you back then."

"You don't need to worry about it, but speaking of it, Lao Tzu trusts the mother-in-law. Damn, I've been on this island for five years, and I'm going crazy." Snooker flicked his cigarette **** into the water and it popped up. A wisp of smoke.

"It's been five years, time flies so **** fast. I don't know what the outside world has become, but I heard that our Lord Sauron is not doing very well." Brand said with emotion.

Snooker covered his mouth with his hand and said, "Damn, you have the courage to grow hair. You dare to say bad things about adults here. It doesn't matter if you are killed, don't hurt me."

Brandra opened his hand and smiled: "Okay, Master Natoff is probably asleep now. Who would eavesdrop on us in this place where the bird does not shit. Anyway, I am quite envious of you. It seems that you will have a holiday in a few days, this time you can go back for ten days and eight days."

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it. After I go back, I'm going to kill Julie's sāo."

"Be careful not to get up."

As the two talked and laughed, a white light suddenly lit up in the sea far ahead.

"What's that?" Brand dropped his cigarette **** and quickly picked up the telescope and looked in that direction. But the light was very far away, and there was an island in the middle. Even if you held the telescope, you couldn't see much, only a hazy white light.

"What, an enemy attack?". Snooker asked urgently.

"Don't be kidding, that thing is at least ten nautical miles away. Is there anything that can be attacked from such a distance?" Brand smiled, but his smile was reluctant: "I think I still have to report to the headquarters."

Snooker immediately took out the communicator, but the machine seemed to be disturbed, and there was a noise inside. He patted the machine, but still no effect, he had to say bitterly: "Damn, I'll take a trip myself."

The words fell, and the light in front of him became brighter and brighter. From the initial size of the fist, it was like a round of blazing sun hitting head-on in a blink of an eye. When an indescribable stream of light rushed past him, Snooker didn’t even have the time to give birth to a thought, and he and Brand went to smoke in this intense light~lightnovelpub.net~ From a high altitude, from At a certain point ten nautical miles away, a large blue and white beam came, which centered and broke the three islands, including Natov Island, and the beam of light continued to spray for ten seconds before gradually disappearing. Following the roar of the sea and the violent explosion like a volcanic eruption, the military base on Natov Island disappeared instantly, and the buildings on the surface and underground were annihilated invisible. The army commander Natov turned into a mass of ashes in his bedroom, and he didn't even have time to be surprised.

Natov Island gradually sank in a violent explosion. When it disappeared in the middle of the sea, only a whirlpool was left. The two large islands at the front and back were completely separated. The energy in the nearby sea area was in chaos. Situation.

"It has been confirmed that Natov Island has disappeared."

On the Destiny, Franklin stared at the ship’s radar and reported.

Sitting in the captain's seat, Zero nodded and said: "Very well, return to the voyage. We will go back to the fort while no one finds it."

It was the night, Destiny first appeared fangs, fulfilling Pope Paul's prophecy with a perfect blow, making this boiling era even more crazy!