War Lord

Chapter 744: 1 ride when 0

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Harlem walked out of the sentry tower, took a loudspeaker, and used the broadcasting system on both sides of the city gate to say: "The people in front stop, come here to show their identity and show credentials. Otherwise, we will be regarded as an intruder!"

After repeating the broadcast three times, the hundreds of people really stopped on the highway tens of meters away from the city gate. Haring breathed a sigh of relief. He rubbed the nerves that had collapsed just now, and thought to himself that his courage was getting smaller and smaller. He also used the walkie-talkie to make the two firepower points on the city gate pay attention, and once the opponent did not listen to the command, he could shoot at any time.

What Haring didn't expect was that after the opponent stopped, there seemed to be no signs of further action. Just staying in the snow and not knowing what to do, Harlem frowned and used a megaphone to ask them to show their credentials. As long as they are legal residents of the city of Rome, everyone will have an electronic card to prove their identity. Once scanned with an identification terminal, they will get the other party's information by connecting to the intellectual brain database in the city.

Wisdom brain's database is updated once a year, so there is no unrecognizable situation. Once this happens, it can only show that the other party's source is unknown.

Ignoring the announcement of the city head, Ling turned around, Su and Belion and the others spread out on both sides, behind which was a murderous trident. The trident was originally composed of pirate captains. After the Battle of the Eternal Mountains, the number of personnel was severely reduced. However, after the baptism of war, all of the two dozen people who survived have been transformed, whether in strength or psychological quality. It used to be different.

They become more mature and condensed. The flames of war have cleansed their minds and bodies, and although the number is small, they have become murderous. Not to mention the Zogs who joined later. These people have lived in the underground base for more than ten years. It can be said that they are on the line of life and death every day. Their psychological quality is only stronger than that of the captains. Coupled with zero gifts and self-collected Andura worm brain crystals, it can be said that Zog's people are basically up to one level.

The leader Fromman was directly promoted to the eighth level, but Jonah was still a little bit close, and now barely standing on the top of the seventh level, only one step away from the breakthrough.

Under Zero’s instructions, the command of the Trident has now been delegated to Froman, with Jonna acting as his deputy. As for Su, as a Tier 9 destroyer, she has greater value. The commander used to serve as the trident is too big and underwhelming.

Fromman also proved his ability with his strength and bravery, and the Zogman was determined to take revenge on the Pope's Hall, so this army was placed in his hands, and Zero was quite relieved.

Ling looked at Froman and said: "Your revenge starts with blasting through this city gate. Let this so-called wall of sighs become Sauron's sighs!"

Froman's eyes lit up, and his body flicked vigorously, and energy surged down to the flat ground to generate a whirlwind. He stretched out his hand to take off Dou Feng, revealing the explosive muscle lines wrapped in his tactical uniform. On Froman's body, a rectangular box was carried on his back. Froman untied it and inserted it vertically into the ground. The box immediately bounced from both sides, and a total of six war spears fanned out from the inside.

Fromman drew out one of the war spears at random, and raised it high above the sky, shouting: "Warriors of the Trident, from today on, let the **** in the Pope's Hall remember our name!"

The roar broke out, forming a huge sound that hit the wall of Baicheng. Harlem's face changed drastically, and Fromman's stalwart body and the high war spear unabashedly declared his hostility. Although Harlem thought that a spear could not threaten the strong gates at all, he ordered: "It's the enemy! Shoot! Shoot!"

At the same time, he ran back to the guard tower and had to contact the control center through the instrument inside to report the situation of the city gate. Before he ran into the sentry tower, the torrential rain of gunfire had sounded. Before that, however, Berion took a step forward calmly and opened the lightning barrier with one hand. This kind of electromagnetic barrier has the function of buffering and absorbing kinetic energy. More importantly, the shooting direction of the metal warhead can be changed through the electromagnetic Belion, so that the bullet after entering the barrier loses its power as if it is shot into the mud.

Only heavy artillery shells or powerful bullets like revolver guns can break through the lightning barrier, while anti-aircraft machine guns will still be affected by it. As for ordinary machine guns, they are completely immune.

So when the two bullet chains of the city wall swept towards the zero class, the firepower was shocked. After unfolding a semi-circular electro-optical shield on the road, the bullet could not threaten the people inside. Looking at this shield, Harlem's face changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "The capable...Could it be..."

"Are they the Poseidon Group!"

He almost screamed and ran into the guard tower.

As Harlem's front foot entered the sentry tower, Fromman exhaled and injected energy into the war spear. The entire war spear glowed, and Froman threw it out. The moment the battle spear was released, it disappeared into the air first, and when it appeared again, it was only ten meters away from the city gate!

The spear revolved, pulling out a parabola like a percussion drill and hitting the city gate. The armored door panel was also splashed with electric sparks, and the spear head plunged into the door panel, and then the energy inside detonated the entire war spear. The huge shock wave spread wildly in all directions, and in a violent vibration, the armored door panel exploded a gap in life!

Froman's attack was no less powerful than a ground penetrating missile!

All the cloaks were thrown up, and the remaining trident fighters removed the spear box on their back, and plunged into the snow in a consistent manner like a Froman movement, and then slapped the spear box open, revealing the war spears. These war spears were commissioned by the arsenal on Istar's side after seeing the method of training them. The spear tip of each war spear is spiral, using a special throwing technique to make them rotate at high speed, shaped like an impact drill.

This design technique is inspired by spiral piercing, in order to make the war spear more penetrating. The material of the spear is ordinary, but there is a sandwich between the inner liner and the outer wall, and there is a high explosive hidden in the sandwich. When the thrower injects energy, he throws again. When it comes to bombarding the target, the entire process, from the agitation of energy to the final impact, will stimulate the explosives in the spear, thereby detonating the entire war spear from the inside.

The impact field of energy plus the explosive explosion of the war spear itself, and the splash effect of the war spear fragments during the explosion, when these powers are superimposed. Whether it is breaking the city or blasting into the enemy group, it will produce terrible lethality.

And Fromman has confirmed this.

Under the full spear of his rank eight powerhouse, it was as strong as a wall of sighs, and it also pierced a gap!

Next, Jonah and the other warriors all held spears and threw them. They couldn't throw their spears on the spot like Froman did, but everyone backed up a few steps, rushed forward again, and then took a breather. Using the inertia of the sprint to throw the war spear, for a time, the spear rained all over the sky, although the power was one or two levels worse than Froman, it was triumphant in a large number. Dozens of war spears were bombarded and the entire city wall was constantly rumbling.

At this time, the city's head was in a mess, and the impact of the two firepower's machine gun shooters on the city's gate shook it to the ground and couldn't climb up for a long time. The other soldiers who came to support after hearing the news were also unstable in the violent shaking of the city wall. Several people even fell from the city wall screaming and fell down at a height of sixty meters. Masses of mashed meat.

Next, Harlem saw an unforgettable picture. Under the constant throwing of the eighty-odd capable people of the opponent, the roots of that special war spear shone with energy, and it roared like a cluster of missiles, and then the city gate groaned in bursts of vibration. Harlem suddenly had a thought, and the Wall of Sighs might not be able to make the enemy Wangcheng sigh this time!

In the city of rock, people flooded the streets from the buildings. They looked in the direction of the city gate with trepidation, but the battle took place outside the towering city wall, and nothing happened from the city. I only knew that there were constant explosions coming from the direction of the city gate, and then a few plumes of smoke rose up, making the residents of Baicheng extremely frightened.

"Get out! Get out!"

A group of soldiers separated the onlookers from both sides, so that a convoy was driven in the direction of the city gate, which was the defender of the Rock City. The residents only felt a little relieved as the caravans of fully armed soldiers and tall mechas passed by. At this moment, a deafening explosion sounded from the city gate, and then someone saw flames coming in from outside the gate.

At this time, everyone has only one thought: The city gate is about to burst!

As soon as this idea emerged, I saw the wall of sighs, which is known as the strongest wall of sighs in the entire continent. With a thrilling crack, the wall of sighs exploded. In the fire waves pouring from outside the city, countless The fragments of the gate of the rules flew out.

A soldier was standing not far from the city gate. He stared blankly at the huge shadows passing over his head, and then hit several buildings near the city. Whether it was a low bungalow or a towering bell tower, the fragments of the Wall of Sighs were smashed to pieces. At this time, there was a whistling sound, and the soldier looked up, desperately seeing a few fragments falling towards him.

He was too scared to move, so he could only shout and close his eyes and wait for something. Following the ground tremor, the air wave formed by the impact even threw him up. But when the soldier fell to the ground, he realized how lucky he was. A few fragments fell on the ground less than one meter away from him. The soldier just breathed a sigh of relief when he suddenly felt a palpitation. He subconsciously looked towards the opening of the city gate, where there were still a few fragments of the city gate clinging to it.

Flames rose near the city gate, and through the flames, you could barely see a dozen figures walking in this direction. Although the number is small, but for some reason, everyone here made this soldier mistakenly think that it was an army!

The people walking towards the city gate included others except Trident. All of these people except Leah were all high-ranking people.

Each high-level is equivalent to an army, so the breath radiating from each person is all threatening.

Especially vegetarian.

The ninth-order Destroyer epee pointed at the ground and walked slowly. The war-intent aura quietly unfolded, and after the destructive stance was activated, patches of light armor were formed from the void, one by one hanging on Su's body. When Su was ignited with a milky white flame and activated the domain war flames, her breath alone covered everyone except Zero.

One ride is a thousand!

Faced with the menacing Zero Class, City of Rock quickly responded. Eight paladin mechas strode out across the flames from inside the city gate, and the pilot on the mecha yelled and pulled up the joystick, so the loaded revolver guns were lifted, towards the place of the zero class. . At the end of the machine gun fire, a clear roar suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

The howling sound was very light at first, but in an instant it went straight to Yun Xiao, overwhelming other sounds on the battlefield.

Raise the sword, open the sound, and slash!

The action was completed in one go. The Jianfeng pointed out that hundreds of fine red light flashes cut through eight mechas. One of the mecha pilots vomited blood, staring wide-eyed to see his waist staggered and slipped. Then the electric fire started flashing on the mecha, dislocation and explosion in the place where the light passed!

However, the energy jets released by Su did not stop there. They flashed over a distance of tens of meters and then gathered into a bright red energy torrent, blasting straight into the city along the direction of the city gate, blasting the buildings near the outskirts of the city. Shattered. When Commander Mega arrived, he happened to see countless pieces of fire and rain falling from the sky quietly carrying flames!

Mega's face was pale, and he roared in the communicator: "Strike! Strike! Shatter them to pieces for me!"

The door of the soldier transport vehicle opened, and the soldiers swarmed down the vehicle like a colony of ants, and then the mecha phalanx following in front began to drive out of the city. There are more than two thousand defenders in the city of rock and nearly fifty mechas. Most of them are Paladin mechas, and there are only ten Griffin Riders. Originally, a configuration like this would not be used at all in normal times. In fact, the use of all force like this is nothing short of the last.

Seeing that the defenders of the Rock City in the city finally arrived, there was no panic, and they walked forward at a constant speed while giving orders.

"Leah, connect us with a chain of mind."

"Su, Haiwei, Kaiton, and Wild Mountain, these Paladins will be handed over to you."

"Berion, you deal with the Griffin Rider and open the lightning barrier for us."

"Ye Liu acts freely, and the others will join me to deal with their infantry regiment."

He said to Leah again: "If you are going to fight in the street, remember to stand behind me and provide us with a mental scan at the same time."

Leah nodded. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the back, but Fromman ran over. The big man ran and said, "Boss, don't forget me."

Zero shook his head and laughed.

When blasting through the city gate just now, the soldiers of the Trident consumed a lot of energy. At their level, they can only throw their spears at full strength six times a day, so they only have six war spears each. Fromman's power is stronger than the others, but his attacking force is just as great. Reimoto made him and Trident stand by to rest, but he didn't expect the man to catch up again so quickly.

Zero knew that he didn't actually recover much energy, but he was stimulated by the battlefield, and the current excitement overwhelmed the fatigue of the body.

"Do what you can."

Zero dropped this sentence and disappeared with his figure. With a faint golden trace, he flashed in front of a Paladin mecha. Zero punched, and then flashed back, but the mecha exploded into a fireball in an instant. His attack also kicked off the battle. Zero walked in front of Leah and kept walking towards the city gate. But occasionally he would flash away, knock out a mecha, or blast a dozen soldiers, and then retreat.

It is the first time everyone has seen zero shots since returning from the Well of Shay. Now Zero will always leave a faint golden trace in the movement, that is the abnormal change caused by the crystal after absorbing the insect, and the speed of Zero is faster than before. Although there will be afterimages during the movement, if the opponent predicts through his afterimages, it will definitely suffer a lot.

Because these afterimages were left deliberately by him to mislead the opponent's trajectory.

If Zero is willing, he has been able to simulate Ye Lijie's phantom assault. Although the number of times cannot reach Ye Lijie's level, after all, there is still a huge difference in the body structure between the two, but it can be done four or five times. Being able to use the reduced version of the Phantom Assault, the zero speed is no longer detectable by the naked eye, so how can it leave an afterimage.

More importantly, under the effect of the new ability and toughness, the flexibility and flexibility of the zero body reach an amazing height. He often throws a punch, the angle is weird to make people unexpected. And condensed all the power under the action of the punch, a punch that seemed to be an understatement had great power, and even a blow to him by the Paladin mecha would cause a total collapse.

It's just that Zero's movements are too simple, he neither has the majestic, magnificent and domineering slashes of the pixel; nor is there a wave of thunderballs without Berion, and one hand is a lightning barrier that covers the audience. The radiance of his movements is pitifully small, and there is not too much light and shadow, so whether he is a mecha or an infantry, his attention is attracted by other followers.

Haiwei has successfully promoted to the eighth rank since the battle of the Eternal Mountains. With a punch and a leg of the girl, every time she blasted her out, she carried the power of overwhelming power. After reaching the eighth rank, Hai Wei had a significant growth in basic strength and physical strength. She can even fit into a Paladin mecha. When the mecha was smashed into pieces, the girl herself pounced on another opponent casually~lightnovelpub.net~ Obviously, today's girl has something like a Tyrannosaurus. strength. If she only judges her strength based on her appearance, the error is simply unbelievable.

Compared to rampage, Hai Wei is a brutal style. Kayton is a completely different style. The Fenry wolf king is burning with ice flames in his hands, and he doesn't forget a cigar in his mouth, piercing the edge of the mecha. Once the ice flame is shot on him, the mech will turn into an ice sculpture along with the pilot. But in a moment, there were many blue and white ice sculptures on the battlefield.

"Get out of here!" Barbarian Mountain roared, and the pirate captain used the ability of the Giant Rolling Stone to roll over the mecha in front of him like a bowling ball. But Barren Mountain is not a real stone after all, not to mention that even if it is granite, it will be broken into pieces when faced with a mecha gun attack. Therefore, every time the guns roared, Manshan had to evade one circle before waiting for the plane to counterattack.

Under the strong attack of these followers of Zero, for a time, the sky and the ground are battlefields. Lightning bolts flickered, sword light and flames crisscrossed, and in front of the Rock City, there was clearly only one side of about a hundred people, but it felt like a thousand troops.

This is the feeling of Megah standing in the direction of the city gate and looking at the battlefield.

This feeling is very bad!