War Lord

Chapter 756: Cut off

In the study, Isabel and Gundo discussed for a while, and finally decided that Isabel would apply for this matter. The ambitious woman left the study in excitement. Just after closing the door for her, she suddenly came in silently. Then move to the window like a ghost, lift up a corner of the curtain and look out. The garden under the night is quiet, only the cold wind whizzes by occasionally.

Just now frowned and said: "Is it because I'm so worried?"

He left the study, and Isabel waited for him in the corridor. Seeing him come out, he asked: "What happened?"

"It seemed like I felt someone just now, but it should be my illusion."

The voices of the two faintly came, and Rex smiled triumphantly. He squatted under the shadow of the edge of the window sill, and he could be spotted as long as he stretched out the window sill. The location is so dangerous, but it is so, but Gang Duo missed the past. After staying in the same place for nearly a minute or so, Rex sneaked out of the courtyard quietly, came to the streets of Rock City, and then turned left and right into a bar.

He found a remote corner to sit down and ordered a beer, hiding in the shadows, but the smile on his face kept expanding: "Damn Isabel, you will pay for everything you do, I swear ."

The night is deep, concealing ambition, conspiracy, and everything. Until dawn, the world resumed its original rhythm. The people living at the bottom are busy again for food and clothing, while the aristocratic lords have never got up in their warm blankets. However, at this hour, Sauron had already woke up.

He was full of energy, and even a faint smile on his face. This is the first smile that Sauron has shown since the Poseidon Group captured the Fort Cannon. He has no reason to be unhappy, Gaia has left him a powerful high-level army. With those officers plus the remaining regimental commanders, Sauron had already had his shortcomings in the high-level combat power. In other respects, whether it is ordinary soldiers or mecha units, or even supplies?

?Fu, which one is not far away.

There is no reason to fail again, he thought. For this reason, he even opened the curtains and drank a glass of red wine on this wonderful morning, looking at the city of Rome, which was projected on the holographic electronic board, in a dawn.

This is a great city and will become a monument in his life. Sauron thought so, and saw that the street was still early in the morning, and the citizens in twos and threes walked out of the door and gathered in a certain direction.


Sauron's smile froze.

At this time, heavy footsteps sounded outside, followed by Wither's voice outside the door: "My lord! Lord Sauron, have you gotten up?"

"Come in."

The door opened, and Wither came to Sauron's side and whispered: "His Royal Highness Paul is gathering again, sir, he blatantly violated your last order. Look, whether we want our Silver Hand to give this young man Your Highness has a lesson."

"Now we may not be embarrassed by this highness." Sauron sneered: "Don't forget, Joseph and Mendriza are behind him. Now in Rome, my orders can no longer limit him. At least, on the surface. of."

Sauron thought for a while and said, "Go, bring me a set of casual clothes. Let's listen to what great remarks His Royal Highness Paul has to say."

Hundreds of people have gathered in the square, and in terms of scale, it is far from the crowds of the last time. This shows that Sauron's order still suppresses many people. Only those who have the most fanatical belief in Paul can dare to ignore Sauron's order and come to this square. For them, Paul is their faith, and their loyalty to their faith is better than their own lives.

Without the previous high platform, Paul, who appeared in the square, was also dressed in casual clothes. He had never worn his gorgeous papal robe, so naturally he would not wear the papal crown. The same goes for the knight guards. They put on black suits and sunglasses, just like the big bodyguards in old-time movies.

The residents of Rome looked at Paul like this, whispering to each other, and made no secret of their doubts. At this time, Sauron and Wither quietly came to the edge of the square. They changed into casual clothes and put on hats to cover most of their faces. If it is not for someone who is very familiar with them, it is hard to tell that one of these two people is the highest authority in the city of Rome.

A dry cough rang in the center of the square, and everyone knew that Paul had something to say, so they stopped talking. Then Paul’s voice sounded across the square under the influence of a loudspeaker: "My dear brothers and sisters, today, I have an important announcement. I hope I can be with you forever, but just yesterday, I again I received a new metaphor. For this, I had to leave for a while."

As soon as this remark came out, it caused an uproar in the crowd. Even Sauron and Wither exchanged glances, and Paul continued: "Please be quiet, I am not leaving everyone, this is only temporary. In the last parable, our heavenly Father has pointed out that he The sent messengers came from the south. Now, I am going to lead God's messengers and let their gospel spread across the continent."

"Want to join the Poseidon Group?" Sauron said with a gloomy face, "Go and inform the city defense army, no one is allowed to leave without my order."

"Yes, my lord." Wither quickly took the order.

Paul in the square continued to speak, but next, most of them were calming the crowd. And hearing the news that the Son was leaving, more people came to the square regardless of Sauron's orders, which made Sauron's face blue and helpless.

In the end, Paul left the square under the protection of the knight guard after saying, "In the name of the father, those who wish to hear his name will not fall into hell." There was a large sound of retention in the square, but in the end they all turned into sighs. Sauron waited until the crowd began to disperse before quietly mixing in the crowd and leaving. When he returned to the Pope's Hall, he immediately roared: "Close the gates to me, I can't let out a fly if I want!"

But it didn't take long for Wither to return to his life in a panic: "His Royal Highness Paul has left."

"What?" Sauron said angrily: "What's the matter?"

"The people on duty today are Joseph and Mendriza and their system. When their subordinates passed the adult's password, they refused on the grounds that there was no official document. When I was about to report back, Mendriza showed up and pulled me to talk. After a long time, I didn't let me come back until the motorcade of His Royal Highness Paul left the city. My lord, this is a premeditated plan!" Witherf said.

Suddenly the anger on Sauron's face disappeared, and he stood like a statue. Finally, he repeatedly said, "Very well, these two old men, Mendriza, finally blatantly opposed me. It seems that I have to retaliate."

With a chill in his heart, he felt it. Just now, Sauron finally revealed his grandeur.

A few days later, Mendriza and Joseph’s factories and estates outside Rome were attacked by enemies of unknown origin, causing heavy casualties. For this, Sauron detained it to the head of the rebel Istar. But both Joseph's families knew that Istar was actually Paul's army, and now they are on the same front, how could they get a fight instead?

In this way, it is clear who made the move. It's just that Sauron has pushed all this clean. Although the two families know it, at this time, they can only swallow this bitter fruit by themselves. At the same time, he also knows that Sauron has begun to retaliate for their blatant rebellion!

A gray-white mouse was crawling in the gloomy sewer. It was a close relative of the violent mouse, about the same size as a normal mouse. But the soft hair on the body can be straight and sharp like a needle in an instant, just like a sea urchin. This is its defense, and its seemingly delicate appearance is more often a cover-up.

When the mouse crawled through a dark passage, suddenly a palm stretched out from the shadow to hold it tightly. It immediately opened the hair needles on its body, but the hair needles that became as hard as steel thorns instantly broke off in these hands. Following the huge force, it closed and crushed its whole body bones.

Signe's face appeared in the shadows, and he squeezed out a shot of rat blood and caught them with his mouth. After drinking, throw away the rat carcass and squat in the underground pipe like a statue. He has been here for two days. For two days, this mouse is his first meal.

The previous eagle meat was lost in Gaia's pursuit, and fled to the ruins of this city. Signe knew that he had no strength and spirit to escape. He must settle with Gaia, although it is difficult.

That man is a monster. He doesn't need to rest, eat, or even some ordinary physiological needs, and they don't show up on him at all. Gaia is like the most sophisticated machine, he is constantly approaching Signe with a constant pace and speed. Just like the few days after leaving the city of Rome, but this time, Gaia's attack no longer releases water.

Behind Signie, there was a deep wound. As long as the injury advances one centimeter, it will completely cut off his spine. It was injured by Gaia's energy jet. The energy stream released from that oversized sword could almost wipe out the world. Signe had tried to intercept or change its attack trajectory, but they all ended in failure.

The situation is desperate, but Signe is not desperate anymore. Because as early as ten years ago, when his wife passed away under the torture of genetic diseases, he had already tried the most painful despair in the world.

That is, seeing his beloved one continue to slide into the abyss of death, but there is nothing he can do.

That kind of pain almost caused Signie to collapse. He is still alive, but he has agreed to a request from his wife before his death.

"As long as you can do it, try to live!"

Signegg kept this promise.

But now, he feels that he can't live up to this promise.

Sine closed his eyes, and a dozen pictures appeared in his mind one by one, just like the surveillance system distributed in every corner of the city. The people of Sine were in the underpass, but they could see the whole situation of the city. That is the credit of the reconnaissance-type biological weapons distributed around, those little things can be disguised as many unexpected things.

For example, a beer can that rolls in the wind, or a small stone lying in the gravel.

They are the most loyal scouts, and through the connection with Signe's brain, they send the pictures back to Signe in real time. Signe will observe every 3 minutes and change the position of the biological weapon. This time was no exception, but just as he was about to issue a position change command, a screen suddenly disappeared.

After 3 seconds, it was the second one. The third screen closes after 15 seconds, and then the fourth...

Each picture was disappearing, and Signe captured one of them. At the moment it disappeared, a purple-black line appeared in the center of the picture.

So Signe knew that Gaia was coming.

The disappearance of the picture is regular, and the biological weapons distributed in the corners of the city are being beheaded from far to near. In other words, Gaia is approaching and deliberately creates a suffocating pressure. Unfortunately, Signe was unmoved. But this does not mean that he is willing to close his eyes and wait to die. Signe has two options. One is to transfer, and the other is to go up and fight him.

But no matter which option, there is no chance of winning. According to Signe's plan, it is best for Gaia to arrive one day late. Then he can calmly arrange his own biological army to ensure the best match lineup and a decisive battle with Gaia. However, the silver-haired man arrived sooner than he expected, and it was obvious that Gaia suddenly accelerated. The previous constant speed made Signe careless, and now it has become a fatal error.

At the moment when the last picture disappeared, Signe was ready to move from here first. However, at this moment, his heart shuddered. The body that was about to stretch out abruptly stopped, and then the scalp became cold. In the underground passage, a purple-black light glided past like lightning, and then came the sound of cracking the ground and cracking pipes, and finally the sky light came in through the cracks. Sine looked up and could vaguely see a figure standing on the edge.

"Come on, I don't want to kill you like a mouse."

It was Gaia's voice, and Sine was expressionless, but left the underpass obediently. Jumping up from the crack in the road cut by Gaia, the light on the surface made Sine's pupils dilated due to the dim strength of his strengths feel a little discomfort. What is rare is that Gaia did not seize this opportunity to attack. After a moment of adjustment, Signe had recovered to his best condition, and then looked at Gaia quietly.

"Then, it's finally time to stop." Gaia said lightly.

Signe nodded: "This moment will always come, won't it?"

"It's true, but I'm a little regretful. After all, this interesting game seems to be over." Gaia lowered the tip of his sword, smiled and said to Signe: "In order to make the game more interesting, I will let you Go ahead. But don’t expect to get an army out like last time. This time, I won’t let you do that."

Signe sneered and said, "So there are times when you don't dare to care for it."

"No, I just don't want to waste unnecessary time."

At the end of his words, Gaia suddenly looked down at his feet. The ground suddenly bulged under his feet, and then two chubby alien creatures climbed up. Gaia bounced immediately, and the two creatures suddenly swelled and exploded. However, Gaia had escaped from the center of the explosion early, and the flames of the explosion hadn't even burned a single hair of his hair. He smiled at Signe and said, "You really love to engage in sneak attacks."

Signe shrugged and said, "You let me take the shot first, but you didn't have to say hello in advance."

"Yes, because a sneak attack is useless." Gaia swung his sword, and the tip of the sword immediately released a purple-black light, which seemed to be slow and ill, and slashed towards Sine.

Sine leaned back, and the light brushed his nose, slashing the building behind. When it disappeared into the sky, the body of the building was dislocated, slowly sliding down while bringing up bursts of smoke and dust, and finally shattered into countless rubble on the ground.

Taking advantage of the short moment of Sine's avoidance, Gaia deceived, his smile on his face remained unchanged, and the sword in his hand turned into a phantom to cover Sine. The long sword comes and goes only to chop, cleave, pick, and stab. However, there are countless combinations of these actions in Gaia's hands. A set of exquisite swordsmanship is combined from simple actions, and Sine is repeatedly injured in the dazzling shadow of the sword.

Just when Gaia wanted a sword to pierce Sine's throat, he suddenly stopped. Because a bat-like creature is floating on the tip of his nose, this strange creature looks like a bat, but its body is round and like a grenade. The two eyes on that head looked at Gaia maliciously, and the strong energy response in his body showed that once it exploded, its power was by no means inferior to a high-explosive grenade.

One high-explosive grenade is enough to razor thirty or forty square miles of material, what if it is dozens of them?

Just when Gaia launched a stormy attack on Signe, dozens of bomb bats had surrounded the two of them, and Gaia smiled: "Do you want to commit suicide?"

"I had this idea ten years ago, but because I promised others, so far, so far, I want to live if possible." Signe said truthfully: "So ~lightnovelpub.net~ will only die. It's you……"

Before I finished speaking, there was a crack in the ground under Sine's feet, but there was a huge mouthpart in the ground, and Sine fell into the foreign body's mouth immediately. The thing closed immediately, revealing a big head like a whale. The surface of the head actually glowed with a metallic luster. This was the protector, and like the bomb bat, it was one of the biological weapons arranged by Sine.

Originally, Signe wanted to create several other biological weapons to cooperate, but Gaia came too fast, he could only summon these two biological weapons hidden in the corner of the city. The asylum does not have any attack ability, but its shell is very strong and can withstand huge shocks. When it cooperates with the bomb bat, it can create such a situation.

Without hesitation, Sine gave an order to explode all the bomb bats, and suddenly a group of orange flames rose in the city, bursting with the fireballs, and the flames of the explosion rose into the sky, like a fire dragon roaring. Soar to the sky.

The shock wave spread to the surroundings, destroying streets, street lights, car wreckage and buildings on both sides. The tall buildings are slanting, the roads are cracking, the high-temperature flames are scattered and splashing, and the thick black and red smoke slowly rises and rolls, depicting a hideous picture.

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