War Lord

Chapter 767: Sin City

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In the early morning, when Ling came to the office of the city hall, Yafidi had arrived early. It's quite unexpected. I have been busy with peace training during this period of time, and I have never seen Yafidi. It was when I was having a dinner and chatting with Leah, when I learned about the current situation of the city through the girl, by the way, I heard that Yafidi was behind closed doors in her own home. Although he was curious about the situation of the former head of the group, he did not inquire more about it based on the principle of respect. At this time, Yafidi suddenly appeared, and it was obvious that there was something important, so he invited him to the office.

Yafidi said, "I have sorted out and recorded some situations in Thebes Grand Prison these days. Maybe you need to use this information."

He took out a stack of thick paper manuscripts and put it in front of zero. Zero glanced at it, and it was full of text and scribbled graphics.

"When I was the head of the regiment, I used to read some information about Thebes prison in my spare time. It was just to save time, plus this prison, the city of rock and the fortress of Canon were all built from the construction of the city of Rome. This is the hand of Mr. Lancaster, the best architect more than ten years ago. The Great Prison of Thebes is his most proud masterpiece, so I will remember it in my heart. I didn’t expect it to come in handy now. "Yafidi said.

"Thank you very much."

Zero sincerely said, Yafidi waved his hand and said: "This is nothing compared to the kindness of saving our family. I heard that you are going to rescue Sindrella. Then remember to call me. After all, I am better than you. More familiar with the Great Prison of Thebes."

"But you"

"I know that family is very important to me. So these two days I have arranged for Mina and the others to leave, and then they will come back before you leave. In this way, I can let go and do what I want to do." Ya Feidi said seriously.

Seeing him like this, Zero said nothing, just shook his arm heavily.

it is more than words.

After Yafidi left, Zero began to look through the information on the Great Prison of Thebes. After the prison was built in Rome, it was made by the same designer. However, after designing the City of Rock and Fort Cannon one after another, designer Lancasti died unfortunately after completing the design of Fort Cannon due to years of fatigue and exposure to the surface full of radiation. The Great Prison of Thebes is his most proud work, claiming that no one can escape from the prison.


Of course, regardless of the indestructible name of the fortress of Canon, or the wall of sighs in the city of rock, one by one was overthrown under Zero's hands. It can be said that Lancaster is a talented architect. However, due to the limitations of the times and knowledge, his vision could not be far enough to touch the current era, and he did not know the horror of the capable. Therefore, most of the designs that come from his handwriting should be for the normal situation. Although the Great Prison of Thebes is known as the Iron Prison, it may not necessarily be so indestructible.

Zero continues to look down.

These materials written by Yafei Dimo ​​should have been read many years ago. The record is a bit messy, and even though Yafidi has sorted it out, there are still large blanks. But after reading these records, plus some simple sketches, it also let Zero know a general structure of the big prison.

The prison is divided into six floors, one by one, the lower the prisoners are, the more dangerous they are. Given the importance of Cinderella, it goes without saying that it must be imprisoned at the bottom of the prison. The biggest feature of the Great Prison of Thebes is the psychological illusion. It has to be said that Lancaster is indeed ingenious in this design. At first glance, all levels of the prison seem to be vertically downward, but it is not. The position between each floor is more like a z-shape, and the elevator that seems to go straight down because of the use of the balance system, so when doing diagonal movements, people in the elevator do not notice. In a closed space, without any reference, it is difficult for you to know whether you are walking down or diagonally.

The biggest use of this design is to confuse the senses of the escaped or intruder. If you do not enter the correct instructions, the elevator will not reach the lower prison, but will send you to another space. When you step out of the elevator, a large group of fully-armed soldiers will have pointed their guns at you.

Moreover, the instructions of each layer of prison are different, and they will be randomly changed every day, only those who can enter and exit the prison know. Therefore, the possibility of escape and invasion is eliminated to the greatest extent. Of course, other layouts, such as the prison being located underwater, are all partial designs aimed at the escape of prisoners.

In addition to the situation in Thebes prison, Yafidi also mentioned some other circumstances surrounding the prison. At the beginning of the island where the Great Prison of Thebes was located, there was only one ground military base, which was used to train prison guards. Later, out of Sauron's acquiescence, a city began to be built on the island. This city is not open to ordinary people, it is open to criminals. Yes, it is a criminal.

No matter what crimes you commit elsewhere, or whether you are a pirate or a road bandit, as long as you escape into this city before being arrested, all your crimes will be forgiven. Therefore, the city became a sanctuary for criminals, and its name is the city of sin.

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world. After entering the city of sin, although the crime is forgiven, you will never leave the city for the rest of your life. However, life in the city cannot be called a good one. Military control is enforced here, and freedom is greatly restricted. But at eight o'clock every night, to Chapter 771, I decided to use this as a blueprint to rescue Cinderella.

Sauron used the City of Sin to accumulate wealth, then he would use this to break the impenetrable Thebes prison. Sauron will soon discover that his greatest tool of money collection has in turn become his greatest weakness.

Petty Brain sent out an encrypted email, and Isabel appeared on the screen after a while. The committee member who was in the last seat is now glorious, and on the day of the attack on St. Louis, committee member Mason died tragically. In addition, she now supports Zero-Sum Paul, and her position in the seven-member committee has been greatly improved, and she is even more responsible for contacting Zero-Sum.

When he saw Zero, the beautiful committee member piled up a smile and said, "Is there anything I can serve you? Master Zero."

"Miss Isabel, I need an identity. The identity of a criminal, he'd better be the heinous one."

Although Isabel felt strange, she did not decline. She said: "Please give me one day, and I will prepare all relevant information for you."

"Okay, wait for your news."

This is the end of the brief communication.

At this time, Zero will have time to deal with the work accumulated in Rock City. The small-sized files have actually been filtered by Leah for him, and those files that are not very important have been processed by Leah for him. For the rest, he needs his signature to be effective. After these files were processed, even if the zero mastermind computing ability was already quite good, it took a short period of time.

After processing these documents, the rest is the report from Franklin.

Franklin stated in the report that he had retrained the army because of the coming spring. As long as the winter and the beginning of the spring melt, the regular troops of the Poseidon Group will be able to go to the City of Rock and participate in the next battle. In the past three months of recuperation, the number of infantry regiments has expanded to 30,000. This is the limit of the number of people that Franklin believes. If this number is exceeded, there will be no balance in terms of equipment and army quality.

Zero believes in Franklin's ability, and his judgment is beyond doubt.

Finally, Franklin mentioned Ji Ya. Based on the batch of biochemical raw materials and equipment donated by Istar last month, the biological organ preparation that was originally scheduled to be completed next month has been completed ahead of schedule, and there are as many as 25. At present, suitable soldiers have been selected in the army for transplantation. For a period of time after transplantation, the biological organs have stabilized and can provide soldiers with Tier VI biological energy.

After these intensive soldiers have been trained, they already possess a certain degree of combat power. It's just that the biological organs opened by Ji Ya can only generate energy purely, and there is no reason to produce any abilities. Therefore, when Franklin trained them, he followed the tactics of spear throwing like the trident. That is the most effective tactic for this group of strengthened soldiers. Right now, this group of soldiers has left Canon Fortress. On the way to the City of Rock, Franklin hoped that they could add one point to Zero's next battle.

As for the biological organs with aptitude, Ji Ya has already started. I believe that in the near future, Zero will be able to have an army of capable people who can be mass-produced.

This is exciting news, and the arrival of strengthened soldiers may not bring any critical changes to the battle. But its significance is very important, which means that Zero finally has the technology that enables the capable people to carry out mass production. Once this technology takes shape, let alone the Western Continent. Even if other continents, Zero also has the strength to sweep them, of course, happy returns to happiness, and zero has not forgotten. The most crucial thing ahead of him is still time.

For example, the rescue of Hindrella cannot be delayed, because she can't wait for the emergence of the army of capable ones.

Isabel's efficiency is still very high, and just this evening, a complete identity information has reached zero intellectual brains. According to Zero's request, Isabel selected the identity of Zero as a criminal named Rafi. The reason why this criminal was selected is because his body is very similar to Zero. This is very important, which greatly reduces the risk of Zero imposter. Secondly, Rafi is a seventh-order killer, good at stealth sports and sharp knife skills. His appearance is characterized by Cangjin pupil, with an x-shaped scar on his left face.

Ten years ago, the man was a pirate on the open sea. The Pope’s Hall conducted several rounds of Moguo. He was also one of the first-degree felons of the Pope’s Hall before the four major pirates became famous. But suddenly disappeared ten years ago, no one knows where he went. Then, several people from Hindrella appeared and replaced Raphael as the figures that caused headaches in the Pope's Hall.

In fact, it was Rafi who secretly joined the Brotherhood ten years ago and changed his name. He was only killed in an operation five years ago, but everything about him is still preserved in the Brotherhood. Isabel has sent the long knife "Blood Twilight" used by Rafite and related characteristic clothing to Rock City, accompanied by an excellent makeup artist. With his help, Zero can transform himself into the great pirate Raphael of the year.

In this message, there is also a brief account of Rafi's life. Including the sensational deeds he has done, as well as which enemies and friends, etc., it can be seen that Isabel prepared very well.

In the early morning of the next day, a car arrived in the city of rock. The car stopped in front of the city hall, and a serious-faced old man stepped out of the car. He handed a letter of introduction from Isabel, who turned out to be a member of the Brotherhood. The old man named Wally is an excellent make-up artist and is also invited by Isabel to disguise himself.

Wally's makeup skills are top-notch, and he reshaped Zero based on Raphael's photos. Raphael has a white head, and zero is black. These two colors go to extremes, and if they are just covered with a dye, it is easy to reveal themselves. So Wo used the potion to rinse off the melanin, so that even before the new head grew, the zero could maintain a gray head. The next step is to replace Zero with a colored pupil, so that the other eye of Zero also becomes golden.

In half a day, Wally started with details such as skin color and scars. Let Zero completely make a facelift. What is rare is that Wally did not simply apply makeup to Zero as Raphael used to be, but made a slight change on the basis of Raphael’s appearance, thus presenting a Raphael more than ten years later. . So when Zero walked out of the room, he looked much more mature than his actual age. Putting on Raphael’s iconic cloak and a long knife, Zero is like a new person.

After that, Wally also took out a brain, which contained some video records about Raphael. This is also what Isabel prepared for him, the purpose is to familiarize the zero with Raphael's movements. He has a signature action, that is, he will touch his nose before encountering inexplicable things or moving murderous intentions. Zero wrote down this detail and added some other information. In the evening, from the tone of speech to the posture of walking, Ling was already seven or eighth similar to the real Raphael.

Wally said, "Raphael is arrogant and drew his sword at every turn. If you want to play him, I'm afraid you will have to kill a few people."

Head: "This is exactly the purpose of asking Isabel for information about a villain. It was originally intended to kill."

After that, Zero had a close conversation with Su and other core members that night. In the early morning of the next day, without anyone knowing, he quietly left Rock City and headed to Kunado Island alone where the Great Prison of Thebes is located.

Three days later, Rafi appeared on one of the islands to the north, attracting the chase of the Pope's Hall. Two more days later, he boarded the island of Kunado and got immunity, making the fleet that pursued him look forward to the island. On the same day, after registering, Rafi officially became one of the "residents" of Sin City.

A guard of the Sin City just completed the relevant registration procedures for Ling who is dressed as Rafi, and then said: "I hope you have enough treasures. You must know that with us, no amount of money is enough~www .lightnovelpub.net~ He smiled and said, "Come with me, Mr. Raphael. First, you must go to our appraisal to do a property notarization, and then convert your property into a credit point that can be used in our city. With credits, you can spend free time in the city at night, and then I will find you a place to live. To be honest, in the past two years there has been no such big person as you. I am honored to serve you. "

According to Raphael’s habit, Zero “hum” and said in a slightly changed tone: “Since there is consumption, there should be a place to make money, right?”

"Of course." The guard smiled: "Every day as long as you stay safe and abide by the law, then you will get ten credits. This is the most basic income. In addition, in the evening free hours are more ways to make money. . For example, fight underground black boxing, or accept some special tasks, otherwise you can win the opponent’s property through street challenges. In short, as long as you are strong enough, you can live well here."

Zero grinned grimly: "This is really a paradise for criminals."

So today, Zero Success has mixed into the City of Sin.

There are still two days before Cinderella's execution!

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