War Lord

Chapter 767: Sin city night

On the way to the property notarization, Zero can see that the buildings in Sin City are full of military control. All buildings are unified two-story bungalows with a rectangular structure. There are no unnecessary edges and corners, everything is concise and clear. Laneways and highways are staggered in vertical rows, dividing the entire city into squares with uniform specifications.

There is no greenery, no squares, no street parks and any facilities for leisure. Here, you can only feel a depressed atmosphere.

Only in the north of the city, a small area is designated as a free zone. After the restrictions are lifted at night, the residents of the city can enjoy their own entertainment in the free zone, with only one point and no killing.

The only towering buildings are several towers around the city. They are concrete structures and stand on the edge of the city. The guard tower is thirty meters high, and the tower body is covered with dark holes, which are shooting windows when needed. Soldiers have been stationed on the tower for many years, and every corner of the city can be seen from above. After all, the city is full of low-rise buildings that can't block the soldiers' eyes at all.

What's more, there is a monitoring system in every street and alley. It is located in the monitoring room of the city defense army. The soldiers inside can see what is happening in every corner of the city 24 hours a day.

From time to time there are two or three cars driving by, with fully armed soldiers on them. They will get off the car when they arrive at a predetermined location, and then knock on the doors of the households door by door for random inspections. As soon as the residents who violate the rules are found, they will be sent to the Great Prison in Debes.

When Zero was passing by, she happened to see a fat man pulled out by several soldiers. He fought hard, cursing. A soldier slammed his thick back with an electric shock, and the man immediately fainted with foam. From the loose hand, a syringe rolled down, seeming to be caught while preparing to inject drugs at home.

Things like this happen occasionally in the city.

After all, this is a city of sin, a city where criminals live, and you can't expect these lawless guys to really abide by the law.

Zero called up a map stored in the main mind, which was based on Yafiddy's data, plus the records he had made after making a silent survey on the island before arriving in the Sin City. The Sin City is closely connected to the surface base of the Great Prison of Thebes, and the entrance of the Great Prison is somewhere on the surface base. The surface base has an army of about 3,000 people, equipped with Paladins and Griffon mechas, artillery tanks, and guided missile armored vehicles. The base itself has excellent defensive capabilities. The heavy artillery turrets are scattered, interspersed with anti-aircraft machine guns and other firepower points, so that when the base is attacked, there is a danger of being bombarded by heavy firepower.

With his own eyes, Zero saw a team of Paladin mechas and Griffin Riders patrolling in irregular routes near the base. With the low-altitude cruising capabilities of Griffin Riders, there was another plain near the base. If there is any change, it will be noticed soon. Lian Ling also used the ability to jump in space to leave quietly under the eyes of the Griffin Rider. Others had to hide from the second-generation mecha reconnaissance system in this landscape, unless they were equipped with high-level perception domain capabilities.

Unfortunately, there are no such talents in the Zero Ability Group.

The more so, the more that Zero is grateful that he has mixed in as Raphael. If you can't rush to attack from the outside, you can only disintegrate from the inside and rescue Hindrella. When the car drove through the southeast of the city, you could see from a distance there was a high platform facing the sea. There were several heavy artillery turrets on the left and right. I don't know what it was for.

"It's the execution stand." The guard in charge of leading Zero said: "That is the execution stand for the execution of some serious offenders. I heard that a female pirate will be executed in two days. It should be a big man, otherwise the execution stand would not be needed. High standard treatment."

What the guard meant was nothing more than the criminals who were not in the stream. If they were to be executed, they would usually kill them secretly, and then just throw the corpse into the sea like a wild dog. Therefore, the criminals who can go to the execution platform are either a powerful or a high-ranking powerhouse.

Ling glanced deeply at the execution platform, then lowered his head to remain silent. He never forgets to exude a murderous intent at any time, this murderous intent is not strong, but it makes people feel depressed. It's like a beast trapped in a prison, once it gets rid of its shackles, it will violently kill. The guard couldn't help but move a little away, secretly paying attention. After all, Rafi was also an unblinking pirate. The guards saw in his information that there were quite a few Papal Hall soldiers who died under Rafi.

The guard glanced at the bag next to the zero foot again, his eyes blazing hot. I heard that the bag was filled with Rafi’s property. In terms of Rafi’s reputation, the things in it should be very valuable. Ling felt the guard's over-hot gaze, raised his head slightly, and glanced at the guard. The latter shuddered as if being splashed with cold water.

When I came to the property notary office, several men were chatting with a female staff member. One of the men with dyed red hair squeezed his hand on the woman's buttocks from time to time. The woman did not resist, on the contrary, he somewhat catered to it. When seeing these people, the guard walked quickly with his head down. Even the soldiers were like this, and he thought that the red-haired man or the forces behind him might not be easy.

The City of Sin is not necessarily the military's final say?

When he came to window No. 4, the guard knocked at the window and shouted: "Old man Gordon, where is he dead, come out for property notarization!"

After calling several times, an old man wearing glasses and staggering walked out from behind a door. He lifted the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hand, looked out the window and said, "Another dead man, hey."

The guard couldn't help but glanced at Zero, and then whispered: "What nonsense, be careful of your mouth, one day it will make you really a dead person."

"What's the matter with me, anyway, I've lived enough, and it's good to be able to rest early." The old man sat on a high chair and said, "Come on, take out your property. Gordon will give you one. Fair price."

Zero General threw the bag in his hands heavily on the counter, and there was a muffled noise immediately. With this muffled sound, even the first few men stopped all their movements and looked towards Zero. When Gordon opened the zipper of the bag and poured out the contents, everyone except the old man, including the guards, took a breath.

Gold, jewels, diamonds...Even zero is surprised. There are so many things in this bag, and they are all valuable. The last time is the square gold bricks. As for other jewellery diamonds, in addition to their own value, plus other processing techniques, it is a lot of wealth. These things were prepared by Isabel for him, saying that they were the property that Rafi had donated to the Brotherhood.

Some of these things bear the mark of a certain nobleman, and it was Raphael who robbed them. These things can more powerfully explain Zero's identity from the side, so Isabel brought it up all at once.

The old man, Gordon, took a magnifying glass and unhurriedly identified, registered, and quoted each piece of jewelry. As if these valuable things were like bricks on the ground in his eyes, he didn't see the slightest move. On the other hand, the guard responsible for leading Zero was short of breath. As for the men not far away, they also kept spitting.

When the slightly beautiful woman looked at Zero, her eyes were as hot as she was about to melt Zero. Zero saw all this in his eyes, and said nothing.

It took Gordon all morning to count the assets brought by Zero and convert them into credit points commonly used in Sin City. Zero has been waiting quietly by the side, showing no signs of impatience. Until Gordon said: "Okay, this is the credit card you use in the city. Take it, it is also your identity certificate, you have to carry it with you at any time. Until, you become a dead person."

He nodded, took the credit card, and looked at the old man and said quietly: "I will not die, but I am sure that many people will die."

Gordon was stunned, and then smiled: "Interesting. Hey, kid. If you are not dead at night, just look for me at the Prancing Horse Bar in the free zone and tell them that you can find Gordon, then I will Please have a drink."

"Of course, you want to ask me to do it too. After all, those things you exchanged are 240,000 credits. As long as you don't cause trouble, these things can be used until the day you die." Gordon deliberately increased the volume. Then he blinked at Zero and said: "After all, the daily food delivery requires only 30 credits."

Through these words, Zero has a preliminary understanding of the economic system of Sin City. At the same time, he also knew that this old man was deliberately making trouble for himself. Sure enough, when he and the guard were about to leave, the men also walked towards them.

The guard was a little nervous, but he looked completely unconscious. Near the gate, Ling and two people stopped. Gordon at the back was sitting next to the window holding a cup of coffee and looking good at the scene, while the woman looked over there nervously.

"Hey, brother. What's your name?" Among them, the red-haired man stepped forward.

"Raphae," Ling Lian replied.

The red-haired man nodded and said, "Raphae, okay. Listen, my name is Bloodfang, which is not comparable to ordinary people in this city. Even the military has to give me some face. If you don’t believe me, ask the soldier next to me. Just know."

Ling Kan does not watch the guards, just indifferently: "Are you finished? Get out of trouble after you finish talking."

Bloodfang laughed: "This guy is really funny. Hey, man, I think you are pretty good and want to absorb you. As long as you follow me, this city can walk sideways. How about, I'm very generous, as long as Just transfer your credits into my name."

Zero had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and he suddenly smiled. The smile was his own, but when playing the role of Raphael, others looked like a grim sneer. Then Zero said: "Now, I can give you two choices. One is to roll, the other is to let your men help you roll. Which one do you choose, dear Mr. Bloodfang?"

The red-haired man smiled stiffly, and suddenly said, "I don't know the guy who promotes him."

At the same time, he punched Zero's nose.

At this time, a red lightning flashed in the air. It was astonishing, and then there was the sound of zero-long knife retracting its sheath.

The next moment, Bloodfang was in a daze. Then I saw a red line emerging from the wrist, and then the flesh and blood rolled to both sides, the wound deepened with an irresistible force, and finally the bones cracked open.

Under everyone's stunned mouth, Bloodfang's fist was misplaced and slipped, followed by blood spurting from the broken wrist. Zero traversed, avoiding the dirty blood sprayed at him, and slid in at the same time. The **** and yellow handle of the long knife hit Bloodfang's lower abdomen, immediately hitting him with foam.

This series of movements are as fast as lightning, but every movement clearly falls in the eyes of everyone. Even Gordon, who doesn't have the slightest ability, can see clearly, making everyone feel an indescribable weird feeling. Until Ling said: "I'm optimistic, I didn't kill him. But if he dies because of blood loss, it doesn't matter to me."

A word awakened the dreamer, and only a few of Bloodfang's men were busy rescuing the eldest brother who had bandaged them. One of them said to Zero viciously: "You are dead. No, before you die, you will be brutally **** by our big guy a few times."

Before he finished speaking, the handle of the knife suddenly reached into his mouth. Zero tapped the scabbard, and the hilt suddenly shook, shattering the man's mouthful of teeth before he took out the knife. Zero turned her head and smiled at Gordon: "Look, I didn't make a mistake, did I?"

Gordon chuckled twice and didn't answer again.

"This is your house."

After half an hour, the guard took Zero to a two-story bungalow. He said: "Listen, you can only stay at home during the day when the control is in place. Food is rationed in the morning every day, and 30 credits a day will be charged directly on your credit card. During the control hours, There will be inspections from time to time. For your own good, I advise you not to commit any violations at home. For example, taking drugs, or just like the guy you saw in the morning, will be sent to prison."

Zero listened in silence.

When the guard was about to leave, he said: "Mr. Raphael, that Bloodfang is just a small character. The power behind him is not what you can imagine. If I were you, I would not be free after the time limit tonight. District. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to go there. But you were so cool just now."

Leaving this sentence, the guard left. When the door is closed, there is only one person left in the world.

I walked through the rooms on the upper and lower floors. Although they were not large in size, they also had living rooms, bedrooms, and toilets. There is also a small balcony on the second floor, you can see the street outside. But during the restricted time during the day, it is not allowed to enter and leave at will. Therefore, these two-story buildings are nothing more than high-level prisons.

There is a small kitchen next to the living room on the first floor with simple kitchenware and a refrigerator. The food of the day has been delivered in the refrigerator, and the food is very simple. Bread, water, and a piece of synthetic fiber meat. This is the food of the day. It can only provide food and clothing, not delicious.

But for this kind of food, it costs 30 credits, which shows that the consumption in Sin City is not low at all.

In the daytime, the mood of criminals is extremely suppressed, and all entertainment is opened to attract money at night. The operating system of Sin City can be said to be completely aimed at the psychological weakness of criminals. Ling silently took out the bread and water from the refrigerator, and then ate quietly. He was already here, and the distance from Hindrella was greatly shortened. Next, it is time to wait for the restriction to be lifted at night, and then go to the free zone to create conditions.

Originally, Zero still found it a little difficult to create conditions for entering the prison naturally, but after the conflict with Bloodfang in the notary hall, if it went well, he would be able to enter the Great Prison of Thebes at night. It now appears that Sin City is, to some extent, an open prison. The house is a prison, and the time when the restrictions are lifted is similar to that of criminals. So there will be some forces such as Bloodfang in Sin City, just like some big bosses in prison.

It's just that Sin City provides entertainment that no prison can't.

After eating the bread, Zero went to the bedroom to rest. He closed his eyes, set a wake-up time in the main mind, and fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, it was already fading. At dusk, the red sky light casts a flame-like color on the whole city. However, in the last month of this winter, what people feel is not warm, but icy cold.

After stepping into the spring, the winter snow melts, and a more bitter chill will be released. Although the radiant snow on the land has not melted yet, the floating ice near the island has already begun to melt. Therefore, Zero walks out of the balcony and feels the cold wind blowing from the sea.

The day finally passed, and the night arrived as scheduled.

The night in Sin City is noisy.

When the announcement of the lifting of restrictions sounded, there were roars in the streets. The residents who had been depressed for a day walked out of the house and yelled towards the free zone. Zero is no exception. He left the house quietly and followed the crowd toward the free zone.

At the entrance of the free zone, the guards of the Sin City guard the entrance and exit. Every resident who enters the free zone must be identified here ~lightnovelpub.net~ before being allowed to enter. Entry into the free zone is not entirely unconditional, and entry is not allowed if the credit point is less than one hundred. Because the minimum consumption for a night in the free zone is no less than 100 points, this is an invisible boundary used to define those who cannot afford to pay.

Want to eat Bawang meal in the free zone? Don't even think about it!

There are ten passages to enter the free zone, and each passage has guards for identification. When the queue reached zero, he saw the soldier who led him in the morning. Seeing zero hour, the soldier shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Good evening, Mr. Raphael. Although I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here, I still wish you a nice evening."

When the soldier pulled the zero credit card with the swipe device, the zero message appeared on the electronic screen on the public side outside. Including his name, portrait and credit points.

When looking at the long string of numbers under the zero name, there was silence near the passage. Obviously, everyone was astonished at zero that huge wealth. After all, in Sin City, few have credits that are similar to zero. And these people are all big people who even the military has to give some face.

In contrast, Zero who has just moved into Sin City, but owns such a large amount of property, is particularly dazzling.