War Lord

Chapter 778: Tricky

Under Yura's gaze, Zero even walked towards the door with a three-point leisurely taste. After typing a series of uncomplicated codes on the code lock, the door slammed open. The bright sky outside made Ling squinted, and then he saw an armored vehicle parked in front of the door, accompanied by two off-road vehicles, full of soldiers armed to the teeth. Even when a Paladin mech came down from the armored car, the low-hanging six-barrel revolver gun was not even mentioned, but the hideous smell of this weapon was obvious.

As long as the pilot is willing, the mecha alone can push down the house behind him, including him and Yula. Of course, this is only the driver’s imagination. As for the facts, Zero is very clear but there is no need to tell them.

A soldier stepped forward, saluted, and then said in a deep voice: "Mr. Raphael, in view of your act of killing 32 people in the free zone last night, the above thinks the circumstances are serious and now we need to take you to Thebes Prison. Accept the investigation. Please also cooperate and do not make unnecessary actions to cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

The soldier used honorifics and looked at Zero nervously. After coming to Sin City, the zero record can be said to be extremely dazzling. First, he beheaded Raymond of the Blood Blade, and then drew a tie with Richard the lunatic. Last night, he killed Wallace's Heart K, along with 31 other club members. Such a fierce man can't be too careful.

Otherwise, the military will not send so many people and deploy a heavy-fire mech to garrison the formation.

Zero smiled, and said: "No problem, I have prepared the ransom part."

The soldier swallowed. Before he set off, he also heard from his colleagues. Today, Richard and Black Wing have issued a joint statement to support the man in front of him on this matter. And each set aside 200,000 credits to pay the ransom for zero murder. This amount of money can be said to be left over after the ransom is paid. If converted into gold coins, it is probably wealth that soldiers will not earn in this lifetime.

This is really an enviable thing.

Envy is envious, the soldiers still did not forget their responsibilities. He winked back, and another soldier stepped forward. This person carried a suitcase in his hand, opened it, and inside was a square metal plate. The metal plate is about 10 centimeters thick, and you can see the circuit-like patterns engraved on the surface. The metal plate has two hollow notches, which looks more like a pair of handcuffs.

"This is?" asked Zero.

"Breakout lock." The soldier pressed a complex code on the numeric keys on the metal plate, and with a click, the metal plate was separated from the top and bottom: "This is designed for those with abilities like you. After all, the Thebes prison is It’s a military powerhouse, so it’s necessary to limit your abilities. Don’t worry, it uses electromagnetic pulses to interfere with the operation of the pituitary gland, making you unable to use it normally. After you leave the prison, we will remove this thing, and your abilities will not be affected at all. Influence."

"The same will not leave any sequelae." The soldier next to him assured.

He nodded, stretched his hand over, and asked the soldier to lock Shuili lock to his own hands.

As soon as the broken force lock was added to his body, Zero felt his wrist numb, but a circle of fine needles protruding from the inside of the handcuffs pierced into the skin. Then Ling felt his whole body numb, and as expected, the energy movement was greatly disturbed. Without waiting for the zero command, the main brain has already started the calculation on its own. The dna memory group in the body releases a mysterious substance and forms an independent unit similar to a heart-carrying robot, which counter-attacks through foreign objects that have penetrated into the skin, and reversely analyzes the composition of the breaking force lock.

The main brain quickly gives a time.

5 minutes and 32 seconds.

This is the time to complete the analysis of the entire force-breaking lock, which is faster than zero expected. It seems that for the physical electronic unit, it is much easier to analyze the logic circuit of its operation than for the biological one.

"Please get in the car, sir." The soldier waved his hand, and the colleagues behind and the Paladin mecha stepped out.

Ling generously stepped onto the armored vehicle and sat down in a casual position. With the top plate of this armor open, you can see dense radiation clouds in the sky. But soon, the field of vision occupied most of the Paladin's mecha. The top plate was opened to facilitate the carrying of this big guy.

In this way, Zero finally left Sin City this morning as he wished. The armored vehicle drove him out of the city, along a road connecting the Sin City and the ground military base, and arrived at the ground base half an hour later. After going through a series of delivery procedures, get off the bus and take an off-road vehicle from the military base to enter the base.

Entering from the gate of the base is a wide square. Soldiers on the square are being divided into several areas for training. Zero can even see some missile launch bases distributed on the edge of the square. I think they should be part of the peace guard defense mechanism that Black Wing said. .

The car finally stopped in front of the command building, got off at zero, and was taken by the soldiers to an office on the ground floor of the building. In the office, Captain Klauber is energizing. Seeing Zero coming in, he immediately hung up the phone and stood up, smiling: "Mr. Raphael, we meet again. But I have to say, this is not what I like to see."

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I really shouldn't know how to say it, you just killed the other guys, but killed Wallace's heart k. In this way, I have to give him One confession."

"Kenio was rude in this matter first. To be honest, in that situation, if I settle down, Wallace and others will continue to trouble me in the future." Ling imitated a grim smile on Raphael: "So I just killed him. Only by killing him can I live comfortably in the future. Don't I?"

Klauber laughed and said, "Mr. Rafay is really quick to talk, yes. According to the information obtained from our investigation, Mr. Rafay does have a word of reason. It's just that you killed too much. Wallace But I want your life."

"Oh? What did the colonel say?"

Klauber shook his head and said: "Of course not, let alone killing you will break the rules. Just the attitude of Richard and Blackwing, we have to seriously consider. As you know, Wallace is also considered a half military. People. But in this matter, we will deal with it from a fair angle."

"Well, follow the normal procedure. Mr. Rafay has killed so many people and must stay at the bottom of the prison for ten days. After ten days, we will collect the ransom, and you will pay Wallace a little bit of compensation. That's it." Klauber said with a smile: "He can be regarded as a guy with a good face, and he always gets him a step down. What does Mr. Raphae think?"

"Quite fair." Zero nodded, and Klauber wanted to keep him in jail for ten days, which should be a smooth transition from Cinderella's sentence. In order not to let him out in advance, and then Wallace would cause something to affect his work on the day of execution.

And the idea of ​​being locked in the lowest prison is exactly the zero, so Klauber called a team of soldiers to send the zero out. After Zero left, Klauber turned on the wisdom brain on the table. A communication window on the brain has been on standby, but Wallace's face is in the window.

"The people have already been brought in, and they will be arranged to the sixth-floor prison as you said. I will let people go away later, Wallace, you'd better do it beautifully and don't cause me any more trouble." Klauber said coldly.

In the window, Wallace smiled: "Don't worry, sir. After the incident, 70% of that kid's fortune will naturally be handed over to an adult. That's nearly 300,000 credits."

Klauber just hummed, did not answer, and turned off the communication. He sat back and took out a pack of cigarettes from the desk drawer. Clicked on, took a deep breath, and then exhaled a smoke ring, and Klauber chuckled lightly.

For him, 300,000 credit points is not a small number. This number was enough for him to open one eye and close one eye to what Wallace was going to do.

When Klauber and Wallace secretly communicated the song, Ling Zheng was escorted into an elevator. The elevator is made of metal on all sides, and the surface light can be seen. The light from above hits down, and the reflection of the four metal walls illuminates the elevator. In the middle of the elevator, a meter-high metal cylinder is erected with a light screen on it. There are not numbers or English letters on the light screen, but symbols of various shapes.

The soldier entered a combination of different symbols on it, and the elevator door closed. Although there was no sound, zero knew that the elevator started to go down. According to the information provided by Yafidi, the elevator in Thebes prison uses a balance system, and each floor has a different password. If the password is entered incorrectly. The elevator will not reach the real prison, but will send the people inside to the gun of an army.

So when Zero One entered the elevator, a dense grid appeared in her pupils. If you enlarge the pupil of Zero by tens of thousands of times at this moment, you will find that each grid is actually an independent picture.

Zero's body quietly evolved after absorbing the energy liquid of the Queen of Andura. In terms of vision, it has evolved a compound vision similar to Andura. Compound vision can change the world in Zero Eyes from plane to three-dimensional. Through the interception and integration of multi-directional images, a corresponding environmental model can be established in the nerve center.

Let Zero be able to grasp the surrounding environment more comprehensively. Under the effect of compound vision, Zero has no possibility of being attacked. Similarly, even though he was blocked by other soldiers in front of him, Zero used the reflection of the metal surface of the elevator to reorganize the password entered by the soldier just now, and stored it in his master's brain.

In the next few layers, soldiers in each layer entered different passwords and recorded them quietly.

When reaching the sixth level, Zero has already written down the different password combinations for each level. As long as these passwords are not changed, Zero can use the elevator to return to the ground.

Getting out of the elevator is a long passage. There is a floor plan of the sixth-floor prison near the elevator. Although it is just a casual glance when passing by, Zero has reproduced it in his mind with the amazing computing power of his main brain. Then, in contrast with the three-dimensional map provided by Heiyi, Lingdang uses the elevator as an anchor point to integrate the two plane and three-dimensional maps together, thereby rebuilding a strict three-dimensional model in the main mind.

Soon, Ling knew where he was.

The sixth-tier prison can be roughly divided into three areas. One is the felon area on the east side, which is an independent cell dedicated to detaining important prisoners. If Hindrella is here, he must be in the felon zone. The other is the detention room on the west side. There are several large public prisons. Prisoners who commit serious crimes but can leave after paying ransom.

This area was opened later, and it was not mentioned in Yafidi’s materials, but Black Wing casually took it when he talked about the six-story prison.

The last area is the forbidden area. On the map of Black Wing, there is a large unknown area in red. On the flat map, there are the four characters of "Prison Place". There are no other hints.

That place should be the control center of the Peace Guard.

Now, looking at the direction of progress, Ling knew that he was being taken to the detention room to the west, which was reasonable. Zero also needs to design to leave the detention room and sneak into the felon area to the east in order to rescue Hindrella.

Nowadays, under the sea of ​​hundreds of meters, everything is unknown.

After a while, the detention room arrived. There are a total of four large prisons, each of which can hold about 30 people at the same time. Named simply after No. 1 to No. 4, the prison is surrounded by walls on three sides. The walls are made of composite armor material, which is strong and durable. There is no wall on the side facing the passage, but there is a laser fence there. This fence made up of light beams produced by a total of 46 laser generators horizontally and vertically looks fragile, but in fact it is far stronger than the other three walls.

Because these are not ordinary beams, but high-frequency cutting waves. If you don't turn them off beforehand, they will be cut into square parts no matter if people pass by.

Zero was escorted to cell No. 2, where it was either squatting or standing, or sitting or lying down. Twenty or thirty people had been packed in it. Ling saw in his eyes, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He knew that Wallace couldn't let him go so cheap. Sure enough, there was a lot of trouble between him and Crow. Right now these people are where the tricks are, and they don't have any breaking locks on their hands. And these people are full of energy. Ranging from the fourth to the sixth level, one of the people lying in the corner clearly showed the seventh-level ability under zero genetic detection.

Obviously, these people should be the "gifts" Wallace gave him. As expected, the Ruby Club is not as superficial as it is on the surface. From neither Richard nor Blackwing knows that apart from Gray and Infrared, there is still another seventh rank in the club.

After the soldier entered the command on the cipher machine next to the cell, a rectangular gap was exposed on the laser fence, just large enough for one person to pass through. The soldier said to him, "Please go in."

Nodding his head, he walked into the cell boldly. The gap in the fence behind him was closed, so I remembered that all of these men showed malicious gazes. Ling Chao glanced out, and there was a soldier's duty room opposite the cell. Three or two soldiers were on duty nearby. For the time being, he was still safe. But he knew that soon these soldiers would be transferred away in order to give people like Wallace a space to do their work.

However, since these people's time will be theirs, why not also his time?

Zero walked straight to the center of the cell, in front of the only cross chair. Sitting in the chair was a big bald man, naked to the waist, with muscular muscles. The naked head is covered with tattoos, and you can tell at a glance that it is not a good kind. He looked up and gave a ferocious stare.

Zero pointed to the chair and said, "I want this position. Are you going to get out by yourself, or do you want me to do it?"

The big man stood up without saying a word, and said to Zero's face: "You are very arrogant, kid."

"No way, I just killed dozens of people last night, and now my hands are still itchy." Ling said with a sneer.

At this time, the man lying in the corner with his back facing the outside coughed slightly. He heard the bald head in his ears, and walked away with a cold snort. The person in Ling Chao took a faint look, then sat down with a sting. He closed his eyes and called out the analysis result of the broken force lock in the main brain.

The result came out before entering the prison. Through the analysis of the mastermind, the principle of breaking force lock is that electromagnetic pulses affect the secretion of the pituitary gland of the capable person, which causes the ability to be disordered and cannot be used freely. However, judging from the composition of the force-breaking lock, it can only limit those with abilities below the eighth level, so it should be regarded as a relatively backward product.

After all, Franklin once gave Sauron a special electromagnetic device to restrain him, and Franklin was a high-end. But then again, there are not many high-levels in Sin City, and they are all under the control of the military. Therefore, the force-breaking lock is also sufficient, not to mention the high-end products like Franklin, and the cost is probably not cheap.

As for how to unlock the force-breaking lock, the mastermind gives the simplest and most crude method. That is to directly impact the breaking force lock with high-level energy. As long as the instantaneous output exceeds the load limit of the breaking force lock, the electronic board will be short-circuited. At that time, the breaking force lock will fall off by itself.

At this time, footsteps sounded outside the cell. Zero opened his eyes and coldly looked at a soldier who came out of the duty room~lightnovelpub.net~ and looked at cell 2 with a complex expression. Then he made a gesture with several guards nearby, and in an instant, the soldiers near cell 2 went away.

As soon as the soldiers left, the men in the cell sneered. Especially the bald tattooed man who gave up his seat before, clenched his fists. No matter what they were doing before, they all sit up now. He didn't act immediately, but looked at the man who was still lying on the ground. The man finally sat up, turned around and said lazily: "Really, I thought I could spend some time leisurely, drinking and drinking, how pleasant it is. But at this time you killed that **** Kenio. Don’t know, my life will be ruined for you in this way. Mr. Raphael.”

Zero said disapprovingly: "Wallace sent all your wastes here, I'm afraid I will be disappointed. But from this point of view, killing him last night is not painful enough. Otherwise, you won't show up here. Here it is."

The man laughed loudly. He laughed so much that tears came out, and he patted the ground straight and said: "You are the first one to say so eloquently until you die. You are so funny."

"Then introduce myself first, I'm the black, black knife Biz!" The man drew a pitch-black short knife from his waist, just playing with it in his hand: "After talking, you can also go on the road with peace of mind."