War Lord

Chapter 78: kill intent

Lan Qi is fifty years old this year and he is a black man. Because he was born with white hair and white beard, he was nicknamed "Bald Eagle". But this nickname does not only refer to his looks, it also implies that he has eyes that are as sharp as an eagle. In addition to the yardstick of one hundred shots and one hundred hits, Lan Qi has an innate keen insight into the unknown. This is also the reason why he has been able to wander the southwestern land for nearly five years without becoming a monster food.

Lan Qi's ability is a Tier 5 sniper specialization. This ability is placed among ordinary organizations and abilities, and it can barely be regarded as a master. But in Elk Town, where adventurers have an average of Tier 7 abilities, Lan Qi is pitifully weak. But many people better than him died, but the bald eagle was still alive. Lan Qi naturally has his own way of survival, which is not to do anything beyond his own ability.

In the past five years, his figure has haunted the fringe of the southwestern land. This area occupies tens of thousands of square kilometers and has become a buffer zone between Elk Town and the Southwest Land. Although most of the maps in this gray zone are already well known by adventurers, many of the species and resources are not valued by adventurers. In their hearts, they have long believed that huge wealth can only be discovered from a deeper unknown.

The bald eagle locked his gaze on this gray belt. He knew his abilities very well. Even if he survived on this gray belt, he was quite reluctant to survive, let alone those unrecognized areas. In the past five years, Lan Qi has unearthed a lot of valuable information on this gray belt, but he knows very well that he alone cannot bring these precious resources out of Elk Town.

So he chose another way to make money, that is, to sell this information in a tavern. Facts have proved that he did it right. The gray area is far safer than the unknown area, although the resources provided by Lan Qi are no more than the things that are occasionally brought back from the unknown area. However, due to the scarcity of resources in the unknown area and the overwhelming danger, Lanqi's information is extremely popular.

The information fee for most of the month alone has brought Lanqi's deposit to nearly seven figures. And this money was not prepared by Lan Qi for himself, and the retirement expenses paid by the Parkland chaebol for him were enough for him to spend the rest of his life happily. After the Bald Eagle retired, he still worked hard to make money, but it was for his son Kabu.

Tier 5 sniper specialization is already the limit that Lan Qi can reach, and his son Kabu has shown rare talent in the perception domain at a young age. Now he has become the first heir to Sauron among the Parkland chaebols. Follow up experts. There is no doubt that Kabu's future will be more ambitious than Lanqi. Every penny earned by the Bald Eagle in the Southwest Land will be handed over to Kabu for formulating costs to improve its own capabilities.

He devoted all his efforts to his son.

Lan Qi was ready to leave Elk Town, and valuable information had been sold almost, and he had no reason to stay in the town. Today, after selling the last piece of information, the Bald Eagle ordered himself a good whiskey as a way of leaving for himself.

While slowly tasting the amber liquid in his arms, a young soldier pushed open the door of the tavern, and then squeezed towards him in a panic. The sharp perception ability of the sniper expert immediately noticed that there was a difference, and Lan Qi's hand had gently dropped on the desert eagle on his waist. His sniper rifle Falcon III did not bring him, but the old dynasty automatic pistol was enough for Lan Qi to deal with any situation.

"Mr. Lan Qi..." The soldier came to the bar, panting and calling the name of the Bald Eagle.

Lan Qi said lazily: "My intelligence has been sold out. If you want news, go report it to other intelligence merchants."

"What are you talking about? Mr. Lan Qi, I came to you on behalf of Your Excellency Sauron."

The soldier stood really physically, and Lan Qi saw that there was a Parkland chaebol badge on his tactical uniform. The bald eagle's heart jumped for no reason. He put aside his wine, and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Sauron would never send an individual to Elk Town to find a retired sniper expert for no reason. Except for his son Kabu, Lan Qi couldn't find a reasonable reason.

"Mr. Lan Qi, I am sorry to tell you a bad news. Your son Mr. Kabu, the tracking expert of Your Excellency Sauron, was killed in a mission two months ago!"


The bald eagle roared, and seeing the quiet adventurer suddenly became extremely excited, everyone else cast strange glances.

"What's the mission? How did Kabu die? Killed by a monster?"

For Lan Qi, Kabu is the continuation and hope of his life. Although Lan Qi knew in his heart that there was no such thing as safety in the wilderness, Kabu might die in a certain ruin at any time, so Lan Qicai desperately made money in order to improve his son's ability to ensure his life safety. But the Bald Eagle had never thought that Kabu would leave him so soon.

"Mr. Kabu was killed by a psychic named Zero. Here is a video for you to watch." The soldier took out the tactical board~lightnovelpub.net~ and called up a video from it.

This video is just a record of the zero runaway, and the blood ride will record the mission process when it is out of the mission. In order to prevent oneself from dying in battle, to provide the necessary information support for the task taker. The video of Kabu being killed by Zero was also recorded by the brain that Sauron carried with him, and the clip that Lan Qi saw was edited from the records of the brain.

In the screen, Zero is like a human-shaped beast, and at the speed of 5,000 frames per second, the brain can only barely capture the trajectory of his movement. The moment he watched the intermittent afterimage blinked open Sauron's defense, and then approached Kabu. My son was thrown out like a puppet, and his head was twisted 180 degrees when he landed, and his twisted neck couldn't survive no matter how he looked at it.

From zero rampage to the killing of Kaboo, the whole process took less than 5 seconds. When Lan Qi was angry, he couldn't help calming down.

Undoubtedly, the zero in the picture is powerful. According to Lan Qi's experience estimation, Zero possesses at least Tier 6 strength and the ability to strengthen agility. If Lan Qi allowed zero to approach, he would surely be killed in seconds without any suspense. But in Lan Qi's heart, Zero is not strong enough to be absolutely overwhelming, which means that both traps and snipers can kill this slightly stronger opponent.

"Give me his information! Everything!"

In simple words, Lan Qi's strong killing intent was revealed.

And dozens of kilometers away, Ling on the wilderness outside Fury Reef City felt a bit of cold at the same time, which was like the bad feeling of being targeted by a sniper rifle, causing Ling to lie down instantly. After a while, when it was confirmed that there were no snipers within two kilometers, he stood up.

Ling silently looked in the direction of the chill, and from time to time a flash of lightning blew out of the thick radiation cloud in the southwest sky.

Storm is coming!