War Lord

Chapter 782: can only live 1

At dawn, there were drunk men in twos and threes walking staggeringly on the street, and finally lost to alcohol, and finally fell asleep in a corner where they didn't know. This is a rare indulgence, and no one will blame them for it. When the first ray of light appeared behind the radiation cloud, the soldiers arrived at the gate on time to gather, and then continued to clean the battlefield outside the city.

The final cleanup can be completed today. The bodies of the former war dead have been cremated, and their ashes and remains are mixed together and buried together at both ends of the blood-stained road. Soon after, the cut down forests will be replanted, and new trees will grow again on this sprawling land. The souls of those who died may be entrusted to the newly born trees to witness the arrival of a new era.

The weapons or mechas that can be recovered have been collectively sent back to the supply depot in Rock City, and the quarters officer will check them into the depot. As for those damaged but still repairable, they were sent to the arsenal, but no one is working at the factory right now, and it will take some time to repair the war supplies. The last is the metal wrecks that cannot be used or even repaired at all. Yesterday, Rock City has dispatched several heavy trucks to drag them to the steel mill, where the metal in the wrecks will be refined, or after a while, they It will be able to appear with a whole new look.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and Rock City has never been as vibrant as it is now. Everyone knows whose contribution, the person who created such miracles, will be included in the history of the Western Continent, and will be remembered by future generations. But now, this person woke up early in the morning like an ordinary person, and after a brief refreshing, he came to the office of the city hall.

There are mountains of official documents waiting for him to review.

Ling couldn't help but smile when he watched the documents he had accumulated that needed to be processed during this period of time. When I was in Asgart, I chatted with Theon about the big people. Theon pointed out that every outstanding political figure, no matter the old and new era, must have extraordinary energy. Now Zero can understand this sentence. If you don't have extraordinary energy, how can you cope with these tasks that don't seem to be completed no matter how you look at it.

Inferred from this, how hard it will be for Beyonce to carry the entire city of Dawn for him. Thinking of Beyonce, Zero can't help but want to fly back to the Central Continent with wings on his back. Having left that continent for more than half a year, I don't know how Beyonce and the others are now?

However, the West Continent is also coming to an end. As long as Paul is sent to the throne, he will complete the agreement with the Lord of Beiyang. At that time, just as Hamomis said, zero will will be able to cover every corner of the sea!

It's just that all these, no matter how exciting they are, they still have to be pressed until they have finished reviewing these documents. Zero flexed his muscles a little, then pressed himself onto the chair, and then began to pick up the first document and review it.

It's noon when I'm busy.

No matter how efficient he is, the hills of order are only shoveled by one-third. At noon, Leah asks the guards to come and ask Zero to eat and have lunch together, which is a rare treat for people like Zero. Perhaps for ordinary people, this kind of thing is just a necessary part of repetition every day, but for Zero, being able to have a meal with his beloved in his free time is an extravagant behavior.

After all, most of his time is fighting. But as his women, Leah and the others knew him very well. Because Zero today’s battle is for the future for them and more people.

When I returned to a small two-story building not far from the city hall, I opened the door to enter and smelled the scent of food. Zero didn't say a word, and he turned to the kitchen, Leah and Cinderella were busy. Regardless of whether Hindrella was both a high-level and once the captain of the Kraken, she was almost invincible on the battlefield in terms of strength and beauty. But when he got into the kitchen, he called to Leah like a soldier.

The two little women are preparing a sumptuous lunch. Naturally, Leah is the chef, and Hindrella can only help. Seeing that Zero was coming, they directly blasted him out of the kitchen, as if this place had become their holy place.

Zero shrugged, smiled and came to the living room. Sitting on a group of patched sofas, Ling imagined that if he had another newspaper now, he would be like a husband waiting for his wife before dinner in the old days.

Look at this living room again, the furniture and everything are old. However, during the time she was away, Leah carefully wiped them very clean, and even the damaged places were repaired with her dexterous hands. Even beside the window sill, there was also a delicate glass bottle with a bunch of ordinary fresh yellow wildflowers in it, but it embellished the whole room with the taste of home.

Perhaps Leah could not share the pressure for him on the battlefield like Cindriella, nor did she have the ability to manage a family or a city like Beyoncé. She is like the bunch of wildflowers on the windowsill, ordinary and ordinary. But when she is there, Ling will feel warm and nostalgic. Her watery tenderness is a haven of zero peace. Zero was very fortunate to be able to meet a girl like Leah next door when she awoke, and let him see a gleam of kindness in this cruel age.

Although the light is so faint, it has carried through the path he has walked all the way.

"time to eat!"

Leah's cries sounded in the kitchen, and then Hindrella walked out with two plates. One is ordinary toast on top, and the other is fried potatoes. They are all ordinary foods, but Ling can smell happiness.

Looking at the two women, I thought that Beyonce was also here, and a few children would be perfect. The picture of happiness passed by, and Zero took a deep breath, which made her goal firmer. When Prosius is expelled, maybe such a picture can become a reality!

In order to achieve this goal, Zero can go on and go further. Or, sometimes it is not necessarily a lofty ideal that drives a person to work hard. Simple happiness is also a strong driving force.

Today is destined to be a busy day.

In the afternoon, some guests came to Rock City one after another. The first group to arrive turned out to be Richard. He and more than twenty soldiers of the Blood Blade formed a simple guard group, escorting some residents who did not want to stay in the Sin City to come here. These people used to be criminals, but not every criminal is as heinous as Wallace did.

A lot of them are marked as criminals only after rebelling against the Pope’s Hall. When they arrive, there is no reason for zero to refuse. These people can be placed in Rock City, and then according to their abilities, they can become workers or militias. And among these people, there is also a young girl.


The girl who was bought by Zero at the high price at the auction, her family is no longer there, and her hometown was buried in the flames. Homeless girl, Zero Hope Rock City is another starting point in her life. Zero had promised before that he would take Yura to Rock City. It was just that the danger of Rock City was not solved, so Zero did not take her out of Sin City the first time.

Originally, I was thinking about taking Yura over again for a while, but I didn't expect that Richard would send her with him this time. Yura was like a frightened cat. When she got out of the car and saw Zero, she threw herself into his arms. Ling Pai patted her head and said, "Don't worry, no one here dares to hurt you."

He handed Yula to Leah, who was allowed to take care of her during the first time. After that, it depends on Yura's own intentions. If she is willing to stay, then Zero will arrange one or a few mentors for her to teach her some knowledge that must be mastered in this era. If he wants to leave in the future, he can also ask Paul to take care of him. This is a zero promise, and he will carry it through.

In the evening, Zero welcomed another group of guests, and they were more important guests.

Paul and Isabel came together and watched the two get off in a modified old-age car. While Isabel was still holding Paul's arm intimately, Zero cast an ambiguous attitude towards the young pope. vision. Paul blushed tenderly, and then laughed in disguise, first stepped forward to give zero a hug and then whispered: "Don't look at me like that. If you have tried the taste of Isha, you know how much I behave now. normal."

Ling smiled and said: "You should have a lot of women in the future, but don't spend all your energy on one body. Besides, don't forget the original intention of doing these things."

Paul put on a serious expression and said: "Of course I remember and I understand Isha did this, but I was fancying my future and betting some chips early. Don't worry, I won't waste all my efforts. , No matter you or me."

"Knowing the best, but occasionally relaxing is not a bad thing." Ling Pai patted him on the shoulder and said: "Come on, I'll let you arrange a small banquet for you."

Seeing the unnatural movement, Paul sighed: "You don't know, not many people dare to slap me on the shoulder now."

Zero took a few more shots and said, "Then I have to take a few more shots now, so that I can brag to people in the future that I also patted the shoulders of His Royal Highness from the Western Continent."

"Stop laughing at me."

After Paul finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh. Only in Zero would he not have to wear the pope's mask. After all, he is only a young man, but the age and environment force him to become an old accident.

At nightfall, in the city hall, Ling held a small banquet for the arrival of Richard, Paul and others. The banquet was full of familiar faces, and everyone was not so restrained. Richard has caught Cayton and Franklin and the men are fighting for wine, while Isabel is talking with Leah and Cinderella. Yura also let Zero bring over. The girl didn't want to participate, but Zero encouraged her to come over. This was Yura's first step to change her destiny, and it was very important.

At the banquet, Ling introduced Yura to Paul and Isabel. Although Zero did not explicitly state, which of the two of them was not a fine character, since they had to be introduced by Zero, they would remember Yura even if they were ordinary. When Isabel heard that Zero intends to cultivate this girl, she even said that she could arrange one or two mentors for Yula.

The background of the Brotherhood is very clear, and the mentor who can make Isabel know it will naturally not be too bad. Now she hugs Paul's thigh, she is also a person on her side, and Zero doesn't have to worry about Isabel trying to use Yola to throw any tricks. In such a situation, Isabel knows that such a trick is not only useless to zero, but will arouse his anger. It is not a smart person's approach.

So this matter is so settled, and Yu Jia will continue to live in Rock City for some time to come, and Isabel will send two mentors to guide Yula's related knowledge. The so-called knowledge includes fighting and firearms, which is important knowledge needed for survival in the new era!

Paul also said on the spot that if Yula wanted, she could go to Rome at any time. There, as long as Paul is there, she can be sheltered. Paul gave Yura a badge with a scepter pattern, which was a token and a promise.

After Yura was taken by Leah, Paul took a glass of wine and a zero toast, and then said: "This time, besides celebrating that you not only rescued Miss Cinderella, but also repelled Sauron's army. In fact, I still I want to ask you a question."

Zero took a sip of red wine and said, "Is it to determine the life and death of Sauron?"

"Yes." Paul nodded, eyes full of expectation.

"Before this, I want to introduce someone you know, please come with me, Your Highness." Ling put down his wine glass and led Paul out of the hall.

Paul was surprised and didn't know what medicine was sold in Zero Gourd.

"This person should be able to help you manage the rest of the Knights." Ling took Paul through the corridor and came to a remote room. Pushing the door and entering, there are already people waiting for them in the room.

"This is..." Paul looked at the man in front of him, wearing a mask, his eyes vicissitudes of life. Wearing a military-style long dress, just a simple combat posture, a soldier's breath came to his face.

"You're so old, little Alex." Hei Wing said in a mechanical voice.

Paul trembled all over and lost his voice: "Who are you and why do you know this name."

Black Wing bowed to Paul on one knee in the courtesy of a monarch: "The subordinates were incompetent, so that the rebels like Sauron usurped the throne and rebelled. As a result, the old Pope died tragically, and His Royal Highness held him hostage. But now, Sauron has been punishable, Your Highness. Not letting down the hope of the old Pope, forbearing for many years, and finally getting revenge today. The old Pope will be pleased to see what his Royal Highness has done in the sky!"

"Could it be..." Paul grabbed his shoulder and said excitedly, "Are you Uncle Anan?"

"It's me, Anan Shangge. However, that is already the previous name. Now His Highness can call me Black Wing."

"A...No, Black Wing, you are still alive." Paul quickly helped him up.

Hei Wing nodded and said, "Yes, Sauron didn't kill me, he just declared that I was dead. In fact, he imprisoned me in the City of Sin. His intention was to torture me, but in the end, he let me witness it. His death."

"Sauron is dead? Is this true?"

"It's true!"

Only then did Paul finally relax, although these days he knew that Zero had rescued Hindrella, and killed Adam and other heads, causing the Knights to withdraw. Logically speaking, since Zero came back, Sauron was absolutely unlucky. But without getting an accurate answer from him, Paul's heart is always hanging high. Now that Black Wing was sure, he was finally relieved.

Black Wing is persecuted by Sauron, and it is absolutely impossible for him to lie in this regard. As he was the former commander of the Knights, Paul naturally trusted his vision. Since he said that Sauron was dead, Sauron could not be alive!

"It's great, this way, I finally..." Paul said with a voice and looked at Ling with a wry smile: "No, there is one last obstacle that has not been cleared. Sauron's palace is still a mystery to us. place."

He nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will bring some people with you tomorrow to accompany you back to Rome. It's also time to meet him."

Paul was overjoyed at first, but stayed again when he heard the following words: "Do you know that person?"

"I can't talk about acquaintance, but I know that there is such a person. And he is the person I will face sooner or later. If I can't get past him and move on, then my end will be when I meet him." "This is a destiny that was destined in the morning. Between me and him, we are destined to live only one!"

Paul was shocked.

On the second day, Ling handed over the administration of Rock City to Franklin. Franklin is much better at dealing with these things than ever, not to mention that his two dozen compatriots are awakening, and Franklin needs to stay to take care of them. Ling brought Su and Ye Liu, except for those with abilities that belonged to his own system. It is conceivable that Gaia is at least a tenth-tier powerhouse, except that the ninth-tier is barely able to contend with it, but those with the eighth-level ability can only be used as cannon fodder.

So Hai Wei, Berion and others all left zero. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

In terms of pirates, only one Cinderella was qualified to go with him. As for the four of Mamiro, Mr. X, Yafidi and Blackwing, because they promised to Paul, they will return to the Knights' system to manage this army for him, so they are also among the colleagues.

In this way, a car and a few off-road vehicles quietly left Rock City with the most important people on this continent.

After a few days, Zero and they finally arrived in Rome.

This is the first time that Zero has visited this city, and when she remembers that her fateful enemy is in this city, Zero has an indescribable feeling. He is a clone artificially cultivated by Gaia's cells, but now, he has to collide head-on with the body to determine which one can continue to live. If it is the previous zero, no matter whether it is strength or will, I am afraid that this idea cannot be put into action.

But now it's different. Ling has more responsibilities and the obligation to continue living. Even if he is a clone of Gaia, he must fight for his own survival.

Now he is no longer living for himself!