War Lord

Chapter 785: Revolution

[Thanks to akb48ske8, Qunxingluo for your monthly pass support! ]

In the end, the blood sample from the Silver Hand was taken for testing. Paul just said that he did not lack the caution. In the afternoon, the report came out. Compared with the previous results taken from Sauron's hair, the DNA match between the two is 100%, which is exactly the same. Looking at this report, Paul fell silent.

The previous speculation has now become a reality, which means that the silver-haired man uses Sauron's genes to have a plan to occupy the entire city of Rome. Not to mention that Paul can't tolerate this kind of thing, and the wealthy and nobles, including Mendriza, can't sit back and watch this happen. If he supported Sauron in the past, it was only for profit. But if Gaia becomes the emperor behind the city of Rome, then these people will be no different from the pigs and sheep raised in captivity.

But before Paul had time to figure out what to do, there was another startling news from the Pope's Hall. Sauron personally ordered all the properties of the Mendriza family to be confiscated immediately. This time it was more absolute than treating Joseph's family. There was no excuse in the order, and some were just naked deprivation!

However, with the warning before zero, Mendrissa sensibly chose patience and silence. He gave up resistance, and an army appointed by Sauron marched into the family manor in the western suburbs of Rome, freezing and transferring all the assets under his name.

The officer in charge of carrying out this order looked bitter when he saw Mendrissa. He wanted to say something, but Mendrissa waved his hand and said, "Execute your order."

The officer lowered his voice and said, "Your Excellency, such an order is very inappropriate. Otherwise..."

"Don't say anything, as long as it's Lord Sauron's order, you should follow through to the end." Mendriza glanced at the two Silver Hands who were in charge of the supervision at the entrance of the manor. If this officer had any changes, they would definitely be caught by them. Thunder beheaded.

Now, it is not the time for conflict.

However, in the process, some small conflicts occurred. Several young people from the Kalki family were unwilling to be deprived of their property in this way, and had a dispute with the soldiers who were in charge of counting the property on the spot. One of them also drew a pistol, but before he could do it, there was a gunshot. The young man was shot in the forehead and lay on the ground with his eyes wide open.

It was not someone else who fired the gun, it was Mendriza. He looked at his tribe and said solemnly: "Whoever dares to disobey the order, this is the end!"

The young man is his nephew, but if Mendrissa does not kill him, the two silver hands at the door have a tendency to show their breath. Once let them start, I'm afraid that not only one nephew will die, but the whole family will suffer.

It was not until the evening that the Mendriza family was able to leave. All of them carried only simple clothes. In a day, they turned from rich nobles to commoners. Many people looked sad and indignant, and some women wept even more. Leaving this manor not only means that they will not be a nobleman in the future, but also that their past glory and dignity have been ruthlessly trampled on.

But if Mendriza didn't say a word, even if other people had opinions, they could only hide it in their hearts.

Outside the manor, the Oddson's house, who had heard the news, had sent someone to pick up Mendriza. He and some of his immediate family members will temporarily live in the Oudson's house. As for the members of the other families, they will be scattered to the city of Rome and be taken care of by several branches of the Karki family.

The destruction of the Joseph family, the fall of the Karki family. The three giants in the past, now only the Odson family is still supporting it alone, but everyone knows that as long as the Pope's hall orders it, the Oudson family may disappear at any time.

He took a deep look at the manor under the night and the family crest on the gate of the manor. Mendriza shook hands again, remembering the shame, and vowed to pay it back a hundredfold. Then he sat down in the Oudson's car and let the door isolate the two worlds, inside and outside.

In the car, the patriarch of the Oddson family was sitting with his eyes closed. Root is already a 60-year-old man. Originally, he planned to step down as the patriarch this year and be succeeded by his son Carlomon. But in the battle of Roaring Bay, Caromon died in battle, and Old Root had to stay in this position.

Mendriza sat down, and Old Rutte opened his eyes and said, "Perhaps, we can't continue to be silent."

"what do you mean?"

"While we still have a little resistance, it's best to let the adult in the Pope's hall feel our will. The destruction of the Joseph family is already a very serious incident. Now, even your Kalki family has been deprived of the title. And property is even more outrageous. I even suspect that early tomorrow morning, maybe I will become like you." Old Rutte said: "I am old, it doesn’t matter what I do. But I can’t let my own people ...... Renman fish meat!"

Mendrissa sighed: "Come with my Royal Highness the Pope, and... that gentleman. But Old Rutte, I have to remind you that the overall situation is important."

Old Rutte smiled: "A Caromon is not worth the entire Odson family. Don't worry, I know the importance of this matter. Besides, now, do you think I have other choices?"

"So much the better."

Under the calculation of the hologram above the city of Rome, the city has entered the dark night. The Black Blood Bar was not as brightly lit as usual. It looked a little dim. In the corner of the bar, there were some guests sitting in twos and threes. Or bow your head to sell drunk, or whisper to each other. A series of recent changes in the city of Rome, first Joseph's family was destroyed, and then Mendriza confiscated the property, who knows what Sauron will do next. Even the three big giants are like this, they are the people of mole crickets, they are not alive or dead.

"I really hope that the Poseidon Group will come over soon," a man who was half drunk suddenly said.

His companion hurriedly covered his mouth, and shouted in a low voice: "Are you going to die? You even said this."

Several of the drinkers nearby heard it, but they all pretended not to hear it. Today's city of Rome has been precarious, and Sauron's tyrannical coup has intensified. As the drunk said, they instead fought the so-called rebels, and the situation could not get worse anyway. What's more, I heard that the people in Rock City are living well, at least they don't need to stay in Rome for fear of not knowing what new orders will come the next day.

Today's city of Rome is panic.

Just below the Black Blood Bar, in Mendriza's secret stronghold. The small room was crowded with people, and not only were there today, even the old knights like Black Wing and Yafidi were also gathered together. Mendriza was also shocked when he opened the door with Root.

Paul stood up first and said to Mendrissa: "I didn't expect that he would do it so soon. I just discussed with Zero, and I think that person seems to have big moves next. And these actions should be aimed at. Some kind of biochemical experiment."

"Because he is accumulating money on a large scale in the name of Sauron?" Mendriza is also a wise man. When collecting the income and expenditure list of the Pope's Hall according to the zero theory, it was found that most of the expenses were used to purchase certain biological experiments. Special materials needed. Combined with the actions of the person in the Pope's Chamber now, his purpose is already apparent.

"Introduction to a few people, this is Rout, the patriarch of the Odson family..." Mendriza looked at zero: "It's also Caromon's father."

Petty looked at the old man with complicated eyes. He stood up and stretched out his hand and said, "Captain Caromon is a brave soldier. Even at the last moment, he never fell into the reputation of the captain!"

Old Rutte trembled, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Zero, and simply said, "Thank you."

"Why don't you say it straightforwardly, because of our different positions that day. We and Mr. Zero were indeed unhappy. Habes and Caromon could be said to have died indirectly at the hands of Mr. Zero. But on the battlefield, death and injury are inevitable. Now we are standing on the same side. Front, I hope that there will be no more grudges between each other, so as not to affect everyone’s cooperation. I hereby declare that Habes’s hatred has been crossed. Now here is not a father who cherishes his son, but for recovery. A hero of Rome," Mendriza said, and looked at Rutte.

Root closed his eyes, his body trembling slightly. It took a long time to say: "If Caromon were here, he wouldn't want to see a father who would ignore the overall situation for personal vengeance. So, I agree with Mendriza."

"This is really great." Paul said sincerely. At first, he was worried about the hatred of the Zero and Mendrisas. After all, Habes and Caromon, the two talents who were regarded as the heirs of the family, died in the hands of Zero. Fortunately, Gaia broke the bottom line between the giants, trampled on their principles and dignity, and instead forced them to incline. The other side of zero.

Compared with private enmity, the family is obviously more important than a son. This is the driving force for the Mendriza family and Zero to resolve hatred.

"I won't say any more. In short, since the person in the Pope's hall is eager to conduct some kind of experiment. Then it will certainly not be a good thing, so His Royal Highness, it's time to start a revolution." Paul said indifferently.

Paul nodded and said, "I will contact some officers of the Knights. Since the city of Rock came back, the army is still under the management of Sauron in name. But Sauron ignored them and even left them idle. People are chilling. They still trust me now. In addition to the events of the past few days, some people in the Knights have already revealed their anxiety and anger to me."

"At this point, Old Rutte and I can also help. After all, our two families still have contacts in the military. And some of the collaterals of Joseph's family are also anxious to avenge the master's family. I will contact the members of the department, and Old Rutte will be in charge of some other people in the army.” Mendrissa suggested.

For this proposal, Old Rutte did not object.

Zero nodded and said: "Then let's study how to deal with those silver hands. High-level, naturally we have to handle it."

The matter was so set, Paul and the others left, and the Zero Sum people remained in the room. He asked Ye Liu to come out and tell everyone about the battle with the three genetic warriors on Victoria Island that day. Ye Liu nodded, and cooperated with Hai Wei, and Hai Wei held the two genetic warriors first, and he gave priority to solving one. Then he went back, and finally said briefly the process of defeating the three of them one by one.

Ye Liu emphasized: "These so-called genetic warriors do have the level of ninth rank. But fighting is another matter. They give me the feeling that they are mechanical and precise. But here is very unintelligible..."

The girl nodded her head: "Three rice buckets that can only fight according to the procedure, and it takes a while to kill."

"In other words, they don’t have enough combat experience. They also lack adaptability. If you are of the same rank, such as Kaede and Soto, it should not be difficult to deal with them. But after all, they are rank 9 and they are just pure rank suppression. , Can't be ignored." Ling took a piece of paper and wrote down everyone's names. Then the three names of Su, Feng and Ye Liu said in a circle: "Feng and Ye Liu, each dealing with a Silver Hand, should be able to end the battle within 10 minutes."

"10 minutes...too much, head." Feng said with a smile: "If I use my full strength, the wood-like guy can survive for 1 minute, it's already very remarkable."

Nodded, the others disapproved. Of course, given the strength of the ninth-order great sword master on Feng's surface, such a statement is indeed suspected of bragging. But Zero knew that if the restrictions were lifted and the ability of God's Hand was used, a Silver Hand would really not be enough to see.

So he re-adjusted, put a number "2" on Su and Feng's name, and said, "Then, you and Su each deal with two Silver Hands."

This is the number of kills allocated by the three ninth ranks of the party, but the three of them have divided the five silver hands. Next, the next-level masters are Black Wing, Yafidi, Mamiro and Mr. X. As for Hindrella, she is also Tier 9, but her ability will be greatly reduced in this kind of mountainside environment. If it is at sea, Hindrella's full play is infinitely close to Tier 10. But in the belly of the mountain, Ling only classified her as an ordinary eighth rank.

Of course, even Tier 8 is slightly better than Black Wing and the others.

The five of them were assigned to three silver hands. Zero doesn't want them to fight alone, but to cooperate with each other, using the silver hand's lack of combat experience and resilience to overcome them. Speaking of cooperation, Mamiro and Mr. X, their old colleagues, cooperated quite tacitly during the battle of Rock City. Black Wing and Yafidi are another pair of candidates for cooperation. Both of them are composed and calm, and they should work together.

The last Cinderella, she doesn't need to kill the enemy, as long as she can hold one person, wait for any of the other two pairs to complete the goal first, and then return to assist her, then she can successfully complete the task.

According to information given by Paul, there are ten people in the Silver Hand. In this way, of course the remaining two silver hands were handed over to Zero himself to greet.

So everyone's goals and tasks were finalized, and the next step was to wait for Paul and the others to determine the day of action. Zero knew that it would not be long, and within three days at the latest, the city of Rome would set off the biggest revolutionary storm in history.

After leaving the stronghold, Zero and Cinderella returned to a house arranged by Mendriza for the two of them. The house was originally a residential house, which is only one street away from the slums of Rome. Dirty and a mixture of dragons and snakes are synonymous with this place, and even the soldiers of the Knights rarely come here. Therefore, they live here and the chance of being discovered is very low.

What's more, there was Mendriza who played cover for them. Although they are no longer rich and powerful, but for a while, the network and prestige are still there, and it is not a problem to conceal the existence of a few people.

Zero stood on the balcony, looking at the direction of the Pope's Hall. Over there, he could faintly feel a cloud of deep darkness like a black hole. The darkness is like a quagmire, it will swallow everything that can be touched. At the very center of the darkness, Ling knew that Gaia was there and knew that he was already in the city.

So Mendriza’s cover is actually unnecessary, because now the real owner of the Pope’s Hall is Gaia, not Sauron. If Gaia were to kill him, he would be attacked as soon as he entered the city that day.

But Gaia didn't move, but he worried even more, because he couldn't figure out what the man wanted to do?

The unknown is the most worrying, and zero is no exception.

"What are you thinking about?"

Cinderella's surprisingly elastic body was attached, and Zero could feel that her temperature was rising and the secretion of hormones intensified, which was the performance of the creature in estrus. Sure enough, Cinderella pulled Ling back into the room, and then rotated around in the dim light, so the clothes on her body were scattered all over the floor like an invisible hand, revealing a charming body.

With a smile, he pushed Zero onto the bed, and Hindrella pressed it up. She untied Zero's clothes skillfully, and then kissed Zero's body all the way down. Soon, Zero entered a damp and warm place, and under Cinderella's strong body language, he could no longer be distracted from thinking about other things. So the suppression and being suppressed were repeated in this attic until late at night, the two men lay exhausted on the bed, not even wanting to move a finger.

"Are you thinking about attacking the Pope's Hall?" Hindrella asked with her long legs pressed against Zero's body, her head resting on his arm.

Zero hand fiddled with her hair ~lightnovelpub.net~ and said: "In fact, in the next battle, it is not the silver hand that makes people worry, but... that person."

"that person?"

"Yes, his name is Gaia. He... very strong, very strong." Zero Heavy said: "So strong, even I am not sure of winning."

"...I still, this is the first time I heard you say that." Hindrella hugged him and said: "It doesn't matter, if you can't win by yourself, there are all of us. You are not fighting alone."

"No..." Ling shook his head: "He is different from those other guys. How to say, he is my destined enemy. If I want to continue walking, I have to defeat him alone."

"Why do you have to do it yourself, don't you trust us?" Hindrella rode on Zero's body, holding his face.

Zero wry smile: "Because of my relationship with him, and I know, he will definitely not disturb the fight. Even if you want to intervene, he will have a way to throw you off the stage. Therefore, he is my must An opponent to deal with alone!"

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