War Lord

Chapter 792: Gene Warrior

"Sauron!" Xifeng couldn't help but exclaimed: "Why are you here!"

When invading the command center before, West Wind clearly saw that Sauron was on the square, standing there as if to welcome the arrival of Zero. And Sauron was wearing the uniform of the commander of the Knights, instead of the current cloak, which looked like a tight-fitting tactical suit.

The man did not answer, and at this moment, the remaining dozen assassins rushed over from all directions. On his expressionless face, only his eyes remained cold. He suddenly jumped up, his legs stretched out, and suddenly he rotated a circle to pull out a circular vacuum chopping wave.

It was Sauron's other ability, the full moon. Rotating both feet at high speed releases a spreading vacuum wave, which has the characteristics of large-scale damage, but the relative power is dispersed, and the power is slightly weaker than ordinary vacuum choppers. But Xifeng felt that the full moon cut released by the man in front of him was domineering and did not have the characteristics of power decomposition.

He suddenly slashed, and then discovered that this seemingly complete Moon Slash was actually made up of countless dense vacuum slashes. As soon as he discovered this secret, he knew that the killer of the dark side was over. West Wind gritted his teeth, ignoring his companions, and immediately rushed towards the vent on the sky. But there was a strange scream in the command center, and the Moon Slash suddenly shattered at the moment when it swept through the many assassins, turning into countless fine vacuum slashes and shattering the assassin's body.

Blood waves are everywhere.

The killers kept dropping in mid-air, and the blood spurted from the wound was like a burst of blood in the command center.

The man stood in the rain of blood, his head and shoulders were covered with blood red.

He stood still.

The corpses kept falling to the ground, and the killers were dead with their eyes wide open. The man raised his head, and there was light flashing in the pupils of his eyes, as if sending out a set of signals. In fact, it is a way to communicate with your peers. If translated into human language, it would be: "A mouse has escaped, No. 2, he will go to your position and stop him!"

The west wind was moving in the ventilation duct. Before the invasion, he was familiar with the direction of the duct nearby. Knowing which pipeline could escape the base, the guy who was exactly like Sauron, Xifeng asked himself not to be an opponent, not to mention that his mission was mostly completed. The base's command system has collapsed, and whether it can cause greater chaos is already a matter of insignificance.

The most important thing now is to escape here.

As long as there are such guys wandering in the base, then this empty base is not as weakly defensive as imagined.

At this time, West Wind had already left the command center. Below him was the corridor of the base. When passing a three-way junction, West Wind suddenly became cold all over his body, every hair was erected, and his pupils suddenly expanded. It was a sense of crisis. At this time, he finally showed the qualities of a high-level killer. As the crisis approached, West Wind did not act instead, but tried to constrict his body and stick it to the pipe wall.

At the same time, it reduces the speed of one's heartbeat, controls the speed of blood flow and even body temperature and all life information. When all the information was reduced to the same time as the dead thing, at this time, the sound of footsteps in the passage below, and then a personal shadow appeared in the middle of a fork.

It was another man in a cloak.

Xifeng just glanced at it to be sure that Sauron's face was also in the hat.

And the cloak on this body is very clean, the hat has not been damaged, and it is clearly not the same person in the command center.

Damn, what is going on? Could it be that Sauron cloned himself? West Wind thought.

At this moment, the man in the cloak suddenly looked up in his direction.

In an instant, Xifeng knew that he had found himself.

But I have collected all life information, how did he do it? Unless, he is not using the conventional induction mode! West wind set off a stormy sea in his heart.

The so-called conventional induction mode is the mode used by the instrument or ability person to respond to life. For example, the life detector of the old age is the simplest life sensing mode. However, today's technology or ability can more finely distinguish whether the life reaction belongs to humans or mice. Westwind's concealment method is aimed at this technology, reducing his life response to a mouse, or even a lower level, in order to hide the perception of the instrument or the capable person.

But even so, still can't hide the feeling of the man below. To be able to do this, it is obvious that the other party uses a sensing mode that West Wind does not know. In this way, West Wind’s hiding becomes a joke. It's like a person wrapped in a cardboard box thinking that others will only treat themselves as a cardboard box, but in fact, others see the feet protruding from under the cardboard box so ridiculous.

Almost at the moment when the opponent raised his head, West Wind had already acted. He sprinted forward at the fastest speed in his life, it was almost a life instinct. A fierce vacuum cut fell on his position just now, cutting a hole in the passage, and cutting off the wires in the pipe wall. The broken wires release tiny electric snakes, leaving bright electric fires in the air.

The ventilation duct is not conducive to movement, and it restricts the position of the westerly wind. West Wind also understood this, so after escaping, he quickly jumped from another vent not far in front. While falling, he waved his hands repeatedly, and a short knife quenched with biological poison was pierced towards the man's back from his waist. Each short knife is wrapped with a faint energy field, which makes the short knife have the property of neutralizing the opponent's defense field.

The man in the cloak seemed to be afraid of these short knives, but in fact, Xifeng knew that what he was afraid of was actually the biological toxins on the knives. In other words, these guys of unknown origin are at least biological in nature. This is undoubtedly good news, as long as it is a creature, it can be killed, but the difficulty is different. But it was better than unknown. Once it was confirmed that the opponent was still in the biological category, Xifeng recovered his calm.

Without going to see the results of the short knife, he turned around and ran.

There was a tinkling sound behind him, which was the sound of a short knife hitting the metal wall of the passage. Then there was a sound of breaking through the air, and the West Wind didn't need to look back, knowing that the Cloak Man had caught up. West Wind suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped a palm into the surrounding space while flying by himself. This seemingly meaningless action was a kind of ability of West Wind.

The hidden thorn is an ability in the form of a trap. It can place undetectable energy spikes all around, and can only be released under the will of the capable person, or wait for the opponent to actively contact the activation. The attack power of each hidden thorn is not high, but their number can be a lot. A palm like West Wind can lay at least ten hidden thorns.

When he passed a distance of nearly ten meters, there were hundreds of such invisible thorns in that space.

The west wind stood still and turned around. Seeing the cloak man enter the range of the trap, he was about to activate the trap, but the cloak man suddenly stood still. In the sight of West Wind, he could see his hidden thorn. I saw that the position of the cloak man happened to be in the gap of the trap cluster. If he moved a few centimeters forward just now, all the hidden thorns would be activated.

"You'd better stand still and answer my question." Xifeng said coldly: "What the **** are you? Are you a clone of Sauron?"

In the cloak, there seemed to be a flash of light in the opponent's eyes, and then his power suddenly increased.

"Damn it!"

Obviously, the other party refused to negotiate, and the attack was on. The west wind activated the hidden thorn without hesitation, so the energy spikes glowing with blue and white color came out out of thin air, like a poisonous snake showing its hideous fangs, and then launched a fatal bite at the target!

But when nearly a hundred hidden thorns came to him, the cloak man kicked a translucent energy wave towards the west wind.

Vacuum cut!

Xifeng just wanted to evade, but this vacuum cut exploded ahead of time. In the explosion, countless fine vacuum jets cut West Wind's body like knives. The moment the west wind blew up, he immediately hugged him to reduce the attack surface. But even so, the finely divided vacuum jet is still cut to perfection, but fortunately it didn't hurt the vitals.

On the other hand, the situation of the cloak man is not optimistic. All the hidden thorns were nailed to his unsuspecting body, and then they exploded. Continuous explosions, energy shocks and collisions produce greater shock damage. The cloak on the man's cloak exploded into thousands of butterflies. When the explosion was over, it turned out that another man with a Sauron face came out of the dust and smoke of the explosion.

There were wounds all over his body, but there was no expression on his face, he just glanced at an elevator entrance that was about to close at the end of the passage in front of him. Then he swept away suddenly, reached out and inserted his hand into the elevator door that was about to be closed, then pulled it alive from both sides, and then stepped into the elevator.

There was no one in the elevator, but there was wind blowing from overhead. Looking up, a vent on the top of the elevator had been taken away. The man jumped up and came to the elevator shaft. Looking around, there was no sign of West Wind. His eyes began to change color, but he was adjusting his perception mode. At this time, a communication from a companion was sent: "Sauron is looking for us, first go to the No. 1 lounge to gather."

Without hesitation, he gave up looking for the west wind, jumped back to the elevator, and left from the corridor outside.

On the outside wall of the elevator barn, the west wind was hanging there like a spider. It was only a few minutes before that person would be aware of it. After sensing that his breath was far away, Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a lot of escape from the sky. He simply slid down the elevator cable to the lower floor, opened the closed elevator door, and looked into the brightly lit corridor. There were guards patrolling the snow-white corridors, not like the guards sent to the front line like the upper base. At this moment, is there anything on this floor that needs guards to take care of?

Westerly looked at the timing and flashed into the corridor. Tianhao, a guard turned in from the corner, and saw that the west wind couldn't react, and the cold in his belly had let the west wind penetrate into his body with a palm. After killing the guard, West Wind quickly dragged him to a utility room beside the corridor. After changing into his uniform, he opened the elevator door and threw the guard's body directly into the elevator shaft.

After doing all this, Xifeng has transformed into a guard named Feng. Fortunately, these guards are equipped with tactical helmets, with functions such as motion capture and communication, and also play a role in disguising the appearance of the West. Westerly walked stumblingly on the corridor, bumped into a few guards head-on, and only looked at his badge.

As West Wind passed a corridor, he glanced at the base plan hung on it. Make sure you are in the outer area of ​​this base, this area is marked in green. The central area is a large area of ​​red. Obviously, there is a place that requires high-level security. The West Wind took the plan in mind, and then walked towards the central area.

At the same time, in the base on the upper floor, three cloakers came to the No. 1 lounge. One of them was still covered in the cloak, but the other two had their caps cracked, and the cloak was stained with blood. It was obviously the man who intercepted the dark side killer in the command center. The last one, naturally, was the one who prevented the westerly wind but failed.

The third cloak took off his hat, and Sauron's face was still the same. He took out three iron masks in a metal cabinet. The masks only exposed a pair of eyes and nostrils. The other parts were smooth steel without any logo.

"What's this, number 3?" The man in the command center sent out an inquiring message.

"The master said, our appearance is still useful, we can't be exposed too early. So he prepared these things, and once Sauron needs us to fight, he will wear them." No. 3 replied in an inorganic tone.

"But a mouse has already seen me and No.1." said the man who blocked the west wind.

"It's okay, No. 2. After we give priority to Sauron's request, we will hunt down the mouse. Okay, Sauron is already impatient, put it on, and then go out." No. 3 picked up one of the masks and pointed to herself The face is buckled.

On the outside of the mask is an ordinary steel plate, but on the inside there is an indistinguishable thin film made of soluble materials. They can produce acidic substances, and while corroding the face of No. 3, they also completely fuse the mask with his skin and flesh. Even if someone takes off the mask after the death in battle, you will only see a **** face.

When No. 3 pressed the mask on his face, a "sizzling" sound rang, and blood continuously flowed out from under the mask. No. 3 trembles constantly, indicating that he has pain nerves just like other creatures. It was just that he didn't scream, until the acid in the inner layer of the mask was released, he took off the cloak and used it to wipe the blood from the chin.

No. 1 and No. 2 did the same. After wearing the mask, the strange face disappeared. The eyes of the three people flickered, and they nodded at the same time, and then left towards the entrance of the hall.

On the square of the military base, Sauron stood upright. Behind him are soldiers lined up. These soldiers are not so much his escorts as they are Sauron's guard of honor. They wore well-groomed military uniforms, with their collars glamorously standing behind Sauron. The most important role was to set off Sauron's majesty, not their own combat effectiveness.

Sauron looked at the direction of the gate, and he could feel that Zero was coming towards this place, and he also brought two helpers with good combat effectiveness. Zero didn't conceal his aura at all. After the stunning blow that smashed the entire captain from the sea, he openly released his power, as if telling Sauron his certain determination.

Therefore, Sauron can clearly grasp the position of zero even if he did not deliberately sense it.

Now, he is coming towards the base. He will show up in a few minutes at most.

These slow guys...

Sauron glanced at the building behind the base. He had indeed notified the three genetic warriors Gaia had given him to come over, but they did not show up immediately, which made Sauron a little dissatisfied. But considering that they are Gaia's toys and Sauron is not their master, there seems to be no standpoint to express his dissatisfaction.

The genetic warrior was a gift from Gaia before he set off. Gaia personally told him that it was a warrior shaped by the genes of many people, including him. The genetic warrior possesses a high-level level, although Gaia only gave him three, but it is also a huge combat power. But thinking that these guys actually had their own genes, Sauron felt sick as if he had eaten a mouse.

What he didn't know was that Gaia concealed it a little bit. From beginning to end, he was the only one of the capable genetics used by the genetic warrior. But these guys don't need to sleep or eat when they set off, they are as weird as the living dead. Sauron didn't like them, but now, he must borrow their power.

Of course, Zero had to greet him personally, while the other two high-ranks were left for the hospitality of the three genetic warriors. Sauron doesn't have any principle of fair decisive battle. If the three genetic warriors solve the helper brought by Zero in advance, then Sauron doesn't mind that they help themselves deal with Zero together.

Sanction this **** who has repeatedly made a fool of himself!

Footsteps sounded behind him, without turning his head, Sauron knew that the genetic warrior was coming. Because their energy breath is always so mechanical, there has never been a slight fluctuation ~lightnovelpub.net~ Even the footsteps are as precise as machinery. Obviously there are three people, but they stepped on the same voice.

"My lord, follow your orders, we are here." said a genetic warrior walking in front.

Sauron turned his head and wanted to say, "You are too slow." When he saw the masks on the faces of the three of them, he swallowed his words back into his stomach and became: "So you are all wearing masks."

"Yes, the master said, our appearance is too ugly, it is better to wear a mask."

Sauron noticed that there was an Arabic number 1 on the left side of his mask, and nodded: "You are number 1."

"Yes, my lord. The next two are No. 2 and No. 3."

"Very well, you will entertain some guests later, I hope you can send them to hell, just treat it as a gift for me."

No. 1 said in a deep voice: "As you wish!"

While they were talking, there was a faint gunshot from the front of the military base, and Sauron said excitedly: "They are here, our guest."