War Lord

Chapter 794: Return

[Thanks to Potian Zhanyue for your monthly pass support! Wisdom teeth seem to be inflamed today, the swelling and pain are severe, the egg hurts tt]

Since the battle, Gaia and Zero's state are close to their limits. Whether it is energy consumption or traumatic trauma, the two are almost the same. But in general, zero is relatively at a disadvantage, and the fundamental reason lies in the form of life.

Zero still maintains the form of a creature, even if he has evolved several levels compared to ordinary creatures, he still hasn't escaped from the scope of creatures. One arm was broken, and there were three empty energy stones left, and the consumption of physical energy fell to the bottom. Just standing in this way, he had already panted violently. Looking at Gaia again, he seems to be worse than zero. He doesn't have a hand or a leg, but he has been completely energized, and his physical trauma has little effect on him.

If it hadn't been Ronginus who had attacked him, he had caused damage from the root and could not be repaired. Otherwise, as long as the energy is still there, Gaia will be able to regenerate in an infinite instant. But even at this moment, the energy aura on his body is still relatively strong. After all, in the energy form, he can absorb space energy faster than the zero biological form.

By this time the two had revealed their cards, and Longinus, who was zero, had even shot out the bullets, and Gaia had no threat in his eyes.

"So, this battle can be over." Gaia said in a low voice.

Zero inhaled for a long time and straightened his body and said, "It's over? Isn't it too early, I'm still standing..."

"Soon, you will fall!"

Gaia's whole body lit up, and in the end, a blue sun rose in the dining room. Gaia turned into light, and the mercury rushed toward zero! How sloppy the light is, Gaia's remaining hand has been deeply pierced into Zero's chest before the consciousness has not reacted. It wasn't until about half a second that Zero reacted. There was something hot in his chest, which kept tearing apart muscles and nerves, and finally touched the crystal nucleus that replaced the heart.

The outer wall of the crystal nucleus can already be felt, but under Gaia's finger, this little bit of solidity can't cause any obstacles. He stuck a face to Zero's ear and said, "Goodbye, Zero!"

Then push your fingers into the crystal nucleus hard!

The whole body was shocked, and his pupils dilated. But then there was a calm smile on his face: "This is also what I want to say."

When Gaia came over without knowing it, there was a pain in his chest!

He lowered his head and saw that there was something more between himself and Zero. It was a silver-white short knife, and there was even an unusually gorgeous golden pattern painted on the surface of the knife. It pierced Gaia's chest deeply, and as the blade vibrated sharply under Zero's special technique, the blade flashed from left to right, and it cut Gaia in two!

Gaia was still in Zero's chest, and in this short moment, he realized that he had slipped to the edge of death. Death is a new word for him, because Gaia never thought that he would die. But now, he did feel the power of death.

That knife has the same power of destructive root as Longinus, and it has successfully cut off most of the root of Gaia's maintenance. Will die, this is Gaia's first thought. Then the thought that passed by was to die together!

The arms in Ling's body slammed forward, pointed like a knife, and smoothly split the crystal nucleus, reaching its depths. As long as it passes through the other side of the crystal nucleus, it can completely destroy zero, an important organ. The crystal nucleus is destroyed, even if there is a memory group, Gaia believes that it will not save zero lives.

At this moment, he felt a trace of ice-like loneliness. They are the unique super beings on this planet. They could have gone further, but now they both fall here. But at the level of Gaia, the action will not stop due to a momentary weakness of will. However, when Gaia's arm passed through the crystal nucleus, he suddenly couldn't feel the presence of his fingers.

It is as if there is another space in the crystal nucleus, and the arm has passed through two different spaces. Gaia pulled back his arm fiercely, bringing out a lot of blood. Zero staggered back, and a fist-sized gap appeared in his chest. The place where Gaia's arm penetrated, the body was completely annihilated. From the outside, you can even see Zero's pierced crystal nucleus, and a large piece of gray-white flame is continuously spraying out from the cracks in the crystal nucleus.

That is the power of nothingness!

That day, he fought Leo decisively in the Well of Gods Cry, and was eventually blown into Zero by Leo's self-explosion into the abyss. After waking up, he found that there was still nothingness power preserved. And this time it's a permanent preservation, not a constant decline like in the past. Zero captured it, sealed this power into the crystal core, and then started the brain-dividing model to analyze it, in order to analyze the secret of nothingness.

The analysis process is still less than one-third, but when Gaia's finger pierced the crystal core, the force of the emptiness that has been in a stable state seems to be stimulated and attacked on its own. Right now Gaia's palms are all white, and this gray is still spreading. Gaia was frightened and angry, constantly urging the remaining energy to expel the force of nothingness, but this force faithfully performed its duty of leading things to nothingness.

Gaia was hit twice at the same time, and he will eventually return to nothingness and there is no suspense. Zero retreated to the corner of the wall, and then sat down as if losing all his strength, panting hard and looking at Gaia who was still floating in the air. He only left the part above his chest, and even this small half of his body was gradually annihilated under the influence of nothingness.

It's just that the progress of the nihilization is not as fast as before. This is related to the limited power stored in the zero crystal nucleus and Gaia's current energized form. But Gaia also reached the point of lingering and panting. He finally returned to peace and looked towards Zero with the unenergetic golden pupil: "Unexpectedly, it will end like this in the end."

Nodded, said with difficulty: "It seems that my hands are better than you."

"Indeed, it turns out that Longinus's real ability is not in bullets, but in itself. If you knew it had the ability to freely change shapes, then I wouldn't be confused by the shape of your revolver." Gaia said lightly.

"Unfortunately, there is no such thing as fate."

"You are right, zero. Originally, I thought that as a body of me, I would never lose to your clone. But the facts have proved that your luck is above me. In the end, the world chose you. Gaia said solemnly: "From today, you will be the only one!"

"So, zero... don't lose to fate!" Gaia said this, suddenly speeding up the annihilation. Pieces of blue light spread, and his remaining body quickly returned to nothingness. But the golden pupil was getting brighter and brighter, and finally turned into a golden light lasing towards Zero, landing on Zero's feet.

As for Gaia, it disappeared completely. But Zero felt it, and Gaia exhausted the last energy, letting the other god's eye break away from his body, thus escaping the fate of returning to nothingness. This man who was unwilling to be the body of the planet's will eventually remained under the chessboard of the times, leaving behind a chess piece full of variables.

Looking at the God's Eye falling beside him, Ling gave a wry smile and stretched out his hand to hold it. He knew that most of Gaia's genes and a lot of ability information must be sealed in it. Gaia finally saved it, naturally hoping that Zero will make up for himself further through it. Zero picked it up, opened his mouth and threw it in. As soon as the Eye of God fell into Zero's mouth, it immediately turned into a golden liquid and flowed into the esophagus.

The next moment, Ling was exuding an astonishing high fever, but Ling himself fell into a coma. This is a time when he has never been vulnerable, I am afraid that even an ordinary pistol can kill him.

The war is over.

Whether it's zero-sum Gaia or the war in Rome. When the first light of dawn shone on the endless wilderness, everything had returned to silence. In Rome, flames were still rising, and the afterglows of war appeared in some corners of the city. The Knights are extinguishing these flames and trying to restore order after the war.

The entire Pope’s Hall has become a thing of the past. From the square to the main building complex at the rear, more than 80% of the area was damaged. This is a huge destruction that the city of Rome has never suffered since its establishment. If you want to restore the Pope's Hall, you can't do it in less than five or six months. It is not only the Pope’s hall that is damaged, but several blocks affected by the war are almost turned into rubble, and the corpses of both the enemy and the enemy can be seen everywhere. Or lying on the street, or buried in gravel.

After this battle, the Knights were reduced by 70%, leaving only less than 300 people. However, the casualty rate of Sauron's private army was as high as 90%. They have been imprisoned and are currently guarded by Mendriza’s men.

The most important thing is that all members of the Silver Hand died in battle. There were as many as 21 people in this batch of biochemical warriors who cloned the Sauron gene, but in the end they could not escape the fate of being killed. However, this battle was also an arduous battle for Su and Feng who followed the Zero South and North War. These two ninth tiers reached the end, regardless of whether it was Su and Feng’s Tang Dao. Become scrap iron.

Even so, the two were both injured and fell into a coma directly after the battle. No matter what, the result of victory will be won, but at the same time of victory, it is often accompanied by a huge price.

At the last moment of the battle, when there were only two people left in the Silver Hand, both of them blew themselves up. Once the two Tier 9 blew themselves, I am afraid that the entire city of Rome will be affected. At this time, Mr. X and Mami Luo did not hesitate to use their bodies to block most of the power of self-detonation, making the explosion suppressed in one block.

But afterwards, the two bodies did not even leave any fragments. In the end, Paul could only raise the flag of mourning in the square after the war to mourn the heroes who died in the war.

After three days, Su and other talents finally regained consciousness. Except that the body is still not fully healed, the spirit is good. However, there is still a problem entrenched in everyone's mind like a dark cloud, that is, zero has not returned. In the end, not only Cinderella but even the few people could not sit still, and decided to go out of the city to find the remains of Zero.

Paul also joined them, and after entrusting Mendriza to deal with some matters in Rome, the young pope drove himself and left Rome with Cinderella and others. Black Wing was also among them. He was an expert in tracking. With some clues left by Zero and Gaia outside the city that day, he finally found the city where the battle was decisive.

When they saw the city on a hill, everyone was stunned. Several blocks of the city were completely converted into ruins, and there were traces of the explosion everywhere. The whole city is full of the smell of death. The silence stems from the battlefield that left a huge black class in the city. After the battle between Gaia and Zero, too much destructive energy remained. If there is no targeted purification technology for these energy, it will take a long time to complete the purification by itself.

And such time is usually measured in hundred years.

Facing a completely dead city, even Black Wing, who is good at perception, can't sense any fluctuations in life in the city. Everyone can only use the most stupid method, which is to separate into the ruins to find.

Cinderella went all the way alone, along the damaged block, stepped on the gravel, and finally came to the playground where Zero and Gaia were fighting that day. Looking at the collapsed Ferris wheel, the fragmented merry-go-round, and the traces of too many battles, Hindrella can imagine how fierce the battle was at that time.

"Zero, are you here?" she yelled. On the way here, I didn't know how many times I had called such calls, but no one answered her every time.

This time is no exception.

Cinderella sighed, and when he was about to find another place, his eyes passed inadvertently in front of a restaurant. Suddenly the heart beat hard, Cinderella's eyes widened, she could feel it.

Although there is no sign, she intuitively tells her that Zero is there.

Cinderella ran in, and sure enough, she saw Zero in the corner of the restaurant. Zero missing an arm, leaning against the corner, as if sleeping. He was covered with a thin layer of dust, and his chest was not undulating, like a corpse.

"No, no..." Hindrella's vision was blurred, she shook her head and ran over. He stretched out his trembling fingers and put them under Zero's nose, but the fingers couldn't feel the slightest breath.

"No, this is not true." Hindrella put her head on Zero's chest again, where there was still no pulsation of life.

All signs indicate that Zero is dead!

"No! I don't believe it, it's a lie! It's a lie!" Hindrella yelled. Excited, energy overflowed uncontrollably, shaking the surrounding walls and objects.

She put the zero on the ground, artificial respiration, and beat his heart with her hands. When Su and the others noticed the violent energy fluctuations of Hindrella and rushed there, they saw that she was doing something in vain. Su Ji people were also silent, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed at this moment. They looked at Zero who was sleeping quietly, and they also didn't want to believe that life had left this man.

Coming with Zero, they have forgotten how many desperate situations they have gone through together with him. Obviously, this time zero can no longer be crossed. However, for Su or Feng, this ending didn't feel too surprising. After all, they also felt the power that Gaia showed that day. Although Zero had become very strong, there was still some distance from Gaia.

They only hope that Zero can also perform miracles this time, but now it seems that the **** of luck no longer cares for him.

"He's gone." Hei Yi walked over, reaching out and tapping on Hindrella's shoulder: "I can feel it, Mr. Zero... there is no sign of life on his body."

"No!" Cinderella slapped Black Wing's hand and shouted: "He is still alive. How could a person like him die like this? No, Zero won't just leave like this!"

Seeing her constantly beating Zero's chest, everyone felt uncomfortable. Even Ye Liu, a girl who had always been expressionless, was biting her lip tightly at this moment. If Hai Wei were here, I'm afraid she would have already burst into tears. Black Wing couldn't stand it, stretched out his hand to pull Hindrella away, but was knocked away by her. Cinderella looked at Zero and murmured: "Get up, get up, Zero. Don't sleep, you..."

"When will I go to bed!" she yelled, and thumped it hard to Zero's chest.

This is the final vent.

But at this moment, everyone felt strange and unspeakable. A faint, but very tough, vitality suddenly appeared on this dead and silent land, and the new shoots that seemed to break through the ground, although the young aunt, were full of vitality.

Hindrella slowly raised his head, and saw that Ling had already sat up. The man propped on the ground with one hand, a warm smile overflowed on his face: "Good morning..."

"Idiot, it's almost evening!" Hindrella said, and then slammed into Zero's arms.

Ling Zhi hit her and lay on the ground. Before she could speak, her mouth was sealed. Hindrella exhausted all his strength to kiss him, and at this moment, his words seemed pale and weak.

Watching the two kissing, Paul made a gesture and smiled and walked out of the restaurant. Others also filed away, leaving this small space for both of them.

After about ten minutes, Ling Cai and Hindrella left the restaurant. He smiled faintly: "It makes everyone worried."

"You're fine~lightnovelpub.net~Where is that person?" Paul asked.

"Has...completely disappeared." Zero whispered. Until now, the picture before Gaia dissipated still lingered in his mind.

"Disappear, that's really..." Paul suddenly said "Huh", "Zero, your left eye?"

At this time, everyone noticed that Zero's left eye was now the same color as golden. Together with the original right eye, now Zero has a pair of gold-like eyes.

Zero stretched out, gently covered his left eye with his palm, and said, "This is a gift from someone."

"Okay, go back. Your Royal Highness, I hope you have something for me to eat. Now I'm so hungry that I can eat even three cows."

Paul smiled and said: "Don't talk about three heads, even if you have ten heads, you can eat them. Lao Tzu is a big family now."

"That would be great." Ling looked at Hindrella and squeezed her hand: "Go, we're going back!"
