War Lord

Chapter 795: take office

[Thanks to akb48ske8 and user 50111263 for their monthly pass support! ]

After returning to the Pope Hall, Ling Xian had a big meal. He eats a lot, quickly. At the beginning, Paul also asked the chef to cook the food in a delicious, delicious, delicious and delicious way before serving it, but later, the trend of seeing zero doesn't care about the deliciousness of the food, but more about the amount of energy it contains. As soon as Paul gritted his teeth, he simply asked the chef to cook the food and deliver it without licking and adding any seasonings.

Zero is not picky, but the remaining arm is extremely flexible, sending all kinds of meat or fruits into his mouth. His mouth was like a black hole, sweeping away Paul's own food reserves, and finally he adjusted some from the inventory of the Pope's Hall to be enough.

A meal was eaten from night to late at night, but after eating so many things, there was no sign of bulging in his belly at all, and Paul was dumbfounded.

The next day, Zero locked herself in the room and refused to see any guests, even Hindrella could not see him. It stayed for seven days, and when Zero came out of the room seven days later, the arm that Gaia had cut off had grown back. His hair has grown a lot, and even his chin has a rounded beard. When Hindrella and the others saw him, they felt a little strange, but they couldn't tell why.

Only when Hei Yi said: "The edge is full of strength."

All the talents are relieved.

After Zero was promoted to the tenth rank, the whole person exudes invisible coercion, like a sword with open front. Even people who are close to him will feel that invisible when they are with him. pressure. Even if Zero had condensed her breath by herself, the coercion of the tenth-order strong still overflowed from time to time. Up to this moment, Ling had no idea what method he had used to polish himself more perfectly.

The aura and coercion of the whole person have been reduced, and if someone does not know him, I am afraid that they will treat him as an ordinary person. It is precisely because of the disappearance of the pressure that Su and the others feel that there is a deviation, and therefore give birth to a weird feeling.

Paul, who rushed to hear the news, couldn't help but ask: "Are you in the eleventh order now?"

Ling shook his head and stretched out his hand to shave his hair and chin. The hair and beard immediately fell off and returned to its original appearance. Except for a pair of eyes that have been completely golden, he is not much different from before: "It's fast, but it's still not."

"How long is it?"

"Hard to say."

"Forget it." Paul said again: "Since you are out, then I officially inform you that you must come to my inauguration ceremony tomorrow at nine o'clock."

Ling Qi said: "Aren't you the pope anymore, what are you still in office?"

"The Pope is just a spiritual leader. After this incident, Mendrissa felt that they could not continue the old way. When people have ambitions and have the ability to match their ambitions, there will be madmen like Sauron. If If the Pope continues to only have the title of spiritual leader without real power, it is easy to repeat what happened fifteen years ago." Paul patted his chest and said, "So tomorrow, besides the Pope, I will also be the first of the new Rome. Prime Minister, you must come."

"It seems that Mendrissa and the others have sacrificed a lot. Don't worry, I will come." Zero promised.

Paul nodded: "They did make sacrifices. Since then, there will be no rich people in Rome. But on the contrary, I will give them greater power. It's just that their wealth no longer belongs to themselves, but is concentrated in the hands of the cabinet. superior."

"Cabinet Council..." Zero smiled: "It sounds like there will be a series of political changes in Rome."

"This is in conformity with the situation, isn't it?" Paul shrugged and said, "I'm leaving now. You don't know how busy I am now, but I am very busy. I want to know when Sauron was in power. But I have been idle for ten years!"

After Paul left, everyone else also left, leaving only Hindrella. Ling patted her buttocks and said, "Let you take a long vacation, I have to think about it for a while. If it goes well, I can give you a son or daughter tonight."

Cinderella's eyes lit up: "Could it be that..."

"Well, Gaia's last bequest contains a lot of information, including some techniques on how to preserve his genes and reproduce offspring. But there are one or two key points that I haven't figured out, so..."

Zero said nothing, Cinderella had already flashed out the door: "I know, I want three times tonight. No, five times!"

"Greedy woman!" Ling Mo said in a good mood.

After Cinderella left, this room of tens of square meters seemed a lot quieter. Zero closed his eyes and flashed the gains from this week in his mind.

The battle with Gaia was undoubtedly the most difficult battle among various battles of all sizes. In that battle, he was not strong enough, and he had to fight wisely. Fortunately, Gaia's lack of intelligence on Longinus, coupled with the heavy damage of the power of emptiness, eventually wiped out this powerful enemy.

Killing Gaia, plus Sauron had two silver hands before, zero got a lot of evolution points. As he said just now, it is not far from evolving to the eleventh order, but more importantly, Gaia has left his vast experience, genetic information, and the left eye of the gods to zero.

In the end, Gaia kept most of the information in the left eye of God in the form of data. And by absorbing the left eye of God, Zero got a lot of information. At that time, his body temperature rose because of the fusion of the left eye of the **** and a large amount of information perfusion.

After waking up, the information Gaia left him has been steadily preserved. But in this process, it is inevitable that some parts will be deleted. That is the result of the brain's self-judgment, otherwise too much information will cause permanent damage to the brain, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

After returning to Rome, Zero locked himself up just to digest the information. Gaia left him with a wealth of information, most of which were experience in combat, and the others were some understanding of the world and the will of the planet. Zero inherits these and can also be regarded as a fusion with Gaia on another level.

After this "fusion", there was a qualitative leap in Zero's strength.

Zero has seen some information about the weapons of God before, and he knew that the left eye of God represents the past, and the right eye of God represents the future. At that time, he still couldn't understand. As the ability gradually increased, the gene lock of God's right eye was opened one by one, and the right eye's attribute of peeping into the future gradually revealed. In the battle with Gaia, Ling used this ability to persist for so long, and finally found an opportunity to win.

After the left eye of God is loaded, its attributes are to look through and directly trace the origin of things. When the eyes of God are in place, another brand new ability is inspired: omniscience.

Omniscience is both omnipotent, and after the ability of omniscience is activated, the world has no secrets in Zero Eye. Zero can be traced back to their past and can also peek into their future. When applied to combat, it is more accurate than peeking into the future and superimposing extreme calculations. At the same time, there is no problem of rank suppression. It's just that it is still limited to zero energy. After a simple calculation, the main brain came to a conclusion that even if it runs this ability at full capacity at the zero stage, the time it can maintain is only a short three seconds!

Therefore, this ability does not currently have actual combat effects. Only when Zero raises his rank and reaches the twelfth rank or more, the time is extended to about ten seconds before it can be effective.

When omniscient exercises, even if there are only ten seconds, in these ten seconds, zero is the omniscient and almighty God.

In addition to omniscient, Gaia also retained his fighting skills. For example, Endless Slash and Whip, both of which can be fully realized by using the Black Cross as a weapon. The principle is to use the Black Cross's ability that originated from Prosius, and achieve a large-scale attack by absorbing the energy of space. Zero does not have a black cross, but it has inherited Gaia's skills and can also use these two attack methods, but the scope is much smaller, but the power is not worse than Gaia.

In addition, Gaia's dragon spear is a skill that Zero can't learn. It is a skill that Prosius contaminated him and at the same time passed on to him to be able to drive it through material energy. Zero does not have this ability, of course it cannot be used, but it is possible to analyze Prosius a little bit through Gaia's experience and memory. But when Zero throws the data to the main brain, and after setting the conditions, the analysis time given by the main brain is unimaginable, so that Zero dispels the idea of ​​reverse analysis of Prosius.

Think about how many billions of years that guy has lived, how can it be so easy to analyze.

In general, there are not many abilities that Zero has directly inherited from Gaia. However, experience and knowledge of the world are more important than mere ability. In this week, Gaia’s combat experience will be combined more often to make a comprehensive review of its own ability system. .

Throughout my own footprints, whether it was a mercenary career led by firearms in the early stage, or later, under the guidance of Hamomis, he used his own double fists instead of firearms to develop his own gun fighting system, and now Absorbed Yafidi's spiral piercing, Andura's phantom raid. Zero fighting ability has been changing, but the fighting style has not changed.

That is high mobility and high explosive power. He is neither a battlefield killer like Berrien nor a strong offensive like that. Zero has his own fighting style and has always carried out his fighting career. Therefore, when reorganizing his own ability system, he still determined to continue to develop in depth in these two aspects.

Up to now, there are already a lot of zero abilities, at least much more than ordinary abilities. Diversified capabilities mean comprehensiveness, and it also means not being pure enough. Therefore, during these seven days, combined with Gaia and his own combat experience, all the abilities of Zero General were screened, deleted, and reorganized, and finally only a few abilities were retained.

The first is phantom piercing, which is a combination of phantom assault and spiral piercing. Zero thinks that if the Phantom Raid wants to exert its maximum power, it must abandon the human form and evolve into an Andura worm's body structure. But that sacrifice would be too great, so I simply gave up the Phantom Assault and only took its instantaneous launch speed, combined with the ability of spiral piercing. To achieve the purpose of high-speed and high-burst, and on this basis, combined with the skill of attack stacking can be upgraded to death piercing, and the power will be increased by multiples.

The second is the rupture of fate, which is the ability formed after the endless slash uses the attack stack. Its range is two-thirds smaller than Gaia's Infinite Slash, but its speed and destructive power are much greater, so it is praised by Zero as having the ability to cut fate.

Finally, there is multi-point jump, which is an improved version of space jump, which can generate multiple space channels at the same time, allowing zero to appear in any channel, thereby increasing the variability of his movement.

The above three abilities will be the main combat system after zero. Phantom Piercing and Death Piercing will be Zero’s most powerful melee capabilities, while Fate Break will make up for Zero’s lack of long-range attack methods. The final multi-point jump increases the variability of the movement. It is foreseeable that those with high-speed and high-burst abilities like Zero will only be dragged to death by Zero drag if they cannot suppress them with absolute force.

In addition to combat, Gaia has a lot of knowledge in other fields. Among them is the knowledge about genes being carried by cells to reproduce offspring, but Gaia's starting point is how to create controllable biological weapons with some characteristics of super life. But in the hands of Zero, the first thing he thought of was how to let his beloved woman leave a descendant.

Although there is a big difference between the two, there is not a slight difference in the difficulty of leaving descendants and making super biological weapons. Obviously the former is much less difficult, so after figuring out a few key points, Zero is already eager to try.

At night, it is naturally a story between repression and being suppressed. In short, Zero and Cinderella was fighting fiercely on another level, and it even affected the normal rest of nearby residents.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Zero wakes up. Cinderella was still asleep, she was too tired. With the physique of a Tier 9 strong, under zero continuous suppression, don't even think of getting up today. Zero was very satisfied with the battle last night. He stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on Hindrella's abdomen, and he could feel the pulse of life coming from there. He has managed to leave a seed of his own in Hindrella, which carries most of his genes. It can be predicted that when a child is born, he will have at least Tier 4 to Tier 6 abilities. As for the potential, it is impossible to predict, but it can grow to the tenth rank even if it is worse.

Zero felt proud of this. It was his child, his flesh and blood, and he inherited the mark of his life.

With the successful case of Hindrella, Leah and Beyonce can also give birth to children for him. In this way, he is one step closer to his ideal picture.

After taking a shower, changing clothes, and making a simple breakfast by himself. After I had eaten it, I left a portion for Hindrella, and went out of the door. Outside the door, Su and the others had gathered. Paul sent a few cars to take them to the Pope's Hall. After smiling and saying hello to everyone, he got into the car prepared for him.

In Zero's car, he is the only one besides the driver.

This is a status symbol.

The car came to the square in front of the Pope’s Hall. After a few days of rush repairs, the square finally returned to its original appearance. But the main building of the Papal Hall at the back is still in ruins, and even Paul didn't let people clean up the debris, and he didn't know what it meant.

A high platform has been erected in front of the square, and soldiers of the Knights are maintaining order. Lei Ben thought it was early enough, but the people around the square had already been surrounded by the citizens of Rome. At nine o'clock exactly, Mendriza came to power and announced two things. One is that Sauron’s fifteen-year rule is completely ended today, and the city of Rome will enter a new historical stage; the second is the establishment of the Senate Council and Paul’s appointment as the first prime minister of Rome. .

In the Cabinet Assembly, Mendriza only gave a brief introduction. The parliament will set up seven seats for parliamentarians, as well as twenty collateral seats. Among the seven seats, the Prime Minister occupies one, and the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Military Aircraft and the Minister of Finance each have one. The remaining three are selected among the civilians. As long as adult Roman citizens are able to participate in the triennial elections, the elected civilians are eligible to make their voices heard in the parliament.

This is an unprecedented event in the city of Rome, and the arrangement of the parliament is also to allow the prime minister, ministers and civilians to contain each other in order to achieve the goal of fairness and openness. It doesn't matter whether this is a pretense of freedom under the banner of the new government headed by Paul, or a sincere desire to promote democracy to change the old appearance of the city of Rome. But it is always a good thing, and it is also conducive to consolidating people's hearts at this time.

Finally, Mendrissa invited Paul, the new prime minister and pope, to give a speech~lightnovelpub.net~ Today's Paul is not wearing the pope's attire, but a simple and decent suit. When he came to power, the citizens underneath immediately chanted the name of "Holy Son". Paul pressed his hand down, motioned for everyone to be quiet and said, "Everyone, a lot of things have happened in the past few months, many in the past. What we thought would not happen. But today, it did happen. The Sauron who rode on our heads and ruled you with violence and fear for fifteen years has stepped down. Starting today, Rome The city will enter a new chapter. Everyone, do you see the ruins behind?"

Paul turned sideways and said, "After today, we will order people to clear away the gravel, but the ruins and walls in there will be completely preserved. This ruin will warn me and my successor. It will tell us, Violent rule cannot last. Only freedom and democracy can win the hearts of the people!"

After the people in the square were quiet for a while, no one knew who raised their heads, followed by a wave of applause, building the whole city. Su Dui said next to him: "Our new prime minister doesn't know how he is capable, but he can speak well."

"So someone like me who can only do things and can't move his mouth can only be a martial artist." Zero laughed at himself.

He smiled without saying a word.