War Lord

Chapter 798: Pain?

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From the head of Rock City, the black wave has completely spread across the battlefield. The troops of the Pope’s Hall rushed forward and succeeded, making a final impact on the only remaining fortifications. Less than one-third of the fortifications connected to the foot of the city wall are like a reef that can be submerged at any time in the raging sea. Under the pressure of death, the militiamen in the fortifications temporarily put aside their fears, and fired the bullets as quickly as possible according to their captain's orders.

It's just that although the tide is fierce, there is resistance, and the waves that are set off are not small.

On the city wall, the roar of the knight's mech cannons and heavy artillery turrets did not stop for a moment, and the line of fire of the anti-aircraft machine guns was intertwined. At this time, there is no such thing as saving ammunition. If this wave of attacks in the Pope's Hall cannot be repelled, no amount of ammunition left will help. The heavy firepower of Rock City fired at full force at this time, exploding large blanks from time to time in the crowds below.

Fireballs and explosions continue to appear in every corner of the battlefield. At this moment, the battlefield is the paradise of death. People are dying every minute and every second, and those human bodies that are brought up by the explosion are the waves turning up in the ocean of anger. It's a pity that no matter how high the waves fly and no matter how big they turn, the gaps they expose will fill up quickly.

Berion stood on the wall, and the lightning ball kept flying out of his hands. Without using the large-scale killer of Thunder Fury, Berion only uses mid-to-lower abilities, but the flying lightning or violent thunderballs can always fall on the offensive node of the Pope’s Hall, thereby giving defense. The militias in the fortifications strive for more living space.

However, in terms of the intensity of resistance, the most violent is not the heavy fire weapon on the wall, nor is it Belion, but Hesu

Those who are rushing to the front line.

"Roll your dog legs to death!" Barn Shan roared, the captain of the former Walrus used his abilities to turn into a ball of meat and roll over the battlefield. The giant rolling ball passed all the way, leaving countless corpses. Fortunately, the hands and feet were overwhelmed, and the unlucky ones were not those who crushed the wild mountain to death, but the few soldiers who only crushed the lower body.

Their lower body has become sludge, but they did not die in the first place. They can only use screams to vent their fears, and then they will give the teammates behind them a few shots to end their lives.

The mountain is like a meat grinder, wherever he rolls, it becomes a blood river corpse mountain. His killing was simple, violent, and bloody, and he focused on ordinary soldiers. When encountering mechas or chariots, they were directly twisted, causing a headache for several field commanders on the battlefield, and they were helpless.

It wasn't until the high-ranking members of the Pope Hall couldn't stand it. Among them, Ron, the commander of the Eighth Army, and another officer who had been forcibly promoted by Gaia, finally stopped the Barbarian Mountain.

He was also a pirate, and Hook's movements were not much slower than Barbarian Mountain. It's just that unlike Manshan, he would smash people into flesh at every turn, and Hook would continue to slide past the crowd with his left knife and the right shot. The rain of knives and guns in his hands continued, leaving a wound in the soldier's throat, or hitting a shot at the center of their eyebrows. The same effect is much smaller than the consumption of Wild Mountain.

Most importantly, he is very low-key. There is no deliberate release of power, no dazzling light effects, and some are just plain killings. As a result, the master of the papal hall in the rear did not notice him at all.

After all, there are more people who are more eye-catching than him.

For example, Mr. X, the delisted leader of the Knights Order is still young, unleashing an astonishing power, and the giant's fist frequently strikes. Uppercut, straight punch, swing punch, just a few simple routines that come and go. But every time the giant's fist made of energy was swung, dozens of soldiers were blasted and killed. It is the mechas and tanks, which are unbearable under the Fist of Giants.

And behind Mr. X, Mamiro was also panic. This black steel giant is holding two revolver guns that have been modified. The 9mm caliber gun itself is a murder weapon, and its net weight has reached an exaggerated 20 kilograms. To say that these two big guys are revolvers, it is better to say that they are hand cannons. The huge bullets expelled from the barrel of the gun even dragged a translucent track at the tail.

However, under the influence of strong kinetic energy, a bullet passed over and directly knocked down a dozen people. A Paladin mecha greeted me midway, and Mamiro only fired two shots at it, and then shot directly through its armor plate, blasting the mecha into a fireball.

Dangling, after hitting a round of bullets, when Mami Luo touched her waist, she found that the two hundred rounds she had made had been used up. He sighed and quietly put away the two ferocious guns. Watching him close the gun, the surrounding soldiers shouted, raised their guns at Mamiro and shot.

Mamiro gave a grinning grin, lifted his thick feet, and stepped on it again, and a shock wave was immediately produced. The obscure force field spread over, and all the soldiers who came into contact with the force field bounced up in surprise, and then burst into masses of blood mist in the air.

Then a punch hit the empty space, and another shock wave was generated in the air. The dozens of soldiers rushing up to their sides were shocked to fly back, vomiting blood and died.

War drums, Mamiro's exclusive ability. It is the ability to strangle a wide area of ​​space by smashing the air with crushing shock waves. With this ability, Mamiro almost walks sideways on the battlefield. In this way, he and Mr. X, the old comrades-in-arms, firmly held the army of thousands of people nearby. As long as they did not fall, the troops of the Pope's Hall should not expect to pass their defensive positions behind them.

However, Mr. X and Mamiro are not the most dazzling.

At this moment, the most dazzling person on the entire battlefield is nothing more than vegetarian!

Su, who had activated the posture of destruction, was now wrapped in a glaze-like light energy armor. A war-intent aura was born under his feet, and a large white flame was sprayed from the gap of the light armor. It was a domain war flame. Su could say that he used his full strength, and Jian Feng was no longer referring to ordinary taxi queens or mechas, but a huge man with muscular muscles.


Just a moment ago, when Su blasted a missile armored vehicle and rushed towards another mecha. A moment ago, she could still see the panicked face of the operator in the cockpit under her sword. The next moment, it was replaced by a huge fist.

The mecha was directly pushed away by Adam and fell ten meters away, rubbing a bright spark on the ground. It's better to be injured a little bit than to be smashed by Su Yijian. But the operator in the cockpit had not had time to rejoice that he had recovered his life. It was only an instant, and a dazzling glare burst from the direction of Adam and Su. The operator only saw that the beam of light was produced by the collision of the two swords and fists, and then the violent energy field unfolded and swept the space within a hundred meters.

In the strong shock, the mecha exploded and became the victim of the two powerful forces fighting hard.

After the strong light and explosion, with the two as the center of the circle, there is no one or mecha in the space within a hundred meters, only the ground is rising with afterglow. With a flutter, blood spurted from Adam's fist. His physique was stronger than that of stainless steel, but the epee was unparalleled after being reshaped with zero energy. Even composite armor can be easily torn apart, not to mention Adam's fist.

Adam smiled without anger, raised his thigh, and roughly kicked towards Su's lower abdomen.

Su bounced up and backed up, still having time to slash the epee on Adam's calf with the epee in his hand, and then drifted back ten meters after pulling out another wave of blood.

"Enjoyed, woman. Last time there was no victory or defeat, I must do you this time!" Adam strode towards Su, shaking the ground, as if it wasn't a person, but a prehistoric tyrannosaurus!

Su sneered, not retreating but advancing. The epee blade dragged on the ground, wiping out a series of sparks. At the midpoint of the distance between the two, there was another violent collision. The epee and the fist met, and the burst of energy was as powerful as a heavy artillery bombardment, and the two people's battlefield constantly sounded loud blasts and bursts of explosions. The ground of the entire battlefield was shaking, but after ten seconds of confrontation, the ground seemed to have been plowed again, and the original landscape was no longer visible.

During the battle, the Su heavy sword swung lightly, and the blade slashed towards Adam as if it were tied to ten thousand catties. The latter's obviously cumbersome body, but at the critical moment, twirled for half a circle, causing Su Yijian to cut through the air.

"It seems that I was underestimated by you, woman. Lao Tzu is not just a strong martial artist!" Adam laughed wildly, and a heavy abdominal fist hit the plain belly.

Su suddenly bowed like a shrimp.

Adam frowned.

At the moment it flew out, the heavy sword suddenly lifted from bottom to top, and a stern blood flashed across Adam's chest. Then Su's vision retreated sharply, and she fell to the ground after being blasted by Adam for nearly a hundred meters. He staggered back a few steps, and a small bit of blood came from his lips. Su stretched out his hand to cover his abdomen, and the plastron part of his bare stomach suddenly shattered and exploded into a ball of crystal powder.

At the same time, a wave of blood surged on Adam's chest!

"What a difficult woman, she can do so many movements in the short instant of being hit by me..." Adam chuckled, ignoring the blood spilling from her chest and mouth.

Just in that short moment, when her fist touched Su, she was already flying backwards on her toes, thus unloading most of Adam's fist. And earned a moment of buffer time, and was able to hit Adam with a single blow. Regardless of the sword, if Su hadn't responded in time, it would have been as simple as the light armor shattered.

Adam's punch was originally intended to break Su's thin waist!

"Mutual each other, I admit, I underestimated you. I thought you were a guy with muscles on your head." Su wiped off the blood from his mouth and lifted a heavy sword flatly: "How about this sword?"

The sword's edge swept across, but clearly left the afterimages of two swords in the air. After the epee completed the entire cross-cutting process, the two sword shadows chased the epee and miraculously overlapped in the last action.

Suddenly an indescribable sense of crisis passed through Adam's heart, and then the sight of his eyes was filled with fine blood red rays. Su Na's sword seemed to blast the space, bursting out countless red rays, and they rushed towards Adam. What the latter can do is to hug the head and squat on the ground to minimize the attack surface. But this is the case, Adam's body is too huge. No matter how small it is, it is as obvious as a small hill.

As a result, the fragmented and sharp red light gathered into a crimson wave, and the waves surging by him endlessly. Every ray of light will leave a thin hole on Adam's body, no matter how thin or shallow the wound is, it corresponds to the thousands of rays of light. When this crimson wave surges past his side, Adam's body is instantly covered with dense wounds. .

Almost at the same time, all wounds spewed a line of blood into the body under the pressure of air. As a result, Adam sprayed a thick cloud of blood, and the **** atmosphere immediately filled the space.

Adam smiled. He stretched his limbs and stood up and said, "It's a pity, woman. If your sword-light power is raised a few more levels, it won't just leave such painless wounds on my body. It just cut me to pieces!"

"What are you talking about..." Su smiled, smiling very charmingly: "I didn't say that the sword was cut for you just now."


Adam looked back quickly, and the crimson waves that passed him did not disappear. Thousands of light rays are constantly intertwined, and after countless times of superimposition of energy, it emits an indescribable huge pressure, and that wave eventually turns into an energy beam of several meters barrels. This energy beam was red on the outside and white on the inside. In a flash, it blasted behind Adam and into the camp of the Pope's Hall.

As a result, dozens of mechas and tanks melted and gasified silently in the high-temperature energy, while thousands of soldiers fell silently. Then a dazzling ball of light rose on the battlefield, and the entire battlefield was strangely quiet. Only the hum of expansion of the light ball filled the entire space. When the light ball expanded to the critical point, flames poured out at the center point, and finally the light ball burst and exploded, transforming into a sky-roofing fire column and booming!

Tuan Tuan violent winds spread and pushed in all directions centered on the explosion point. After the pillar of fire swallowed up any material that could be burned, the flame gradually disappeared, and thick black and red wolf smoke appeared instead. The tumbling wolf smoke formed a small mushroom cloud at high altitude, surrounded by a few rings of smoke, silently telling the hideousness and horror of the blow just now.

This is a thunder slash after three overlaps, slashing dozens of mecha tanks in one fell swoop, and ruining the lives of 2,000 soldiers. Even if Adam didn't take these people to heart, Ke Su crossed him and destroyed so many mechas and soldiers in one fell swoop, but he slapped him in the face, making him furious.

"It turns out that your target is not me... but the trash!" Adam was furious, but on the surface it was terribly cold.

Suddenly said: "If the trash you mentioned is too close to our position, it will cause us a lot of trouble."

"Oh, that means I can't even compare to those waste?"

"I can't say that. If you let you destroy it, it will be even more terrifying than the people I killed. It's just...I'm here." Su Epee pointed out, "Because you are only one person. "

"I see, what you mean is that you alone are enough to keep me here."

"Is not it?"

Adam did not answer the question: "Woman, you have used all your strength, right."

"Almost." Su did not hide it.

"It's fun to play against you. I haven't asked your name yet."


"Su... is really a concise name. Don't worry, I will remember it, and try to remember it as long as possible." Adam yelled, "Then, as a thank you for your sword just now, please allow me to also. Do your best to pay back!"

Soaring power!

The energy brilliance visible to the inner eye gushes from Adam's body, and the pieces of brilliance chase and beat each other, forming a wave of power like a tide. Under this surging energy, Adam's whole body kept shaking slightly, and with every shock, there must be a scream. The rumbling kept on, and Adam's already tall body grew more than ten centimeters taller.

The muscles of his whole body were constantly squirming, and pieces of six-sided nails with an extremely smooth surface floated from under his skin. The armor pieces flashed with the cold metal luster, and they quickly covered Adam's whole body. After this layer of fine steel armor was formed, there were still new pieces of armor floating, and combined into another layer of rougher and heavier armor. The generated second layer of armor mainly protects some important body positions of the head, chest, shoulders and calves. These armors are simple in style, with some twisted steel thorns rising from the edges.

Finally, behind Adam, there are six metal wall pipes like car exhaust pipes divided into two rows, protruding like fish fins. The metal wall pipe is first slanted and stretched out straight. When it grows 50 cm, the 10 cm part of the pipe at the front end is twisted and stretched upward. When they stop growing, a large group of energy luminous flames are ejected from the pipe.

The rough armor gleaming with dark metallic luster makes Adam look like a moving fortress now~lightnovelpub.net~ His breath is heavy and domineering, and Su Ye feels inexplicable pressure. Her sword can cut off the chariot, but not necessarily the armor on Adam.

"Let you wait for a long time, this is my biological armor, I call it'pain to ravage'. Because when I activate it, as my opponent, I can only die in pain in being ravaged by me!" roared, Adam began to run towards Su in strides.

It's just that his speed is so slow, of course, anyone who puts on such a big guy, he can't get up when he weighs more than ten tons. But when he thought he had enough time to evade and fight back, the six metal pipes behind Adam suddenly spewed out the flames of energy at the same time.

Those metal pipes actually acted as boosters. While spewing out the great flames, Adam even lifted his toes off the ground and hit Susu like a rocket.

With the rapid increase in speed, Su lost the best time to evade. She had to bite her teeth tightly and cross the sword to block the grid.

When there was a loud noise, Su only felt that he was hit by an ancient mammoth, and the bones all over his body were screaming. The person flew out involuntarily, sweetness surged from his throat, and then spouted a mouthful of blood. The blood drops flying in the air, like scattered red pearls!