War Lord

Chapter 804: Prophet

[The company has a lot of work this month, so the amount of updates will be less, please forgive me. It is estimated that I will be working overtime for a while, and my life is hard...By the way, I feel "very tiger" monthly ticket support! ]

"I'm coming……"

In the tactical telescope, a black spot gradually appeared in the distant stone forest. But the large smudges on the mirror made Hakuk not very clear. He put down the telescope brought from the army angrily and looked at the khaki oil stain on the mirror with distress. I wiped it with my cuff, but it only made the oil more open. Hakuke shouted, "I told you to take care of my gun and binoculars. They are the ones who eat!"

Several mobs next to him bowed their heads, no one dared to answer the conversation at this time, maybe it would end up with a bullet in his head. Hakuk cursed and raised his binoculars again to look. The target was about to approach his preset attack area: "Let Hongmao and Noki prepare them. Once Fat Sheep trips, he will immediately go out and kill people and grab the car. Damn, That's a good car, I don't want to sell it if I get it."

"Huh... why did he stop."

Just when the fat sheep entered the mob ambush area just a little bit, he suddenly stopped. Behind a stone pillar not far behind, Mulla carefully leaned out half of his body. He thought Fat Sheep had found his companion, but found that the traveler just picked up a badly worn leather bag from the back of the car, and then took out a tablet brain from inside.

It's another good thing, Mulla thought. The eyes of the thin boy were full of greedy light. At this distance, Hakuk couldn't see what the fat sheep was doing. Mulla planned to stay for a while when the fat sheep tripped, and quickly hid his leather bag. Anyway, in the information he reported to Hakuk, there was only a new-age locomotive, but there was no intellectual brain.

If you sell Zhinao, you can get at least one month's worth of food!

The knight in the car took out the wisdom brain, and the word "communication request" was flashing at the bottom of the wisdom brain's screen. He exhaled and reached out a little on the screen. The window popped up, and a man with purple hair appeared on the screen and said, "Nicholas, how is it going?"

"I seem to be lost, the great Marshal André."

"..." The purple-haired man said in a rage: "Don't you already have a detailed map of the Central Continent in your brain? Please tell me, how can you get lost like this."

"But you forgot to install the navigation system for my baby."

"That's why I asked you to change your car. Your fast-growing locomotive can't be equipped with a navigation system at all!"

"Alright, alright, I'll just ask someone to ask. But then again, I still think it's better for Albert to perform this kind of task."

The purple-haired man shook his head and said: "Now the Hall of Valor and the Dark Council are fighting, if I let Albert and his army pass, once I was discovered, wouldn’t it be possible to let people know that the beginning of this war was entirely Oglote? The old man is directing and acting himself. At present, he is still our customer, and the customer is God. You can't let God's face be dull, right?"

"You have the final say, but destruction is really not my area of ​​expertise, and I heard that the city has been built very well, so it would not be a shame to destroy it."

The purple-haired man said viciously: "If you knew that the **** destroyed half of our Asmo that day, you won't say that now. In short, go and kill all the important people in that city, I want to let He regretted everything he did when he came back!"

After speaking, the communication was closed. After all, the cost of remote communication is very expensive. The knight shrugged, threw Zhi Nao into his purse, and then looked forward. The eyes in the goggles were full of smiles: "Look, getting lost has the benefit of getting lost. The omnipotent Lord can always be lonely for me. The journey brought such a little surprise."

He raised his cloak, revealing his legs clinging to the sides of the locomotive. The knight can be seen wearing tight-fitting leather pants and a pair of boots under his feet. A holster was tied to each thigh, and a pistol of strange style was drawn from the inside.

Mulla looked through his crude binoculars and could see one of the guns. This silver pistol has a revolver drum, but the barrel is much longer than an ordinary revolver. The barrel was made into a peculiar rectangular shape, which looked extremely thick. If you look closely at the drum, it is much larger than the ordinary revolver.

What does he want to do? Mulla didn't understand, the traveler suddenly took out two pistols, naturally it was not boring to pick them up and play with them. But if you find the ambush ahead, it is a bit unreasonable. After all, there is still more than ten meters away from the tripwire, and the tripwire is hidden on the ground. Even Mulla looks towards the ambush point and can't see any clues. It is even more absurd to rely on these two pistols to attack an ambushing companion. The nearest person is also 100 meters away.

And Hakuk, who had to personally stop this fat sheep, was even more than 800 meters away. No matter how powerful a pistol is, Mulla doesn't think it can shoot 800 meters away.

"One, two, three..." The knight sat in the car and counted silently. In the end, the line of sight fell on the position of Hakuk, and his eyes were full of smiles: "There are 18 people in total, which is a little too much, but it's not troublesome."

When the traveler looked at him through the telescope, Hakuk got goose bumps all over his body. He couldn't be more familiar with this feeling. At that time, in the army, when he was spotted by the monsters in the blood knight, he would have this feeling. So he knew that he had been discovered by the other party: "Attack! Attack! That **** found us."

Including Mulla, Hakuk's angrily voice rang from everyone's walkie-talkies. Mulla's face was pale, and she didn't believe her ears.

Suddenly, the knight moved.

His hands fired at an unbelievably fast speed, and the tongue of fire from the thick barrel was half a meter long. The two pistols made a muffled sound comparable to a fort, and they kept beating the heart of the young man behind. Mulla's hands and feet became weak and could no longer be fixed on the stone pillar, so she had to slide down. Then I found that my hands and feet were trembling. Judging from the power of the two pistols, they were not ordinary modified guns, but guns of the new era!

Mulla knows exactly what the guns of the new era mean. The power they possess is hard to see from the appearance, just like the ordinary standard rifle in Hakuk's hand. After the old treatment, it looks very ordinary, but the power cannot be ignored. The performance of the two pistols in the knight's hands is obviously not on the same level as the standard rifle of Hakuk.

When he heard the sound of gunshots, only two words remained in Mulla's mind: It's over!

It is indeed over. The two pistols in the knight's hand are not only powerful, but also have a long range. Moreover, his shooting method was extremely accurate, every time he fired, no matter whether the mob was hiding behind a stone pillar or disguised as a dirt bag on the side of the road, he was shot and fell down. Even the hard stone pillars could not stop the penetration of bullets.

Soon the knight opened the drums of the two guns, his hands shook, the drums bounced off, and hot shells fell inside. He quickly peeked behind his waist, and when he stretched out his hands, there were new bullets in the drum. Obviously, there is an autoloader behind his waist.

While the knight was changing bombs, Hakuchi had already jumped out of the car, fell down, mounted a gun, and concealed himself. At this time, he finally showed the good military qualities of the soldiers of the Dark Council. It's a pity that this time he is not facing ordinary people. As soon as he put the knight into the crosshair, the sight flashed into flames, and then Hakuk only felt his forehead hot, and he completely lost consciousness.

Roach, his confidant next to him, watched Hakuk’s head suddenly explode, splashing blood and brain pulp all over the floor, and even a shot of hair attached to his scalp fell on his shoes, making him scream. . But soon he couldn't scream out. Like the companions next to him, each of them was sent a bullet into their forehead or chest, and they turned into corpses one after another.

The Shilin District quickly became quiet, and the muffled noise like a cannon finally disappeared. The knight breathed into the hot muzzle, and then he nodded at Mulla's position: "Get out by yourself, boy, it won't be fun if I wait for these two babes to fire."

After a while, Mulla walked out with trembling hands and feet. He suddenly threw himself on the ground and cried, "Sir, please don't kill me."

"That depends on your performance." The knight jumped out of the car, walked up to him, and asked: "Did you stare at me, and then inform your companions that you want to ambush me?"

"Yes... how did you know?"

The knight laughed and said, "Because I am a prophet."

"Prophet?" Mulla said confusedly: "There is such a person in this world?"

"Nonsense, am I right in front of your eyes?" The knight said again: "Okay, tell me. How do I get to Shadow Canyon?"

"Go over there." The boy pointed in a direction.

"You won't lie to me?"

"I can not."

"very good."

"Then, Mr. Prophet, can you tell me what will happen to my destiny?" Mulla asked courageously.

The knight smiled and said: "You are an obedient kid, so I will let you go. But because of a strong sense of guilt, you will eventually swallow a gun and commit suicide. This is your sad life."

Waved goodbye, the knight jumped into the car. The engine was turned on, and the locomotive left in the direction the boy had just pointed out. When the locomotive left ~lightnovelpub.net~ it seemed to hit a rock on the ground and the car shook. A pistol was shot out of the leather bag behind the knight. Seeing the pistol, Mulla's eyes became hot again. He gritted his teeth, picked up the pistol on the ground and raised it to the knight who seemed completely unaware.

"Swallow a gun to commit suicide? How could such a thing happen!" Mulla sneered, but soon he couldn't laugh. Because he found that his hand was suddenly out of control, he turned the muzzle upside down. Then opened his mouth and stuffed the barrel in.

Mulla's fingers pressed the trigger little by little, and he was frightened, tears streaming out uncontrollably. He didn't want to die, desperately wanted to take the pistol out of his mouth. But he couldn't control himself until the trigger was exhausted. Then another gunshot sounded in the desolate stone forest, and the young corpse exploded above his head and fell straight to the ground.

His eyes were still wide open, and the fear in his eyes was forever frozen in this second. But more, it is doubts and puzzles. He didn't understand why he was like this?

"Another great prophecy has been fulfilled..." The far away knight left such a sentence that no one could hear.

In a blink of an eye, he had left the stone forest, but there were 18 corpses left behind. As he had counted before, none of them were left behind.