War Lord

Chapter 805: melancholy

[Thank you book friend 368812, very tiger, two big monthly tickets for support! Just got home, update! Have a meal! ]

"Team A presses in, team B pays attention to cover! You must keep a good distance to ensure that those dirty things will not rush across your defense line. Team C blocked their way of retreat and drove them to the preset location. Then, leave it to you, Moni!"

In an underpass extending in all directions, Brown took the walkie-talkie and said. Behind him are a dozen soldiers, but more soldiers have dispersed into this underground passage. Brown has an intellectual brain in his hand, which shows a map of the underground passage. The two green light spots representing a and b are advancing in an orderly manner, while point c has entered the target location. To the east, there is a yellow area, where there is only a human-shaped icon representing Moni's location.

As for what they were dealing with, it was a spot of red light, and there was a colony of frog head worms.

"Don't worry, I will kill them all!" Moni's energetic voice sounded from the walkie-talkie, which also encouraged the other soldiers.

At present, Dawn City has entered the third development plan. This area is one of the target locations for urban expansion, but in the sewers of this area, it is occupied by a new kind of abnormal creature. Frog head worms are a kind of weird and abnormal creatures, they seem to be a combination of two genes of frog and worm. Frog-head worms are just like their names say. These monsters have a frog-like head, but they have a fat worm-like body.

Their adult worms are about one meter long, and on that frog-like head, thick bones are distributed above the eyes, forming a skeletal helmet that protects the brain. A big mouth is full of sharp teeth, which can easily bite the human body. There are four short and powerful arms growing under the big head, while the back of the worm's body has lumps of different sizes, which looks dirty and ugly.

Frog head worms live in dark and humid places, and they can eat almost anything. Even the soldiers discovered that they had captured lonely living corpses and ate them raw. Their individual strength is very weak, and they are not courageous. But when a group is formed, it becomes confusing. So this litter of worms must be removed. Brown doesn't want to be when the city above has been expanded and remodeled, and this kind of dirty stuff lingers in the sewers of residents one day.

The insects are active at night, and it is still in the afternoon. They are sleeping in their nests. When the soldiers of Team A crept into the bug's nest, they frowned when they saw the nest full of hundreds of bugs lying on the ground. The frog head worms are entangled with each other, they exude all kinds of unspeakable stench. The smell alone is enough to make people retreat.

Brown once caught an adult insect and gave it to Eva for their study, and found that a insect carried a variety of germs. Especially those lumps in a pustule, the thick liquid inside carries hundreds of viruses that are enough to kill ordinary people. This is simply a kind of poisonous insect, although they are only natural virus carriers, they don't know how to actively use their viruses as weapons. But in this age of continuous evolution of creatures, God knows if given some more time, they will evolve some terrifying genes.

In the communication channel, team c stated that it has completed the blockade. So the captain of team a made a gesture, and the twenty or so players threw a glare grenade around the Worm's Nest. The grenade was thrown into the insects, and all the team members including the captain turned and fell down. After a delay of 3 seconds, the grenade exploded, bursting with bright lights and loud noises, and the insects woke up from their sleep.

In the previous battle plan, Brown originally intended to let soldiers use high-explosive grenade. But when Eva's laboratory brought an analysis notice, out of fear that the worm's virus packet would burst after the explosion, so that the virus would spread to the ground along the pipeline, so the tactics of high-explosive grenade were abandoned. Instead, use strong light grenades, and then push them to the place where Moni is.

Dispatch high-ranking worms like Moni and kill them on the premise of not destroying the worm's poison bag. After the incident, special treatment is performed on the worm's carcass so that it will not pollute the environment.

Under the action of the light and sound effects of the glare grenade, the frog head worm, which is not intelligent, becomes chaotic and uneasy. The soldiers of Team A rushed into the lair, fanned out and fired at the worms below. The machine gun shoots out bright lines of fire, but most of the bullets are shot on hard ground. Even if there is one that falls on the worms, they are just empty bullets, which will not damage their poison packs, but will slightly irritate them.

Hearing the gunshots and the sensation of hitting from the body made the creatures who lacked courage even more panic. They were driven away by soldiers according to Brown's plan. At the same time, Team C also started to detonate all the detonators, sealing off all the passages through which the worms could escape, leaving only an underground channel for them to escape. It's just that on the other side of the waterway, Moni is guarding.

It was another round of shooting, and the worms finally found the only way to survive after turning around. So scrambling to drill inside, a large wave of insects quickly ran away, leaving only this dirty nest that was originally used as a sewage treatment tank and is now occupied by insects, leaving behind a lot of body fluids and insect dung.

On the other side of the underground channel, Moni already felt a slight shock from the wall, knowing that worms had flowed in her direction. She slowly drew out the exaggerated death assault and took a pose. When the first worm came into view, Moni sprinted with a sword. But just two steps out, suddenly a icy wind roared over his head.

The squally wind carrying ice debris suddenly blew out the entire passage, freezing the worms still fleeing and the entire passage, turning them into a crystal of ice. Seeing this picture, Moni was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Xiuya, you stinky woman, who wants you to take action!"

"Oh, I kindly did you a favor, and even treated me wickedly, my sister, I will be injured." Sometime there was a platform made of ice on the wall above the underground channel, and the first knight stood there. Over there. Wearing a simple shirt and denim shorts, exposing a pair of long legs to the air. The long blue hair was still there, Xiuya said with a smile on her waist.

For some reason, Moni couldn't control her emotions when she met Xiuya. She pointed to the ice sculpture in front and said: "I don't need your help. I can get things like this in less than a minute!"

"But my sister can't take 5 seconds." Xiuya fiddled with her palm, and finally added: "This is the gap."

There was a gunpowder-like conversation between two women on the intercom. Brown shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said to the other soldiers, "Close the team." As for how to dispose of the corpses of worms frozen into ice sculptures, it is a headache for other people, at least that is not within the scope of his work. The soldiers retreated, and Brown came to the place where Moni was. She and Xiuya were still attacking each other, but in terms of the art of speech and the viciousness of the language, it was obvious that Moni was not Xiuya's opponent at all.

Brown coughed and said, "You two, we are going to leave. What do you say?"

"Of course I am going back!" Moni hummed.

Xiuya yawned and said, "I have to go back and take a nap."

She said to looking at Brown: "Uncle, you are too interesting. You don't want to call me for such an interesting activity. Look, these things can be done by my sister with a little finger. A girl who can only throw an iron rod is much better, isn't it?"

Moni gritted her teeth with anger, and Brown saw her walking violently, and quickly pulled her away.

It was already evening when I was sitting on the off-road vehicle and driving back to Dawn City. Moni held the long sword without saying a word, and Xiuya was rare to quiet down. The two were sitting in the back seat of the car, each occupying one side. Xiuya suddenly said, "Why isn't Zero coming back..."

"Don't say that you are very familiar with him, you know, you haven't even met him!" Moni said.

This time, Xiuya unexpectedly did not fight back. She gathered her hair that was blown away by the wind, and said, "Listening to Sister Bess telling so much about him, I seem to have known him for a long time. Don't you think we are a bit like? "

"Where is it? You are a woman with a black belly and a poisonous tongue, and Ling is not like you." Moni said in a **** way.

Looking at Moni, Xiuya lazily said, "You, you are really a child. I really don't understand, you are not like this in the black earth. It seems that when you came to this place, you have changed. ...However, I also feel that I have changed a bit."

"What... has it changed? I can't see it at all," Moni said.

"I have changed. I have become disinterested in wars and fights. Dawn City is really a good place. I feel so happy as long as I sit lazily every day. Such a place makes me reluctant to leave... …" Xiu Ya yawned, and even a drop or two of crystal clear liquid hung around the corner of her eyes.

"Are you leaving?" Moni was also a little surprised.

Suddenly Xiuya held her with one hand and said, "Why, I can't bear my sister?"

"What a joke!" Moni pushed her away hard: "I'm so happy it's too late!"

"Really?" Xiuya turned her head and lay on the car door, looking at the streets on both sides in the afterglow of the setting sun. Although this block is shaped like a ruin, under the light of dusk, it has an artistic conception like a famous painting: "Actually, I am not willing to go. Because here, I can be Xiuya. But when I go back, I am the first knight. ."

Moni seemed to understand something, and lowered her head and said, "Yes, if everyone doesn't have to fight, like here in Dawn City. For the same goal, everyone works hard together. Such a life is indeed very happy..."

Brown, who was driving in front, heard the conversation between the two and couldn't help saying: "If you like, just stay."

"No, zero hasn't come back for so long, and I have no reason to stay. After all, I still owe the old man something..." Xiuya stood up and stretched in the wind. The wind blew her long hair endlessly, like a flying blue flame.

"I have decided, and I will set off in three days. Hopefully, we don't have to meet on the battlefield!"

Hearing these words, I don't know why, Moni, who had been enemies with her for a long time, also quietly gave birth to a trace of melancholy.

It was night, and the city of Dawn was brightly lit. The surrounding second phase of the expansion of the urban area is rushing to work day and night, so that the entire city is glowing with great vitality, and some people even call this city the city that never sleeps. Moni and Xiuya returned to the Mayor’s Mansion, a building located in the second phase of the expansion city, which belonged to Beyoncé’s residence. Beyonce took the two of them to live with herself, but in many cases, the beautiful female mayor has to deal with so many things that the house is more suitable than a home as an office.

Both Moni were assigned to a house with the room on the second floor. There is a bathroom at the end of the corridor on the second floor. Perhaps because of Beyoncé’s own preferences, this bathroom occupies a whole room with a bath, which can accommodate four or five people at the same time. Of course, many times there is only one person in the bath, after all, neither Monnie nor Beyonce has the habit of bathing with other people.

Working in the sewer today, even though there is no chance to shoot, a strange smell is inevitable. Moni took a new set of clothes and went to the bathroom, took off this set, and threw it into the trash can. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the bathroom, there is a young girl in the mirror. The advantage of being a capable person is that even if she lives on the surface, her skin is as smooth as silk.

But looking at her obviously astringent body, Moni couldn't help frowning. She turned around in front of the mirror, suddenly let out a soft sigh, and then walked towards the bath. Just in the mirror, as her long hair swayed, Monnie's pink back had a hideous scar that stretched from her neck to her waist. This was probably the reason why she kept her hair long and refused to cut it short.

The bath has been filled with moderate temperature water, even though this water is only secondary treated water, which contains radiation and cannot be drunk. But for people like Moni or Beyoncé who had been injected with anti-radiation agents, it was nothing to take a bath~lightnovelpub.net~ The girl stepped into the bath, sat down, and let it go. The water overflowed his chest. Just sitting down, the bathroom door suddenly opened. Moni touched her subconsciously, only to find that her death had rushed into the room.

Looking at it again, Xiuya actually walked in.

"What are you doing!" Monnie called.

Xiuya prickly took off her clothes and pants before her eyes, revealing a well-developed, sexy, curvy female body: "Nonsense, of course coming to the bathroom is a bath, is it coming to sleep?"

Kicked her clothes away, Xiuya stood by the wall and opened the shower flap on her head, washing her hair first.

Moni clenched her teeth and said, "But I'm already here, won't you wait to come in again?"

"No, the whole body smells uncomfortable. If you can't stand it, you can leave first by yourself. Oh, I see..." Xiuya turned around, deliberately raised her chest, and said to Moni her pair of proud peaks. : "Little guy, you feel inferior when you see your sister's body like this!"

"Who...who is inferior!" In the bathroom, the girl's angry cry sounded.