War Lord

Chapter 806: Waltz in the night

[Thanks to Brother Xiang for the monthly pass, Wu Qianqian and other friends for their rewards! ]


Moni sank her whole body into the bath, ignoring Xiuya a bit angrily. But across the water curtain, she saw a stunner who broke through the water. Although she was angry with the other party, Moni couldn't I don't admit it. Xiuya, who is only a few years older than herself, is more mature and **** than herself.

Men would like women like this. This was Monnie's first thought.

What about zero?

This is the second one, and then... she accidentally choked on her saliva and got out of the water.

Xiuya leaned on the other side of the bath and looked at Monnie with a smile and said: "Little girl has a good face, but man, besides liking your face, he prefers to look at your **** and buttocks. I am I heard that there are a lot of women around Ling, and it’s hard to say whether you can attract his attention by relying on you like this.\"

Moni turned around and said: \"I didn't say that I like Zero again, it's you who cares about it. Besides...\"

She whispered: \"Zero is to me, just like a brother to a sister, or a father to a daughter...he won't like me.\"

\"If it’s an older sister, it doesn’t matter so much.\" Xiuya confidently said:\"As long as I want to, whether it’s zero or other men, I can fascinate my elder sister for you to see. Do you know why?\"

\"Why?\" Moni asked casually.

\"Body!\" Xiuya let out a long laugh.

\"Narcissistic woman!\" Monnie leaned on the edge of the bath, planning to ignore her.

\"Hey, girl. Do you want to know how to have a good figure.\"

\"No...\" Moni's words came to her lips, but they became: \"Do you like to say or not.\"

\"Hey, dishonest kid. Come here, my sister secretly tells you.\" Xiuya beckoned and smiled.

Moni took a serious look at her and said: "You won't lie to me?"

\"Am I like that kind of person?\"

\"You are that kind of person!\"

Even so, Moni walked over half-believingly. Xiuya said: \"Turn around.\"


\"If you want to know, do as I say.\"

Moni hesitated and turned her back to Xiuya. There was the sound of water from Xiuya getting up and she felt her approach. Even her back was lightly held by her peaks, this is Mo Ni was a little rushed. At this time, I heard Xiuya say: \"My method is...\"

\"What is it?\" She said too softly, Monnie couldn't hear her, she couldn't help but leaned back a little.

Suddenly I saw Xiuya's hands under her arms and grabbed her chest. Xiuya rubbed her hands lightly and said with a smile: "It's so small, it's not qualified, it's not qualified at all."

Moni rubbed her legs a little soft, and her face was ashamed and angry. Immediately, a girl's angry cry came from the bathroom: "You **** girl, you dare to lie to me!"

\"Who made you so cheated, it turns out that the size of the silver ride is only this small, it's too pitiful!\"

Moni's angry scream and Xiuya's proud laugh sounded in the bathroom, even outside the government office. Fortunately, it is still relatively deserted here, no?? There are no passers-by. Just when the two girls are laughing. , At the entrance of the northern end of the Arc de Triomphe Bridge, a locomotive drove down a ramp in the distance. The light shattered the surrounding darkness and attracted the attention of the soldiers in the guard at the entrance.

\"It's so late, there are still people coming?\" Soldier Bob picked up his rifle and got out of the guard.

\"Maybe it's a poor lost bug.\" Colleague Jimmy joked, but he still put down the automatic fence at the entrance and did his job meticulously according to the safety manual.

The locomotive soon came to the bridge. Bob held a gun in one hand and made a stop gesture with the other hand: "Stop! It's forbidden to pass now!"

The car stopped, and a cloud of hot white smoke spit out from the exhaust pipe. The knight in the car took off the cloak on his body, revealing a black monk's uniform. But the sides of the monk's side were split, forming a front and back The two robes seem to be for the convenience of movement. The legs in the robes are wearing tight leather pants, and there are belts on both sides of the thighs with a holster, and the leather holster has a pistol with a peculiar shape. The knight pedaled on the square-headed thick-soled leather boots, creaking on the gravel on the ground. He stepped forward to let Bob see the opponent clearly.

Under the slightly curled black hair is a dusty face, wearing black goggles. Of course, now the goggles have been moved to the forehead. There is a lazy smile on his face and a beard, which looks like a Gentle man. The knight patted the soldier's arm and said: "Hey, brother. Look at it's late, can it be convenient for me to go into the city. For God's sake, I'm already quite a bit I haven't had a good night's sleep.\"

\"I guess there is a **** who died early this year.\" Bob shook his head and said:\"Sorry, sir. There is an order on it, after dark, no outsiders are allowed to continue into the city. Look, I can give you a tent. You will deal with it outside for one night first, and then register for the city tomorrow.\"

The knight seemed unwilling. He touched the handle of the gun intentionally or unintentionally. He leaned on the locomotive and said with a smile: "This is not good, I have a cleanliness habit. I can't sleep in a tent."

Another soldier in the guard said impatiently: "Bob, what are you talking nonsense with him!"

Bob shrugged and said: \"Look, sir. My companion has a bad temper. You'd better not mess with him. Now listen to me, I'll get you a tent...\"

\"No, no, you will let me in.\" The knight smiled and insisted.

\"You can really laugh.\" Bob shook his head.

The knight smiles brighter.[,! ]: \"Because I have foreseen the future, soldier. Not only will you let me in, you will also kill your companion with one shot. Don’t you?\"

\"Sir, your words are a bit dangerous...\"

The knight stretched out and snapped his fingers. Immediately, Bob's body shook slightly, and then he looked at himself holding up the rifle in disbelief. Then he turned around, and drove toward Jimmy, who was half of his body out of the post to look at. Gun. Jimmy was shot in the chest, showing an unbelievable look, and fell out of the sentry window.

God, what's going on? Bob wanted to scream, but he couldn't scream. Then he realized that his body was still out of control, and walked to the post and stretched out the automatic fence. The knight shrugged and said: \"Look, the prophecy is fulfilled Isn't it?\"

He got on the locomotive, started the engine, swaggered past Jimmy's body, and crossed the Shadow Canyon along the Arc de Triomphe Bridge to the brightly lit city of Dawn on the other side.

In a labor base not far from the city, Jin got out of the shed he built. By the door behind, Alice frowned and said: \"That was the sound of gunfire?\"

\"Can't be wrong.\"

\"What happened?\"

Jin shook his head: \"Who knows, maybe to warn someone who doesn't have eyesight.\"

\"It doesn't always feel so simple, let me see.\" After Alice finished speaking, she was gone like a light smoke.

A beam of light lit up on the Arc de Triomphe Bridge, and then the beam of light came along the road towards the city. Jin frowned and left the labor base. He came to the road alone, and after a while, he saw the distance A locomotive came on the road.

\"Hey, stop!\" Jin shouted.

The locomotive squeaked, rubbed off a few rubbles from the tires, and stopped at a distance of about 30 meters from Jinshang. The man in the car murmured: "Damn it, you can touch it outside the city. Last high-level. No, there was another one just now. This place is really surprising. Is there so many high-levels that you can meet casually?\"

\"What are you talking about?\" Jin cried: \"Is it coming from the other side of the bridge? I remember that you can't cross the bridge again after dark, sir, do you have a pass?\"

The knight nodded, smiled and said: "Of course I do!"

\"Then please show your pass!\"

\"No problem. My passes are...they!\" The knight suddenly pulled out the pistols on the left and right legs, and fired two shots at Jin.

The dull gunfire was like the roar of a cannon, not only echoing in the suburbs outside the city, but also faintly audible in the city.

The bullet did not hit the gold, but hit a thick earthen wall that stretched out in front of the gold body. The powerful warhead that was able to pierce the stone pillar before is now firmly embedded in the earth wall. This is made of gold. Facing the wall, its density far exceeds the knight's imagination.

\"This is a headache, it turns out to be a high-end of the earth system...\" I said annoying words, but the smile on his face remained the same, and the knight looked very hateful.

\"Who on earth are you?\" asked Jin coldly.

\"Nicholas...\"The knight reported his family:\"It was the one who came to kill you all. This was as early as in my prophecy. Forgot to say, I am a prophet.\"

\"Prophet? I don't know if you expected this? \"Jin Meng stomped to the ground, and invisible waves swept away. The ground sliced ​​up, and then something broke out under the locomotive.

The knight bounced up in an instant and rolled in midair. He saw a huge arm made of rocks protruding from the ground. The giant fist of the stone arm blasted his locomotive to pieces, and Nicholas's face showed a painful expression: \"That But the model is out of print!\"

\"Be careful of yourself.\" Jin's cold voice came.

There was a whistling sound, and a stone gun fell in the night sky like rain. Nicholas fell to the ground, his toes hit the ground, and he kept moving between the stone guns. He still smiled, and looked like he could do it. But quickly, smiled. It turned into a wry smile: \"It turned out to be a trap.\"

\"Otherwise, what do you think?\" Jin said.

Under Nicholas’s feet, a piece of rocky ground that was originally hard has now turned into a quicksand zone. The quicksand continues to sink, and also drags down the Prophet’s figure. At this time, he nodded and praised: \"You did it Not bad, the ability to launch quickly and accurately. The cooperation with each other is also perfect, and he is indeed a master.\"


\"But it’s not enough.\" Nicholas shook his head and said:\" The Lord said, everything he saw will be insightful.\"

After all, suddenly the two guns fired a few random shots at the quicksand area. But they fell in Jin's eyes but couldn't help but change. No matter what ability, especially Jin's ability to change the environment, there is a node that maintains the ability to operate. Nicholas seemed to take a few shots randomly, but he slammed on the node of the ability in the quicksand area. In an instant, the nodes were smashed, and the ability naturally could not continue to run, so the quicksand stopped.

Seeing Nicholas coming out of the sand clumsily, Jin suddenly felt that this man did not look as simple as the surface.

\"Next it is my turn. Thank you for your hospitality. This is just a thank you!\" Nicholas raised his gun to Jin.

Jin didn't take his gun to heart. It is true that the bullets fired by this modified pistol are amazingly powerful, but they still can't break his earth wall defense. Since he broke away from Tyre's organization, whether it is in the wilderness Still came to the City of Dawn, Jin has been farming. In the eyes of others, he has done nothing. In fact, through continuous transformation and in-depth understanding of the soil, Jin himself has an affinity for soil elements and skills in using abilities. In continuous improvement.

The previous low-level abilities are now used by him, and the power is different from Japanese. Otherwise, it is impossible to single. [,! With the low-level soil wall, Nicholas's powerful bullet that can penetrate the armor is also blocked.

This is a clear difference in quality.

However, this time, from the square-shaped muzzle exuded a strong energy aura, Nicholas said indifferently: "Roar, Wolf King!"

Immediately there was a strong light from the muzzle, and a large energy beam burst out. The beam was white and purple, surrounded by blue electric snakes, and instantly plowed past the place where Jin was. A hundred meters away, the beam gradually turned into energy particles and disappeared, but a charred ravine was left on the ground.

When Nicholas uses the beam to attack, you can see the obvious energy loop on the pistol gleaming. This is the real power of this pair of modified pistols \"Wolf King\", the specially processed crystal groove loop in the gun body , Can withstand the passage of a large amount of energy of Nicholas, and form a beam attack at the muzzle. If you change to a normal pistol, you can only attach the energy to the bullet like the original zero, and then hit the target to start an energy explosion. If and Nicholas Just like directly blasting the energy torrent out, the pistol melted and transformed early.

But now, only a puff of white smoke floated from the muzzle of the wolf king.

\"Hiding well, as far as elemental domain abilities are concerned, your movements are already quite flexible. \" At the corner of Nicholas’ eyes, there is a gold pressing on the ground with one hand:\" But, what if so Sample?\"

\"Dance, crazy waltz!\"

The Wolf King’s double spears kept flashing in Nicholas’ hands, and every time they flashed, a powerful torrent of light beams would blast out. With the prophet as the center, the torrent of light beams seemed chaotic, but they blocked Jin’s retreat in advance. Under Nicholas's almost random beam offensive, Jin found that he was like a small bug falling into a spider web, and there was less and less room to move!

The distance between the beam and him is getting closer and closer.

What a terrible guy, Jin thought.

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