War Lord

Chapter 807: anxiety

Two beams of light whizzed past Jin's left and right sides. Jin saw his legs on the ground, and nearly stopped his figure, so that he didn't lose control and crash into any of the beams. Presumably, it will not be a pleasant thing.

At this point, Nicholas's waltz thing came to an end. At the same time, the priest-like man also disappeared in the original place.

"Here it is."

A lazy voice came from behind, and Jin suddenly saw an extra hand on his left shoulder. He was taken aback and chopped back. There are countless fine gravels wrapped around Jin's palm. Each gravel is as hard as steel and as sharp as a blade. With such a dense swarm, even the armor had to be cut off for him.

Of course, Nicholas will not give him a chance to hit. The prophet stepped on his toes and retreated as if sliding on ice. Then he stopped, raised his hands and said, "Madam, it's not a lady who attacked behind."

Jin saw that Alice, who had gone back and forth, appeared behind Nicholas. Alice stretched out a finger towards the man, and there was a little icy light on the fingertip, it was a ray of frost!

Alice said coldly: "I never said that I was a lady, but you, who seemed to be a gentleman. But a gentleman wouldn't kill people casually, would he?"

"elder sister?"

"One of the soldiers at the sentry post was killed, and the other didn't know what was going on, as if he was crazy. Only he came from there, so of course all this was a good thing for him."

Jin nodded and said, "This guy said he's here to kill us all."

"Really, but it seems that the current situation is more favorable for us." Alice said indifferently.

Nicholas blinked and said, "Is it because of two to one?"

"Do you think you can fight against me and Jin's joint?" Alice's ice flakes began to appear around her body, and her ice flakes became thinner than before. Almost only one sheet is as thin as low, they become sharper, and the number is much larger than before.

"It's a bit troublesome, but you are wrong, ma'am." Nicholas suddenly put down his hand, turned around, and gave a thumbs up to the golden gesture behind him: "He is on my side."

Jin sneered: "Are you scared to talk incoherently?"

"Of course not. It's just that the Lord said that everything I agree with is the knife in my hand and will point to those who are my enemy. Now, I agree with you!" Nicholas said softly.

Jin's face suddenly became weird, and then he blasted his fist to the ground, but shouted in his mouth: "Quickly get out of the way, Sister Alice!"

Alice was one piece, Jin had already fisted the ground, a wave of waves swept across. The ground under her feet shook, and a huge stone arm rushed up against her fist. Alice hurriedly got out of the way and flew to the highway a few meters away and shouted: "Jin, what are you doing!"

"I don't know..." Jin shook his head: "I can't control myself, **** it, here again!"

In the voice, Jin Chao Alice rushed over. He took the steel grit that was as iron as mud in his hand and cut it off to Alice.

The Prophet shrugged and said: "Look, I said it earlier. You siblings and brothers will have fun for a while, and when I get rid of those guys in the city, I'll go back and send you on the road together."

Stepping on a firm step, Nicholas fell out of the fight and headed for Dawn City.

"It feels a little strange..."

Leaving the bathroom, Monnie stood by the window. Looking through the window in the direction of Shadow Canyon, there was an uneasy feeling to her. She went back to the room silently, put on her tactical uniform, took the Death Assault in her hand, and strode to Beyonce's office. As soon as I pushed the office away, I saw Brown was also inside. The big man saw Moni and nodded and said, "You came just right, and the outpost of the Arc de Triomphe was attacked. Moreover, based on what the soldiers saw, it seemed that Jin and a mysterious man were fighting in the wilderness outside the city. I must go and see. Can you help me protect the young lady."

Beyonce shook her head and said, "Don't think of me so delicately, Brown."

"No, it's definitely not easy to get Jin to shoot. Besides, there is Alice next to him, but there is no news yet, indicating that their opponent is not easy. Miss Bess, you are our mayor, I don’t Allow you to present any danger." Brown said firmly.

Moni nodded: "Don't worry, I won't let my sister have an accident."

"Then please."

Brown was about to leave, and the office was opened again. Xiuya had put on a new dress and leaned against the door and said, "I heard that something interesting has happened, so let me take a look. If I am in a good mood, I can Help."

"That would be great, please come with me, Miss Xiuya." Brown said with a smile on his face.

Xiuya made a face at Moni and said, "Look, they are much more polite than you."

After the two left, Moni saw a huge shadow on the outer wall of the building outside. Judging from the beast-shaped shadows on the wings of the back and hands, it should be Girutan who couldn't stay still, and rushed to watch the excitement. Moni shook her head, but the anxiety in her heart didn't disappear because of the dispatch of many powerful men, but instead became more and more intense. Before she knew it, she clenched the death assault.

Seeing her hands that looked a little pale because of excessive force, Beyonce frowned slightly, thoughtfully. At this moment the door opened and Cassillo, the old butler, walked in. He nodded to Monnie, snapped his fingers back, and an attendant walked in with a tray with hot coffee on it.

"It's late at night, and the lady hasn't rested, so please have a cup of coffee to refresh yourself." Cassillo said with a loving look as if looking at his daughter.

Beyonce's heart shook slightly, before working late at night, Casirio had never been like this. But tonight not only came, but also looked at myself with such eyes. This kind of gaze was familiar to Beyoncé. When her mother who died of illness left, she once looked at herself with this kind of reluctance and kindness.

Could something unfortunate happen tonight? Beyonce thought.

In the biological laboratory, Eva is sitting in front of the operating table. With some sophisticated instruments, the cadaver of a frog head worm is being dissected and analyzed. If the worm's genes can be analyzed and then modified, it may be possible to add an extra unit to the Burning Legion. But at a critical juncture, the contactor rang, causing her hand to slip, and the laser knife in the transparent container immediately smashed an important organ of the specimen.

Eva left the operating table angrily, clicked on the communication request on the contactor, and Brown's big face popped out. Eva smiled and said: "Big guy, you better have a reason to make me happy, otherwise I don't mind asking you to be a specimen for my next biological experiment!"

She strongly emphasized the word "specimen", which made Brown's face a little weird. Then the big man said: "Five minutes ago, we received the alert. The outpost of the Arc de Triomphe Bridge was breached. Three minutes ago, the intruder and Jin and Alice were fighting on the road outside the city. Just now, the opponent seemed to have thrown off Jin. The two entered the city alone, and Kim and Alice were fighting for some reason."

"Are you saying that the weird brother and sister fought by themselves?" Eva finally forgot the unhappiness just now.

"Yes, this intruder is weird anyway, I think you would want to get a specimen like this."

"Okay, I forgive you. Come on, where is the location?"

"14th street in District 1."

"Okay, I'll be here later." Turning off the contactor, Eva thought for a while and opened the communication channel with Dr. Cord.

After a few seconds, Dr. Cord's back figure appeared in the screen. Eva said, "Dr. Cord, one thing..."

"I know, I'm not interested in the so-called intruder at all, so I won't take it with you."

Eva was startled: "I haven't said yet."

Curd turned his head and smiled sideways: "I have arranged a few of my children in Brown's big soldier, so don't try to hide anything from me in this city."

"You are so sinister."

"Thanks for the compliment." Cod said "oh" and said, "It's for the sake of one of our colleagues. Miss Eva, according to the feedback from my children, this intruder is not easy. Be careful not to die. Otherwise, hehehe, we will see each other soon."

Turning off the contactor, Eva got goose bumps. After scolding "old pervert", don't go back to your room and change clothes. After a while, Eva took the epee black dragon and jumped onto her off-road vehicle, and drove out of the biochemical experiment area.

"I took back what I just said."

In the car, Xiuya said suddenly.

Brown looked at her with a puzzled look, and Xiu Ya snorted: "There is this young lady who sits on the tenth level, and she needs to call other reinforcements. Are you underestimating me, uncle!"

"Of course not." Brown laughed and said: "Call Eva, this is not going to be for the two of us to take the lead, so that His Highness Xiuya can see each other's weakness, and then take it in one fell swoop. Deal with that kind of small role~www .lightnovelpub.net~His Royal Highness Xiuya naturally does not need to waste extra energy on the temptation link. We will do this for us."

"Uh..." Xiuya smiled and nodded: "It turns out that it is. I misunderstood you. Don't take it seriously."

She patted Brown's arm hard.

Turned a street and entered 14th Street in District 1. From a distance, I saw flames rising from the street in front, and occasional explosions. The car stopped and a group of soldiers trot up. Brown jumped out of the car and an elected soldier stepped forward and said: "Report to the sir, we have isolated District 14."

"Very well, Amon. What's the situation now?" Brown asked.

The soldier named Amon is one of Brown's squad leaders. This man is clever and cautious. He is a rare talent. Amon frowned and said: "The situation is very strange, just two minutes ago. After the suspected intruder entered the 14th area, the citizens who were too late to evacuate attacked each other for some reason. But they retained consciousness and just couldn't control their behavior. ...It's almost like being manipulated."

"That's really weird..." Brown frowned and looked at the street: "It always feels a bit ominous."