War Lord

Chapter 813: Awaken the beast

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"what is that?"

On the road to the second district, Amon headed towards the night sky in the distance. There was a flash of white light there, and then the light swelled rapidly, and in an instant it occupied the entire sky. Then something rang loudly, before the eyes were flooded with strong light, the off-road vehicle was lifted up by a pair of invisible big hands, and Amon and Xiuya rolled over with the car.

Then there was a weird silence, I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't see anything. Just when this feeling was about to drive Amon crazy, he gradually felt pain, then something sticky on his forehead came down, and finally there was a loud explosion that filled the entire ears, and a ball The blazing fireball gradually shrinking! The recovery of his five senses made Amon find that he was lying on the ground, the off-road vehicle rolled over on its side.

Xiuya was leaning against the wall not far behind Amon. She looked straight at the night sky in front of Amon, and the captain turned her head to look at the fireball on the sky with the flames rolling up and down.

After a circle of flames blasted away, and the material in the surrounding space was burned out, the fireball turned into a pillar of fire, connecting the world and the earth.

After a while, Xiuya smiled bitterly, "It seems that someone is dead, it's not you, little Moni?"

Monnie raised her eyes with her hands and tried to open her eyes. But what you see in your eyes is a sea of ​​flames. In the explosion just now, she drew a sword and slashed, just cutting out a vacuum area from the fire stream of the explosion. Eva knew the opportunity to flash behind her without any effort. As for Alice, another wall of frost was erected behind Moni to isolate the flame's impact on the mayor's palace.

Now that the wall of frost has completely dissolved, and the opposition of the fire current has formed a rising water vapor, making the area near this section of the avenue white. It was just that the water vapor was quickly dissipated by the high temperature, and the continuous pillar of fire gradually disappeared, finally forming a thick black-red smoke billowing up. The explosion formed after absorbing Nicholas's attack turned nearly half of the surrounding buildings on the Black Rose Avenue into ruins. The afterglow of the explosion still remained on the ground, and a burning smell filled the air.

"Hey, that guy doesn't seem to be dead yet..." Eva said bitterly.

Moni and Alice also felt that although the aura was weaker than before, Nicholas's power was still there. Sure enough, when the dense smoke dissipated, the cross-shaped radiance was still in its original position, but the radiance was much dimmer than before the explosion. Nicholas was shaking slightly, his left half of Tai's body was scorched, and even on his face, the skin on the small half of his face had been burnt to char. The hair, eyebrows, and beard were scorched, and the prophet had lost his original demeanor.

Nicholas couldn't help but smile. If it was Cassirio's own power, it was not qualified to hurt him. But the old man's energy absorption is equivalent to returning Nicholas's attack to himself. Under the surrender of a few-tier powerhouse, if it weren't for the protection of the puppet of the Holy Law, now Nicholas was afraid that he would have died together with Casirio.

One arm of the Holy Law puppet and the small half of his chest have been blown away, but this thing is Nicholas' domain, it is not a living thing, nor is it an organism. It is the energy body, as long as Nicholas is not dead and the energy is then replenished, it can be restored to its original state. Just after being hit by such a strong explosion, the Holy Law puppet didn't seem to regain its function for a while, and it couldn't even maintain its invisible state, but appeared behind Nicholas.

So Moni and the others saw the big guy behind the prophet. The Holy Law puppet looked like a heavily armored knight in armor. His head was wrapped in a helmet with a cross opening. The left hand was completely gone, and the front end of the right arm was A square heavy artillery. From below the waist is the scattered light, which comes from the cross light behind Nicholas.

Seeing the heavily wounded Nicholas and the Holy Law puppet, Moni said badly, dragging her sword and running. Eva and Alice also swooped over. They knew very well that Cassirio’s sacrifice was exchanged for such an opportunity. If Nicholas didn’t take his life when he was seriously injured, and once he escaped and made a comeback, almost no one could resist this. High-level powerhouse.

Nicholas grunted, and reached out his hand to point at the three women: "The Lord said, blasphemy will be punished severely; heretical people, give you the punishment of self-judgment!"

When the last word was spoken, a light wave of the same shape was ejected from the cross opening of the helmet of the Holy Law puppet. The cross light wave instantly expanded, including the entire street, and the three of Moni were instantly affected. But this strange light wave didn't seem to have any lethal power, at least Moni herself didn't feel anything wrong, she still rushed, jumped onto the building, and finally rushed towards Nicholas.

The death assault turned into a life-threatening cold light in her hands, as she saw it cut off at Nicholas, but suddenly, Moni found that her wrist was out of control. She turned her wrist and cut the long sword towards her neck. She couldn't think about it, so she could only use her left hand to block it. The sharp blade immediately slashed on her arm, the skin split and the flesh cracked, but it was finally blocked. But this sudden attack caused Moni to lose her balance and fall into the street.

Falling into the ruins, Moni struggled to get up and saw Alice holding the ice gun upside down and stabbing her chest; Eva used her hand as a knife and plunged into her belly. All three of them suddenly refused to obey their orders and committed suicide by their own means. In contrast, Moni had the fastest reaction and suffered the least injury. As for the two of Alice and Eva, they looked incredulous and fell to the ground feebly.

How could this be?

Moni's mind went blank, and then the picture of the cross ripple just flashed across. Is it that thing?

Seeing Moni was not dead, Nicholas frowned, and pointed at her again: "Self-decision!"

From the helmet of the Saint Law puppet, a cross ripple was ejected again, and Monnie's figure flickered. Her speed is already extremely fast, but the covered area of ​​the ripples almost encompasses the entire street, and Moni can't travel faster than the ripples no matter how fast. As a result, the body was affected again, and the horizontal sword in his right hand was about to be wiped away from his neck. Moni gritted her teeth and slammed her right shoulder with a fist with her left hand still at her disposal.

The bones of the shoulders shattered immediately, and the right hand was unable to hang down. With a bang, the death assault fell to the ground.

"I don't see it, you are quite decisive. But next time, what else can you do, you have only one arm left." Nicholas reminded.

Moni looked at the two people behind her, and then at the mayor's palace, she suddenly smiled: "There is no next time, because wait, I will kill you immediately."

"Just rely on you?" Nicholas obviously didn't believe it, and the Holy Law puppet behind him was replenished with energy and began to recover. The chest that was originally blown up has been restored to its original shape, and the missing left arm has also begun to reconstruct under the knitting of countless rays.

When the Holy Law puppet recovered, Nicholas believed that no attack could harm him. What's more, for Monnie, he only needs to use the "prophecy" again. Because he really couldn't think of how could a girl with the most ninth rank hurt him. Even if Moni blew himself up, Nicholas was not afraid at all.

Provoking a death assault with her toes, Moni caught it with her left hand. She looked at the night sky, her eyes soft.

Zero, I wanted to wait for you to come back. But now, I am afraid that this wish cannot be realized. But don't worry, whether it's Dawn City or Beyoncé, I will protect them. Even if I will become a beast!

He lowered his head, his eyes had become fierce and resolute. Moni raised the hilt of the long sword, gritted it with her teeth, and twisted her hand. The hilt could be moved. After opening the hilt, it was hollow, something shimmering in the depths. Moni raised the long sword high, poured the contents of the hilt into her open mouth, and a black chip the size of a nail fell into Monnie's mouth.

As soon as the black crystal armor fell into the mouth, it immediately melted away, turning into a liquid that followed the esophagus and entered Moni's body. Moni only felt that the body temperature of the whole body began to rise, and the beating of her heart became violent. She gasped, her pupils repeating the violent movements of dilation and contraction following the heartbeat. Under Monnie's skin, black lines appeared and disappeared from time to time. They continue to spread, like some kind of strange tattoo.

However, when these black lines appeared, Moni's body appeared to be not strong, but very depressed. It was like a captive beast tore open a corner of the cell, and uttered his own roar at the outside world. The breath was deep and crazy, longing for blood and destruction.

Girutan, who was located somewhere in a district, moved his fingers and opened his eyes with difficulty. He looked in the direction of Black Rose Avenue, gritted his teeth and said: "Idiot, I didn't say that the thing can't be used. Why do you have to activate it, damn, don't you know. Once activated, you can't go back again!" "

The little boy struggled to get up. When his body moved, his skin that had been crusted cracked again, and blood leaked from the wound. But Girutan still walked towards the Black Rose Avenue. If he didn't go again, he was afraid that he would never see Moni again.

"What is this girl doing?" Nicholas shook his head, and then made a "self-decision" to Monnie. He was not generous enough to wait until the enemy had enough combat power to launch an attack.

Only this time, even though the cross ripples of the Holy Law puppet covered Moni, Moni remained unmoved. Nicholas finally changed color, and launched his so-called "prophecy" again and again. However, Ling Xiuya, the tenth-order powerhouse, also planted the prophecy of Tingdou, but it did not work on Moni. The prophet encountered this for the first time. Kind of situation.

"Ah!" Moni shouted aloud~lightnovelpub.net~ She raised her head suddenly, and even the small face is now covered with black lines. The strange pattern like an electronic circuit has covered Moni's whole body, and on her chest, a diamond-shaped spar is floating. The spar was deep black, and Nicholas thought it was an empty energy stone, but Moni had such a spar floating on her body, and no other similar substance appeared. This is a bit strange, after being promoted to the tenth rank, the capable person can draw energy from the space. As for the energy node and storage function, there will be at least four air energy stones, which is the minimum requirement for the spar pivot formation.

I have never heard of a rank ten strongman with only one empty energy stone, not to mention that the energy aura on Moni's body has not broken through to rank ten. At this moment, a black light suddenly appeared on Moni's forehead, and then a horn made of black energy pierced out of her forehead. When this single energy horn appeared, Moni's eyes were full of ink, and her eyes were completely turned into scarlet red, and a circle of black symbols appeared on the edge of her eyes.

These eyes alone made Moni look a bit similar to those monsters called the Disorder. Asmo’s man-made magic soldiers are based on this first generation of abnormal life that was created by Prosius and then abandoned. So for the disorderly, how Nicholas is not clear.

Seeing Moni who is somewhat similar to the Disorder, the Prophet looked surprised: "Is this girl also Disorder?"