War Lord

Chapter 814: King's return

[Thanks to s062874, Su Ji in the war for their big monthly ticket support! The World Cup is here, everyone should pay attention to rest while staying up all night. ]

Just like the roar of a beast when it was injured, it sounded on the Black Rose Avenue. Girutan, who had already come to the edge of a district, heard the call. Instead, he fell because of his anxiety. The boy gritted his teeth and got up again.

"What are you...?" Nicholas had forgotten to use his so-called prophecy, and even forgot to let the Holy Law puppet attack. Before his eyes, Moni seemed to have completed the transformation, from human to beast.

In addition to the energy horns that originally protruded from the forehead, there were also such dark energy horns on both sides of her shoulders, knees and elbows. After the neck, along the position of the vertebrae, a dense array of energy spikes is discharged. Even the finger nails turned into jet black energy nails, coupled with the weird black lines and scarlet eyes. When the waist-length silver hair danced wildly behind her head, Moni was like a standing human-shaped beast, exuding a fierce aura.

She shook her head, like a wolf trying to keep her human side, so the red light in the left pupil, the red light in the eyes faded, reflecting the figure of Nicholas. Moni opened her mouth and let out a roar at the Prophet, and a row of sharp teeth appeared between the girl's lips!

The death assault was squeezed tightly, and all the energy horns and spikes lighted up at the same time. The soles of Monnie's feet pressed against the ground, and the ground crackled to pieces, and the girl's figure had disappeared.

In a step of ten meters, Moni quickly drew closer to Nicholas. The Prophet reacted at this time, the Holy Law puppet behind him raised the heavy cannon in his right hand, and the muzzle was aimed at Moni. A flicker of the girl was nowhere to be found. When she reappeared, the whole figure was stuck on the outer wall of the building on the left, like a gecko, and pressed down with her hands and feet.

"Quick!" Nicholas exclaimed, and at the same time, the muzzle of the Saint Law puppet turned again, this time aiming at the direction Moni was rushing.

A cross-shaped light illuminates in the muzzle, but the rich energy inside has not had time to reveal it. Moni landed on the cannon like a leopard, and when she stepped on her feet hard, the cannon sank down. With a bang, the sword of the archangel attacked again, but this time the torrent of energy rushed into the ground diagonally, and then pulled up, blasting through the rows of buildings on the left, and finally blasted a ball of white fire a few streets away.

In the flames, Moni had jumped from the gun to Nicholas. In those scarlet eyes, Nicholas could see his panic expression. He suddenly thought that he was afraid that he would meet a girl who could not even be called the tenth rank?

This thought just arose, and there was a cold in my chest. Moni had already slashed with a horizontal sword, pulling a wave of blood on his chest, and at the same time directly smashed the larger empty energy stone on his chest!

"Damn it!"

Nicholas shouted, his face was distorted. The right hand of the Holy Law puppet was quickly reconstructed, only the prototype of the arm was constructed, before it had time to add armor. Under the **** of Nicholas' will, he had already hit Monnie with a punch.

The girl flew down at an angle and crashed into the ruins of the buildings on the street.

Nicholas gasped, the energy stone on his chest was broken, a lot of energy escaped from this gap, the eleventh-order spar pivot appeared damaged, and the breath of the prophet was fading. He sighed, and the Holy Law puppet behind him scattered into energy particles and shrank into the cross light behind him. The cross rays of light closed again, narrowing to behind Nicholas. The prophet glanced at the ground, snorted, turned around and flew by. In an instant, it turned into a stream of light and went away.

At this time, the rubble of the ruins spurted up, and Moni stood up from the inside, her right arm was twisted and deformed, but it was because of the blow of the Holy Law puppet just now. But the fierce aura on her body increased unabated. Moni opened her mouth and screamed. On both sides of her cheeks, scales gradually floated from the black lines. She seemed to have a little wolf left, suddenly stretched out her hand to hold down the diamond spar on her chest, then roared and pulled up forcefully.

The spar seemed to grow on her, and when Moni pulled it up, her skin was also pulled up. But Moni was not ready to give up, she finally pulled hard, pulling out the spar along with the large skin of her chest. With the afterglow nearby, you can see that there are several tentacles floating behind the spar. These tentacles are squirming desperately, as if they want to return to Moni's body.

Moni threw the spar to a distance, and her eyes gradually returned to normal after the spar was separated from the body. At this time, the spar fell to the ground, and the feet at the bottom crawled like a spider, quickly crawling towards Moni. When she came to the feet of the girl, she took a few stops and jumped high. The girl's toes provoked a death assault, she held it with her left hand, severely cut it down, and split the spar into two.

When the spar burst, it seemed that something could be heard screaming from inside.

After blasting the spar, the black lines on Moni's body gradually faded, and the energy horns and spikes also burst one by one. But the **** girl closed her eyes and fell straight on the ruins, losing consciousness.

After a while, Eva picked her up and looked at the Black Rose Avenue, which was in ruins after the battle, and Eva could only smile.

In this world, the most powerful is not the high-level power, nor the ability to overwhelm the hills and explode the hills. It is time. Time always rolls forward with its own inherent rhythm. It does not stay for something or something. Even the will of the planet has no way to affect the passage of time. So the night will pass and the day has arrived.

On 14th Street in District One and Black Rose Avenue in District Two, soldiers and workers are clearing debris from the rubble. In the attack last night, Nicholas almost only shot at the capable, and coupled with the self-restraint of the army soldiers, although the damage was done, not many people died. In addition to the two soldiers on duty at the post of the Arc de Triomphe Bridge, Cassillo also died in the battle.

However, the high-level combat power of Dawn City was all in jeopardy. Brown and Jin didn't have a major problem. Both of them fainted and suffered minor injuries. After waking up, he was alive and kicking again, but Brown directed the cleaning of the scene, while Jin stayed in the mayor's mansion. Xiuya, Eva, and Alice were all seriously injured, but because of the blood of God, Eva had the highest resilience among the three women.

Alice was stabbed in her chest by her ice gun. Fortunately, it didn't hurt the vitals, but the penetrating wound was seriously injured on any person with the ability, not to mention that Alice was not a person who recovered her skills. As for Xiuya, it was also choking. If Alice hadn't closed her wound in time, the First Knight would have died of blood loss.

Both women were pale now, and they didn't even have the strength to say a word.

But it was Moni who was more serious.

Moni's physical injury is second. Even her deformed arm is not difficult to recover under current medical conditions. What's more, the capable people themselves have a strong resilience. Even if they are not good at recovering, their body's self-healing ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Moni’s problem comes from genetic damage, which is almost irreversible. Victor, who has done a detailed examination for her, is also helpless. There is another kind of cell in Moni's body, which is a bit like the disordered one that Victor had seen in Leah in his early years. They are as aggressive as the cells of the Disorder, but they did not destroy Moni's cells, but disappeared after they invaded, leaving behind a piece of genetic code.

But in this way, Moni is almost transforming from the genetic level. No one knows what Moni will become when the transformation is complete, maybe she will become the beast like last night.

Moni is unconscious now, her body temperature is alarmingly high. Victor has tried his best to prevent the invasion of that kind of foreign cells, but with little success. The affairs of Moni depressed the atmosphere in the mayor's residence, and even Beyonce, who had always been energetic, lost her interest in work. Just last night, she lost Cassillo forever. And now, it seems that there is another one to leave.

Although it is not death, it has become a stranger since then, and it makes people sad to think about it.

At the end of this dull day, in the dusk of the sky, the soldiers at the Triumphal Arch sentry saw several cars driving down the ramp in the distance. After yesterday’s incident, the post directly increased the strength of a small team. A barricade was built on the ground at the entrance of the bridge, and the anti-aircraft gun was not a display. When the distant convoy drove down the ramp, the fireman had pointed the machine gun in the direction of the oncoming vehicle.

The two soldiers stepped forward quickly and gestured to stop the traffic in the direction of the oncoming vehicle. In the end, the car stopped a hundred meters away from the sentry post. The opponent did not intend to conflict, which made the soldiers somewhat relieved.

These are a few off-road vehicles, and there is a transport truck in the back. There are soldiers in the transport truck that cannot be seen, but everyone on the off-road vehicle does not look like ordinary people, but they can feel it. Someone jumped off in the first car. He was a young man, with broken black hair flying gently in the mountain breeze. On his handsome face, a pair of golden pupils were full of majesty. A faint smile hung between his lips, diminishing the pressure on those eyes, and the man came over and said, "Where is Brown?"

"Are you looking for our chief?" one of the soldiers said, "Husband, please show your identity. Perhaps our chief is only interested in seeing you. But it's hard to tell now, because he is very busy now."

The man nodded and said, "Then please tell him, so that he is back."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The soldier ran back to the guard at a quick pace.

The man walked back to the car, and a grinning man in the car said, "Head, it seems that your name is not as loud as that of Brown."

Ling smiled faintly, and said: "After all, we have been away for almost a year. It is normal for them not to recognize me~lightnovelpub.net~ It is Feng who is talking. Leah who is sitting next to him stands up and looks at the distance behind the bridge. City: "But Sister Bess looks very capable. Now the size of the city is about to catch up with Rock City in the Western Continent, right?"

"She has always been very capable." Zero smiles.

At this time, the soldier who had ordered zero parking ran back hurriedly. He saluted to Zero in a panic, and said, "I'm sorry, Master Zero! I just joined the city defense army and don't know who you are! Chief Brown has arrived now, please come with me."

The soldier gesticulated vigorously towards the back, and the barricade of the post was raised, opening the passage towards zero. Zero jumped into the car and said to Feng: "Let's go, we are going home."

At the time of crisis in Dawn City, Zero finally returned to this city.

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