War Lord

Chapter 815: Communicator

[Thanks to Brother Xiang,, for your monthly ticket support! ]

\"The first thing I do when I enter the city, I have to take a shower immediately, and then ask the old man Brown to take a dip in the bar.\"

\"I want a good night's sleep.\"

\"If only there is a practice range, then Ye Liu and I can have fun.\"

\"You guys are so noisy!\"

Driving towards the city of Dawn, Feng and others talked a lot along the way. Zero smiles and no words, Dawn City is the first city that belongs to him in the true sense and belongs to everyone. For Zero also Well, no matter what people like Feng, this city gives them a sense of belonging, which is incomparable to the star city they have stayed in before. Even Asgart, they would not have such feelings.

That's the feeling of home.

The bricks and soils here are all made by everyone, and they contain the blood, sweat and feelings of all people, and they are naturally not comparable to other cities.

After driving through the Arc de Triomphe Bridge, along the road connecting the city and the bridge, the car passed through the small town that faced foreign races during the Western Expedition. Now the ruins of the small town have been cleared away, and there is open wilderness on both sides of the road. I saw some low shrubs appearing on both sides of the road.These shrubs are arranged along both sides of the road and seem to be artificially sown plants.

In a wilderness not far from the city, Ling saw the agricultural base of Jin. With the improvement of Jin, the soil here can already grow some stubborn crops. Three to five workers are turning the soil with machines. , Others sprinkle seeds into the soil. Behind the base is a greenhouse where you can see exemplary rice fields that have been successfully cultivated.

This is a common picture in the old age, but in this era, when you see these rice fields growing on the surface, everyone on the car, including zero, is silent. They all know that these rice fields symbolize hope.

I have come to the gate of Dawn City. Outside the city is a patchwork of defensive positions. The towering walls and metal gates isolate the city and the wilderness. But the gate is completely black, as if it has been burned by high-temperature flames. When the gate opened, it was 14th Street that was invaded by Nicholas that day.

After the battle between Nicholas and Xiuya, 14th Street has been turned into rubble. The street has been cleaned up, but the damaged buildings on both sides still left traces of the war. Soldiers and workers are cleaning up the rubble with equipment and manpower. Come out, and then be transported to the truck to be sent away. Seeing this, the convoy stopped. Zero was still sitting in the driving seat, and the others stood up one after another.

Feng was surprised: \"What is going on?\"

In the front of the street, an off-road vehicle drove over. The car stopped in front, and Brown jumped off the car, and greeted him with a laugh. Zero opened the door and was hugged by the big man on the street. Let go of zero, Brown sighed: "It's fine if you come back, head."

\"What happened?\"Zero asked directly.

\"It's a long story, let's talk while walking. By the way, you have to meet someone first. If it's late, I don't know if I can meet it?? Yes.\" Brown's face was sad.

Zero listened to his heart sinking.

After changing to Brown’s car, the big man drove the car and looked directly in the direction of the comprehensive research base. The base is basically Eva, Cod and Victor's site. The three people are engaged in different activities in this base. Research. When it was being built, Beyonce planned the area of ​​the base for them so that they would not interfere with each other, but they could communicate immediately when they encountered any problems.

The car finally stopped in front of Victor's Pharmaceutical Research Institute in the base. Brown walked into the institute with zero rush, while others waited outside. Brown went straight to a room deep in the institute with zero, and pushed Open the door, Victor is busy with something, and he doesn't even have the time to look back. There are instruments in this room, and several of them are for life support.

On a bed next to Victor, there was a girl lying, her silver hair hanging from the edge of the bed had lost her luster, and it was dim and dim.

Brown coughed, and Victor turned his head back. First he saw Brown and then zero. Victor clearly showed signs, and then smiled bitterly: "It's okay if you are back, come and see her."

Zero walked over, and when she saw the **** the bed, her breathing was a little short: \"She... Is she...\"

\"Yes, Moni. Look, I haven't seen you in a few years, she has grown up.\" Victor pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and said:\" She came to Dawn City to find you more than half a year ago But you have left the mainland, but Moni did not leave, she stayed here and waited for you. She also helped Brown a lot. This kid is already a very powerful person. But now...\"

Zero stretched out her hand and swiped it across Moni's little face, feeling the amazing body temperature of her body. Zero calmly said: \"Who did it.\"

Although the tone of voice was calm, Victor and Brown felt cold all over at the same time. The more calm the zero, the stronger the killing intent. After a while, Brown replied: \"A guy named Nicholas, he called himself a prophet. Just yesterday Later that night, he attacked us. Many people were wounded, and Mr. Cassillo was killed in the battle. In the end, Moni desperately pushed him back, but she herself fell.\"

\"Mr. Cassillo also...\"Zero pupils shrank, and flames almost burst from the depths of the pupils: \"Okay, okay. Nicholas, I'll take it down.\"

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked: "How is Monnie?"

\"Very bad. Look...\" Victor brought Zero to the brain where he was working, and a light screen showed the condition of the cells in Monnie's body.

Watching those foreign cells are entering.[,! ] Invading Moni’s own cells, Ling felt that the picture was very familiar, and suddenly shook: "Disordered?"

\"Very similar, but not exactly.\" Victor shook his head and said: "These foreign cells, I temporarily call them communicators. You are optimistic, communicators are not like disorderly ones, they are not so much invading , It’s better to say that sowing is appropriate. Look here...\"

The doctor pointed to one of the enlarged pictures. In the picture, the communicator quickly died out after invading the cells. However, the invaded cells began to show a black halo from the point of invasion. This halo will gradually spread. And eventually cover the host's cells.

\"You can see it, it sowed its seeds, and then died. But the seeds will take root in the new soil, and quickly change the soil. \" Victor said solemnly:\" These things are actually in They modified Moni’s cells and added a new genetic code. It is almost impossible to decode this code in a short period of time, and in this way, Moni’s changes cannot be reversed. What we don’t know is that , When all of Moni's cells are changed, what will she become? A new species? Or a monster? Only one thing is certain. At that time, she will no longer be Moni.\"

\"I understand...\"Zero stood up and said:\"Let me see where she provokes these things.\"

\"I am afraid that only Moniben knows about this kind of thing.\" Victor said.

\"No, I have a way.\"

Victor only noticed at this time that Zero was originally just a golden eye in the right eye, but now, both eyes have turned golden. He couldn't help saying: \"Your eyes...\"

\"Well, someone’s gift.\"Zero pointed to his left eye and said:\"It has the ability to go back to the past.\"

Victor opened his mouth wide.

Walking to Monnie's bed, Zero stretched out her hand and gently pressed it on the girl's cheek. A brand new symbol rose in her left eye, and it slowly rotated. It turned faster and faster, and finally sprayed a golden flame from the symbol. Simultaneously shaking slightly with Moni, the spirits of the two were connected together. In Zero's mind, the pictures flicked quickly, and it was the memory of Moni that the left eye of God was flipping through.

In the end, the picture stopped, and Ling saw Moni and the boy with the strange beast pupils of the day in a mountain forest, surrounded by unnamed, tall, secret ancient trees. Around them were dense figures. A strong man walked over. He looked like an ordinary human adult man, but his eyes were also beast pupils.

He came to Monnie and squatted down, holding a transparent test tube with two fingers. Inside was a drop of black liquid. He said something in a language that he didn't understand, and finally said in human language: \"Black The seed of the **** has been sown in your body, and you already have powerful power. This is the holy medicine that makes the seed a big tree, but after drinking it, you will completely become the servant of the black god, and you will no longer be physically and mentally. It’s your own. So don’t take it, don’t drink the holy medicine casually.\"

The picture quickly moved away, Zero disconnected from Moni's mental connection, the rotating symbol in her left eye stopped, and finally disappeared into the depths of her pupils. Zero closed her eyes, and her mind still reverberated in the past tense that traced Moni just now. A few important words remaining.

Black Earth, Amanda, Black God, Seed, Holy Medicine!

These few words are connected into an important clue to explain why Moni has grown to such a height in just a few years. The repetition of the word "black" gives zero vagueness. The manifestation.

\"Victor, get ready, let me give Monnie a blood transfusion.\" said Zero.

Victor frowned and said: \"She did not lose blood again...\"

\"I know, but my blood should be able to get rid of the so-called communicators.\" This is the zero goal.

Victor no longer insisted, and got up to prepare the blood transfusion equipment for the two. Brown backed out and waited for the result with peace of mind. Zero sat on a chair beside Monnie's bed and looked at the girl's profile, as if he was in the past. The days of wandering in the wilderness are back. At that time, two people, a gun, and lesbians are all about wandering life.

After a while, Victor injected the catheter with needles into the veins of the two men. Zero closed his eyes and felt his blood flow into Monnie's body through the equipment. Then he used his will to control the memory group in the blood remotely, let They self-generated countermeasures against the situation in Moni's body. The memory team immediately entered the working state, they captured one of the communicators, and began to invade to decipher the genetic code.

However, when the memory group invaded the communicator, Ling was shocked and opened his eyes. In his eyes, a black shadow appeared. The black shadow rolled like flames, and red light like eyes appeared, and then zero A beastly roar was heard.

He knew that he had guessed right, that the so-called black **** is indeed related to Prosius. If this is the case, then the so-called seeds and holy medicine should be the dark heart that Agladis wants him to find!

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