War Lord

Chapter 816: freed

[Thanks to Brother Xiang and Xiao Azhu for your monthly pass support! It's been a long time since Zhu Zhu Da, ha. ]

This is a battle at the cellular level.

The battle started when the zero memory group caught the communicator. At the first contact with the communicator, the breath of Prosius broke into the perception of zero, and the battle began. However, on these communicators, Prosius's breath was extremely weak, and its will did not pay much attention to these cells, and Zero soon overwhelmed the influence of its breath.

As a result, the working efficiency of the memory group is doubled. Layers of genetic codes are analyzed by the memory group. The codes that cannot be resolved in a short time in Victor's hands are not a big problem under the action of the memory group. What's more, now Zero's main brain and two separate brains have also been put into calculations. The communicator's genetic code was quickly analyzed and compared, and the memory team immediately created a countermeasure mechanism and constructed a digital model.

After the digital modeling is completed, a cell for the communicator is continuously generated by the memory group. Such cells are like blisters, and they don't look as aggressive as communicators. But once wrapped by them, the communicator cannot break free, and then gradually disappears in the cell, like a frustrated balloon and finally disappears.

The cells generated in the memory group also found Moni’s own cells that had been planted with "seeds". After the two kinds of cells overlapped with each other, the cells in the memory group began to ablate. When it disappeared completely, the black matter in Moni's cells began to fade. However, under Victor's observation, it was obvious that the forced implanted code was collapsing and restored to Monnie's own genes.

This kind of battle lasted for more than two hours, and Moni's body temperature finally dropped and returned to normal. Ling Cai breathed a sigh of relief, and the communicators in Moni's body had been wiped out. He signaled that Victor's blood transfusion could be stopped, and the doctor pulled out the needles from both of them, and Zero stood up and said, "It should be all right, but she is still very weak."

"I know that I will give her some nutrients later."

"Moni will leave it to you, Victor, remember to notify me when she wakes up." Ling Pai said with a pat on the shoulder of the doctor.

Victor lifted his glasses and said with a smile, "That's just enough."

Zero Zai glanced at Moni, turned and left the room. As soon as I opened the room, apart from Brown in the hallway, Beyonce also came. Seeing zero coming out, Beyonce rushed towards him immediately. With a zero smile, she gently caught her, with Beyonce hanging on him like a koala. Without speaking, Beyonce just kissed him desperately, and Zero also responded fiercely.

Brown had to exit awkwardly, giving space to these two long-awaited reunion.

After the intense kiss, Beyonce gasped and said, "How is Monnie?"

"Rescued, but the guy who hurt her and others must pay for it!" Ling Lengran said.

"I agree with this, but before that, you must go home with me first. I can't help but eat you!" Beyonce said fiercely.

"Now? But Feng and the others..."

"I have asked Brown to take them away and arrange a place to stay. You don't know, now we have a lot of houses in the second district. There is no problem with more than one person living in ten rooms." Beyonce's body was hot and her face flushed. Chao: "As for you, I'm sorry, there is only one!"

"I know, that is your room." Zero smiled.

"Just know, follow me!"

"Yes, my Lord Mayor."

It wasn't until the evening that Zero came out of Beyonce's room. As for Beyonce, she is too tired and has fallen asleep. For an ordinary person, Beyonce's stamina was already quite good in the afternoon and Zero Fierce Battle. Today she behaved wild and passionate. Her two red lips, as she said, "eat" almost every corner of her body.

She used all the places in her body that could please Zero to actively cater to her, letting go of all her reservations, and her posture boldly surprised even Zero. After not knowing how many peaks she had climbed, she was too tired to move a finger. But while cuddling with Zero, Beyonce could not resist crying. Zero knows that the wildness and indulgence just now are just releasing the deep sorrow in his heart.

Because Cassillo was dead, to Beyonce, he was like a father, silently supporting her behind her back. When danger comes, he does not hesitate to stand in front of him. Cassirio's departure was a heavy blow to Beyoncé. But she still looks like usual when she is in front of others. Only in front of Zero will she unscrupulously release her emotions like a little girl.

Zero comforted her, and such a release was also a good thing for Beyonce. Otherwise, let it settle, and one day it will lead to disaster.

After her physical strength and spirit were released, Beyonce finally fell asleep with tears on her face. Ling left the room quietly, he had other things to do, such as hunting down the **** who destroyed the city, killed Cassirio and severely wounded Moni and the others.

But before that, he needs to understand the situation. When he came to Beyonce's office, Zero was going to call Brown. Pushing open the door, there was a woman standing by the window. The blue hair danced gently in the wind, making Ling think of the sea. A side face that can be called perfect, leaving behind is shocking beauty. Wearing a large white shirt, a pair of slender legs stretched out from under the corners of the clothes. Even the toes that stepped on the floor showed amazing beauty.

After standing for two seconds, the woman turned her head and smiled and asked, "Am I pretty?"

"If you are not beautiful, there will be no beautiful women in this world." Ling smiled freely: "I'm a good flatterer, first knight, Your Highness Xiuya."

Xiuya laughed: "It seems that the information is dead. You are more humorous than I thought. I also like strong and humorous men so that they don't feel boring. Hey, your eyes..."

"Recently, a little change has taken place." Zero one sentence passed, and then: "I have to thank you, Your Highness Xiuya. Thank you for your help. I heard Brown say that you have been here for a few months to help He's a lot of busy."

"It's nothing, I can't just eat and not work."

"Then I can tell why the first strongest of the Scarlet Knights came to my town when the Dark Council was fighting against the Hall of Valor." Ling sat down in the position of Beyonce, during the period of time in the Western Continent. , Zero has also made considerable growth. Aside from other things, just sitting like this will give you the taste of a superior person.

That feeling was natural, without deliberately releasing power or aura, Xiu Ya was slightly surprised. If Zero is just a strong man, then his achievements will be at most the level of a top strong man or a side hegemon. But now, the feeling that Ling gave her was very similar to that of her nominal father, and that was completely different.

If it is someone like Oglock, then Zero will have the power to push the world forward and will be the creator of a certain period of history.

After returning to her senses, Xiuya returned to her usual appearance, and she pulled a chair and sat down. With his chin on his hands, he looked at Zero and said, "I just came back from the black earth, where I have been fighting with Moni's girl for several years. So I am really not interested in participating in the war between the two giants, so I just gave myself a holiday. I just saw your information in the mission record of the blood knight. The information says that you have worked hard from a little soldier in Asgart to build your own city. I am very interested in you, so I came. But after I came, I found that I liked the city a little bit."

"It's really an honor for us to be liked by His Highness Xiuya."

"Okay, don't take a bite of your Highness. Are you going to deliberately distance yourself from me? In that case, I originally wanted to tell you Nicholas's bastard's information. It seems that I can save a little effort."

Zero bitter smile: "That's because I can't figure out your intentions. Although Dawn City remains neutral, the biggest funder is Asgart. However, you are a member of the Dark Council, so I want to keep a certain distance. It’s good for both of us."

"I suddenly found out that you are not so funny anymore. The tone is exactly the same as my father. Do you men only have politics in their eyes?"

"That's not what I said, another time, I and I would like to make you a friend. But now, the situation is more special, isn't it?" Ling asked rhetorically.

Xiuya is not a fool, of course what is zero referring to. He didn't like this approach to Xiuya very much, but Zero's way of handling it was correct. Regardless of personal likes and dislikes, Xiuya couldn't fault him.

"Well, for the sake of what you are saying, this lady should not remember the villain as an adult." Xiuya tapped her finger on the table and said, "That guy named Nicholas is Tier 11!"

Zero pupil shrank slightly, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter, Tier 11 is also human. As long as it is human, there is a way to get rid of it."

"Okay, I like your words. It's as confident as this lady. A strong opponent is not a big deal. If the confidence of victory is lost because of the strength of the opponent, that kind of life is sad!"

Zero also began to understand a little bit about how the first knight Xiuya came from. Probably in addition to her own superior force, strong self-confidence is also another important factor. However, there is still a little difference between Zero and her. Zero's self-confidence is the confidence built on countless life and death battles. It has become a kind of iron-like belief that permeates his life and will not be shaken by anything~www.mtlnovel .com~ After the battle with Gaia, Zero will no longer be shaken by the strength of the opponent. He has crossed the most difficult hurdle in his life, facing the source of his life, and replacing him as the only one. This is actually more difficult than facing Prosius.

"Please tell me more." Zero said.

Xiuya nodded, raised a finger and said: "First of all, when it is Tier 9, this guy will use a trick called complete control. That's right, he is a despicable and shameless person with perception domain ability, Miss Ben. The most annoying is the guys in this field. They are like those rats in the sewers, never daring to fight upright, they will just jump out of the shadows to startle you!"

Strictly speaking, the first knight in front of him was still a girl not much older than Moni. So even when discussing business matters, I never forget to bring in my likes and dislikes. Zero can only remind her: "Thank you for the point."

"Uninteresting!" Xiuya snorted: "This ability is actually pretty good. Brown and another guy followed and became a doll controlled by Nicholas. But it has its own limitations. Nicholas must touch the target with his hands to be able to. Activate this ability. But for us at Tier 10, the effect is limited. What needs to be paid attention to is that guy’s domain..."