War Lord

Chapter 820: The essence of killing

"Fair?" Nicholas shrugged, and despite his injuries, he was at a disadvantage. But Zero also had to admit that the other side's calm posture does have the demeanor of a strong man: "Do you think this can defeat me?"

"No." Zero's tone was flat, as if he was telling something that couldn't be more trivial: "I'm going to kill you, right here."

"Kill me?" Nicholas shook his head and said, "This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I really don't know what gives you confidence to say that. Zero, if I didn't see, you are at most tenth order."

"And you have been injured, and it's not light. If you can still use Tier 11 abilities in this way, then I made a mistake in judgment. You deserved it if you slaughtered it." Ling raised his head and looked at the dome of the cave: "However, , The height here does not exceed 20 meters. Are you sure you can use the domain here? How did I hear that after your domain is expanded, I must maintain a height of about 30 meters..."

The smile on Nicholas's face stiffened, and his face finally sank. As Ling said, his injuries were not minor. The wound that Moni gave him hasn't healed yet, and she was hit by Zero twice tonight. The gunshot wound on the arm should be considered the lightest, but the numb and itchy sensation came from the wound, which is abnormal. Even the dirty bomb soaked in nuclear waste can't make him feel abnormal in such a short period of time. Perhaps this dirty bomb has been specially fed.

But the most serious thing was the spiral ripple that Zero sent from behind. Its position overlapped with Moni's sword last night, which virtually doubled Nicholas's original injury.

Above the tenth level, those with abilities form air-energy stones, and then arrange the spar pivots with the air-energy stones, so that more powerful energy can pass through the body. The arrangement of the spar pivot is formed naturally, but there are also implicit rules in it. For example, the energy of Nicholas's eleventh order must be discharged by a pivot array of eight energy stones in order to flow smoothly. Now that there is one less energy stone, if the energy of the eleventh order is used reluctantly, when it flows in the body, the energy will be out of control due to the incomplete pivot formation, and it will even explode.

Nicholas really can't use the power of the eleventh order, and he is just bluffing. It is a pity that Zero is not a rookie who just debuted, and from what he said, he obviously collected information about himself carefully. So when he appeared, he deliberately lowered his energy aura, making him think he was a rookie, and gave birth to the idea that he could take advantage of it. Now I have introduced myself into this natural cave, and the limited height of the cave has restricted the use of his field.

The whole process can be described as one link after another.

This is a brilliant hunter, Nicholas thought. Then he said: "You are such a discreet and scary guy. No wonder Andre will put you on the kill list. Even though I know that he wants to kill you, the greatest possibility is still your god's eye. "

"Andre? So you are from Asmo." Nodded: "Then I have no reason to let you go. After all, that fellow Andre will meet him on the battlefield sooner or later. Yes. It would be good to weaken him a little bit."

"Perhaps, but you should be fortunate. It is me that is met now. If it is the lunatic Albert, he doesn't care if he is injured or not." Nicholas spread his hand: "Then zero, let's negotiate. You see, obviously I am. Not a lunatic. In such a situation that is not beneficial to me, I don’t want to go desperately. I want to leave here, you can make an offer. How about, even in the future against Andre, I can help you. ."

Zero was silent, and seemed to be considering Nicholas' request. The Prophet waited patiently. After a few seconds, Zero shook his head: "I refuse."

"Are you crazy?" Nicholas cried, "What good is it to fight me hard. Even if you have a chance to kill me, can you guarantee that you are safe?"

"Of course not, but I still refuse." Zero's eyes became sharp: "Because I can't believe a person who negotiates with his own life, but his eyes are shining with murder!"

Nicholas sighed and said, "You are such a tough guy. Then, just let him go."

"I want to say the same."

So the battle started in an instant.

Once Zero shot, Nicholas knew he had hit a natural enemy. He is a perceptual ability person, even if he is Tier 11, he is by no means good at close combat skills. In previous battles, Nicholas had encountered guys lower than himself. Due to the natural advantage of rank suppression, coupled with complete control of this ability, Nicholas will not be disadvantaged even in close combat.

But tonight's circumstances were special, and he was injured several times, which forced him to restrict his ability to Tier 10. Coupled with the natural environment of the cave, it suppressed his biggest killer, the Holy Law puppet. Conversely, Zero's previous sniping has brewed enough murderous intent, and he is a person who tends to speed and explosive type. Coupled with the trip to the Western Continent, zero strength greatly increased.

Especially after integrating the experience that Gaia left him, Zero has now become a master in close combat.

Nicholas was already at a disadvantage as soon as the two faced each other. Zero attacks are not necessarily so frequent, and can even be called rare. He was in irregular movements more often, but every time he moved, he would always fall into Nicholas' blind spot, which forced the prophet to keep up with zero speed.

But as mentioned earlier, the two people are good at different fields. On the basis of the same level, no matter how hard Nicholas tried, he gradually couldn't keep up with the speed of zero. Once the speed of Zero's movement cannot be kept up, Zero's attack begins to appear.

The attack was very monotonous, with occasional punches and kicks inside. Otherwise, it would just wave a palm horizontally, but these unpretentious movements were full of tenth-order energy. Whether it is a fist or a palm, there is a thunderbolt-like explosion when it is swept out. It is the sound of countless times of energy colliding in an instant. It can be seen that the intensity of the attack is great, and a slight accident is the pattern of the corpse on the spot.

Without dazzling flames, without dazzling abilities, Zero's craftsmanship has risen to another level, reaching the level of ingenuity. He restored the essence of killing. After all, whether it was gorgeous skills or simple fists, they were all means of taking human lives. It's just that the former is easy to obtain, while the latter requires a lot of hard work to simplify or even abandon the redundant actions. In the end, it will be nothing more than a move.

Such an opponent is the most terrifying.

After experiencing countless battles and digesting Guyana's rich combat experience, zero fighting skills have been polished smoothly. In close combat alone, it is enough to be included in the range of top powerhouses.

In contrast, Nicholas is still several levels behind.

The two were entangled in the cave like a phantom, and the sound of breaking through the air and blasting did not stop at the beginning. The battle lasted only a few minutes, and Nicholas was already on the lookout. Zero's attack was accurate and ruthless, and he couldn't resist almost every shot. What's more, he can't keep up with the speed of zero, so how can he predict and block?

And Nicholas was almost full of color, and Zero was not in a hurry to make a killer. Because he knows very well that no matter how strong his skills are, he will definitely expose such flaws every time he tries his best to kill a target. As for a strong man like Nicholas, even if he is not good at close combat, his high-level vision will allow him to see through these flaws. If he fights back, a high-level counterattack will be terrible.

Therefore, Zero stays in high-speed motion. He is like a wild wolf, patiently searching for the weakness of the prey, and constantly tearing off a piece of flesh and blood. Until the prey is exhausted and unable to fight back, it will bite its throat in one fell swoop. This is a wolf's tactic, and it can't be more appropriate at this time.

Soon, Zero felt that Nicholas's physical strength and energy were declining. His movements became more and more sluggish. If he was only one beat slow before, then it is three beats and four beats now. With the consumption of physical energy and the loss of blood, the shadow of death has been heavily covered by this strong man.

The battle was still going on, Nicholas was already gasping for breath, and Zero was just sweating profusely. In contrast, Zero seems calmer. Finally, when Nicholas' breath fell to a predetermined level, the wolf finally showed its fangs and bit towards the throat of the prey!

Zero flashed several times in a row, disturbing Nicholas' judgment with high-speed motion. When the opponent made a mistake in his judgment, Zero moved his five fingers together and plunged deep into Nicholas's waist. Then the arm should move up, squeeze the opponent's heart in one fell swoop, and completely end the battle. Nicholas held his arm tightly with both hands, and the Prophet turned his head, blood running through his mouth. But he was still laughing: "Zero, you lost."

"You said the opposite, right?" Ling said coldly, and at the same time punched Nicholas in the chest.

But even if the Prophet bounced backwards, the hands holding the arm did not show any signs of loosening, but instead held it tighter. Nicholas raised his head and smiled: "No, you will be the one who died. Your strategy and skills are impeccable. But there is one thing that is inferior to me, even when I am seriously injured."

"Zero, don't forget, I am a capable person of perception domain!"

Nicholas's eyes suddenly lit up ~lightnovelpub.net~ almost like the third wheel of the sun, shining only two rounds of bright light in the zero eyes, and no other scenes can be seen.

When Ling came back to his senses, he was no longer in the original cave, and there was no Nicholas by his side. The surrounding area seems to be a lava zone, and fiery red lava flows from time to time on the hot surface. There was a smell of sulphur all around, and my nose was abnormally choking. Looking at the distance, there are several black hills standing on the surface. From time to time, a pillar of fire spews from the top of the mountain, and then scattered into sporadic rain of fire, which are actually volcanoes.

The sky was crimson, the fire clouds flowed, and even the whistling wind was hot.

Here, it's like hell!

Zero suddenly understood that this is Nicholas' spiritual world. He is a capable person of perception domain, and it is not difficult to connect zero will into his spiritual world. And if zero is killed in the spiritual world, then zero is also killed in the real world. After all, a body without will is no different from a vegetable.

At this moment, Ling heard a majestic voice resounding in the sky: "Come on trial, sinner!"

Hearing this voice, Zero understood the feeling of Xiuya a little bit. He cursed in a low voice: "What a guy who loves to pretend to be a fool."