War Lord

Chapter 822: 1 fatal blow

Depriving the subject of all fighting ability, the power of the projected weapon is determined purely by the amount of mental power. This is the rule of the spiritual world of Nicholas, so his subject of will does not directly participate in the battle, but uses spiritual power to project many Celestial warriors came, using them as "weapons" and wanted to kill Zero on this home court. It can be said that this is a more terrifying "field" than the holy law puppet.

If Xiuya were dragged into this world at that time, it would be difficult for the first knight to have a chance of surviving. But Nicholas miscalculated with it against zero.

All the performances of Zero are high-level behaviors in the fighting domain. Generally, except for those with elemental domain abilities, whose mental power is slightly stronger, people with abilities in other domains do not specifically train for mental power, because there is no need for that. The perceptible domain is not so, they don't need to train specifically. With each promotion, this special power will continue to increase.

After all, most of the abilities of the perceptual domain are related to spiritual will, take Nicholas as an example. If his mental power were to be quantified, this number should be in the tens of thousands or even more. However, the mental power of ordinary people is only in the dozens. Even the high-ranking fighting domain, it can not support more than a thousand.

So Nicholas can project thousands of celestial warriors in the spiritual world, and even a high-level like Xiuya, even if he masters the trick, can barely project nearly a hundred celestial warriors. This is the difference between the amount of mental power, but in zero, this common sense has been completely subverted.

A guy in the fighting domain quickly perceives the rules of this world and uses them. Later, a six-barrel revolver gun was projected. As far as Nicholas knew, this weapon was already the limit projection that zero could achieve. But now, there are more than a dozen lava giants fighting for him. Nicholas carefully observed these giants, and found that he wanted to project them, each of which would cost five to six thousand mental powers.

In other words, when projecting these giants, Zero must have 70,000 mental power units. What's more, there are two silver-white revolvers projected in his hand, decorated with gorgeous and elegant golden patterns on both sides, and powerful enough to blast the heavenly soldiers with one shot. None of these two or three thousand mental power units can't be projected.

The shock in Nicholas' heart can no longer be explained in words. As Zero, who is a fighting domain, has a powerful mental power that can compete with it, and even has an advantage?

Regardless of what Nicholas thinks, Zero clearly has the upper hand now. The magma blasting bombs thrown by the lava giants are amazingly powerful. After they blast into the group of heavenly warriors, they will burst into fire-like lava bombs. In the falling fire and rain, the heavenly soldiers kept turning away. Several of the giants plunged their hands deeply into the magma, and the magma would climb onto their hands. Covered on the arm, it becomes a pair of high-temperature flame arms.

These giants directly slammed into the angel legion. They waved in the air with their arms entwined with flames. They were slapped by their arms, and the heavenly warriors became fireballs and fell to the ground.

Ordinary heavenly warriors have no way to take these giants. Whether it is a gun or a big sword, the attack on the giants is like tickling them. Only those elite gunners and flame-wing angels pose a threat to these behemoths. Every few seconds, the gunner’s beam hand cannon will spray rows of silver beams from the air, like a meteor rushing, blasting the giant's body to shatter the rock and gear. Fly.

But even if all the gunners focused on bombing a giant, they could not completely explode it. The giant will protect important parts of his body with his hands. But after one round of bombing, a dozen flame-wing angels would swoop down, slashing at the giant with two blazing giant swords in their hands. The power of the Flame Wing Angels is not comparable to that of ordinary heavenly warriors. When they cut a sword on the giant, it will leave a fiery red crack.

More than a dozen flame-winged angels ran around the giant, and the giant would fall apart.

However, when it dies, the giant will open his chest openly, revealing the hot and hot core inside. Then a continuous stream of scorching heat spurted from the core, and if it was too late to escape, even the Flame Wing Angel would be ruined in the giant's dying counterattack.

In this way, the casualties of the two legions are being consumed equally in a certain proportion. Generally speaking, with the death of a lava giant, it often means that Nicholas will detract from hundreds of heavenly warriors, twenty or so elite gunners, and seven or eight flame-wing angels.

The war is fierce, and the number of casualties continues to grow like a snowball. The twinkling of silver light in the sky did not stop at the beginning, and the earth left four or five lava giants' remains.

One shot exploded two heavenly warriors staggered in a straight line and landed on the head of a nearby lava giant. Looking up, the angel legion’s all-over-the-world aura is no longer there, and the number of "birdmen" flying in the sky has been significantly reduced. Although in the distant sky, the number of the Tian ** team is still desperate, but zero knows, that is just a background. At the same time, Nicholas deliberately put out to scare opponents who don't understand the spiritual world, thus causing tremendous psychological pressure on them.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work at all for zero.

Zero bounced again, he was spinning and dancing in the air. The two projected pistols are powerful, and whenever Zero passes through an area, the angel legion in that area will appear obvious blank. Even if it was the Flame Wing Angel, four or five bullets fired continuously by this pistol had to be restored to the disappearance of mental power.

If in the real world, Zero can use the anti-gravity field to fly on its own. But here, his original ability is stripped, so he will also fall to the ground. At this time, the nearby lava giant will rush to it on its own and become his landing platform.

After exploding another Flame Wing Angel, he narrowed his eyes. In the array of angels in the distance, one of the angels attracted attention. He opened a full six wings that were burning with flames, and the armor on his body was even more gorgeous than ordinary flame wing angels. But these are not the main points. The important thing is that the angel doesn't feel like background.

That is, Nicholas's will ontology!

It turned out that he hid himself in the Angel Legion, and he didn't know whether it was out of habit or other reasons. The will that Nicholas projected in this world tried his best to show dignity and majesty, but from the perspective of the face of Nicholas in the Angel Legion. This man is either arrogant or extremely narcissistic. A narcissistic person naturally does not allow himself to be no different from other people.

But in this way, it gave zero chance of attack.

When Zero looked at him, Nicholas also noticed it. It's just that he is a few kilometers away from Zero, and at this distance, no matter what aggressive behavior Zero has, he can easily avoid it. Even though he thought so, Nicholas still drove the Angels toward zero pressure.

As the heavenly warrior blocked his vision, Nicholas did not see it. Two revolvers in his zero hand quietly disappeared, and then one was slender and gorgeous. The sniper rifle, which looked more like an ornament than a murder weapon, appeared in Zero's hands. The sniper rifle continues the style of the previous two revolvers, with silver and white as the main color, and the gun body is decorated with golden patterns.

The gun body is slender, and the length of the whole gun is enough to be equal to the height of zero. Zero already suspected that the previous revolvers and the current sniper rifles, although they were weapons projected by mental power. But no matter how you look at it, their image is too close to that of Longinus' gun. Perhaps when he used the Root Thing the last time he stepped up the ranks, Longinus was quietly opening certain permissions to Zero.

For example, this weapon of mental power projection now has a shadow of Longinus.

At this moment is not the time to think about it, holding this sniper rifle in his hand, Zero seems to have returned to the era when he first entered the wilderness. At that time, one person and one gun were everything!

It is quite a few kilometers away from Nicholas. Ordinary sniper rifles can't reach such a range at all. Even battleship artillery can't have a range of more than 3 kilometers. As we all know, the longer the shooting distance, the lower the shooting accuracy. Zero was also an excellent sniper back then. There is no reason why he didn't know. But when the gun arrives, he spins, squats, raises the gun, and shoots!

A series of actions are as natural as the clouds and flowing water, without any hesitation in the meantime.

A golden flame spurted from the muzzle, and the sound of the guns was inaudible at first, and in a flash filled the entire battlefield, like an ancient behemoth roaring. When he heard the gunshot, Nicholas felt a strong sense of crisis. He even started to leave this spiritual world and let his will return to reality. However, at this moment, he clearly saw the heavenly warriors who stood in front of Ling body disappeared, but a little golden light expanded infinitely in his eyes.

When he saw that it was a golden bullet shooting straight in his direction, his eyebrows suddenly hurt, and then the world tore to the left and right in his eyes. The final picture is Zero standing up on the lava giant's head, and then there is pain and darkness. In Zero Eye, the subject of Nicholas's will has turned into a blazing fireball, and then the world began to disappear.

When Ling came back to his senses, he had already returned to the Earth Lake Cave in Shadow Canyon. The hand is still in Nicholas's body~lightnovelpub.net~ The other party also maintains the position of holding his arms with both hands. After a lot of effort, I took out my hand. Looking at Nicholas again, he opened his eyes wide, and blood dripped in his eyes and nostrils.

The fatal blow in the spiritual world should shatter his will and at the same time cause incomparable huge trauma to his brain. Ling probed his nostrils, and then pressed his fingers on his carotid artery to confirm that this guy was dead. He exhaled, stood up, turned and walked towards the locomotive. After walking a few steps, he turned back again, turned the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and tapped it on Nicholas' forehead: "It's very risky, I almost lied to you."

At this moment, Nicholas's out-of-focus eyes moved suddenly. But Zero had already pressed the trigger, and a shot at close range blasted his small head to pieces. Zero then said: "Your acting skills are good, but as far as a corpse is concerned, your temperature drops quickly."

So far, this cunning opponent finally died in Zero's hands. There is no doubt that Nicholas is very difficult to deal with, even if he is at a disadvantage, he is constantly hacking. If it weren't for Zero who inherited Hamomis' spiritual power, he would not be able to come back from the spiritual world. Even so, Nicholas still almost fooled him. But now, everything is over.

When Nicholas' body was wrapped in flames in the cave, Zero drove out of the cave and left Shadow Canyon.