War Lord

Chapter 823: Interests first

[Thanks to the full-time Angel and Little Pig for their monthly support! ]

Although it was late at night, the mayor's residence in the city of Dawn was brightly lit. In the hall, Beyonce, Leah, Feng and others all sit or stand just to wait for Zero to return.

"Why haven't you come back..." Beyonce was walking back and forth. When she woke up, Zero had already left the city. It has been several hours now, and zero has not yet returned, so she is naturally worried.

Others can't get easy, even if they have confidence in Zero, but the opponent is a Tier 11 guy after all. That is the highest-ranking powerhouse that Zero has faced so far, and it is impossible to say that he is not worried.

The sound of the locomotive engine suddenly sounded outside. In the case of a new type of locomotive, the sound of the engine was originally very light. It's just that it's dead at night, and all sounds are infinitely amplified. What's more, everyone in the hall, except Beyonce and ordinary people, are all capable people, who is not the one with ears and eyes. Hearing this sound, everyone's faces were filled with joy. Beyonce took a look at Leah, and then the two girls ran out holding hands, and the others followed. Just out of the door, a locomotive has already driven into the vestibule and stopped by the fountain.

Zero got off the locomotive and was surprised to see so many people: "Why are you all here?"

Leah and Beyonce had already rushed forward regardless of a lot, and the two women hugged Zero tightly, for fear that it was a phantom. Ling patted the two of them, and said softly: "Why don't you sleep..."

Leah looked up and said: "You haven't come back, how can we sleep."

"That's right." Feng said with a smile, "Now that we are back, let's go to sleep. Su, do you want me to accompany you?"

"Come on, it's not that I have been too focused recently. When I go to bed at night, I might accidentally punch some imaginative guys to death." Su Yang raised his fist.

The others laughed.

Xiuya pushed the others away and got out, and asked, "That fellow, have you already killed?"

"He has become more than two hundred evolution points." Zero said calmly.

Xiuya smiled triumphantly: "As expected, it is the man I like, and it really didn't disappoint me." She walked over, and in front of the second daughter of Beyonce Liss, she gently raised her chin and said: "Yes. No, let me accompany you tonight?"

Ling glared at her and said, "If you want to seduce a man, let's talk about it when you grow up."

Xiuya lost her voice: "I'm not old enough?" She even squeezed the murder weapon on her chest deliberately, and then looked at Leah and Beyonce provocatively.

"I mean here." Ling pointed his head helplessly with a finger, and then said to the others: "Okay, all go to sleep. I'll talk about it tomorrow, I'm exhausted now."

Feng smirked when he heard the words: "Head, you will be even more tired at night, take care."

Everyone else smiled knowingly, Hai Wei asked "why" with a puzzled face, but gave Ye Liu a punch on the head. After the natural dull girl cursed "stupid", she dragged Hai Wei away. Both Feng and Brown let out the men's knowing laughter, and when they saw Zero came back, they finally left with confidence.

After walking out of the mayor's residence, Su's smile on his face narrowed, and he turned to Feng and said, "Starting tomorrow, I want to conduct special training. Come and be my opponent."

Feng also put away his smile, and pressed his hands to "pop": "I can't ask for it, Brown, are you coming?"

Brown waved his hand: "I won't come. I don’t know how much I have. Now it’s the limit of my potential. Even if I train again, I won’t be able to help much. It’s better to help him manage the army and do something within his power. . As for the rest, it’s up to you."

Although I didn't say it clearly, everyone knew it in his heart. Today there is a Nicholas, and there may be other strong people tomorrow. But you can't let Zero face it alone every time, so I have a special training plan. She and Feng are already at the top of the ninth rank, only a very short distance from reaching the tenth rank. What they have to do is to enter the tenth rank as soon as possible when the next strong enemy appears, to be qualified to have a place in the highest-level battlefield.

Everyone knows that the next enemies will only be more difficult and stronger than one. That's because Zero has already entered the ranks of the top powerhouses, and he has already touched the highest level of the pyramid of this era. Correspondingly, the enemies he had to face were no longer the previous opponents. As followers of Zero, they also have the consciousness to become stronger. Even if this consciousness is just to not slow down the pace of Zero, they must do their best to pursue greater and stronger power.

In the mayor's residence, Xiuya angrily returned to her room. From the loud noise from the door, you can see how angry this talented girl is now. Hearing this sound, Beyonce laughed and said: "That girl is not bad too, let alone she asked, why does our Master Zero raise your hand high."

Ling smiled and said: "There are many reasons. She is the first knight of the Dark Council. It is not a good thing to be too close. More importantly, do I look like a lover."

Beyonce sat on his lap and deliberately said: "So you are still a lover?"

Zero kissed her on the forehead and said, "Okay, Bess. Don't press yourself, cry if you want. I have already avenged Mr. Cassillo, and from now on, I will replace He takes care of you."

Beyonce heard him say this, her eyes flushed immediately. Finally, the pain that could not be relieved in her heart came out, but instead of crying, she made herself laugh and said, "You have avenged him, and I have no reason to cry. If I were so weak, my uncle would definitely be. You laughed at me."

"In that case, let's do something to make Cassillo happy."

"What's the matter?" Beyonce asked puzzled.

Zero pointed to her lower abdomen and said, "The matter of giving birth."

Beyonce stood up, her face unable to conceal her joy: "You mean, you can..."

"Well, I have found a way for you to be pregnant with our children." Leah, who has been watching them smilingly next to Zero Chao, said: "Come on, let's consolidate some effects."

Beyonce looked at Leah and said, "Could it be that you have..."

Leah nodded and said to Zero again: "I'm not coming, I can feel it, there is already a little thing here." She gently stroked her still flat belly, and then said: "So today Be with sister Bess tonight, don't disturb our mother and son resting."

After saying that she went straight, Beyonce pulled Ling up and walked towards the bedroom, and said, "I want two, no, three times!"

"Are you not afraid of getting tired?"

"Joke, see who surrenders first tonight."

Not long after the bedroom door was closed, Beyonce's groan began to be heard in the room. After a while, the groaning had turned into a scream. This allowed Xiuya upstairs to hear clearly, so she covered her ears and wrapped herself in a quilt. But I couldn't fall asleep anyhow, the cry below continued, and the girl angrily rushed to the window and shouted: "Stop screaming, let people not sleep."

However, Beyonce responded to the girl's protest with a louder voice.

The morning sky light slipped in through the half-covered window. It tried hard to climb onto a big bed not far away, and then onto the messy bed. Then there was a white thigh, and then a woman who was asleep but with a happy smile on her face. The woman was illuminated by the sky, reluctantly said "um", turned around again, tried to get herself into the sheet, changed to a more comfortable position and continued to fall asleep.

Only 5 minutes later, she suddenly sat up, looked at the electronic clock on the wall, and her face suddenly changed. Beyonce clasped her face and said, "I overslept, **** it, I blame that fellow."

She just jumped out of bed and saw a note pressed by an automatic pistol on the bedside table, which read: "I'll go to a meeting with them to see your progress during this period. You just keep sleeping. My beautiful Lord Mayor."

Seeing this note, Beyonce smiled. She stretched and lay down on the bed in a big font. Pulling a quilt around her feet, hugging the pillow, Beyonce thought, give herself a vacation today.

With Zero, she can finally become an ordinary woman instead of continuing to play the shrewd and prudent female mayor. Although, Beyonce only intends to take a day off.

In the office building in District 1 of Dawn City, Zero held a meeting. The people attending the meeting were mainly the old team from Dawn City, including Eva, Brown, Cord and several other new faces. As for those who followed Zero to the Western Continent, Ji Ya and Billy were the only ones who did not attend. The main content of this meeting is to listen to the progress report of Dawn City, so the people who participated in the meeting also focused on it.

There is also an old face attending the meeting, and that is Theon. Beyonce did not attend. All the reports on the construction progress of Dawn City were explained by him. In the construction of Dawn City, Theon's contribution was no less than Beyonce's. His main role lies in the diplomacy with Asgart, and to persuade Asgart's other two giants and some upper-class nobles to invest in Dawn City.

As for Beyoncé ~lightnovelpub.net~, she devoted herself to city planning and management. It can be said that Theon helped her share a lot of work. And when it comes to business dealings with giants, Theon is indeed more suitable than Beyonce. This is not to say that Beyonce is not talented in this aspect. If she is not talented, she can't fight the Black Rose family to squeeze into the ranks of the first-class giants.

It's just that Beyonce and the other two giants have more or less grievances. On the contrary, Theon has no concerns in this regard. What's more, during Theon's time in Asgart, he had a good relationship, and the two giants had to sell him more or less. What's more, this person has a hand in politics and business. With him taking care of it, Beyonce's work is naturally much smoother.

But to pursue the root cause, the two giants and even other upper-class nobles are willing to invest in Dawn City. After all, Asgart has already made a statement, and Dawn City's environmental purification technology is indeed attractive. Now, the Nethreis Shield, which was sold for half and half, has been put into use on the outskirts of Asgart. After nearly a year of construction, the demonstration site has become a pollution-free surface living area.

An unpolluted surface environment brings huge potential benefits. It was precisely because of the purification technology of Dawn City that the wealthy and nobles made investments one after another. The level of their attention was still higher than the war between the Dark Council and the Hall of Valor. Some families even follow the example of Black Rose and are quietly transferring family resources to the new paradise of Dawn City.