War Lord

Chapter 824: Progress report

"In general, the construction of the first phase of Dawn City has been completed. At present, the total population we can accommodate is about 30,000. If the second phase of construction is completed, this number can be expanded to 50,000. I am to Be Ang Miss Lisi’s suggestion is that 50,000 people are already the limit that we can accommodate at this stage. If there is no need, we don’t need to expand the city. Instead, we should embark on practical and profitable matters such as the development of factories and resources. After all, we invest in The noble lords also hope to see substantial returns soon." Theon said with a smile: "So in the second phase of the urban planning, residential buildings accounted for only one-third. The remaining part is the production of various factories. The base, these buildings, can absorb more than 20,000 people from residents to workers. According to the current progress, in three or five months, the second district can be put into use. Of course, the buildings on the Black Rose Avenue have to be renovated, so The whole project will be slightly delayed."

Nodded and said, "Just proceed as you planned. To be honest, you and Bess are the experts in this regard."

Then other people also made their own progress reports.

After Theon sat down, Brown reported the current military status of Dawn City to Zero. When the construction of Dawn City first started, only the hundreds of soldiers brought in by the zero original company could develop to the present, under the conditions of continuous participation of external populations. The original army of hundreds of people has now been expanded to more than 3,000. Under the principle of not expensive, Brown has issued very demanding indicators to the officers who select soldiers to ensure that the enlisted soldiers have good quality.

And every three months, there will be an assessment. The content of the assessment is divided into ten subjects from physical fitness to tactics. Those who fail to meet the criteria in two or more subjects will be cleared out of the army immediately. In contrast, the salary of a soldier in Dawn City is even higher than that of the barracks in Asgart. Under this system, even if the conditions for enlistment of Dawn City soldiers are strict, they will be cleared out of the army if they are not careful.

Many young people still submit applications every month. It is worth mentioning that the army of Dawn City is very special. They are not made up of pure humans, and there are many alien races among them. This is directly related to the proportion of urban residents in which aliens account for one-third of the population. It can be said that Dawn City is the first city where humans and aliens live together.

In the beginning, there were conflicts between human inhabitants and alien races. But after nearly a year of running-in, I have basically been able to get along with each other in harmony. The blueprint conceived before Zero has been filled in part of the picture.

When it comes to the army, one cannot fail to talk about weapons and equipment. In this regard, the Weapons Research Institute chaired by Dr. Corder is in charge. During Zero’s journey to the Western Continent, Dr. Corder can be considered to have upgraded the equipment used by the Dawn City army by one or two levels. Originally, Zero’s own company was an arsenal. After receiving it, Dr. Cod adjusted and optimized it on the basis of the original firearms.

The standard equipment for soldiers now is the Darkblood Type 3 rifle, which has almost doubled its power and accuracy. As for the sniper rifle, the most powerful one is naturally the improved battleship artillery, but ordinary soldiers can't use this kind of big guy, so Dr. Curd designed a reduced version, called the wasteland hunter's sniper rifle. It retains the long-range advantages of battleship artillery, but weakens its power and recoil, allowing soldiers to use it freely.

Right now, Brown is training a sniper team. The training will be completed in two months, and the members of this team will be dispersed into the army to play a supporting role.

After the completion of the second phase of the city construction, there will be a heavy weapons assembly line factory, which will be able to produce heavy weapons such as anti-aircraft machine guns and heavy artillery turrets on its own with Dr. Cord’s design. In the past six months, Dr. Kode has begun to develop a new tank. The zero locomotive is nothing but his casual work, and the output is not much, only five or six. The latest result is a concept tank called "Rattlesnake", which looks like a combination of off-road vehicles and tanks. The semi-open cockpit of the off-road vehicle is adopted, and the crawler propulsion system of the tank is adopted. On both sides are large-caliber cannon launch pads that can be stretched outward, and the rear car is also equipped with a small missile launching bay.

This tank is also driven by a high-energy system, making it more powerful and highly flexible. The original intention of Dr. Corde in designing it is to be faster and more powerful. The Diamondbacks are currently undergoing final commissioning. After the commissioning is successful, mass production can be carried out, but with the current level of the arsenal of Dawn City, it can only produce parts for the tank, and the main engine components must be purchased from the Asgart factory.

But after the completion of the construction of the second district city, the introduction of new production equipment, Dawn City can independently complete the production of this type of tank. Dr. Curd also designed a reduced version of the "Flamingo" chariot, which was mainly sold to Asgart's wealthy and nobles. At present, only the secret display of Theon to the two giants has already received an order for 300 vehicles.

Theon added: "This is just the beginning, and it is something we give back to our business partners. As long as they understand that their investment can be transformed into benefits here, such investments will continue to increase. After the completion of the second district city, there will be more weapons and chariots like the Flamingo. But I personally think that whether the wealthy or the Asgart official, the war weapons dumped on them should be slightly controlled. , What they are really interested in us is environmental purification technology."

"The energy required by the Nethreath Shield is very special. I am afraid that this kind of thing cannot be mass-produced." The green capital that took over Hamomis, Zero still knew something about the Nethreath Shield.

"Last time the Red Lord personally escorted the Leis Shield we are currently using in Dawn City, he also brought a green city technical team to stay in Dawn City. I discussed with these technicians." En smiled and said: "The complete Leis Shield cannot be mass-produced, nor can such an important core technology be completely sold to the rich, even if they may pay more than Asgart's official itself. Therefore, I and Ludu Technicians have discussed whether it is possible to start from reducing the performance of Leis Shield and make a purification device that can be mass-produced. In fact, in terms of the average quality of living organisms, it is not necessary to have the surface environment of the old age to survive. As long as the current radiation is reduced by half, even ordinary people like me can live very well."

Zero can be heard, he hadn't imagined this. He nodded and motioned for Theon to continue.

"Of course, I just put forward an idea. However, the technicians think it is feasible. It is not a simple task to reduce the performance of Leis Shield. At present, I have arranged a research base for them. I am afraid that it will take some time before the results are obtained. Come out. As far as the technicians say, the most difficult aspect of the reduced version of Leis Shield is still the energy aspect. They currently propose a more mature concept of extracting radiation from space for transformation through a kind of extraction device. When it plays the role of synchronous purification, it can also provide clean energy for the device to be recycled. Otherwise, the use of other energy sources may cause second-degree pollution, which will lose the role and significance of the purification device."

He nodded and said to Theon, "The reduction of Leis Shield is of great significance, Mr. Theon, you and Bess can appropriately relax the research funding in this area."

"We know how to do it." Theon smiled and nodded.

Next is the report of the Burning Legion, which is naturally presided over by Eva. At present, this bio-chemical weapon regiment, the first-level biological weapons have been mass-produced and put into use. The Edge Hunter and the Great Shield Guard. These two most common weapons have participated in the expansion of Dawn City many times, and there have been many cleanups. The actual combat of becoming biological can be said to be a very mature biological weapon.

Compared with the biological weapons independently developed by Asgart, the blueprints of biological weapons extracted from the dark crown and then modified and debugged weapons have the highest intelligence and autonomy of action. The above two weapons have proved this point in many actual battles, especially the battle at Haraka Theater, which brought the advantages of biological weapons to the extreme.

Right now, Eva is debugging an intermediate weapon. It appeared on the big screen, showing a three-dimensional model of this mid-level weapon. At first glance, it looks like those capable of mutant domain demons. Humanoid, the surface of the body is covered with biological armor with natural patterns on the armor. Eva explained that these lines are actually the energy circuits of biological weapons. When it activates and acts, the lines will be lit to form gorgeous magic lines.

The name of this biological weapon is Mageweave Warrior, and their armor and weapons are naturally generated. Mageweave warriors have higher intelligence, and they can even become commanders of the army in the field. Using them as nodes and combining them with command terminals to form an effective command network ~lightnovelpub.net~ It can be said that the emergence of the magic pattern warrior will be an important turning point for the Burning Legion. With the participation of the magic pattern warrior, The combat effectiveness of the entire Burning Legion will be doubled. This kind of force is comparable to the enemy's seventh-order ability, and it can also serve as a biological weapon of the command node. At present, there are five Eva currently debugging. After debugging, they will conduct several actual tests to get more accurate data to adjust, and then they can consider mass production.

At this point, the Dawn City report is roughly over. Zero stood up and said: "During this time, everyone has worked hard. I am ashamed to say that as the initiator of the Dawn City construction plan, I did not participate in its construction process, and put the heavy task of building it in your hands. On. Fortunately, our trip to the Western Continent was not entirely unprofitable. The biggest gain was naturally to establish an ally with the Roman city of the Western Continent. The practical gains included the biochemistry conducted by Dr. Ji Ya The warrior transformation project and the contract with Belafar, the lord of the Northern Oceans, will allow us to travel unimpeded in the sea from now on. The most direct benefit is that a group of sea beasts named seahorses follow us back to Harbour City. They are not combat-type sea beasts, but they are powerful enough to tow cargo ships, and they will be an important tool for our future maritime transportation."

Although zero is a few words, everyone who listens to it is moved. Not to mention the strength of the city of Rome with which it was allied, the gains in both the transformation of the biochemical warriors and the acquisition of the right of passage at sea are no small things.