War Lord

Chapter 831: Overture

[Thank you for the support of the two big monthly tickets, Long and tbahz, who can only be vegetarian! Work is still tight this month, but let's try two shifts the next day, I hope you will continue to support! ]

"Black Earth?"

Andre put a goblet on the crystal table. The liquid in the glass was as red as blood, swaying and swaying like a wave of blood, making Andre's face look a little hideous: "This is really a Unexpected answer, my lamb actually got into the black earth. Does he want to deal with the kinks of the black earth?"

A light screen is hung in front of Andre. In the light screen is the red-skinned Albert: "Then I don’t know, but what is certain is that what your little lamb is looking for must be in the black earth. . Then dear Lord Andre, what instructions do you have next?"

"Of course it is to follow my lamb's **** and see what he is looking for."

"In this case, it is bound to pass Elk Town, which is the control area of ​​the Dark Council."

Andre looked at the light glowing in the wine and said, "The two hundred demon soldiers I gave you, and ten demon generals are not ornaments. General Albert, you can just pull out the stronghold of the council on the way. ."

"Is that okay? Not long ago, you just did a big business with Oglock. It doesn't seem to be your style to move the business partner's territory so quickly."

"It doesn't matter." Andre picked up the wine glass, his eyes were stained with misty blood: "Prosius is coming, and the world will reshuffle the cards. Albert, the earth will eventually flow blood into a river, I just It’s just a prelude."

"Then as you wish, I will arrive in Elk Town in three days. At that time, I will send a surprise to the council." Albert said, his eyes and mouth were full of smiles.

"I look forward to your good news, General." Andre raised his glass, and the communication ended.

On the other side of the screen, the sanctioner Albert was standing on a hill. Behind him are densely packed man-made magic soldiers. These magic soldiers wore uniform caps and long clothes, wrapping themselves tightly so that people could not see their faces. Only two scarlet bloods appeared in the shadow under the cap from time to time. In front of the demon soldiers, there are ten demon generals of different shapes, they have the level of the eighth level and possess elementary intelligence.

Demon generals are excellent fighters and commanders of demon soldiers, who can accurately understand Albert's orders and quickly put them into action. Albert raised his eyes and looked west. In front of him were dense forests and mountains. After that, he could vaguely see Elk Town. The background is the distant sky, and the black earth on the horizon. Albert closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice: "I can almost smell the blood, do you smell it too?"

The devil behind him slid his Adam's apple up and down for a while, all revealing bloodthirsty eyes. Albert was very satisfied with their performance and pointed his hand in the direction of Elk Town. He roared: "Go ahead at full speed. Three days later, we will wash the place with blood. You can bathe with blood, you can use corpses to fill your hunger, whatever you do. Row!"

The ten demon generals also roared, each raising a weird weapon, and then sending out a series of rapid syllables to the demon soldiers. The fishy light in the eyes of the demon soldiers continued to flicker. After receiving the command, they used their hands and feet together, like a wave of blood rushing down the hillside. Albert followed closely, interspersed among the magic soldiers, and finally surpassed all the magic soldiers, piercing straight toward Elk Town.

This wave of blood gradually elongated and narrowed, forming a bright red line, and Albert was an arrow. They sank into the dense forest and disappeared on the ground in no time.

Twilight two days later.

After crossing the gray zone and entering the black earth, the one that greets the zero line is the rocky landform. The horizon gradually rises to form a mountain plateau, which is naturally divided into dozens of canyons. In the late winter and early spring, the ice and snow melt and form a shallow stream at the bottom of the canyon. But now that time has passed, the stream has long been hidden at the bottom of the valley, leaving only the hot ground after being burned by the high-temperature sky for a day.

There was a sudden vibration in a narrow valley. A behemoth ran out from the depths of the canyon. It was a saber-horned rhinoceros with thick skin and three sharp and thick long horns like a sabertooth. But this sword-horned rhinoceros is covered with spar-like armor, which makes it look like it is equipped with a crystal armor. While running, the crystal armor lit up inch by inch, and at the end, the sword-horned rhinoceros was radiant and glorious, almost galloping through the canyon like a meteor.

On the orbit where the sword-horned rhinoceros charged, a thin figure was facing it. When the giant beast was about to hit it, the man suddenly rose from the ground, with his toes on a nearby stalagmite. The stalagmites exploded and the grey stones were flying, and he took advantage of the strength to flip over the body of the sword-horned rhinoceros. At the same time, twist the body and raise the gun, and press the trigger. The peculiar shot of the sniper rifle reverberated in the canyon, but this close shot failed to blast the giant beast's head as he imagined, only to fly a large piece of crystal armor on its head.

The crystal armor exploded into particles and flew in the air, and the sword-horned rhino turned around in the crystal clear sky, glaring at the attacker who landed behind it. Then two rows of hot air expelled from the nostrils the size of a fist.

The man took the time to throw the gun in his hand to his back, and then raised his right fist. He didn't evade, and he hit the beast with one punch. As the fist broke through the air, several afterimages were left in the space. At the moment when the sword horned rhinoceros head was hit, the afterimage overlapped with the fist, and a sharp howling sound suddenly sounded in the air, shaking the rocks and mud on both sides.

The fist hit the sword-horned rhinoceros’s head, and the giant beast's eyes showed horrified eyes, like a huge wave hitting a steel-like reef, the sword-horned rhinoceros stroked its hind legs in vain, and its body was tilted upwards uncontrollably. Then he flew awkwardly above the man's head, and eventually tens of tons of his body fell heavily to the ground. It slid all the way, breaking a few stalagmites before stopping. Beast blood flowed from the eyes and mouth, but the head was hit hard and it was a shock to life.

The man in the tactical suit then picked up the shield, revealing a pair of golden pupils. Zero walked over, grabbed the tail of Swordhorn Rhinoceros with one hand, and dragged it out of the canyon. Outside this not-so-calculated canyon, there is an open space of several hundred square meters. A temporary camp has been set up in the clearing, and the blade hunters are cruising nearby, acting as scouts; while the giant shield guards are facing the canyon and are responsible for protecting the camp.

Jin et al. and other soldiers were located in the center of the camp. A marching tent was set up. They also started a bonfire. Jin and Haiwei ran out of the camp first when they saw Ling dragging the sword-horned rhinoceros. The former happily said, "Finally, I don't have to eat those canned food."

Ling left the body of the giant beast next to the camp, and a dozen soldiers rushed up, trying to divide the body of the giant beast. But they found that the knives in their hands couldn't help the sword-horned rhinoceros's seemingly fragile, but actually extremely tough, crystalline armor. Finally, Alice walked over, wrapped the beast corpse with frozen air, changed the molecular structure of the crystal armor, and knocked it with her fist, and the spar burst into powder, exposing the skin and flesh below.

After half an hour, the sword-horned rhinoceros has become a complete skeleton, and the edible part of the body has become equal pieces of meat steak. They were put on the fire and roasted, and then sprinkled with salt powder, the tempting aroma of barbecue wafted over the camp.

A few people ate the barbecue, and Jin said gloomily: "It's really like what the soldier said, the foreign race has completely retracted the occupied area. It seems that you don't want to encounter a foreign race without entering the 4th level. Girutan left, Moni did not follow. We don't even have a guide, how do we find the Shadow Clan?"

"There will always be a way." Zero said indifferently: "What's more, someone will come into contact with us soon."

"How to say?"

Ling Chaotian pointed and said: "That thing has followed us since daylight, and it has been changed three times. If it weren't for a rare exotic bird that was used as a scout, I really can't think of those things. Follow our reasons."

Several people raised their heads when they heard the words, and as expected, there were a few black spots circling under the dark red sky. Jin and a soldier borrowed a binoculars, adjusted the magnification, and looked at them. They could see that the black spots were falcons with jet-black wings. They hovered around the top of the camp. If you observe carefully, you will find that their flight trajectories are regular, as if they are transmitting some kind of signal.

"Now things are interesting." Jin said.

The next day, the team continued to open. The blade hunters spread out in a fan shape, lurking forward in front of the team, continuing to act as a scout. The giant shield guards protect the Chinese army, the zero-sum abilities are scattered in the front and back of the team, and the middle section is the ordinary soldiers. With such a rigorous advance, even if the alien wanted to sneak attack, they would find it impossible to start.

From time to time, Ling glanced towards the sky, and the falcons were still following their team's ass. Jin proposed to shoot them down, but zero refused. Firstly, the flying height of the falcon exceeds one thousand meters, which is beyond the range of the ability of the ordinary falcon~lightnovelpub.net~ which means that these are variants that have undergone mutations. To achieve accurate shooting at this height, he is currently the only one in the team who can do it. He only has one gun. Even if he shoots one or two falcons, it can’t change anything. After all, there are at least five falcons hovering in the sky. Secondly, he doesn’t want to give the alien race the illusion of a declaration of war. Since the alien race wants to observe them , Let it be observed.

In this way, the team is advancing in a dull atmosphere. Every three hours, I would stop and rest for 20 minutes. With such efficiency, the canyon area has almost disappeared under their feet, and Zero can already see the dense forest and the towering strange peaks in front of him.

According to the delineation of the parliament, starting from the dense forest area, they will enter the level 3 area. There used to be the main battlefield of the parliament and foreign races, and Xiuya pushed the front line more than one area. God knows what will happen in the level 3 area, before entering, the zero order team to stop and rest. A few sharp-edged hunters went to the dense forest first to step on the spot.

When one of them touched the edge of the dense forest, a black line suddenly shot out from the forest. The blade hunter reacted quickly. The body that was leaning forward came to a halt, then bounced on the spot, letting a thorn deep into the ground. But when it was still in the air, a few more black lines shot out, and several ridges pierced its body, shooting it into a hedgehog!

Then, from the dense forest, the murderous aura gradually dissipated.