War Lord

Chapter 832: Warrior

Zero Mind moved slightly, scattered around, and the blade hunters, bright or dark, all squeezed back, forming another line of defense in front of the giant shield guard. At this time, there was a roar of tigers and wolves in the dense forest, and the leaves swayed. Suddenly, a huge white wolf sprang out, the size of the Fenry wolf that hadn’t been seen before. The finest silk actually circulates brilliance.

This is the head wolf, with a tall figure sitting on the wolf's back. It was an alien, humanoid, with four arms, dark skin, and curly, dark yellow hair. The surface of the skin is covered with fine scales, with ivory-like bends piercing from both sides of the cheeks. Wearing a short placket made of animal skins, the body is painted with a circle-like pattern, and the waist is only an animal skin skirt.

Holding a crossbow that was half a person tall in his hand, the back half of the crossbow body had lines like energy loops, which was obviously not a primitive weapon. A thorn on the crossbow is on the crossbow machine, ready to be fired at any time. Looking at the situation where the blade hunter was hit before, it is not difficult to infer from the firing speed and strength of the opponent's spikes that the driving system used by this crossbow should not be as simple as mechanical parts.

After this alien broke out of the forest, hundreds of similar species emerged behind him. Their looks are similar, only slightly different in body shape. The people who ride under him are neither wolves nor tigers, they are all changed breeds. Only the ferocious state was revealed, but there was not one white wolf of the alien race who came to the fore.

"Humans, this is not where you should be, go back!" said the owner of the white wolf. What he said was human language, but the tone was a little weird, but it was no problem to communicate. I didn't see how he exhaled, the sound naturally spread from afar, reverberating continuously at the edge of the canyon.

Looking at it, in his energy field of vision, the energy value of this alien race steadily occupies the level of the eighth rank. Considering that this is not his fighting state, in other words, his power may be further improved. A strong person of this level will naturally not be an unknown person. Zero separated the biological weapons and stepped forward and asked, "Which clan are you from?"

"We are the Assak tribe, and I am the patriarch Gog."

Zero nodded, and said: "Patriarch Gaoge, we are not here for the war. We just want to meet the Shadow Clan..."

Before his words fell, he was interrupted by the alien: "It turns out that you are the humans spoken by the Amandas! If this is the case, you will not be allowed to move on."

"Girutan has told you?" Zero said, "In fact, we are friends, aren't we?"

"Friend?" Gog laughed: "Amanda's young master doesn't say that. He informed the elders of the temple and bluntly said that he doesn't trust you. So dismiss your thoughts. If you go back now, you can Avoid war."

With a light sigh, Ling looked at the Wolf King Kaiton behind. Kaiton knew it, and the more people made his debut: "Respected Patriarch Gog, I am Kaiton, the wolf king of Fenri, the western tundra. I think there are some misunderstandings. These humans are different from those in the Dark Council. They are in the west. The tundra, they live with us, and a federation has been built there. A federation owned by mankind and us, the world is changing, perhaps, everyone in the black earth should put aside the eyes of the past and re-examine our human friends."

The appearance of Kayton caused the Assacs to talk a lot, and even the patriarch Gog gave a surprised look. Obviously they hadn't thought about the existence of advanced aliens in the zero team.

The Wolf King continued: "As you can see, our friends did not come from war. Perhaps we can use communication to resolve this matter."

"Communication?" Gog raised his voice, almost roaring: "In our eyes, humans are all the same. We live in this land, restraining ourselves, and only stick to our homeland. Look at humans, these greed His life has never stopped expanding. When they invaded our homes and burned down our villages, have you ever thought of communicating?"

Jin Wenyan smiled bitterly: "It seems that our Miss Xiuya has annoyed foreign friends."

The Wolf King also whispered: "Aside from the standpoint, some of his comments about you humans, I actually raised my hands in favor."

With a light cough, he said: "Talk about business."

"Patriarch Gog, with all due respect. Just like we have different races, human organizations are also intertwined." Wolf King Kaiton said loudly: "Along the way, we have indeed seen the human invasion zone. The harm done to you. But please believe that these friends of mine have nothing to do with the humans who invaded your homeland."

"Enough!" Gaoge said loudly, "For your sake and Master Amanda, this time we Assak still choose to restraint. With the dense forest as the boundary, you immediately retreat, we can act without knowing anything. . But if you insist on going forward, it’s war. If you want to see the shadow clan and go to the holy temple, then pass the level of our Assaks first!"

At this moment, even Kayton couldn't help it. The Wolf King shrugged and made a helpless expression. Zero gaze swept, looking at the edge of the junction of dense forest and canyon. As if seeing through the zero mind, Gog sneered: "Don't expect to infiltrate from other places, humans. The forest is the home of our Assaks. The birds and beasts and even the vegetation living in this forest are our sentries. You guys. No matter how careful you are, you can't hide it from us."

"One last word of advice, just go back if you don't want to go to war."

With one hand on the wolf's back, the white giant wolf turned around and headed for the dense forest. Zero suddenly shouted, "Please wait a moment."

Gog turned his head and said impatiently: "What else do you want to say?"

"I heard Girutan say that the brave Assaks respect true warriors. Even among your clan, there is the title of "Hundred Wars Warriors. The important thing is that this title can be granted to foreigners. I don’t know about humans." Can you get this honor?" Ling said indifferently. On the way to the black land, he did ask Girutan and Moni about the customs of some powerful races in this land.

It was just to collect information, but now it seems to come in handy.

Astonishment flashed in Gao Ge's eyes: "As far as humans are concerned, your understanding of us is quite profound."

"Yes, the title of warrior of hundred battles can be granted to foreigners. In our opinion, the warrior has nothing to do with his origin and blood. As long as he can defeat the 100 most powerful warriors of our family, he can get this honor. But, I don't think there is any need to hold such a gladiatorial fight for you. Besides, I heard that you are a tenth-tier strong, and we cannot find a hundred warriors among the Assacs who can match you."

He was frank and frank with zero strength, and holding battles of warriors with a hundred battles was of no real significance to him. Zero smiled and said: "What if I lower my energy level? Just stay at Tier 6. Isn’t there a hundred Tier VI warriors among the Assaks? Or, you dare not accept this challenge. ?"

Gog immediately roared: "Are you questioning the bravery of the Assaks? Humans, I know you said this on purpose, but I have to say, you succeeded. If you can keep fighting at Tier 6 , Then I can try to convey your request to the holy temple. But the holy temple accepts it or not, it is not my final say. If you agree, follow me!"

"Extremely happy." Ling Tanshou said.

But when the team was about to move forward, Gog pointed at him and said, "Only you can enter the jungle, the others must stay here!"

For such a request, others naturally disagree. Ling shook his head and said: "This is an opportunity, I have to try it. So, you stay here, and the team will be led by Jin and Alice for the time being."

"But you can't be sure, will this be a trap?" Jin reminded.

"Even if it is a trap, you have to step on it. However, if the Assaks are a race that values ​​honor and courage, as King said, the chance of a trap is almost zero. Don't worry, no matter how bad the situation is, a forest is still trapped. Don't stop me. The jungle is the home ground of the Assaks, but don't forget what my old line is." Ling blinked.

His old profession is naturally sniping, and every sniper is an expert in guerrilla. An environment like the dense forest is good for the Assaks, but it is not entirely bad for zero. When Ling walked to his side, Gog lowered his voice and said, "No matter what kind of person you are, this courage alone is enough to win you a mount."

Gog yelled at the alien in front of him: "Who gave the horse out?"

An Assak jumped off his wolf immediately and drove it to Zero. The wolf roared very ferociously at Zero, smiled, turned over and rode on. The wolf still wanted to lift him off, but as Zero's legs tightened, the wolf-sized wolf immediately sobbed and cooperated obediently.

Zero waved his hand and disappeared into the dense forest with the Assaks. The people at the edge of the canyon had to camp on the spot, waiting for Zero to return.

Night fell.

In Elk Town, Moni was fidgeting. Since dark, she has been upset, as if something is going to happen. After dinner, this emotion has not calmed down, but has become more heavy. Moni thought for a while, and knocked a few times before coming to Gujia's room. Gujia opened the door and saw Moni, and hurriedly invited her in and said, "Miss Moni, what's the matter?"

"I feel as if something is going to happen~lightnovelpub.net~Mr. Guja, you go to the barracks immediately. Feel free to find an excuse to stay there until I come to you."

Gu Jia was taken aback and said, "So serious?"

"Maybe it's me, but it's not a bad thing to be careful."

After leaving Gujia's room, Moni left the hotel. She wrapped herself in a hooded cloak and walked towards the entrance of the town. At this time, Vader yawned at the outpost at the entrance of the town. He was sitting on one of the off-road vehicles and chatting with a few soldiers. One of them said: "Sergeant, the hunting team has been in for three days and has not come out. Isn't something going wrong?"

"God knows, I have warned them anyway. If they refuse to listen, they deserve it if they suffer." Vader shrugged.

At this moment, a soldier yelled from the barricade in front: "Stop, who are you?"

Vader turned his head to look, and there was a figure of Chuuchou in the wilderness in front of him. To say nothing, there were hundreds of people. He was taken aback and asked his soldiers to inform the barracks, while he called others to rush towards the barricade.