War Lord

Chapter 833: Blood Banquet

Vader trot to the barricade and looked up to see that the people were approaching. He fired a warning shot and shouted, "Hey, we're going to shoot without stopping."

However, the other party did not respond at all, Vader could already see that the man walking in the center was a tower-like man. The sergeant is no longer short, but the man is about half a head taller than him. The skin is red all over, black hair is scattered, and the upper body is closed, and a cloak of the same color as the hair is tied. Wearing a pair of field pants, stepping on black boots, and a broad knife almost as high as his back, watching Vader's heart sink.

The comer is not good!

"Fire! Fire!" the sergeant ordered.

The two anti-aircraft machine guns on the barricade spewed long tongues of fire. In the dark, the line of fire flashed through the space between the two sides, sweeping towards the group of unknown guys. The remaining soldiers also used their assault rifles to greet each other. The tall man walking in the front drew out the broad knife behind him and used it as a shield in front of him. He still pressed over at an unhurried speed and addressed the council soldiers. Cause a huge sense of oppression.

Behind the man, there were several strange figures flashing again and again, and they had already entered the barricade in an instant. Getting closer, Vader could see that these were all human-shaped monsters. Some are as fat as a ball, without arms, but with a dozen tentacles of various lengths; some are as thin as wood, but with sharp blades on the front of their arms; some have several on their faces, hands, and shoulders. Eyeballs, these eyeballs shoot light, which can easily divide the human body into pieces like laser cutting; others look like a normal woman, with a voluptuous and **** figure, and can hold people with a ghostly body. After staying, countless spikes will emerge from the whole body in an instant, piercing people into a sieve.

Vader's team was quickly disintegrated under the attack of these monsters. The sergeant rolled across the ground, hot on his back, but was licked by the long tongue of one of the monsters. The tongue was covered with fleshy thorns, and while sweeping it, it brought a large piece of skin and flesh of the sergeant. Vader was about to faint in pain, but still gritted his teeth and pointed his gun at the tall man who seemed to be a collar.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the opponent suddenly bounced high and fell to his side. With the broad knife pulled, the sergeant's rifle became two pieces. Vader bounced up, and snarled a punch at the man. The man grinned, but also punched. Two fists touched in mid-air, Vader was like a fist on a steel plate, and his arm made a continuous crackling sound, which was instantly distorted.

The man reached out his hand to clasp his throat, lifted Vader, and then threw it back. Vader was struggling desperately in the air, just about to land, but was caught by his hands and feet. Looking down, it was some weird people who covered their heads and faces in their hats. This is a head raised, the hat comes off, revealing a bald head and weird eyes. His eyes are dark, with several concentric circles in the center forming something like an eyeball.

From these eyes, Vader saw the obliterated humanity and bloodthirsty madness.

"Oh shit!"

He only had time to scream, and the few weirdos who had caught him violently pulled in different directions, and the sergeant suddenly tore them to pieces.

The entire sentry spot was covered with blood. Albert excitedly wiped a soldier's body, then smeared his blood-filled palm on his face, and shouted: "Kill, this is a feast of blood. what!"

He pointed towards Elk Town, the demon commander and the demon soldiers screamed and rushed into the town like an evil spirit from hell. So after a while, screams, explosions, and flames spread rapidly in the town. Most of the towns are the families of soldiers and refugees from other settlements. There is no power to resist the demon generals and demon soldiers. An extremely cruel slaughter just unfolded, and those inhumane magic soldiers rushed into the houses, whether they were men or women, grown-ups or children, torn them to pieces.

The blood stimulated the senses of these demons, thus creating an even more tragic killing.

The chaos spread from the entrance of the town to the south. Just on the roof of a bungalow, Moni squatted on the ground, covering her mouth to watch all this, her eyes burning with anger. The death assault was quietly unsheathed. When watching the two magic soldiers rush into the bungalow where she was, the girl kicked her foot and easily shook the wooden board away, and people fell into the room.

In the room below, a woman hugged her two children tightly and shrank helplessly at the corner of the bed. The door of the room was suddenly knocked open by the magic soldier, and these humanoid beasts looked at the three people in front of them and swallowed, and they were about to pounce. Suddenly the roof above shattered, and a figure fell, and then intertwined with them in an instant. The demon soldier's sight suddenly raised, but two heads flew up, and then fell to the ground together with the headless corpse.

Moni's eyes were filled with evil, and she rushed out with a death assault. The streets are full of figures of demon soldiers, she hardly needs to select enemies specially, the figure flickers, the speed is stretched to the limit, and there is continuous tremor in the air. Moni ran into the magic soldier like fire and wind, and a dozen or so magic soldiers were shocked into the air, and when they fell, there were more cross-shaped cracks on the ground.

After the cross dance step, Moni's sword was quietly wrapped in a green whirlwind. Then the two wind rings bloomed one after another. The first castrate was extremely fast, and it swept a few meters in an instant. The wind ring was extremely sharp and killed a circle of demon soldiers. Then the second wind ring chased, and the two wind rings collided with each other, causing a circle of explosions, blowing up the other magic soldiers that had been attracted to the sky.

Moni's appearance attracted the attention of one of the demon generals. This demon general was like a thin man, his face was covered with broken bands, and the front ends of his hands were alienated into half-moon-shaped bone knives. It was extremely fast, the two flashes had already received Moni, and then the two knives flew, so that Moni had no time to pay attention to other magic soldiers.

At this time, a blood cavalry colonel arrived with the soldiers in the barracks, and the magic soldiers had already advanced to the square. So the two sides fought against each other on the square. The parliamentary army drove several off-road vehicles. Each off-road vehicle was equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns. They became the most powerful firepower net of the parliament. Four or five anti-aircraft machine guns fired and killed. Demon soldiers could not move forward.

But Colonel Blood Cavalry quickly discovered that unless these magic soldiers tear their bodies to pieces, their vitality is comparable to living corpses, and they can't kill them anyway. He couldn't help taking a cold breath and said, "What kind of monsters are these?"

At this moment, a power suddenly rose. I saw a tall man rushing out of the opponent's position. He dragged a few square broadswords equal to the height of the people, and stepped on heavy steps toward the direction of the army. The earth was shaking, and the sound like a drum of war sounded. The footsteps of men are like drums, beating the hearts of every soldier in the council.

"Fire attack!" Colonel Xueqi shouted, his voice faintly filled with fear.

This man feels extremely dangerous to him.

Several anti-aircraft machine guns let go of other targets, and they all greeted the man. Albert grinned and stomped heavily on the ground. The person suddenly jumped up and landed directly on one of the off-road vehicles over a distance of about 20 meters. The broadswordsman raised his sword and fell, splitting the anti-aircraft machine gun and the shooter into two. Then he crashed into another off-road vehicle, smashing the vehicle into the air, and hitting a third vehicle. As a result, the firepower network of the parliamentary army immediately collapsed.

Colonel Xueqi yelled, his body grew rapidly, his muscles stretched and his shirt burst. Judging by his size, he was not inferior to Albert at all. Watching Colonel Bloodriding running towards him, Albert backhanded the broadsword into the ground. At this time, the Colonel had put his head on Albert's body and knocked him away from the soldiers.

After allowing him to take himself more than ten meters away, Albert saw his feet on the ground and stopped. He wrapped his hands around the colonel's waist and said in a deep voice, "Is this the only thing I can do?"

Then he threw it up, throwing the colonel into the air, and then reached out to catch the colonel's hands and feet and slammed down. With a cruel smile on Albert's face, he put the colonel on his neck and shoulders, his hands kept shrinking, and the colonel screamed.

"It's noisy, go to hell!" Albert squeezed his hands together and pulled it in the middle. The colonel's lumbar spine broke him and threw the bloodriding colonel to the ground. Albert didn't even look at it, and walked forward.

The colonel was still dying, struggling to get up. But when Albert pulled the broadsword on the ground and walked back, the broadsword fell, and the world was divided in two in the colonel's eyes, and then it gradually became dark. Seeing Colonel Blood Cavalry whose head was cut in both sides, Albert cursed "trash", and then walked to the council soldiers who had been charged into the defense by the demon soldiers.

But at this time, on the street south of the town, the battle between Moni and the Dual Swordsman continued. Moni has been injured in many places. The speed of these two swordsmen is very fast, but the strength is not outstanding. It's just that the knife seemed to be coated with toxin, Moni already felt a slight numbness in the wound. It's just that she had planted the seeds of the shadow race and drank the holy medicine. Although those strange cells have been eliminated by Zero, Moni's resistance to toxins is still there, and it hasn't affected her actions for the time being.

Seeing that the town had been captured by these unexpected monsters, Moni knew that she would not be able to fight for a long time. His eyes drenched, and his hands held up the death assault. Seeing the girl's middle door opened, the magic commander was overjoyed, and the two knives flickered, and instantly entered and exited in Moni's lower abdomen. But before it had time to be happy, a cold light flashed before its eyes, and then it didn't know anything.

The head of the double sword demon general flew up ~lightnovelpub.net~ and fell to Moni's feet, and then the headless body fell to the ground. Moni rushed to support her body with death, stretched out her hand to touch her abdomen, and the blood had escaped between her fingers. She just used the style of injury-for-life just now to replace this eighth-order demon general. Moni sighed. If her strength hadn't dropped by a step, she wouldn't have to use such a tragic method.

She tore off her sleeves, and after a simple dressing, she glanced at Elk Town. Moni gritted her teeth and turned away.

The town is over, she knows this very well. Even the army of the parliament and the Guja will undoubtedly die. The pair of sword monsters just now obviously possessed the power of the eighth rank. He managed to kill one, but he definitely couldn't kill these monsters. Besides, among these monsters, there is also a terrible man. Up to now, the power and power he has shown is only an ordinary high-level level.

But Moni's instinct told him that the man would never be that simple. So she chose to leave and fought Xiuya in Black Land for almost two years. Moni has learned when to give up and when to persist!

Not long after Moni left, Albert came to the place where they were fighting and saw the head of the double-sword demon general. The man gave a cold snort and lifted his foot to crush the demon general's head. Then he looked at the wilderness outside the town and said, "It seems that a mouse has escaped."