War Lord

Chapter 838: Idol

The figure on the stage is vertical and horizontal, and the one who is playing against zero is a good player. The strength reaches the eighth rank, the speed is not slow, and the rare thing is that the combat skills are solid. Don't go rashly, play well. In the beginning, he used fast guerrilla methods and deliberately exposed flaws to lure him on the hook. After all to no avail, he changed his strategy. Since the opponent defended like a tortoise shell, then he used a more fierce offensive to disintegrate the opponent's defense.

Slip back, charge. Between the retreat and the advancement, the zero movement is natural and smooth, so that people can't find the slightest flaw. But this time, his momentum changed suddenly and he didn't run fast. But with one foot and another heavy, the ring banged like a drum.

The Assak on the opposite side finally changed color. Under his deliberate control, the zero energy continuously collided and merged on its own, forming an energy storm. This group of storms continues to grow, and the momentum is rising. The sound of footsteps like drumbeats has faintly produced the sound of thunder and wind. At this time, it was too late for him to change his strategy.

If he changes his strategy again at this time, his innate momentum will be inferior. At that time, they will only lose faster and more ruthlessly.

Up to now, he can only go all out and block the attack first. Thinking of this, the Assak shouted, and a hazy, mist-like cyan flame rose from all over his body, and then formed an energy shield in front of him. Three shields were put together in a row. Just after finishing the defensive work, zero has been killed.

It was still three steps away in the previous moment, and it had already flashed before the eyes in the next moment. There is absolutely no transition in the middle, and the zero is like drilling out of thin air. The fist bounced, and an unfancy straight fist slammed forward. Just the movement of the fist, it dragged out a light golden energy flame, followed by the second and third...The energy flames entangled along the arm, and then formed a strong golden light on the zero fist.

When the fist hit the Assak's shield, the golden and cyan rays of light exploded. At the beginning, it was in a confrontational posture, but soon the cyan light was overwhelmed by Jin Yan, if you observe carefully. You will find that the energy of the Assaks is evenly distributed, and the zero golden flame is constantly rotating towards the middle point. With concentration vs. dispersion, zero punching power will naturally win more.

The glare suddenly appeared, a group of golden brilliance flashed, and the flames were like waves, billowing and spreading. Those Assaks who were too close were shocked, and Gog stood forward to block the shock wave for the priest behind him. The patriarch just shook and let the shock wave diverge from both sides. And the Assaks around the ring had already shaken the big shots of this shock.

When they got up, the battle was over. Zero put away his fists in the fading flames, and in front of him, the ring started with zero fists, and an inverted triangle gap appeared. This gap is naturally the masterpiece of the zero blow. The Assak who was fighting Zero was squatting halfway down the ring. He was breathing heavily, but there were no obvious injuries on his body.

The audience was silent.

"Let let, let let." The priest pushed Gog away, looked at the scene, and blew the winning horn without hesitation. As the horn sounded, all the Assaks screamed frantically. Their gaze towards Zero is no longer respect, but worship, because this seemingly thin human has won 99 games in a row!

At this time, it doesn't matter whether the final battle is won or won. Today's Zero, for them, even if they lose the last game, they are true warriors. Of course, the gladiatorial fight will continue, and the tradition cannot be changed.

Gog jumped onto the ring, and the Assaks became quiet. They held their breath, thinking about how wonderful this last battle will be performed by Gog himself. Looking at the pair of hopeful eyes on the stage, Gog smiled bitterly: "I wish I could fight this last battle myself, but unfortunately, I just received news from the black owl elder. He will come to me in person tomorrow. Clan, hold the final battle with our human friend. So today, let’s stop here for now."

He spoke to Zero again in human language, and Zero was surprised: "This Black Owl elder is?"

"He is a Shadow Clan member and the strongest fighter in the Shadow Clan." Gog explained: "Of course, the Hundred Wars Warriors are held in our clan. According to tradition, the challengers must all be our Assaks. So, you have it. The right to refuse."

"No, it's rare for the shadow clan elders to test me personally, this kind of opportunity can't be wasted." Zero smile.

So this matter was decided, and today's gladiatorial battle ended with zero 99 totems.

After stepping out of the ring, with zero physical strength today, I also felt tired. The fight this time was quite different from the previous fights of Poseidon on the Western Continent. At that time, the sea **** ordered, the captains could swarm up. Although the number of people was large, it gave zero chance to be defeated. But today, this one is challenged one by one, even if each battle is not long, it can be played for nearly a hundred games in a row. Even if the physical ability can bear it, the mental exhaustion is more serious.

This is also the connotation of the warriors of the Assak tribe. They believe that true warriors not only possess extraordinary power and combat skills, but more importantly, they must possess the will to survive a hundred battles.

Seeing that the physical and mental consumption of Ling is almost the same, Gao Ge did not disturb him. After asking people to send water and food, he strictly forbids anyone to disturb Zero News. If it weren't for the command of the patriarch, the Assak men who had already worshipped zero as an idol would probably drink with him until the sky was light.

No words for a night.

Gog knocked on Zero's door the next morning. The patriarch took a leather bag and threw it to Zero and said, "Drinking it will be good for your injury and energy recovery."

Zero unscrewed the stopper, and a strange fragrance wafted from the mouth of the bottle. He sniffed his mouth, unexpectedly gave birth to the long-lost hunger, and couldn't help asking: "What is this?"

"Anyway, good things are right." Obviously Gog didn't want to disclose, smiled, and the patriarch left.

Zero raised the leather bag and poured out the contents. It seemed to be some very viscous liquid, and after a while, some left from the mouth of the bottle. The petty mouth caught it, and his mouth was suddenly full of scent. These liquids are also very peculiar, almost melted in the mouth. Obviously so viscous, it melted like water after a while and flowed down the esophagus into Zero's stomach.

A feeling of fullness suddenly rose in his stomach, just a mouthful of liquid, but it was comparable to the jerky he had eaten last night. These liquids are probably secret food or medicine made by the Assaks, which can play a role in rapid recovery. Originally, when I woke up at zero awakening, my physical energy and spirit had almost recovered, but the energy was still a little worse. After taking a sip of this thing, the lack of energy was quickly replenished and it was restored to its best condition.

At noon, Gog left the village. It didn't take long before he came back with a man covered in black robes. Only from the appearance, it is no different from a human being. When he took off his robe, his long black hair, beautiful appearance, and black eyes like black gems left a deep impression on Zero.

If you only look at the appearance, this elder is even a few points younger than zero. His figure is also biased towards the slender body type, wearing a close-fitting suit woven with animal skins and soft armor, and carrying a pair of silver sticks of different lengths behind him. The sticks are carved with unusually gorgeous patterns, which are more like works of art than weapons.

Gao Ge pointed towards Zero One, and the shadow clan elder nodded, smiled and put a hand on his chest, bowing himself in salute. Then they left with Gog, and they talked as they walked, and soon disappeared in the woods.

By one o'clock in the afternoon, the ring had been repaired again, and Gaoge presided over the final battle as scheduled.

Zero and the black owl fought in the ring, looking at each other. There was a light smile on the black owl's face, like white skin that hadn't been exposed to the sun for many years, just like the finest white jade shining under the strong afternoon light. When the priest blew the horn at the beginning of the gladiatorial battle, the black owl smiled and patted his back with his hand, and the two silver sticks jumped up. Fang Yinlun.

"Brave human beings, I suggest that we use the power of the eighth order to compete. Otherwise, if we go all out, I am afraid it will become a life and death battle." Hei Xiao also uses human language, and his voice is like jewels. It was mellow, and the tone fluctuated, with a vague sense of music, which made people feel undisturbed by him.

Nodding, inhaling: "As you wish."

"Then let's start."

The Black Owl was also not humble, stepped away with his long legs, and rushed straight towards zero. The long stick in his right hand was raised and swept down, and the extremely simple moves brought a thunderous roar. The wind blew on his face and made Zero's cheek pain. Look at this black owl with a delicate face, but when he shot, it was a fierce offensive of the three armies and the army. Zero exhalation and a low drink. The sound was real, like a dull bass, which shook the heart of every Assak watching the game.

Black Owl's smile was also stiff, and Zero rubbed his body and rushed forward. In the face of such a strong attack, instead of avoiding his attack first, Zero took an offensive attack.

Such a brave posture attracted all the Assak people below to applaud.

Zero one palm splits out, in the middle of the silver stick, swinging the stick body away. At the same time, a punch was blasted, and he slammed it directly into the middle of the black owl, seeing everyone's blood surging. Black Owl smiled again, and another short club swiftly turned into a zero fist throw. The fist of the stick body sealed Ge Ling, Ling only felt that there was a seemingly non-existent suction on his short stick, which caused his fist to lose its impact, and it was indescribable.

Leading the zero fist away, the tip of the short club moved towards zero. Compared with the previous sticks and sticks, it is obvious that they are taking the completely opposite path!

With zero flashback and side slip, it instantly disappears in front of the black owl's stick like a fish~lightnovelpub.net~ and then fits and leans against the shadow clan elder with his shoulders, bringing a continuous sound of thunder and thunder. , But the method used is to use force to break the skill.

The black owl yelled okay, using both long and short sticks. The two sticks, stout and feminine, complemented each other, and joined the zero war.

When Fang opened, the two pushed the atmosphere of the battle to a high cháo, bringing the Assacs under the ring to be unable to be on their own, calling out loudly for their wonderful moves. Gog looked at the priests, seeing the smiles on their faces in each other's eyes.

"Black Owl is still the same, always likes to play tricks." Gog laughed.

The priest bared his yellow teeth, and said: "Our human friends have not really moved yet. This last battle is really exciting."

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