War Lord

Chapter 843: Attract the enemy

The houses of the Niru tribe are made of tall wooden buildings, but now most of the wooden buildings have collapsed. They are the masterpieces of Albert and a few demon generals. As soon as they entered the village, they ignored ordinary soldiers and directly attacked them. The tall building shook it down. The attack came so suddenly and so violently that many Nilus had no time to escape. Many of them were crushed to death under the rubble, and some did not die immediately.

But this situation is even worse. The demon soldiers opened the broken beams and miscellaneous trees, and then captured some of the surviving Nirus inside. In this disorderly army, the class is also very obvious. The living Nirus. It is enjoyed by the demon generals, and in addition to the living creatures during the battle, the demon soldiers can only bite the corpses.

The whole village has become a hell.

A Niru teenager yelled in horror. His right leg was overwhelmed by the beam, and bones could be seen piercing the skin. He still insisted on one foot and wanted to jump away, but unexpectedly a tentacle behind his waist was wrapped around his waist. , And then carried him over. Behind him was a fat man, fat and fat, with a silly smile on his face. However, a huge mouth with upside-down teeth was cracked in his chest.

Just now it was this huge mouth, which directly stuffed a Niru woman into it. Now, such bad luck is about to fall on the boy.

The screaming voice of the Nilu teenagers is undoubtedly the best meal, and the fat man’s smile has increased. Albert, who watched these magic soldiers and generals eating from a distance, only showed a cruel smile on his face, but he did not stop it in the slightest. Meaning. When the teenager's head was about to squeeze into the huge mouth, Albert suddenly felt a sense of danger. Before he had time to figure out where the danger came from, he saw a faint golden thread flashing in the air. Stopped, and then the fat man stiffened all over, and then his head was turned into fragments with a burst of golden flames!

The sudden attack caused the nearby magic soldiers and generals to react before they even had time to react, and on the mountain wall at the back of the village, there was the sound of gunshots unique to sniper equipment.

\"Damn, it's a sniper?\" Albert jumped up, but he didn't want to understand when the alien race started to develop the sniper.

But it was not a sniper shell that killed the magic commander directly, but the energy storm attached to the sniper shell!

With Albert's drink, the magic soldier and the magic commander stopped continuing to eat. They looked around suspiciously. These biological weapons are better at frontal attacks. They want them to find a sniper without even thinking about it. So this mission It fell on Albert, but it was a pity that the sanctioner was not good at work in this field.He missed Nicholas very much now.

If the guy in the perception domain is here, no sniper should think of hide-and-seek with him.

Of course, Albert didn't know that Nicholas had suffered a loss in Zero's hands, but it was also impossible, after all, Tier 10 snipers were rare.

There was another gunshot.

This time, it was a demon with a female appearance, who was also shot in the forehead. The demon was looking for a sniper, and suddenly a small hole appeared in his forehead, followed by a golden flame ejected from the bullet hole. Eventually the entire head was shot. It exploded? Come, with a group of energy and flames rushing, the demon threw the lost corpse to the ground, and then dense bone spurs appeared from the whole body, but it instinctively activated the defense mechanism before dying.

Unfortunately, it was severely delayed.

\"Asshole! Asshole!\" Albert couldn't help yelling, it would be no problem to die one or two demon generals. Anyway, Andre’s casualty index for him this time is unusually high, as long as he can complete the task, It's okay for all these disorderly ones to die. But the problem now is that the damn, despicable sniper put the magic general down in front of him, undoubtedly slapped him.

When Albert yelled, the sniper rifle fired several times in succession. Every time the gun was fired, a magic soldier must be shot. But the sniper did not inject energy against ordinary magic soldiers, but used ordinary sniper shells. But under the strong kinetic energy, the power of the demon soldiers is far from that of the demon generals. After each of the demon soldiers was shot, most of their heads were also knocked off, and all of them were killed in one blow.

\"Go and cover, you idiots, don't embarrass me!\" Albert shouted, and the other demon generals barely understood what he meant, and screamed at the enchanted soldiers. But the tall buildings in the village They all collapsed and shattered, and there are really not many that can serve as cover. The most obvious is the two guard towers near the gate, and the bottom of the guard tower is a good hiding spot.

The problem is that there are so many people, how can it be enough with just two guard towers. The demon generals rushed towards the guard tower first, and the demon soldiers followed them out of instinct. In the process, several more demon soldiers were shot. When he fell to the ground, he saw Albert's brows jumping. The sniper was so cunning that he almost changed places with one shot, so the gunshots seemed to be sounding in all directions.

From the beginning of the first shot to the present, there will be gunshots almost every ten seconds, and the firing frequency has been horribly stable. It can be seen that this is a strong sniper, and his strength level is not low. Te squeaked the long-handled broad knife in his hand.

Under the sentry tower on the left, a multi-eyed demon will carefully stretch out his hands. Its head, shoulders, chest, and palms have eyeballs. These eyeballs can emit energy beams to kill enemies, and they can also use them. With reconnaissance, it hid in the guard tower and did not dare to come out, but stretched out its hands, intending to observe the nearby situation with its palms.

Unexpectedly, this action provokes a fatal attack. The demon general just reached out his hand, and a sniper shell shot through the wooden wall of the sentry tower, and it was deeply nailed into its head. The demon general only felt that there was a wave in his head. The heat expanded, and then nothing was known. The golden energy storm burst, bursting its head, blood and other things splashed all over the ground, and even fell on some nearby magic soldiers.

The demon general fell down, the surrounding demon. [,! The soldiers swarmed up, eating the corpse frantically.

The sound of the sniper rifle sounded, and this time Albert finally grasped the position of the sniper. He roared, and the broad knife surged with blood. As Albert cut through the void, a scarlet light was ejected from the blade. This belt of light stretched a hundred meters, and then became unsustainable, gradually dimmed, and disappeared. Albert stamped his feet angrily. He was not good at attacking at medium and long distances. He was able to eject his energy from a hundred meters away and hurt the enemy. The ultimate.

Unfortunately, his opponent is a sniper expert, and the sniper is usually at least six to seven hundred meters away from the target.

The whip is beyond reach!

Ten seconds later, there was another shot. When he saw the golden energy flame, the blue veins on Albert's head kept jumping. This sniper would not waste his energy on ordinary magic soldiers, and the golden flame appeared. It means that another demon general has fallen. From the beginning of the attack on Elk Town to the moment when two foreign villages are slaughtered. Albert's loss can be said to be painless, except for the time in Elk Town, a demon general is unknown. After Bai was killed, everything went smoothly.

But in this short period of less than two minutes, he lost four demon generals, and then took a few more demon soldiers. And only one person and one gun caused all this, so the proportion of battle losses would be huge. Enough to make any commander ashamed.

After shooting this shot, a figure appeared on the gray rock. The two sides were five to six hundred meters apart, and Albert squinted his eyes. It was a human, wearing a dark tactical suit, and his body was covered with tactical kits. , The muzzle of the sniper rifle in his hand was still emitting smoke. As if provocatively, after pointing at Albert with the muzzle, the man returned and went down the mountain.

\"You are waiting for me here!\" Albert shouted and ran straight in that direction.

No matter what you encounter, whether it is rocks, trees, ruins of buildings or the outer walls of the village, Albert is like an angry human-shaped tank, directly rolling over the obstacle, or simply pushing It crashed and flew. There were several continuous bangs along the way, and Albert had left the village. He passed through a dense forest and came to the foot of the mountain, but saw the man flying and traversing like a monkey on the protruding part of the mountain. Throw him far away.

Albert let out a grin, he had already decided to catch up with this hateful sniper anyway, then interrupted his hands and feet and grabbed them back for the demon to enjoy.

Hearing a rumbling noise behind him, Ling looked back and saw that there were many towering giant trees that Albert had brought down easily. The momentum was extremely large, but it seemed quite ridiculous in Ling's eyes. Albert's move was undoubtedly for the sake of It created psychological pressure on him, but after so many battles, how could Zero Mind be destroyed by such a small means.

He leaped up with strength, and rolled a few, and fell to the ground gently like leaves. With a little tiptoe, the person has slid out ten meters. Zero's movements are very light, stretching his arms from time to time, but he uses such movements to make his body move Glide in mid-air for a short time, saving energy to the greatest extent. He has already planned to draw Albert away. Since he wants to draw away, he will naturally draw far enough.

So far, even if he found out that his troops were attacked, he couldn't immediately return for reinforcements.

But in order to prevent Albert from chasing after him, Zero had to leave some traces deliberately, such as a footprint on a hidden ground, or appearing at the end of Albert's line of sight from time to time, and Zero used herself as a bait. Albert, the fierce shark, led away from the forest area where the Niru tribe was located.

The two chased in the dense virgin forest. One hour, two hours...Time just passed under his feet. Albert almost didn't believe his eyes. From the beginning of the chase to the present, the sniper has never stopped. Let's rest for a while. At the beginning, Albert wanted to use his energy and physical advantage to kill the opponent. But now it seems that they are not inferior to him in these two aspects.

After more than three hours, they had run for more than two hundred kilometers, and Albert had even forgotten the way back. But now, he has forgotten these too, just numbly chasing the figure in front of him.

After four hours and 15 minutes, Albert chased him into a gorge. Here two mountains are as high as the sky, looking up at the sky, with only one slit. The gorge is deep and cool. The stalagmites in the valley are continuous and the terrain is complicated. Ai. Bert knew that this was the battlefield chosen by the sniper for himself. This kind of complicated terrain was beneficial to the opponent's expertise, but Albert was not afraid at all.

As long as the opponent is willing to fight, he has a chance to kill this nasty monkey!

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