War Lord

Chapter 844: Mushitani

It is dusk.

The sky light before the night fell, converged into a crimson light band at the gap between the line of sky above the canyon. This gorge is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, forming a triangular space. The bottom is fairly spacious, but the staggered stalagmites and ferns like shrubs make the environment in the valley a bit complicated. Furthermore, the mountain walls on both sides are not flat. Looking through the dim light, there are pitted caves where Albert Muli can see.

The temperature in the canyon is low, and as soon as the heat outside enters the valley and converges with the low-temperature air, it creates a feeling similar to the hot and humid tropical jungle. This made Albert, who was in a bad mood, feel even more irritable.

After the sniper entered the canyon, there was no other movement. Obviously the other party intends to use this special environment to compete with him, which is exactly what Albert wants. That guy was too good at running. If it weren't for Albert's outstanding physical ability, he wouldn't be able to follow him. He would have to chase him halfway.

"Hey, coward. I know you are here. Get out of me. Don't hide like a woman and put a concealed gun." Albert's roar pierced through the golden cracked stone, reverberating in the canyon, causing the canyon to buzz. Chaotic.

Ling smiled behind a certain cave. Wouldn't it be a joke for a sniper to confront others head-on. He naturally ignored it, quietly put the sniper rifle on the ground and set it up, and then adjusted the muzzle to Albert's side. There is no direct aiming, because a master at the level of Albert, even if it is not a perceptual specialization, feels much sharper than a person of ordinary ability.

Aim directly at Albert, it will cause him to react. Zero just pointed the gun toward the place he would pass, and waited with bated breath for Albert to deliver him to the door. If possible, he wanted to use the special terrain of this canyon to drag this man to death here.

Albert cursed a few more words, and was annoyed when he saw that the other party didn't respond at all. Stepping on his legs and going deep into the valley, he smashed many stalagmites with the blood-stained broad knife along the way. Ling was condescending, watching quietly as he walked into the crosshair of the sight, and then pressed the trigger without a trace of murderousness.

At the same time, Albert felt a sense of danger in his heart, and he barely made a side-swivel movement, and then a ray of blood popped out of his right shoulder, and the sound of the sniper rifle sounded in the valley. Regardless of his own injury, Albert immediately calculated the trajectory of the shooting and reversed the position of the sniper. Then he rushed, slashing directly on the mountain with a broad knife in his hand.

The blade spewed a stern bright red flame, straight up along the wall, and accurately blasted into the cave where Zero had been before. However, the cave was bombed, but there was no change. Albert spit on the ground, knowing that the sniper had moved. Then the shoulder muscles squirmed, squeezing the bullet out of the wound. With a sound, the bullet fell to the ground, and Albert's wound tightened for a while, and the bullet hole had been closed.

For high-ranking powerhouses like him, the threat of sniper rifles to him is very limited. The shooting distance is compressed to about 300 meters before zero. Normally, a single shot is enough to blow up a person's shoulder. It can be shot on Albert, but only a small bullet hole is left. This is the difference between a high-level and a mortal.

The bullet squeezed out of the wound here, and Albert's warning reappeared. This time the degree of danger was even greater than before. He didn't care about being ugly, and rushed forward. His body just touched the ground, and there was a fierce pain behind him. The corner of the eye caught a golden silk thread passing over the sky, and then a thick stalagmite a hundred meters away was blown to pieces in the bursting golden flames. The splashing plaster and debris even hit Albert's body.

A blood trough appeared on Albert's back from his waist and extending diagonally to his left shoulder. The sniper shell, coupled with the energy storm attached to it, plowed such a wound on his tyrannical body. If it is shot straight, Albert is sure that he will not die, but his internal organs will definitely be blown up and injured by the energy storm on the bullet. When the power reaches a high level, even big killers such as sniper rifles have only become the medium of attack.

Only this time after the attack came to him, and from the size of the gunshot, it should be three hundred kilometers away behind him. In this short instant, the sniper walked such a long distance without being noticed by Albert, which made the sanctioner frowned. This is simply impossible. Unless the caves above are connected, how can the sniper do this?

Zero doesn't know whether the caves are connected or not, nor is he interested in exploring. He just activated the space jump when Albert attacked, and appeared directly behind him to attack.

Albert stood up again, his back dripping with blood. But if he thought that he was seriously injured in this way, then he would be wrong. The blood and the superficial wounds are just a means to deceive the enemy. In fact, the muscles under the wound have tightened and closed. Under the stimulation of energy, the muscles at the wound even gave birth to new flesh [buds], intertwined at a terrifying speed.

In terms of resilience alone, Albert is not inferior to zero.

The sound of the sniper rifle sounded one after another, resounding vigorously in this valley. Albert was shot frequently, but every time he avoided the vital points at critical times, sometimes even using his broadsword as a shield. However, it is inevitable that the wounds on his body are getting more and more. The deepest wound is on the side of his left leg, and he attacked it with two strikes at the same point. If it weren't for Albert's tyrannical strength, changing to someone else would not just blast a blood hole the size of a bowl, but blast the entire leg directly.

Time passed in a one-to-one battle, and Albert had nothing to do with zero. Roaming, reaction and speed are his shortcomings. Zero bites at this point, like a wolf walking beside a lion. Seeing the opportunity, he severely tore off a piece of flesh on his body.

Finally, the day passed, and night fell. The gunfire also stopped, centered on Albert, within a radius of 100 meters. The stalagmites burst, the rocks fell off, and the bushes scorched, nothing better than being bombarded by heavy artillery. As for Albert has become a blood man, there are more than 20 wounds just from a gunshot, a dozen minor injuries, and three extensive wounds.

This kind of injury is already dead on ordinary people. But Albert was still standing, standing upright, giving a feeling that he would never fall down. If it weren't for Zero Nerves, he would be equally tough. If he were replaced by a second-level sniper, Albert's momentum that seemed to never fall would be enough to make the sniper collapse on his own.

After all, every shot is related to the calculation of position, point of impact, distance, reaction and so on. And the opponent is a high-level like Albert, then the complexity of the calculation has to be doubled. The amount of numbers is so large that if it is not zero, this has evolved a small center that is comparable to the computing power of the brain, and it really can't handle it.

When Zero tried to shoot again, the barrel of the gun made a light click. As soon as he fought, it turned out that the bullet had been exhausted. In fact, he never thought that he would return to his old career in the black earth. With the dark blood rifle, it was just pretending, and even the bullets were only equipped with a magazine. Now, the bullets in the magazine have been exhausted.

Albert also caught the soft noise, his ears moved, and he laughed, "What? Did the bullet go out? It seems that you can only run now, but with so much energy, I really Doubt how far you can run?"

Zero is unmoved, he put down his gun. Without bullets, the rifle is simply an iron rod and can't play much role. He didn't plan to run either, he didn't have to use a gun if he wanted to hold Albert. He breathed out softly, and when he was about to play in person, he heard a strange sound. At this moment, Ling was in a cave on the mountain wall. The cave was not high enough to allow him to squat flat on the ground.

The sound came from behind, listening to something like something rubbing the ground. Ling looked back, and the depths of the cave suddenly lit up with two blushes, and then a fishy wind blew his nose. No time to think about it, the cave popped up immediately.

As soon as he appeared, Albert immediately looked towards zero. Seeing the sniper appeared, Albert was first overjoyed. Then suddenly a dark shadow popped up from the cave where the sniper was hiding. The black shadow pounced on the sniper, but still couldn't reach him. So he retracted and stuck it on the mountain wall, not knowing what it was. Under the night, the canyon was completely dark, although a faint dim red sky light appeared in the gaps in the canyon above, and with the help of this little light, it was enough for high-level sighting.

But Albert is not good at perceptual domain ability after all. He doesn't have the ability of low light vision like Zero, so he can only capture a rough idea. However, in Ling's eyes, he saw clearly that it was an altered iron-clad centipede. This thing is about ten meters in length, and now only the front part of the body is sticking out. The compound eyes on the flat head shone blush, and the two palatine teeth were firmly opened and closed, and the stone dust was scraped on the mountain wall.

There was a soft sound of insects wandering on the ground throughout the canyon, but this soft sound was enough to make people fearful when it sounded in all directions. Ling frowned, and it seemed that a large number of abnormal poisonous insects inhabited this valley. These bugs sting in the depths of the cave during the day, and go out of the cave to hunt at night. Look at the hundreds of caves on the two sides of the mountain~lightnovelpub.net~ The number of mutant insects living here will not be too small.

He looked at Albert, who was covered in blood, and smiled. It seems that there is no need for him to make a move, naturally there is something to entangle Albert for him. So Zero condensed her breath, found a corner and hid it. At this time, iron armored centipedes that were more than ten meters long, sword spiders as large as desktops, scarlet overlord scorpions, and some indescribable abnormal insects were continuously drilled out of the cave.

But in the blink of an eye, the entire canyon has been filled with these bugs. In the eyes of these insects, Albert, who was covered in blood, was as conspicuous as a lighthouse in the dark. The blood on Albert's body made these insects who had been hungry for a day or even days move their index fingers. In contrast, the zero that has condensed its own breath and body odor is as inconspicuous as the stones in the canyon.


The bug swam, coming towards Albert from all directions in the canyon. Albert also saw his situation clearly at this time, and could not help cursing unlucky secretly. The fishy wind rushed toward his face, and a huge sword spider jumped out of the cave. When the hood was pressed down on Albert, the sharp limbs pierced toward the man below!


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