War Lord

Chapter 845: Night attack

[Thanks just for the support of the three big monthly tickets for reading, Brother Xiang, and stepless students! Yesterday, I went back to the countryside to worship my ancestors, and I didn't get home until 11 o'clock in the evening. Going back once a year, it's very touching. Although Daxiaojia is in the city, I always feel that the roots are still there. There is no prosperous city, only the quietness of small villages and countryside. I like it very much, I hope I can go back in the future. It is also a pleasure to hold a blue sky and fertile fields, wash away the lead, and create quietly. ]

The sword spider rushed forward, and there was a flash of red light in the valley. The big spider stagnated slightly in the air, and then was cut open from it, splashing worm fluid and fleshy tissue on the ground. When they fell on the ground, they caused some light smoke to rise from the ground, and there was still a little poison in the blood. Albert, who had divided the sword spider's body, naturally drenched a head of worm fluid, but the toxins in the worm fluid couldn't even eat away his skin.

One blow to the sword spider would kill it, but it failed to repel the insects in the valley, but instead aroused their ferocity. An iron-clad centipede twined with fishy eyes, wandering like the wind, and wrapped around Albert's feet with a fishy anger. Before it was entangled, a sole of a foot suddenly fell from the sky and directly trampled the head of the iron armored centipede into a pulp. The centipede is dead but not stiff. Under the action of its nerve endings, this centipede is still twisting endlessly, extremely terrifying.

Then the Overlord Scorpion and many unnamed poisonous insects began to launch a general attack. For a time, the valley insects moved like a tide, and Albert was the center of this worm tide. Albert was furious. First he played around with a sniper, and now he was treated as a delicious meal by the poisonous insects full of grains. As one of the four generals of Asmore, when did Albert receive such "treatment"? Immediately, the sword flew broadly, beheading the insects that did not have long eyes.

The war started, and the canyon became a battlefield for insects and Albert. On the contrary, Ling was the most idle one. After the nearby insects swam towards Albert, Ling quietly came to a cave above, sat down cross-legged, and watched Albert fight the group of insects.

I have to say that this big man is terrible. From the village of the Nilu tribe, he chased Zero and ran in the forest non-stop for more than four hours. Then he was attacked by Zero in this canyon. Now he still has an unabated momentum against the Swarm Insects. The broad knife continuously pulled out patches of crimson light like mist and clouds, and the energy and flame emitted by the blade's edge was extremely sharp, whether it was an iron armored centipede or other poisonous insects, it was divided into two.

With the broad knife swiping, patches of light fluttered around, and the corpses under Albert's feet accumulated more and more. But even though he killed a lot, there were more bugs in this valley, almost inexhaustible. When a centipede was cut in two at the center, a Overlord Scorpion landed on his back, the scorpion claws with red light were raised high, and then they pierced Albert's neck forcefully.

The claw needle only penetrated a little into the skin, before he had time to inject the venom into it. Albert's muscles quivered strangely, generating a tremendous counter-shock force, which blasted the scorpion from the pincers. In the end, the entire scorpion exploded into fragments, with blood and body fluids. With Albert. He didn't have time to pay attention, and with a backhand, he smashed several poisonous insects. With a big hand, the scorpion caught a long worm that came towards him, and actually broke it in the middle.

Albert screamed and swung his knife to sweep out a circle. The blade spouted a bright red band of light, cutting off the surrounding bugs. At this time, the corpses around him had piled up a hill, burying Albert's feet in it. But more insects were still staring at him, and Albert exhaled and raised his sword to fight again.

In a dense forest near the Three Goddess Mountain, a black shadow cleverly pierced the forest, when it stopped. With the dark red skylight at night, it is not difficult to see that it is the Assak who is riding on the wolf. He opened his mouth and made a sound like a night bird, and after sending out three long and one short signals, footsteps rang.

Gog appeared from the hiding place, stepping on the fallen leaves in the forest and walking towards the knight: "What's the situation?"

The knight got down from the wolf and said respectfully to Gog: "Those murderers have not left in the village of the Niru people. We found a few Niru people who escaped nearby. They are being taken to safety by Dima. The place. According to their dictation, these murderers attacked their village at noon and most of the people have been killed. They would have been eaten as well, but the murderers were accidentally attacked, and the leaders of the monsters hunted down and sniped. Hands away, leaving them behind."

"That should be our warrior of the Hundred Wars. Let others continue to stare at those monsters and notify me as soon as there is any movement."

"Yes, patriarch."

After the knight left, Gog returned to the forest camp. An army of five hundred people has been gathered here, of which one hundred are the most elite wolf knights of the Assak tribe. Their average combat power is around Tier 6 or Tier 7. The rest are ordinary fighters, with an average of Tier 3 to Tier 4. Ordinary fighters basically use their legs to drive, so they arrive at the latest.

In terms of numbers alone, the number of Assaks and the Disorder Legion are now equal. Gog was thinking about whether to launch an attack in advance, and the priests came along with the soldiers. He saw Gog's thoughts and said, "Do you want to launch an attack at night?"

Gaoge nodded.

"But Black Owl has already gone to notify the other clans, why don't you wait for them to come together before doing it." The priest said.

"This is a rare opportunity, Lord Priest. Now that the leaders of those monsters have left, they are all gathered together. Don't you think that this is a good opportunity to catch them all in one go?" Gao Ge said solemnly, "Amanda and the others. It will take tomorrow at the earliest, but God knows if these monsters will stay here tomorrow. Once they slip away, I don’t know which village will suffer again."

"You're not unreasonable, but you also said that the commander in those monsters is Tier 8. Do you think our Tier 8 fighters are enough?" The priest reminded: "Plus you, Dima and Wolf Knight Among the other two, we only have four high-ranking members. This number is still a bit small, not to mention that Dima has not returned yet."

A voice intervened: "If it's just to make up for the lack of high-level combat power, we can help."

Gog looked at it, and a blue-haired girl came over, followed by a human man. Gog remembered that they were zero people, namely, Alice and Jin, the elemental domain powerhouses. Gao Ge said solemnly: "This is our war after all."

"Since Zero left us, it is a war for all of us. Besides, letting these things follow our ass, we won't be happy either." Jin interrupted.

Gog nodded, and said, "Then let's assign the task."

Of the ten demon generals that Albert brought this time, one lost one in Elk Town, and four died in Zero’s hands. Today, there are only five demon generals left in the Nilu village. Twenty demon soldiers died, but the total number of demon soldiers was already quite large, and now there are more than two hundred demon soldiers. In terms of proportions, the amount of damage is not at all painful.

The magic commander already possesses intelligence. After experiencing the daytime attacks, especially when his companions who are also the magic commander were headshot and killed by that terrifying sniper. The remaining demon generals are quite a bit of a bow and snake shadow on this. They let the demon soldiers sort out a few high-rise buildings that are not too badly damaged in the afternoon, and use the current materials in the village to reinforce the buildings, and then use them for their own rest. The place.

Magic soldiers don't have this treatment, they can only hide downstairs, perhaps in the guard tower. Moreover, some demon soldiers are responsible for guarding around the village, monitoring the surrounding vegetation. It's just that the demon soldier's intelligence is limited, otherwise he would not be seen by the Assak scouts wandering around the village.

The magic weapon retains the killing instinct of the disorder, but in other respects, it is much inferior to ordinary biological weapons. Therefore, there are many demon soldiers guarding the edge of the village, but none of the Assak warriors are quietly climbing up the Three Goddess Mountain that guards the village, and each finds a favorable position to hide. Judging from the distribution of Assak fighters, they happened to occupy the commanding heights where they could attack the village at any time.

After the cataclysm, the temperature of the earth varies greatly during the day and night. It's just that it's spring, and the temperature difference is not as scary as winter. Although the temperature will be lower at night, it will not freeze and snow. However, at this moment, a magic soldier wandering near the guard tower suddenly felt a trace of coldness on his face. It raised its head suspiciously and saw patches of snowflakes floating down lightly. This kind of abnormal scene could not be understood with its intelligence.

Then, the magic soldier saw an unusual gray cloud. This group of gray clouds did not know when they entangled the sky above the village, and the area of ​​the gray clouds happened to cover the entire village, including the surrounding areas. The center of the cloud layer is spinning and stirring, forming a cloud vortex. The snow falls from this gray cloud. The abnormal weather made the magic soldier realize something, but it hadn't warned yet, something suddenly emerged from the clouds.

It was a diamond-shaped ice cube measuring half a meter long, crystal clear and beautiful like a diamond. But when it came out of the clouds, several cloud lines hit the ground. Under the acceleration of the weight, a tall building was easily blasted into fragments, and the power was not much worse than that of a heavy artillery shell. The ice cubes fell and exploded, and irregular ice flakes sputtered around, at a speed comparable to machine gun shooting, injuring several nearby magic soldiers.

And such ice cubes are falling from the sky one by one. Suddenly, the sound of ice bursting in the village came one after another, and the magic soldier who had witnessed all of this in the guard tower ~lightnovelpub.net~ made a belated whistle. However, the howling suddenly stopped, and a steel ridge plunged straight into its head. With the recovery ability of the magic soldier, it is impossible to repair such an injury.

Putting down the crossbow, Gog waved his hand at the village and shouted, "Start attacking, now, it's time to avenge these demons!"

Patriarch Assak’s voice resembled wind and thunder, echoing over the forest for a long time. Using his roar as a signal, those Assak warriors who had been ambushing in the mountains in advance showed up, using their crossbows to shoot steel stabs into the village. These Assaks made their own crossbows. Compared with a sniper rifle, the steel thorn fired easily penetrated the body of the magic soldier.

So after Alice's Frost Nova, the magic soldiers discovered that another rain of steel was falling in the sky. It’s just that the Assak’s shooting skills are not as good as Zero, and most of the steel spikes only hit the demon soldier’s body rather than the head. Therefore, when shot by the steel spikes, they only pull the steel spikes out, and their actions are basically unaffected. The magic soldiers didn't need the command of the magic commander, and a hundred people immediately rushed to the wall outside the village and quickly climbed up the mountain.

At this time, the earth shook slightly, and some magic soldiers climbed up to the guard tower and saw the Assak wolf knight rushing out of the forest on the other side of the river in the distance, passing by Gaoge's side and killing the Niru village. Come here. After Gao Ge did not fall behind, he clamped his legs and rode down the white wolf, and waded across the river first, running ahead all the way.