War Lord

Chapter 846: Blood War

A long and screaming roar sounded in the village, and a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the rubble of a building that had been smashed by the frost nova for Alice. It moved quickly, and several ups and downs had come to the top of the wall. In the dark red sky, Gao Ge could see from a distance that it was an alien monster. Walking upright similar to humans, except that the legs have anti-joint structures. The surface of the body is covered with a layer of oily black skin, which looks like the skin of a certain frog. His hands are long and thin, with large demon-like claws.

You can see the skeletal structure of the chest, with a relatively slender neck supporting a weird head. The head is long ridged and forms a crown-like skull starting from the eyes. A cluster of peristaltic antennae hang down behind the crown. From the end of each antennae, a circle of blue light gradually rises and sinks into the crown. At this time, there will be an indeterminate blue pattern on the bone crown.

The demon will process a thin tail from the vertebrae, which looks like a closed flower bud, with a pointed end that looks very sharp.

Its powerful claws and toes were tightly tied to the wooden wall of the Niru tribe, and its eyes swept over the Assak who charged towards the village, and the devil would emit several weird syllables in succession from his mouth. The eyes of the demon soldiers at the back lit up with fishy lights, and strange roars gushed out from the gate, and some even jumped directly over the wall, like a black tide and swept into the Assak army.

Gog raised his arms and clenched his fists. The two fighters on his left and right blew the horns immediately, and the formation of the Assaks' charge immediately changed. There were hundreds of fighters on the left and right wings separated, and the Chinese army headed by Gog strode forward. When the two sides were still 100 meters apart, they raised the crossbow and fired, and everyone behind them followed suit. Suddenly the steel ridge broke through the air and poured down on the magic soldiers like raindrops.

Immediately, the Kuroshio striker fell down. At least twenty or so demons had their heads pierced by one or two ribs, but more of them only pierced other parts of the body. As long as their heads are intact, they will be able to maintain mobility, so this part of the demon soldiers let them wear thorns, but still rushes forward.

The Assaks only had time to shoot two waves of spikes, and then they met with the magic soldiers. Gog yelled, and each of his four arms held a thorn in his hand. This thing is an arrow when mounted on a crossbow, and a short spear in his hand, which is much more convenient in battle.

The patriarch took the lead and slammed into the dark tide. Picking, sweeping, slashing, and slashing with thorns in his hand, instantly brought down four or five magic soldiers. The patriarch was so brave and agitated that the Assacs' fighting spirit rose. The first is the wolf knight behind Gog. These one-of-a-kind warriors are unstoppable. They are the forwards of the Assaks and the sharpest part of the entire army. Once in contact with the Kuroshio, countless waves of death were immediately swept up. Then the ordinary fighters at the back made up, they were more of a make up. The striker pushed forward and smashed the Kuroshio into dispersal. They made up for it, sending the steel spurs or blades in their hands into the heads of the enemies who had been confounded by the striker.

At this time, the left and right wings that had previously diverted away, circled a small arc, and rushed into the array of magic soldiers on both sides. Their task is mainly to cut, to cut the enemy's army apart, and then to guerrilla strangulation. Under the attack of the Assaks, the demon soldiers could no longer carry out a one-sided massacre like the previous two villages.

In the Assak army, the average quality of soldiers is not much worse than that of magic soldiers. This time it is even more angry, and the combat power will increase by 10% or 20%. In addition, a strong man like Gaoge acts as a sharp edge, and is complemented by tactical cooperation. When the two sides confronted each other, the magic soldiers were defeated and retreated.

It's just that these guys are not fuel-efficient lamps. Disorders are originally beasts with only killing instincts left, and they have super resilience. These two points made them the most terrifying soldiers on the battlefield. After the initial strength passed, the magic soldiers began to counterattack. As long as their heads are not destroyed, the injuries on their bodies cannot affect their ability to move.

And the magic soldiers have no morale, they don't understand fear. The injuries caused by the Assaks on them will only make the beasts crazier.

Sometimes the magic soldiers even ignored the Assak’s spikes or blades, they just instinctively protected their heads, allowing the blades to be added. But it will take advantage of this time to drag the wolf rider down the wolf. Once dragged down by the wolves, the Assac Warriors' mobility will be greatly reduced. Even more frightening is that the surrounding magic soldiers will swarm up, like a bloodthirsty shark tearing the knight to pieces, even if it is the death of several of the same kind in exchange.

As for the infantry of the Assaks, they are even more unbearable. But other aspects are inferior. Once they are pulled out of the array by the demons, they will be eaten alive by these demons on the battlefield.

Gog forcefully sent the spike into the head of a demon soldier, and looked up, the war was in a state of twisting. The vitality and endurance of the magic soldier was indeed beyond his expectations. It can be said that he had never seen such a difficult life. Although the soldiers hiding on the mountain wall made several waves of attacks on the enemy's rear, they soon became overwhelmed.

The magic soldiers climbing along the mountain wall pose the most direct threat, so the soldiers on the mountain can only attack these enemies first, and for a while cannot give more support to the ground forces.

When the situation became stalemate, Gog needed a point to break the deadlock.

This point is naturally completed by the capable person.

The first to bear the brunt is the demon striker fighting the Assaks. Suddenly, there was a strange wave passing by them, and then every magic soldier only felt a headache, and for a while, his movements became jerky and slow. How could the Assaks let go of this opportunity, and one after another, they raised their swords and took the opportunity to decapitate these demons. Behind the Assak, on the river bank, Leah slowly opened her eyes.

After sending out a mental flogging, she felt a slight fatigue. But her attack was effective, and the Assaks pushed forward a lot. Then a giant rock fist blasted in the hinterland of the magic soldier array for no apparent reason, blasting dozens of magic soldiers into the air, and then one such fist appeared in the magic soldier group. Every time it appears, there will always be a gap in the Kuroshio.

The rock giant fist broke out of the ground and exploded after knocking out the magic soldier, creating a second wave of splash damage. Although the lethality is limited for the magic soldiers, it is enough to cause a certain amount of chaos and create opportunities for the Assacs to advance.

The balance of the battle situation began to tilt due to the intervention of the capable people, and the magic generals also noticed this. The alien demon on the high wall finally couldn't help it, and jumped down in a howling sound. He rushed to the front line with amazing jumping power and plunged into the striker of the Assaks at once. Several wolf knights brazenly greeted the demon general with a steel thorn long knife in his hand.

At this time, the greasy skin on the body of the magic commander had an effect. The steel thorn or blade fell on it, and it was carried by that layer of skin and slipped to one side, unable to form an effective focus point. Only a shallow hole can be left on the alien demon general, such an injury is simply dispensable. The attack of the demon commander was deadly. With a flick of the strange tail, it plunged into the chest of a wolf knight and broke out.

The tail that resembled a flower bud suddenly opened and split into four petal-like mouthparts, which were full of sharp fleshy teeth. The center of the flower bud is hollow. At this time, the thin tail of the magic general starts from the vertebrae, and the blue light gradually pushes towards the end. In the end, a group of blue light appeared in the center of the flower bud, and in the light of a sigh, this group of blue light was sprayed out.

The blue light swept up in the air like a cannonball, then crossed a parabola and fell into the rear of the Assak army. As soon as the light ball fell into the army, it exploded and turned into a blue flame. These flames are extremely corrosive, but when they are licked by the tongue of fire, their flesh and blood disappear immediately. The dozen or so warriors who were at the heart of the explosion did not even hum, they were burnt to dry bones in an instant, and then they broke and fell to the ground in sections.

The flame killing range reaches a radius of 20 meters. In this range, even if the warrior affected by the tongue of flame does not die at the moment of the explosion, it will be burned to death by the entangled blue flames.

The magic commander succeeded in one blow and narrowed the tail fiercely. The petal-like tail directly pulled away a large piece of flesh and internal organs from the wolf knight's chest, and threw the corpse with a huge cavity in the chest on the ground, and the magic commander rushed to another wolf rider.

Suddenly the ground shook, and a giant rock fist broke through the ground. The demon general screamed, hugged his head, shrank into a meat ball and let the stone fists fly. He stretched his hands and feet in midair, removed the shock from his body, and fell to the ground. As soon as he landed, the demon commander took a few steps back, then shook his head, and saw that the Assak warrior separated from both sides and let a human man walk over.

Jin looked at the alien monster in front of him and said calmly: "I'll play with you."

The demon will spray a hot breath from both nostrils, growl low, and rush towards Jin in the shape of electricity. As soon as he was about to pounce on it, several stone shields rose from the front of Jin. Instead of slowing down, the magic commander hits even more. It shrank its body and exploded the stone shield like a cannonball, but Jin was no longer in its original position.

"Stupid guy, I'm here." A provocative voice sounded from behind, and the demon general turned around, his small eyes flickering fiercely. It uttered a threatening roar ~lightnovelpub.net~, but found that it had difficulty moving with its legs as if they were stuck in a mire.

Looking down, I don't know when the ground has turned into a quicksand zone, and the magic general's body is slowly sinking into the quicksand. It desperately tried to pull up its legs, but the more it moved, the faster it plunged into the sand.

The Assaks have consciously stayed away from this area, and under the control of Jin, an earth system capable person, the hard ground becomes a soft and deadly quicksand belt at any time. In the eyes of the Assaks, this capable person is a bit more terrifying than the zero warrior.

Alien Demon Generals were trapped by quicksand, and several other Demon Generals also met their opponents. Alice, Kayton, Haiwei, and Ye Liu all went to the battle, but Monnie was the only one who had recovered from her injuries and was left behind. All of these abilities are good at rank 8, especially Ye Liu is as high as rank 9, so dealing with demons is not a problem at all. When the demon general is entangled or even killed, the demon soldier that loses its commander is a piece of scattered sand. Taking advantage of this good opportunity, Gog immediately ordered the warriors of the clan to shrink the encirclement and launched a fierce attack on the demon soldiers.

The battle lasted almost overnight, and the war ended just over an hour before dawn. All the demon soldiers were killed, and the demon soldiers were also killed and wounded. Only a dozen demon soldiers were instinctively driven by the chaos without the restraint of the demon soldiers. While Gog ordered people to clean the battlefield, he also asked all the remaining wolf knights to hunt down these slippery fish.