War Lord

Chapter 851: surprise

"This is……"

In the morning of the next day, a search team composed of Assaks appeared at the place where the team camped last night. This team is left unattended by an eighth-tier warrior. Below are five wolf knights and ten ordinary soldiers. The bugs gathered in large numbers last night, leaving behind obvious traces. The team searched here based on the traces left by the insects, but saw the edge of the woods that had been broken and plowed by fate, as well as the countless corpses of insects in the clearing after leaving the forest and even the camp. Froze.

The team bypassed the battlefield and came to the camp, where the corpses of insects simply accumulated into a mountain. The Assaks cleaned the corpse mountain a little, and removed the corpses of the biological weapons that had been crushed by the corpses of the insects. The body of the giant shield guard was almost incomplete, and there were countless wounds on his body, and even those huge shields were covered with marks that had been bitten by insects.

Looking at the corpses of the worms in the camp, it is not difficult to imagine that the tide of worms is rolling, but these giants have resisted them with their own bodies. Thinking of this, the Assaks couldn't help but stand in awe of these biological weapons. The body of the Great Shield guard also indirectly indicated that the object of the battle with the insect last night was the zero class, which made the captain very puzzled. Hei Xiao was familiar with this land, but encountered an insect infestation here, which made him puzzled.

A scout rushed from the back of the camp and reported to the team leader: "The traces of the team's withdrawal to the thorny forest were found, and no bodies were found."

The captain nodded: "That's a team of warriors and black owl elders. It seems that they should enter the thorny forest safely. There is nothing to do with us here. Keep chasing the leaders of those demons."

Unpretentiously, a voice suddenly sounded behind the captain: "You don't need to go anywhere."

The captain turned his head and his eyes suddenly split. A broad knife was passing through the chest of a wolf knight, picking it up, and then falling to the ground. The knight was struggling to get up, the knife fell off his head, and an angry head rolled to the foot of the captain's mount.

The blood continued to flow from the broad knife to the tip of the knife along the grooves, and then to the ground. A demon-like man stood sideways with a cruel smile on his face. Behind him were the corpses of the Assaks, and a few wolves were also ripped apart. This team was almost completely wiped out, but the whole process did not even make a sound, which made the captain's heart chill.

The scout yelled: "Run!"

The man rushed towards Albert, the captain gritted his teeth and pulled the wolf around and ran wildly. After a while, the screams of scouts rang behind him. In the tradition of the Assaks, facing a powerful enemy, there is always only the attack of giving up one's life and forgetting the death, and will not make such a thing as running away. But the most important task of these hunting teams is to transmit information. For a strong man like Albert, only a few patriarchs can join forces to encircle and destroy them.

As for Tier 8 fighters like the captain, their role is only to transmit the message.

But sometimes, even this is difficult to do. In particular, the opponent's strength is unfathomable, and the zodiac wolf moves quickly, and in a flash, it has already rushed to a hundred meters. As long as he enters the woods and uses the speed and environment of the wolf, the captain has the confidence to get rid of the killing god. But at this moment, as if being hit by a cannonball behind his back, the captain bounced off the wolf.

When he fell to the ground, he saw a blade stabbed out of his chest. The power of Tier 8 played a role at this time, and the captain was still struggling to bounce off the ground due to this heavy blow. Don't jump back on the mount, just run desperately like this. However, he ran for about twenty meters, and there was a sharp sound of a giant breaking through the air behind him. The captain rushed to the ground, but the corpse of his mount flew over his head.

He looked back again, a big foot fell from the sky and stomped directly on his head, and then the captain didn't know anything.

Anyone whose head becomes a mass of flesh will no longer be conscious of this kind of thing. Albert stretched out his feet and wiped a few times on the stone beside him, rubbing the dirt off the soles of his feet, and then took the broad knife from the captain’s chest. After pulling it out, he wiped part of the blood from the knife with the Assak's body, then put the knife on his shoulder, and Albert strode towards the thorny forest.

Another day passed.

At sunset, Zero and his party finally came out of the thorny forest. The area of ​​this mountain forest is not half the size of the poisonous mountain collar, but the entire mountain is covered with thorn bushes. These tall bushes are not known whether they are specially cultivated mutant plants of foreign races. They become a natural barrier. If you are not familiar with the environment, it is difficult to walk through this thorny forest.

But even if the black owl was familiar with this place, he took the zero party and walked for a whole day before leaving the range of the mountain forest. When the ground under your feet turns from gray to brown, and then from brown to pitch black, the thorn bushes also change from more to less, then sparse, and finally stop at the black ground.

Stepping on this pitch-black earth is considered as walking into the depths of the black earth. This is the level 4 area marked by the council, which represents a high degree of danger, because the ten most powerful clans on this land are distributed in this area. As for the level 5 area, where the holy temple is located, it is a forbidden area that even Xiuya has never set foot.

In order to break the team last night, the soldiers suffered some injuries. Although they didn't really bite the poisonous insects, they also scratched their feet or swept their stings. The insect's toxicity was so fierce that even though it was just a small cut that pierced the skin, several soldiers fainted directly afterward. Zero injected them with anti-virus serum, which stabilized their injuries.

After leaving the thorny mountain forest, the black owl found a place where a river passed by and camped. I didn't know where to go, and I went around and picked some weeds and wildflowers. Chew these things and mix them with black mud, and then stick them to the soldiers' wounds. After a while, the black mud and grass blades both gave off a faint smell, and the black owl said that it was because the toxins were removed from the wounded's body.

With the black owl's herbs and the anti-toxin serum, these people's lives were finally saved. This day everyone was tired and thirsty. After eating, they went to rest. Ling let the blade hunter take the place of the soldiers to watch, and he stayed in the camp with Jin and Kaiton as guards.

The dead branches of the thorn forest are almost everywhere, and the two bonfires in the camp are burning vigorously, and the light of the small camp is covered in it. Zero and the gold one left and one right, just can see all of the camp. After yawning, Kim scratched his head and walked to Zero and said, "It's boring."

"Do you want to have another insect feast like last night?" Zero dropped a dead branch into the flames, blowing up a spark.

"Don't be kidding, that kind of bad luck once is enough."

"Unlucky?" Zero lowered his voice and said, "That guy came to us."


"The head of the Disorder Army." Zero said, "I saw his big bald head last night. He wants to avenge us."

"Then why didn't you say it?"

"I don't trust the black owl..." Zero suddenly said something irrelevant to the topic.

Jin looked at him unknown, and said in a low voice: "That guy is definitely not a regular customer of the Black Earth, and we are led by the black owl. The level 3 area is so big, what do you think is the chance of meeting by chance? Not to mention. , He had conspired long ago. He used the corpse of the ground squirrel to attract poisonous insects in advance, so how did he know that we would camp there?"

"You mean, the black owl has a problem?" Jin frowned.

"It's hard to tell, it may also be the enemy of the black owl. Deliberately revealing our whereabouts, the alien races on this land may not necessarily be so united." Zero provoked the fire and said: "But our main problem now is, that The guy has been eyeing us. It should have been a tentative attack last night, maybe he will commit suicide and come to the door tonight."

"Then I will wake everyone up."

Jin was about to get up, but Ling stopped. Under the firelight, Zero smiled brightly: "No, doing that is tantamount to telling him that we are ready."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Naturally, give him a surprise." Ling said calmly.

With a pair of eyes reflecting the campfire in the camp, Albert squatted on the ground with a big smile: "I found you."

"I think about it, Andre's lamb can't be killed, and that dark guy has to leave a life to lead the way. You can only kill others, which is not addictive." Albert turned back to the thorns again. Lin glanced at him: "But it's okay, at least I can go back and kill all those alien tribes. There are still a lot of them. It's good..."

Looking at the camp again, Jin and Ling have separated. Albert moved quietly and found a location closer to Jin, intending to use this place as a breakthrough point. If it goes well, he can go in from Jin's direction, and then he can crash into a camp to kill a few more people before Zero reacts and intercepts him. The idea was settled, Albert stood up abruptly, and went straight to cover the two blade hunters who were guarding nearby.

He was not good at this kind of concealed killing, but at this moment, he approached the two hunters cautiously, and then launched a sudden attack, instantly raising his power to the extreme, as if the same storm hit between the two hunters. Two blade hunters were beheaded at the same time, and their heads jumped up high. At this time, Zero Harmony realized something.

Albert was only 20 meters away from King, and Ling was at least 100 meters away from him. Albert believed that this distance was enough for him to kill Jin ~lightnovelpub.net~ and then crash into the camp to continue killing. But as soon as this thought came up, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and Zero had already appeared in front of Jin, and rushed towards him in a big stride.

At the same time as the charge, the empty energy stones on Ling's body lit up one by one, and the power of energy continued to rise, and in an instant it turned into an energy storm. At this time Albert had already ignored the order, and Zero had anchored him. If he cowardly does not fight, he will be killed by Zero instead.

"Damn space-like ability!" Albert roared, and also turned up fist-sized empty energy stones.

His spar is like blood crystals, and it is full of blood. In order not to kill Zero as much as possible, Albert can only control his power at level ten. In the blink of an eye, Zero had already come to him about ten meters away, and it seemed that he wanted to confront him head-on.

From his zero size, Albert had recognized him as the sniper who dragged himself into the Worm Valley that night. He didn't expect that Zero would not sniper tonight, but he was not surprised. After all, that night, Zero was hitting herself hard with a close combat. Seeing that the two were about to collide with each other, new energy stones appeared on the forehead, chest and back of Zero suddenly, and his strength immediately rose to a higher level.

The energy dissipated from the whole body smoothed and burst nearby rocks. Albert's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared incredulously: "Tier 11?"