War Lord

Chapter 852: Injury for injury

In an instant, the wilderness outside the camp burst into a dazzling group of white light, and dozens of white electric fires swept away, immediately burning flames! The dull impact sound was long overdue, and when Alice, Black Owl and others set off, the energy violently collided and the shock wave swept the camp. With their abilities, they couldn't help but rush back again and again, while the blade hunters near the camp were smashed into flight.

Then came a series of thunder-like sounds, where Zero and Albert collided, constantly sparking lightning and fire. The violent energy jet sputtered and exploded the nearby rocks and bushes!

When the light gradually diminished, the two figures of Zero and Albert were also captured by others. The ground where the two of them were on was scorched and it was almost as if they had been raged by a thunderstorm. The ground even crystallized, and the destructive energy remaining on the surface would exist for hundreds of years.

Albert's broadsword was stuck in Zero's arm, and the blade made a three-pointer into the arm, almost cutting off Zero's slender arm. Zero's right hand rested on Albert's left shoulder, and the other arm of the big man held Zero's fist, otherwise Zero's fist should fall on the man's heart. There was a big wound on Albert's left shoulder, which was like an ordinary person being hit by a sniper rifle at close range.

In fact, this wound was created by petty phantom puncture. If it weren't for the deflection of the punch, then what Albert lost now would be his heart!

The two of them almost burst out of flames in their eyes, and moved back at the same time, then raised their feet and kicked each other separately.

Zero flies in response to his feet, spurting blood from his mouth and nose. Albert's situation was even worse. His entire lower abdomen sank, and then there was a rumbling in his abdomen, and Albert sprayed a mist of blood from his nostrils and mouth. He looked at Zero with a strange look, then turned back and walked, sprinting with all his strength, and in a blink of an eye he has disappeared into the vast night. Just going all the way, but there was a series of bright red blood drops.

Zero's kick carried the power of the reloaded warhead, and Albert seemed to blast the heavy artillery at close range. At the same time, it also stimulated the effect of the second implosion. He suffered repeated injuries, and Albert's physical strength was a bit unbearable, so he didn't have any love for battle, so he turned and fled.

After falling to the camp, Zero simply lay there and did not move, just gasping for breath. The empty energy stones on his body were closed one by one, and the appearance of Zero looked a little tired. Jin was the closest to him, and quickly stepped forward to help him and asked, "How is it?"

"I can't die." Ling spit out a mouthful of dirty blood and laughed: "It's just this injury, no one can't recover in three or two days."

He shook his left arm, and Albert had cut into his bone marrow with the knife before, if it hadn't been for the half-metalized bone to jam the blade. Zero's hand will be cut off, and then the blade will slash into his chest, and that is also the slashing route Albert planned. It's a pity that he didn't expect Zero to suddenly burst out of Tier 11 strength, and his body strength was much higher than he thought, so he didn't succeed.

Now there is a deep bone wound on Zero's arm. As he said, this arm will be useless in two or three days. Albert won't get well either. Such an injury prevents him from fighting at all in a short period of time. Naturally, he can no longer hang behind Zero's **** as before. This is also Zero's goal, to severely inflict this man, so that he can't follow without a break.

The next morning, Black Owl asked them to rest in the camp temporarily. He took the news of Albert's appearance to the nearest clan, and then relayed it to other people who were pursuing Albert. The black owl moved quickly, and he turned back after more than an hour. Then the team pulled out of the camp and set off, and Zero became a half wounded. Riding in the gale together with Leah, the black owl led him to continue to the depths of the black earth.

Since the level 4 area is already the territory of the top ten clans, after going deep into this land, the team can occasionally see a team of a certain clan passing nearby. These teams will protect the zero-class people for a short distance along the way, and then press in the direction of the thorny forest, apparently searching for Albert. At this point, Zero and the others don't have to worry about being attacked by Albert.

The soldiers of the various clans are their eyes and ears, and the Assak’s falcons will continuously transmit information to the hands of the black owl. If Albert gets close, the black owl will know. After all, this is their base camp. If Albert enters and exits arbitrarily like a level 3 area, wouldn't it be a joke to spread it out.

They didn't go fast on this day. First, because there were wounded in the team, second, Albert's whereabouts had been locked, and there was no need to advance at full speed to open the distance with this strongman. During this period, the Black Owl took them to rest in a clan’s village, allowing the people from afar to appreciate the unique style of the foreign race on this land.

At sunset, they rushed to the next village instead of camping in the wild as before. This Jiba village is a vassal of the Storm clan, and the Storm clan is rich in archers. Their special hunting bows can shoot arrows 500 meters away with unabated power. A squad of storm shooters was stationed in the Jiba village, the leader of which was a Tier 8 fighter.

He demonstrated the exquisite shooting skills of the Storm clan to the zero class. The captain shot a multi-eyed lizard that had just drilled out of an underground cave at a distance of more than 700 meters.

After eating the Jiba's homemade grilled ribs, Hei Xiao invited zero to his room. The houses of Jiba people are all stone houses, built with black rocks full of primitive flavor. Inside, you can see the use of certain materials to make white paint, and some weird totems are left as decoration on the black walls. There is a brazier in the middle of each stone house. The flame inside will burn all night, and the burning smoke will be discharged through the skylight above, so that the indoor temperature will be kept constant.

An animal skin is draped on the ground, which is the bed of the Jiba. There are three animal skins in the black owl's room, which is the treatment that VIPs can enjoy. He and Ling were sitting on a piece of animal skin, and the elder of the Shadow Clan looked at Ling and said, "Are your injuries serious?"

Zero thought that he was just here to care about his injury, showing an unfathomable smile, he said: "A high-ranking powerhouse's life-threatening blow is so easy to withstand."

He did not directly state the severity of his injury, nor did he tell the black owl how long it would take to recover from the wound, but instead responded lightly. The black owl frowned at this and said, "You may not trust me, but it doesn't matter, just as I won't fully believe you. But at least for now, we should give each other a little trust, after all, we are working together."

"Don't worry, this kind of injury can't affect my people who heal you." Ling Yu said back.

Black Owl shook his head: "No, I care about your injury. What I did is not only because of my people, but mainly because of the temple."

"How to say?"

"The thing you want to confirm is under the sacred mountain. Before that, you need to pass through the gate of the palatine teeth. To open the gate, you need the vote of the elders of the temple. What is certain now is that I, Goge, Ba Jin, and The patriarchs of the Storm and Black Hammer clan will vote for you. This way you will have five votes, but that is not enough. You have to get at least one vote to be eligible to open the gate."

Ling Chen said: "I think the God of Darkness is your shadow clan's patent, so how come the consent of the elder of the temple has to be obtained?"

"That is to prevent abuse of the power of the Dark God, and at the same time, it is also one of the conditions for these ten clans to agree to protect our shadow clan." Hei Owl said solemnly.

"I thought you were standing at the top of all the clans in this land. It seems that you are not having a good time."

"This is no way. Our clan’s ability to reproduce is the lowest. So far, there is no fundamental way to improve our ability to reproduce offspring. A tribe has few members. No matter how strong the individual is, there will always be Such inconveniences. We are like a kind of parasite. We need to rely on other clans to provide protection and help. At the same time, other clans also need to indirectly obtain the power of the dark **** through us, because that place, only we know, and only We can get in."

Ling can understand that there is a subtle state of mutual restraint and coexistence between the Shadow Clan and other clans.

"Trust me, not all elders value courage like Gog, nor talk like Ba Jin. Some guys are stubborn, and the only thing that breaks the deadlock is strength. If you can't show your strength, those chattering guys even It can be dragged on for ten and a half days. I think, you don't have the patience to wait that long, right?" Hei Xiao finally said the real reason.

Zero nodded: "Don't worry, the injury will not become an obstacle to us."

"That's good. At this rate, we can reach the holy mountain in three days. I hope you can regain your full strength by then."

Under the dark night, hundreds of kilometers away from the Jilu village, at the northern end of the thorny forest and the black earth, there is a mountain range shaped like a heaven of fangs. The mountains have a natural dark red pattern, which looks like the whole mountain is bleeding from top to bottom from a distance. This mountain range is called the Blood Collar, and there is a low-lying valley between the Blood Collar, and there is a stream winding through it.

On both sides of the stream are rocky beaches of rubbish, UU reading www. uukanshu.com At this moment, a tall figure appeared on the rocky beach. Albert dragged the broad knife to the river, threw the knife aside, and then buried his head in the stream. He drank the stream greedily and guts, then picked up an abnormal fish from the stream, and just put it to his mouth and chewed it.

This fat and abnormal fish quickly turned into a fish bone and was thrown on the ground. Albert wanted to catch more fish to eat, but the big fish in the stream had already known the opportunity to swim away. Abnormal creatures are very alert to danger, and the blood of the same kind tells them that the killing intent is nearby, and how can they continue to wander around unconsciously. Albert didn't care, and took the stream of water and washed his face. He jumped directly into the stream, and Ren Xishui washed the wound on his shoulder. He didn't return to the rocky beach until the muscles near the wound had a pale color.

There was a tingling sensation from the wound, which was a sign that the wound was beginning to heal. This is the result that Albert spent a whole day, first clearing the zero residual energy near the wound. But the distance is completely healed, and there is no three or four days that can't be done. And even if healed, the combat power will be affected to a certain extent in a short period of time.

Albert didn't care about it, on the contrary he found it interesting. Just like now, some "rats" are wandering around, Albert has found them, but still sitting by the stream, soaking the broad knife in the water to wash away some blood stains on the knife.