War Lord

Chapter 853: Pan

"The target has been found."

On a hill on the Xueling Ridge, there are a few silhouettes of people standing on the top of the hill. With the dark red sky light, Albert on the rocky beach was staring. Gog snorted, "This devil killed several of our search teams, but in the end we got trapped here, just in time for us to gather together to kill!"

Behind Gog, the anthropologist-like patriarch Amanda nodded and said, "This is a great opportunity. According to the information of the Black Owl, he and the Warrior of Hundred Wars were seriously injured in a hard shake. But I want to remind you. Everyone, the severely wounded beast is the most dangerous."

A short, sturdy, gray-haired, baboon-shaped ape man waved two pitch-black warhammers on his hands and roared: "We, the fighters of the Blackhammer clan, will not be afraid of the beasts."

This is King Kong, the patriarch of the Blackhammer clan. The two warhammers in his hand are completely black, and the handles are covered with rough lines. Two warhammers, one with a flat surface and one pointed, can produce shock and armor piercing effects respectively.

"Our Storm's shooter is ready to attack at any time." The last man was tall and thin, with a turban on his head. The sides of the turban are hanging down to the shoulders, and a hexagonal gem is embedded in each. He is like the dark elf in human fantasy novels, with dark skin but a beautiful face. Silver eyes, pupils adjusted from time to time. He has long hands and long feet. He is carrying a very high bow behind him. On his waist is a quiver. The arrows in the bag are densely packed.

This is German, the patriarch of the Stormwind clan, known for his calmness and sniping.

Gog looked at Ba Jin, who looked at Albert on the rocky beach.


Ba Jin frowned and said, "I have an intuition that the devil has discovered us."

"Nonsense, if he has found out, why is he still sitting there and not leaving?" King Kong didn't believe it at all.

"No, that's right. He has discovered us. Didn't you realize that his aura is much stronger than before. He didn't stop leaving, but was trying to regain his strength in a hurry!" Ba Jin turned his head and said in a deep voice: "Let’s attack right away!"

At this moment, Albert on the rocky beach raised his head and smiled: "Are the mice finally unable to hold back?"

His words fell silent, and dense figures suddenly emerged from the mountains on both sides, and then there were killings. From the mountains on both sides, the warriors of the Blackhammer clan were the first to rush down. These gray ape-like alien warriors were all low and sturdy, draped in a personal armor made of leather and metal foil, and behind them were human hands. A black warhammer.

It's just that their warhammers don't have the same texture as the diamond double hammers, and the hammer head is flat on the top and the bottom. You can use which side of the hammer flexibly depending on the situation.

The Blackhammer clan has the most warriors, and Albert estimates that there are at least six to seven hundred people. Divided into two sides and rolled, like two gray waves. Behind the Blackhammer clan, there are the Assaks riding the wolf. These elite wolf knights have only a hundred riders, and the number of them is small. But everyone had an average level of above Tier 7, and naturally formed a surging aura when charging, no worse than hundreds of Black Hammer fighters.

Moreover, behind the wolf knight, there are more than three hundred Assak elite soldiers, so the number of Assak clan is not much less than that of Blackhammer clan.

After the warriors of the two clans launched a charge, the patriarch of Stormwind has quietly left. Ba Jin was not surprised by this. He looked at the other two patriarchs and said, "Let's go, let's welcome the guests."

Looking at the entire black land, the Amandas of the top ten clans are enough to rank in the top three. Therefore, although there are four patriarchs here, they still respect Ba Jin invisibly.

Before going down the mountain, Ba Jin blew a whistle to the sky. After a while, the sound of flapping wings sounded in the eastern sky. It's just that the sound of flapping wings is like tide and thunder. God knows how huge wings can make such a sound.

Albert also noticed the noise. He squinted slightly and smiled on his face: "Some big guys are here, what is this, an eagle or a lion?"

Flying from the east sky were twenty Amandas, who transformed into giant lion and eagle beasts like Girutan. But every giant beast has a pinch of "v"-shaped gray hair on its chest. Those who are familiar with the Amanda clan will know that it is a sign of adulthood. The grown-up Amanda means that he is at least an eighth rank strong.

There are not many Amandas who came with Ba Jin, only these twenty people, but they are twenty eighth-level masters!

It's just that the giant beasts in the sky, their aura faintly overwhelmed the sum of the warriors of the Assak and Blackhammer clans.

The storm's shooters still did not appear, it was not that they missed the appointment, but that the range of these shooters reached about 500 meters. As long as they occupy the commanding heights of the mountains, there is no need to show up. But when the Black Hammer Warrior rushed halfway up the mountain, the mountains on both sides suddenly became vigorous. Albert moved slightly, and he could tell that this kind of aura was not made by one person and one thing, but by the bursting out of many warriors of average strength.

The aura of many fighters can be merged into one, thus forming a collective power. It can be seen that these people are well-trained soldiers. On both sides of the mountains, a hundred storm shooters appeared from behind the cover. They put up bows and arrows, and focused on fire under the command of the commanding captain. Suddenly, an arrow rain fell in the sky.

The Storm Clan has a natural affinity for the element of wind, which is why their archers can increase the effective killing distance of their bows and arrows to 500 meters. The Storm Archers are the elite of this clan, and they have the sixth-tier level. The arrow of the Storm Archer will attach an ability called "Wind Fang", which can increase the rate of fire, the alignment of the arrow, and burst damage when it hits the enemy.

As a result, the arrow rain above Albert gave birth to a little light green fluorescence, which was the energy light of Fengya.

Arrow rain fell.

Albert roared vigorously, and a layer of crimson light burst out, forming an all-round shield around his body. The arrow rain fell from the sky, and it slammed on the shield. The shield kept producing ripples like water waves, but in the blink of an eye, the energy of the shield was exhausted. When the shield was indeterminate and disappeared at any time, the second wave of arrows arrived.

"Smuggles, do you only dare to shoot cold arrows?" Albert yelled, thrusting a broad knife into the ground, and a circle of bright red ripples spread out. The shield that was about to disappear seemed to be replenished with energy, and it suddenly became bright again. And this time the color is more vivid, red like blood, and a faint blood mist is emitted.

The second wave of arrow rain did not produce that kind of rain-like blast again. When they came into contact with that layer of blood fog, the arrows were aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wind teeth attached to them were neutralized and corroded by the blood fog. Hit the shield can only rely on the most primitive impact to attack. This impact was naturally absorbed by Albert's shield.

However, this wave of arrows also made the blood fog lighten a lot. After the third wave of arrow rain, the blood mist has all disappeared, and the scope of the shield has been reduced by half.

After three consecutive waves of arrow rain, the stamina of the storm archers plummeted, and this skill was also very costly to them. However, at this time, the Black Hammer Warrior had already rushed to the rocky beach, and the Assak wolf riders at the back took over the work of the Storm Archer and set up their crossbows to shoot. It's just that they are not shooting arrows, but steel spikes like short guns.

Within a range of 100 meters, the Assac's spikes are even more powerful than those of the Storm Archer's arrows with wind teeth. After a wave of spikes, Albert's shield was completely broken. At this time, the nearest Black Hammer Warrior was only ten meters away!

The strikers of the Blackhammer clan were extremely brave, and he backhand pulled down the warhammer behind him. The man leaped high, clenched the warhammer with both hands, and knocked down at Albert with the pointed side.

"Go away!" Albert yelled, raising a broadsword on his toes. The blade was wiped between the soldier's throat in an instant, and when a head flew up, the headless corpse fell to Albert's feet.

Only then did the real battle begin.

The fighters of the Blackhammer clan didn't rush and kill blindly. They had a warhammer in their hands and walked around Albert when they approached Albert. When the soldier saw the opportunity, he hit it with a hammer, so on the rocky beach, the soldiers on both sides merged, forming a gray grinding disc and placing Albert in the middle. On the outside of the black hammer warrior, the Assaks moved back in the opposite direction, keeping a distance from the black hammer warrior in front, and from time to time placed cold arrows with the crossbow in their hands.

As a result, Albert is under tremendous pressure. He had to fly the warhammer of the Blackhammer warrior and dodge the Assak's spikes. But his doom is not over yet, the sky is howling the wind, and a few thick purple electrons are blasted straight down!

Albert rolled away on the spot, and the electric fire exploded on the rocky beach.

There was a great sound of flapping wings, but Amanda also arrived. In this way, using the storm archer’s arrow rain to drag Albert on the spot, the Black Hammer warrior and the Assaks formed two separate lines of defense. In addition, the sky was blocked by the Amandas, completely trapping Albert in On the rocky beach.

This is a comprehensive use of the warrior expertise of each clan, and it is precisely the strategy of Ba Jin to consume Albert's stamina. At this moment, he and the other two patriarchs have already reached the rocky beach, but they are not in a hurry to take part in the battle.

They can be said to be the special combat power of this alien coalition ~lightnovelpub.net~ for naturally waiting for Albert to be consumed enough of his power, and then outrageously take action to kill this terrible man in one fell swoop.

Ba Jin made a long howl at this time, which was a signal to shrink the front. So the Black Hammer Warrior changed the previous wandering offensive, instead attacking desperately. The Assaks followed closely, and the entire grinding disc suddenly tightened, and Albert, who was placed in the middle, felt a great increase in pressure. He was already unable to make effective defenses at this time. At the same time, warhammers, spikes, and electric fire filled almost all the space, leaving him no possibility of defense at all.

He simply gave up the defense, relying on his own tyrannical forces to carry these attacks hard. In exchange, it was an opportunity to slaughter the opponent's fighters. Albert shaped like a murderous god, roaring and waving a broad knife in his hand, pulling out patches of blood-colored light bands and engulfing the Black Hammer Warrior and the Assacs who were standing a little closer together. Once involved in those blood-red light belts, no matter which clan warrior was, they were torn apart by the light belt.

Flesh and flesh fly.

The battle lasted only a few minutes, and the blood on the rocky beach had spread to the stream, quietly staining the stream red! Every second, a piece of warrior fell down, and the man in the center of the millstone stood upright, seeing that even the brave and brave, he could not help but clenched his fists nervously.

The strongman of the eleventh rank is so terrible.