War Lord

Chapter 854: Invincible

[Sorry, there was a lot of work today on Monday, so it was integrated into a five-thousand-word chapter. ]

The blood is flying, red and dazzling like a flame!

A circle of corpses has fallen around Albert, and the shrinking front has greatly increased Albert's pressure, and the alien warriors use their own flesh and blood to fill this war mill. Until now, Albert had no idea how many attacks he had received, but he just stood firm. This alone is a huge mental pressure for the fighters participating in the war.

Like an unkillable demon, Albert's eyes have been covered with blood, and there is an expression of madness on his face. His body was stained red with blood, and there was his own inside, but more of it was the blood of alien warriors. In just a few minutes of battle, he didn't know how many warhammers hit him, how many ribs pierced him, and how many thunder and fire hit him.

However, these injuries that can be killed countless times on ordinary people do not seem to have reached the fatal standard for Albert. The place hit by the warhammer was a faint blush, and the thorns that pierced the body were pulled out by him and then casually swung a knife to kill the enemy. Even if it was struck by thunder and fire by the elite Amanda, who was as high as the eighth rank in the sky, there were only more traces of scorched black on the skin of the body.

In the battle, Albert even snatched the warhammer of the Black Hammer Warrior and hit a giant beast in the sky. Everyone remembers that when the warhammer revolved and flew out, the hammer body revealed a faint blush, but soon the blush gradually thickened, and finally turned into a ball of blood and hit the behemoth's head. With a mourn, the giant beast rained blood in the air, planted heavily on the other side of the rocky beach but was already dead.

The warhammer almost sank into its head, blasting the skull and brain into a mess.

So in the next battle, the Amanda in the sky didn't dare to get so close to Albert, fearing that one would share a warhammer.

Tier 8 fighters have the right to move freely on the battlefield. This is the respect given to the strong by the Amandas. Therefore, the elite style of play in the clan is slightly negative, and Ba Jin can't blame it.

The pressure in the sky diminished slightly, and Albert was able to kill and grabbed another warhammer. With the left hammer and the right knife, the alien warrior was terrified. During the battle, Albert looked through the crowd and saw the direction of the three patriarchs of Ba Jin. He gave a violent shout, and the warhammer hurled in that direction, hitting several Black Hammer fighters one after another, and even the wolf knight who happened to be passing behind him was thrown into the air.

A small gap appeared in the grinding disc.

Albert seized the opportunity, raised his broadsword, and hacked three times at a high speed like never before. These three knives are brave and brave, and they have the power of the three armies to make changes. The tip of the knife pulled out a piece of blood mist, and the three pieces of blood mist clashed like waves, converging into a monstrous wave of blood and rushing over. Beyond the blood wave, whether it is a black hammer warrior or an Assak wolf knight, whether it is weapons, armor, mounts or bodies. Passed by the blood mist, the alien warriors screamed one after another. They are like falling into a pool of acid, and they are corroded and melted by blood mist from the inside out, turning into **** bones!

The blood mist even condensed into a knife shape, soaring a hundred meters, directly rushing out of a channel in the millstone. On this passage, a hundred corpses are lying on their bones, and it is extremely tragic!

The rocky beach is quiet.

Only Albert strode wildly, and the sound of drum-like footsteps sounded in everyone's ears.

Dragging his knife away, Albert laughed and rushed to the three patriarchs.

The alien warrior behind him reacted, shouting and chasing after Albert. Since then, the millstone disappeared, and the situation Ba Jin painstakingly created was broken by Albert at this moment.

"Huh!" Gog jumped off the white wolf, his power soared, and the whole body's muscles rang out with continuous light shaking. The gravel on the rocky beach by his feet even crushed the invisible force field around him one by one.

Gog waved his four hands, pulling out the thorns in his hand. He didn't need the crossbow behind his back to anchor Albert. Suddenly his arms flashed, and the thorns in his hands had disappeared. When it reappeared, the first thorn had reached three meters in front of Albert.

The ground even pulled up a cloud of dust and smoke for the spike's high-speed flight, Albert's broad knife flickered, and when the blade pointed to the sky, the spike was split in two. With a sharp direction, crossed and exploded from both sides of him!

Dangdang! With three screams, Albert repeatedly picked up a few thorns shot by Gao Ge. These thorns either blasted him directly, or flew away. Only one passed by his thigh, bringing up a large piece of flesh and blood. Leaving a deep groove of blood.

Albert continued to cast off, but Gog's power declined and his breath became weaker.

The Black Hammer Patriarch King Kong held both hammers in his hand and yelled: "I'll deal with him!"

At this moment, there are only 50 meters left before the two sides!

Albert didn't keep it anymore, and his energy continued to increase. As the air-energy stones turned up from his body, he had already stepped into the tenth level. The violent energy even formed a blood-colored tornado on the surface of his body, which was a terrible energy storm. Faced with such a mighty power, Diamond Silk was unmoved. The Black Hammer patriarch gave a long roar, the sound of howling pierced through the gold and gravel, reverberating in the valley.

He faced Albert, and the lines on the surface of the two warhammers in his hand were brightened. The bright and shining lines dissipated like rivers into the sea, all converging towards the hammer head of the warhammer, so a faint yellow glow appeared on the two warhammers. The yellow light gradually flourished. In the end, King Kong left two wakes in the air like two comets. The trail of light did not dissipate for a long time, and after staying in the space for a while, a series of miniature explosions were born!

The brilliance of the two groups, one yellow and one red, intertwined in an instant, the point of the intersection killed the dazzling white light, and then the blood-electric yellow fire blasted everywhere, causing explosions around the rocky beach, comparable to a series of explosions covered by heavy artillery, and chasing Albert behind. The alien warriors who came had to stop too.

In the battle of super-power, there is no such thing as their fighters to intervene.

Two invisible waves suddenly appeared on the ground, and then a vague force field passed under everyone's feet in an instant. Everyone felt like being thrown up, and when they recovered, they were shocked to find that they had really thrown the invisible force field into the air. The pupils of the Amandas in the sky dilated violently. When the invisible force field passed over the ground battlefield, the alien warriors fluttered backwards in patches like wheat ears pressed to one side by the wind, and then fell heavily. On the ground. And those soldiers who were closer to Albert even died by spurting blood!

Then a blood beam shot straight out, but Albert continued to drag his knife. There was blood escaping from the corners of his mouth, but the smile on his face remained the same. On the other side, King Kong maintained the posture of two hammers hitting the ground. Following a large spray of blood mist from the waist, the patriarch's body shook and fell to the ground feebly. The texture of the warhammer gradually dimmed, and finally the body of the hammer cracked and scattered into a mass of black dust.

"King Kong!" Gog's eyes were splitting, anger and sadness intertwined in his eyes. Seeing Albert as he rushed, when Patriarch Assak decided to take the shot regardless of the consequences, Ba Jin's indifferent voice rang behind him.

"give it to me."

It's not like violent, but the profound and majestic aura appeared on Ba Jin like a mountain. As the forehead, chest, and shoulder sockets on both sides turned out a round empty energy stone. Ba Jin has undergone subtle changes. First, his hair grows exponentially and his hair color turns into dark gold. Then the face, chest, arms, and even the whole body were covered with thick animal hair, but they did not change into the image of a giant beast like other Amanda warriors.

Ba Jin still maintained his original body shape, but the earthy yellow flames scattered around him formed a virtual image of a giant beast behind him. The giant beast opened his mouth and roared at Albert, and actually gave birth to a beast roar. Then Ba Jin disappeared and came to Albert's when he reappeared.

The distance between the two of them was more than 20 meters, which was only a step away for Ba Jin.

Fists thrown out.

Albert's pupils shrank when he watched Ba Jin's punch. The world was still that world, but in Albert's perception, it seemed as if the whole world had hit him. He knew exactly what was going on. Just as Ba Jin punched, his fist smashed the energy in the nearby space violently, forcibly tore a gap in the space where the energy was originally evenly distributed.

In order to fill this gap, the space energy was injected into the gap by itself, but Ba Jin was guided to blast towards Albert, which allowed Albert to give birth to the feeling of the whole world bumping into him.

Ba Jin's fist had already spit out a ball of yellow electric fire that kept jumping. There was a collision and explosion of space energy, but Ba Jin was all gathered together. The power is so great that one can imagine.

The power rose again, Albert did not keep it, four more blood crystals appeared on his body, and he immediately rose to the eleventh rank! The **** storm on him has soared into the sky, like a mad dragon. The broad knife was raised, and the knife body was like molten steel, revealing a thick crimson light from the inside out. This mass of light shrouded Albert in it.

Then the blood light and the yellow fire collided together, and everyone including Gaoge only saw a strange world. I couldn't hear anything in my ears, and it took a few seconds for the sound of an explosion to penetrate my ears. The strong light gradually converged, and blood-colored lightning and yellow flames were everywhere. Ba Jin was still standing there, maintaining the posture of punching, but a ray of blood jumped from the front of the boxer, and then he squatted and squatted to the ground.

At this time, a few drops of dirty blood fell on Gog's face. He looked up, but Albert leaped directly over his head with a knife, and then kept on running forward.

Even Ba Jin's earth-shaking punch could not stop him!

At this moment, the mountain collar on the right suddenly rose. Albert, who was running wildly, looked in that direction suddenly, his body shook suddenly, and a long arrow had penetrated his chest. Then the violent energy attached to the arrow burst and exploded, exploding Albert's chest into blood and blood. The man snorted, drew an arrow, and glanced hard in that direction.

Then he ran wildly and dropped a bunch of blood flowers, which disappeared at the end of the blood collar in a blink of an eye.

After a while, Devin, the patriarch of the Stormwind tribe, appeared among the mountain collars. It's just that thin body, as if it would be blown down the mountain by the wind at any time.

Gog's mouth was full of bitterness, and he sighed sadly when he looked at the battlefield of Shitan. In this battle tonight, hundreds of soldiers were sacrificed and a patriarch of King Kong was sacrificed, but Albert was still unable to stay. Had it not been for this, he had been hit by Zero once. So maybe he didn't have to run away tonight, but after slaughtering everyone here, he left calmly.

While the soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, Gog and Devin came to Ba Jin's side. Ba Jin didn't seem to be seriously injured, or even negligibly light, but he slashed Albert with his fist. But his real injury was not in this small wound. Albert cut his fist, violent energy blasted into his body, stirring up his own energy, and at the same time, the internal organs were also Different degrees of damage are the real injuries.

Ba Jin opened his eyes and smiled bitterly: "I can't die yet, but we must return King Kong's body to the holy temple. That guy needs us to mobilize all our strength to have a chance to kill!"

At dusk three days later, Zero finally saw the sacred mountain of the alien race. The black mountain behind a big lake rises like a black stone pillar connecting the sky and the earth. Hei Xiao said that the holy temple was on the flat bar halfway up the mountain. Of course, their distance was too far, even if it was zero, they couldn't see the holy temple clearly.

In front of the holy mountain is the holy lake of the alien race, which is said to be the source of some water sources in the black earth. The surface of the holy lake is turbulent, smooth as a mirror, reflecting the dusk sky. On the north side of the holy lake, is a white city. White is a very difficult color to see on this dark ground. It’s even rarer in cities where you are accustomed to seeing foreigners.

This is a city in the true sense of the black land. Looking down from the hill, the shape of the city is irregular, but it covers the land leading to the sacred mountain. Guarding the most sacred place in the hearts of the aliens, the black owl told them that these outsiders, from the streets to the buildings in the city, the gray rough stones were pulled from the second-level area, and then cut into various shapes as raw materials.

The city is called Ukala, which means sacred place in foreign languages.

It is the only city in the black land, where people of various clans live. But only the best members are eligible to live in Ukhara, so this city has another name for the city of voters.

As for why its occupancy conditions are so harsh, it is not difficult to see the reason from the uniqueness of Ukala. But until he really entered the city, coupled with the black owl's explanation, did Zero realize that it had another meaning.

Coming down from the hill, walking through the narrow cracks in the earth. It took more than an hour to get rid of the twists and turns, which was called the sacred corridor by the aliens. Suddenly, the sacred lake was in sight, relying on a vast plain area. But if it is a plain, the terrain still has many ups and downs, looking at it according to the zero strategic gaze. In such mountainous and hilly areas, it is not conducive to large-scale marches. The ups and downs of the terrain will divide a complete army into pieces, thus failing to achieve the strategic purpose of a group.

In a war in this kind of place, only the integrated flight unit can form an effective fire-concentrating advantage, and the ground unit is bound to be affected by the environment, which is not conducive to the battle.

Baicheng Ukala stands on such a landform, and the city is surrounded by square blocks of rough stones to build a 10-meter high wall. There is no decoration, simple and innocent. There are two gates, one on the east and the west. The city gate is as high as the wall, with a huge eye carved on the top, and radial lines on the bottom, which seem to be out of worship for something.

There are guard towers on both sides of the city gate, and the soldiers in the towers are sent on duty by the ten clans in turn. This time happened to be on duty by the Storm clan, so the tall and thin Storm Archer was on duty in the sentry tower. After the black owl showed his identity certificate, the city gate opened, using the pulleys and ground rails under the gate to open the gate to both sides. When the zero class entered the city, they discovered that the opening and closing of the city gates was done purely by manpower.

There are two grinding disc-like devices on the inner side of the city wall, which are driven by manpower to close or open the city gate through the operation of gears and iron chains. In this city, there will be no buildings such as water purification plants and power stations that are necessary for human cities, so there will be no street lamps and other electric-driven lighting.

At the gate of the city is a small square, paved with rectangular gray-white stone bricks, which form wave-like patterns. A statue is erected at the end of the square. The structure of the statue is very simple. A pedestal, above it is a huge pupil with the same pattern as the city gate. It's just that there is a hexagonal black spar embedded in the center of the pupil of this statue, which looks as if the eyes are alive from a distance, making everyone who enters the city feel a sense of being watched.

Then two streets extend from the square to the left and right, leading those who enter the city to truly enter the city. I have to say that Ukhara can be regarded as the city with the most complicated layout ever seen. The whole city is built on the topography of this hilly plain, whether it is streets or alleys, it is not tiled. People walking in it, perhaps after walking for a while, you will see a short flight of stairs.

Urban buildings are mostly made of stone, and occasionally wooden materials are used for decoration. Buildings follow the topography one after another. The streets here are curved and complicated, the alleys extend in all directions, and from time to time there are short and narrow bridges spanning between the two hills, thus forming an extremely complex three-dimensional structure.

Hei Xiao introduced along the way that 90% of Ukala’s buildings are made of stone, and they are made of extremely solid white rock ~ lightnovelpub.net~ This kind of stone is not easy to collapse even if it is bombed by heavy artillery. . Ukhara is actually the last line of defense of the black land. Thirty years ago, a shadow clan elder put forward a plan and negotiated with many elders of other clans to finally design such a complex city.

In the event of a war, every house in Ukala can be a bunker fort, and when the window is opened, it will be a shooting port. The complex urban layout makes the intruders fall into a quagmire. Street fighting in Ukhara is undoubtedly a nightmare for the enemy.

It's not that Zero has never seen a city designed as a part of fortifications. Fortresses such as the Kanon Fortress and the Rock City in the Western Continent all have such characteristics. But no one can take advantage of the terrain like Ukhara, and design the entire city as a war fortress. If Xiuya is here, then she must be thankful that she has not attacked Ukala, otherwise this genius girl may try to be ashamed of defeat.

And even Moni, who has been fighting for the aliens for two years, has never set foot in this city. Therefore, to humans, Ukhara is like a virgin land. There is novelty everywhere, and strange interest everywhere.

In contrast, there is a strong hostility. If it weren't for the leader of the Black Owl, they wouldn't be able to enter the city at all. Even if you can get in, I'm afraid it has already been attacked. Walking in a hostile city is quite uncomfortable for everyone, and only Zero can look as usual.