War Lord

Chapter 859: condition

Strength increase!

Zero first turned out four empty energy stones in the shoulder socket and the back of his hand, and his energy and power continued to increase, and he entered the tenth-order level. There was a misty golden flame all over his body, and in the flame, there would be a slight blast from time to time. It was the sound of energies colliding with each other, which caused the entire Pillar Hall to vibrate slightly.

"This is the tenth order, so next, this is the eleventh order..." Zero's eyes stunned, and then four more empty energy stones were revealed on his forehead, chest and back.

The number of spar pivots has doubled, but the increase in possible quantity is not as simple as one plus one. With the appearance of the eight energy stones, the color of the mist-like golden flames on Ling's body changed from shallow to deep, and the dark golden flames no longer rose leisurely like mist, but rose into the sky like a blazing flame.

In the Pillar Hall, whether it is the ground, the mountain wall or the tall pillars, cracks continue to appear on the surface. The rubble floated up as if it had lost its gravity, and the invisible force field spread out, violently colliding in the space, forming bursts of flashes!

Above the sacred mountain, the everlasting radiation cloud started to swirl slowly. The clouds became thicker and denser, gradually forming a huge cloud vortex. From time to time, a few bright electric fires were smashed into the cloud vortex, and even hit the holy mountain, bursting into flames. From the holy temple, a dark golden beam of light faintly appeared, soaring upward, connecting with the cloud vortex in the sky.

In the holy temple, all the elders can no longer see the sights. They only saw a terrifying, dazzling energy storm. Zero was in the center of the storm. His feet were off the ground and floated slightly. The aura surrounding him is like a prison sea, almost like a god. An electric light was swept from the light around him from time to time, and the ground left a faint black mark when the electric light passed.

This is the first time he has raised his power to the limit. Even when he attacked Albert by a surprise last time, Zero never released his power to the fullest. Now that all the energy and aura are released, this kind of space-inspiring energy is generated, resulting in an abnormal celestial phenomenon!

In the Pillar Hall, only the Black Owl could barely stand. And the other elders had been crushed by the absolute power released by Zero, and even their bodies were tightly pressed to the ground. At this time, Zero began to withdraw his strength. As the empty energy stones sank into the body one by one, the terrifying energy and power, as well as the swirling cloud vortex in the sky, gradually disappeared.

When Zero's toe fell to the ground, everything returned to normal. It's just the cracks all over the holy temple and the black traces on the ground that were struck by the electric fire, all showing that it was not the illusion of the elders just now, but the real power!

Weg smiled bitterly, thinking that the knife seemed too sharp. When the absolute power of living beings is strong to a certain level, it is not possible for wisdom to reverse it, which is the so-called breaking the situation with force. Wegg still wanted to borrow the zero knife before, but from the current situation, this knife can be turned around at any time to cut off his head.

"Now you can see that even if the elder Black Owl makes his best effort, plus all of you, it may not be my opponent." Zero threatened them a little bit: "Even, I can kill you here first, and then go to the jaws by myself. Tooth gate. But as I said earlier, I did not come for war, so you are still alive. But that does not mean that I will be afraid of war."

"These are two different things."

Wegg looked at the other elders and smiled bitterly: "It seems that we are not qualified to refuse, do we?"

"Well, you are a real strong man. We can reap the kindness of a top strong man even without the God of Darkness. However, can you please grant us a request." Wegg said.

Zero nodded: "Talk about it."

"You know the devil who slaughtered our two villages? Just a few days ago, Ba Jin and the others fought against him in the blood tie. They paid a huge price, even sacrificing the life of one of our elders. We can keep him." Weg said in a deep voice: "We want to ask you to take action so that this land will not be hurt again. This is our only condition. If you refuse to agree, then let us fight."

This condition is not so difficult for Zero to accept. In fact, even if Weig does not propose it, he will kill Albert. It's just relative, the dark core is the top priority, otherwise he would have chased Albert long ago. So he nodded and said, "When I come out of the portal of the palatine teeth, I will immediately hunt down that man. If he has never left."

Now that he was assured of Zero, Wegg replaced the Presbyterian and reached an agreement with Zero. Everything is just like what the black owl said, to enable these elders to pass resolutions as soon as possible, there is only absolute power. Only after seeing the power after the release of zero full force, Hei Xiao's face has always been very bad, quite bad.

The Palatine Gate is located on a hilly ground on the west side of the Holy Mountain. After getting down to the Holy Mountain, you can transfer to the moon ship and after two hours, you will be able to reach the hill where the Palatine Gate is located. It is actually an underground space. The entrance. From a distance, the entrance stone pillar is sharp, like a row of sharp teeth, no wonder it has a strange name like the Gate of Palatal Teeth.

This time, apart from Black Owl, three elders, Wegg, Pansen, and Lan, who went with Zero to the Gate of Palatal Tooth. Not long after getting off the ship, a few more moon ships came, but Alice, Jin and others. Several elders in Weg looked bad, and they all looked at the black owl. It is natural that only the black owl can make the haqala boatman follow the zero by the waterway.

The Black Owl shrugged and said, "Below the Gate of the Palatine Fang, the Hall of the Titans where the Dark God is located is treacherous and inexplicable. There are many terrifying and powerful alien beasts in it. Zero will need some help, so I brought them over in advance."

Ling Shi smiled and said, "You have faith in me."

"Because your power lies there." Hei Xiao said.

Although Weige and the others are depressed, but the people have already arrived, can they still ask the boatman to send them back? Besides, the Black Owl does make sense. The Hall of Titans located deep underground is definitely a terrifying abyss. The original life inside has been mutated under the influence of the God of Darkness, becoming a very powerful predator of darkness, and at the same time a guard of the God of Darkness.

Having said that, the shadow clan is also strictly the guard of the dark god, but they have evolved intelligence and abandoned this identity.

The hot black earth stretched forward, and when you looked at it, the earth seemed to float up one by one. The Gate of the Palatine Teeth is undoubtedly one of the largest soil packs, and it is not too high to call it a hill. There were no plants growing on it barely, and there was a lifeless appearance. After everyone disembarked, they walked to the gate of Palatine Fang. Behind the fang-like stone pillar, there is a gate of black stone artificially cast.

The door was closed tightly, and there was a huge pupil on it the same as Haqara. Below are some radioactive lines, and at the bottom are countless figures worshiping their eyes. Hei Xiao explained that it was the sleep of darkness, that is, the eyes of the **** of darkness. In the stories they fabricated, the God of Darkness would silently follow everything that happened on the earth with his eyes.

In this way, the ancestors of the alien race can be said to be well-intentioned, and they have created a belief system of their own out of nothing. This has only happened in a few decades, and it is so perfect that it is difficult for people to find loopholes.

"Originally, there was no door at the entrance of the cave. This door was installed later. A key is needed to open the door, and the key requires at least three elders to use it at the same time to have an effect." Hei Xiao turned his head and said to Zero and the others: " While they still have some time to open the door, I will tell you how to get to the Titan Room."

He squatted on the ground, ejected a jet of energy from his fingers, and drew on the hard black ground: "After entering the gate of the palatine teeth, walk for about ten minutes, and you will find the road gradually extending downwards. At the end, There is a seam in the ground that connects to the ground. The vertical height is about one kilometer, so you need some safety ropes."

The Black Owl said, looking at the supplies that Jin and the others were carrying: "I have asked Hagen to prepare things for you in advance, including food for four days. As for water, there is no shortage of such things underneath. ."

"When you reach the ground, you will see a piece of Earth Lake. Below the Earth Lake, there are passages leading to other places. Note that there are many passages in there, but only one passage has a pupil of darkness engraved at the entrance. That is a sign. Represents the correct passage. From the passage, it is the beginning of the Hall of Titans. It should be noted that the vastness of the Hall of Titans is beyond your imagination. There are not only sulfuric acid pools, arctic rifts, and abysses. Walls and other sinister places, there are many foreign objects that have evolved under the influence of the God of Darkness. In short, you must be very careful and don’t be careless. After all, you are under the ground, where weird things will happen. Not surprising." After the black owl said, he took out a piece of leather from his arms and threw it to Zero: "This is a sketch of the Titan Room, I hope it can help you. Remember, you promised me."

Zero nodded.

At this moment, there was an unpleasant sound in the door of the palate, but the door of Blackstone was opening in the middle. The door opened a crack and then stopped~lightnovelpub.net~Weig turned around and waved at them, and the black owl and the zero class walked over. Wegg said: "The door has not been opened for more than two years. Fill it with air before you go in. It will continue to be open and we will stay here. But if you haven’t returned on the fourth day, then I’m sorry, we will The gate will be closed to prevent some dangerous things from running out."

"No problem, just do as you said." Zero said.

Resting outside the door, after almost an hour, the black owl said: "It's almost done, you can go in. I wish everything goes well."


Ling stood up, nodded to the others, and walked straight into the door of the palatine teeth. The team at the back includes six capable people including Jin and a dozen blade hunters. The Black Owl did not bring the few human soldiers over. One was that their injuries were still unrecovered, and the other was in a dangerous place like the Hall of Titans. Ordinary soldiers were of no use at all, and they just took their lives in vain.

When entering the gate, there was a cold wind blowing from the darkness. Zero even had an illusion, as if something was roaring.

Ling took a deep breath and walked straight to the darkness in front of him.