War Lord

Chapter 860: Weird fish in the water

Papa papa...

It was the sound of blood dripping to the ground, and a mottled black and gray wolf lying weakly on the ground. Although it did not die immediately, it was not far from death, and it could even feel the breath of death. There was a huge wound on its stomach, the wound was so big that it almost cut it open at the waist. The blood and the intestines inside flowed all over the ground, flowing through the cracks in the dark earth, and then dripping down to the bottom along a small slope, so that kind of water dripping sound was made.

In the gradually cloudy eyes of the wolf, there was a figure of a man. He was clasping his master's throat with one hand, and lifted the usual strong master. The wolf cannot understand how a person can have such a powerful force.

That person was Albert. He looked at the knight and felt the scorching gaze in his eyes, which was full of anger, without a trace of fear.

"Foreign trifles!" Albert cursed, while using his thumb and index finger to crush the Assak's cervical vertebrae, and then threw the corpse to the ground. Turning around, there are two corpses of wolf riders behind him, as well as the corpses of seven or eight ordinary soldiers. This is obviously a hunting team, and hunting teams like this are on the decline.

There was a sound of eagles in the sky, and a falcon swooped down after circling a few times over his head, and then landed on Albert's shoulder. A small hollow wooden tube is tied around the falcon's leg. Pulling out the stopper of the wooden tube, a strip of paper rolled into a strip slid out. Open it, there is only one sentence: He has entered the palatal door.

Behind is a simple map, with black lines marking Albert's route.

After reading it, Albert rubbed his hands and turned the wood pipe and paper into powder.

The falcon rose into the sky and went away in a flash. When it turned into a black spot, Albert smiled and quickly dived to the place indicated on the map, leaving the body behind him far away. Both the Falcon and the intelligence came from the alien named Silver, and Albert was happy to have such a person to serve him. But at the same time, he didn't intend to make this silver too comfortable, so he deliberately left the communication terminal with Asmo in an obvious place.

When Silver appeared that night, Albert used the video recording function of the communication terminal to record the entire conversation between the two. When Ba Jin got the communication terminal, he was watching from a distance. If Ba Jin doesn't know how to use this thing, he can also use a small device to remotely control the terminal to turn it on. Afterwards, the remote control terminal can naturally explode.

Let some aliens know, but there is no direct evidence. This can cause differences within them and even civil wars. Albert still knows how to use this little trick.

He had already calculated the time, and when he reached the so-called gate of the palatine teeth, it was almost infighting. When that happens, he will naturally chase Zero. As for what kind of things will happen within the alien race because of his small means, Albert doesn't care about it.

At the same time, Zero Sum's own team has entered the gate of the palate. The cave behind the door is dimly lit, and the temperature is a few degrees lower than that outside, and the temperature difference is obvious. And the more you go inside, the greater the humidity. After leaving the gate tens of meters, you can feel the terrain gradually extending downwards. The black owl prepared them with sufficient equipment, including searchlights and other tools, and they had a handful of them. Seven or eight beams of light swept through the cave, illuminating the road ahead.

"It's almost sewing on the ground," Leah said. She activated the mental scanning ability after entering the portal of the palatine teeth, scanning the cave environment and then sending the picture to a few people's minds through the mind chain. .

There were still dozens of meters away from the crack in the ground that the black owl said. At this time, a lamppost hit the ground. There is a pair of alien beast bones. A human-like skull can be seen, but there are four hollow eye sockets on the head. The next skeleton is a bit strange, the upper body is human, and the lower body is like a snake with only vertebrae. The bony leaf at the end is flat, like a caudal fin.

This murloc-like skeleton does not know how many years it has existed here. The skeleton presents a pitch-black color, and it only feels as hard as iron when hit. And the part close to the ground is connected to the ground by some kind of fungus. And as you go back, these skeletons become more and more, and the ground and the rock walls on both sides of the cave show signs of being chopped with axe, like a battle.

Of course, this battle probably happened a long time ago. From the perspective of the murloc skeleton, they came from the depths of the crevice, which is the original inhabitants of the Titan Hall in the abyss. Speaking of it, the Shadow Clan is also one of the original beings of the Titan Hall, but they have turned on their wisdom and left the deep ground to become a branch of the alien race on the black earth.

And now, God knows how many primitive species like this there are in Earth Abyss.

Came to the ground in a blink of an eye.

The crack in the ground is the end of the cave, and when it reaches this point, the ground suddenly cracks with a huge opening. Zero took the searchlight and looked down, and couldn't see anything at all. On the nearby rock wall, you can also see several murloc bones nailed to death by long-handled weapons.

"Let's go." The people in Zero Dynasty said.

Jin and others took down the waterproof backpack behind them and took out a roll of safety rope from it. Fix one end of the safety rope on the ground with a tool, and after testing the tension, throw the rope into the seam. All those present are capable people, so there is no need to put on a safety harness like ordinary human climbers. After confirming that the rope could bear the force, Ling Dang grabbed a rope and slid down, and others followed suit.

Blade hunters should be more convenient, they can climb anywhere, even if it is a vertical mountain wall of nearly 90 degrees like ground seams. The loss of these biological weapons along the way is not serious, and there are still more than ten of them. They are like huge geckos, flexibly following the zero class to act as guards, and at the same time, they swim down quickly.

After a while, the control lamp that Ling was wearing on his body shone down, and a piece of damp ground could already be seen. The distance was less than ten meters, so he simply let go of the rope and jumped down. The ground is very humid, and there is even water in some potholes. Jin and the others also leaped to the ground after the sound of breaking through the air around them several times. As for the safety ropes, they stayed where they were. They were still important tools when they wanted to go back.

Jin walked first with the light on, and after a few steps, the beam of light fell on a piece of water. He was taken aback, the beam of light swept back and forth, and found that there was a crypt lake all around, and their footing happened to be on the shore of the lake. Following Zero's beam of light came over, plus Leah's mental scan, an underground world appeared in their eyes.

The width of the lake is several hundred meters, and the shore of the lake is crescent-shaped. There are scattered ground platforms in the lake, which are formed by the rock pillars at the bottom of the lake. The surface of the lake is calm and waveless, but from time to time there will be ripples and some water marks passing by, obviously there is life underwater. I just don’t know if these lives are dangerous alien species, or harmless ordinary animals?

"Black Owl said, the passage to the Titan Hall is under the lake. Jin and I will go down to explore the situation, you can wait here first." Ling said, then put down the waterproof back, and then took off his coat. , Revealing a close-fitting tactical uniform. The same was true for Jin. The two took a dive and jumped into the water. The water quality of the lake was clear, the lights shone, and many small lake creatures flashed in the beam of light.

The earth lake is not deep, no more than five meters at most. The beam of light can hit the bottom of the lake, and you can see shellfish in the lake. Zero looked around, and the aquatic creatures passing by the beam of light were obviously different from those outside. In this enclosed environment, they seemed to have undergone an independent evolutionary revolution. Whether it is fish or shellfish, they are very small, and the smallest shell is the size of zero fingernails.

In this era when everything is developing towards a huge body shape, the life in the Earth Lake is going the other way, which seems to be related to their living environment. It is true that a larger body can accommodate greater power, and power is the cornerstone of survival. But at the same time, the huge body also means that the consumption is also huge. But in the environment of underground lakes, there is obviously not enough food for them to consume in large quantities.

Therefore, the body shape of life is developing towards miniaturization, reducing consumption, and sometimes also means living longer.

Jin made a gesture towards Zero at this time, as if he had noticed something, and his light frequently fluttered to the front and left. Some dark caves can be seen faintly there, and Zero dived in the past, after the two swam for about ten minutes. I came to the end of the Earth Lake. The rock walls here have many deep caves. Even on the sides of these caves, no obvious changes in water flow have been noticed. This shows that there is also a lake on the other side of the cave, and the water sources on both sides are connected. , So there is no flow of water.

The rock wall of the cave is covered with a layer of green fungus, even if there is a mark mentioned by the black owl on it, this will also cover the green fungus. The two only acted with their heads, tearing off the fungus coat on the rock wall with their hands, exposing the natural rock wall below. It didn't take long for Zero to find the sign that the black owl said. Above one of the caves, it was a pupil of darkness.

At the moment when he saw this pupil, Zero had a sense of being watched, as if there was a creature watching him on the other end of the pupil. But this feeling passed away, and Zero didn't care. He used a light to signal in the water that he had found the entrance to the cave, and then the two returned to the shore.

On the shore, Ling said to everyone: "I found it, but the length of the cave is still unknown. However, the black owl did not prepare us diving tools, so the length of the cave should be limited. You prepare it, and then we will go into the water together. "

Others took off their coats one after another, Kaiton said with an ugly expression: "I won't accompany you."

The Fenry Wolf King was obviously very disgusted with things like water, and Zero did not reluctantly. He pointed to the safety rope and smiled: "Things that help us look forward to going back."

"Don't worry, if anything dares to approach, I will turn them into ice sculptures."

Ling Pai patted him on the shoulder, glanced at everyone and said, "Then let's go."

The others nodded one after another, and then jumped into the water one by one, and even the blade hunters slipped into the water quietly. Watching the beam of light on the lake go all the way, Kayton suddenly felt a little bored.

It didn't take long for them to have reached the end of the lake. He took a breath first, then dived, everyone behind him followed, and then he swam to the cave marked by the dark pupil before. The cave is very spacious and can accommodate two to three people side by side. Zero allowed Jin to explore the way ahead, and then Alice and other women were in the middle. After he himself fell, the blade hunters scattered freely.

In a relatively limited space such as cave passages, blade hunters can grasp the surrounding rock walls and move forward, but they swim much faster from zero. This passage is not known for how long no one has passed by, and it is covered with green moss, making it sticky to the touch and very uncomfortable. In other words, the blade hunter didn't care, other people, especially women, didn't even want to touch them.

After swimming for a while, Zero started to discover that there was something more on the surrounding rock walls. It was a string of oval objects sticking to the rock wall next to each other, the surface was covered by green bacteria, and you couldn't see what was inside. Something like this, the more you go in, it's just like the egg of something. These strange things made the blade hunters no longer able to advance as quickly as before, and they had to continue to swim in the water like Zero.

A hunter stepped on the rock with his feet behind him, and he had to use his strength to return to the middle of the passage. The sharp claws on the feet smashed some of the round objects, and immediately spit out a series of bubbles from the broken fungus coat. It was obvious that there was air in these things. The hunter didn't care, and continued to move forward. Then something got out of the split fungus coat.

It's just that they have gone all the way, and in the dimness of the light, there is a rustling gnawing sound.

The exit is in sight.

Jin had already seen the light in the distance, and he made a few gestures in the water with the searchlight in his hand, telling everyone that he was about to reach the exit. Then he turned back and speeded up to swim, the movement of the team also accelerated a lot, and the hunter who swam at the end seemed to have discovered something. It stopped, floated in the water and looked back. The hunter's skin felt like water surging, but it was still now, it shouldn't have that kind of feeling.

But this feeling became stronger and stronger, as if there was an aquatic army approaching behind. The hunter could not give a warning in the water, so he stretched out his paw to catch it on the side rock wall. It's a pity that this place is also full of weird things. Originally I wanted to rub the rock wall with a sharp noise to convey the message, but the next claw grabbed a lot of egg-like objects.

The air bubble burst rapidly, and then something came out of the cracked moss. The hunter looked, and with the afterglow of the light that was still dying ahead, it saw a face like a human baby. It's just that this face is pitifully small, and it has four eyes. All eyes were still tightly closed. After this thing got out of the moss clothing, it first smelled the surrounding area, then opened its mouth, revealing a row of small and sharp teeth, and actually tore the moss clothing.

Suddenly there was a pain in the foot, and the hunter lowered his head, but a monster the size of a kitten was biting on its leg. This thing also has a human-like face, upper body and hands. But the back of the waist looks like a fish's tail, with a translucent soft fin on the back. The blade hunter swiped the thing with its sharp claws, and cut it in the middle.

But without half of his body, the little monster hasn't died yet, but bit more fiercely, and has a tendency to get into the thigh like a hunter. The hunter had to nail it into its body with two claws, and then lift it up. Speaking of looking carefully in front of you, this thing bites very hard. Four eyes shone fiercely, and a mouth full of sharp teeth was biting all around. The hunter didn't pay attention. When the back half of this thing sank to the bottom of the cave, it seemed to release too much blood.

The sound of the surging water became louder and louder, and in the end it was as deafening as a waterfall rushing down the mountain stream. From the hunter's eyes, another little monster's face appeared in the darkness first, and then from the cave tunnel behind, countless such monsters emerged. Each of them is not big, only the size of a kitten. The triumph is that there are so many, it is like a group of piranhas that have wrapped the blade hunter.

The hunter counterattacked, but its movements in the water were greatly restricted. In addition, there are so many monsters like the little mermaid. In a moment, the hunter has already bitten a lot of flesh, while the little mermaid has torn a hole in its eyes, mouth, or even directly in the body. Drill away. They gnawed their intestines and other organs in the hunter's body, swallowing everything they could eat into their stomachs.

One hunter obviously didn't have enough food for them, so these little mermaids began to swim towards the place where the beam of light was moving in front.

When the hunter was attacked ~lightnovelpub.net~Zero already felt something was wrong. The huge sound of water flow seemed so unusual, followed by blood floating in the water, and stopped immediately. No matter what was coming from behind, he couldn't let these guys pass. Otherwise, the people in front will definitely be busy. Even though he thought so, Ling frowned when he saw a group of little mermaids appearing in the beam of light.

The speed of the little mermaid is very fast, they are like evil spirits emerging from hell. Only two small arms were stretched out, mouths full of sharp teeth were opened wide, and the four eyes on his face were fierce, and they swarmed towards Zero. It's a pity that Zero is not a sharp-edged hunter. He put his fingers together like a knife, and suddenly pulled away. While the current was turbulent, a golden light gleamed across the sky.

At first, it was just a thin one, and it turned into a golden wave in an instant!

Jin Tao circulated and rushed into the school of fish. The burst of powerful energy hit the fish in front of them uncontrollably retracted, and then the golden light burst in the fish, and the flames splashed, and the violent energy jet continued to collide and explode, blowing the fish forward into a mess. Because he was afraid of causing other accidents in the cave, Zero only used the eighth level of strength.

This is a reduced version of a broken fate, but even so, it swallowed hundreds of these mermaids in an instant. The sound of the water stream diminished slightly, but soon the sound rang again, as if another school of fish was approaching!