War Lord

Chapter 868: Berigaoge

An alien lizard was crawling quickly, the mountain wall was almost perpendicular to the ground, but under the limbs of this alien lizard, it was as smooth as a road, and it did not hinder its movement. Lizard soon came to the vicinity of the zero class. It opened its mouth slightly, and the row of crystal thorns on its back suddenly lit up. After the light floated and disappeared for a while, a purple flame was spit out from the lizard dragon's mouth.

The outer side is light purple, and the core is dark purple that is almost black. The temperature of the purple fireball might not be so high, but it gave people a strong sense of danger. After spitting out this fireball, the lizard dragon's breath was obviously weakened a lot. It seems that this type of attack consumes its energy very much. The fireball hits, but it was cut by a dozen or so rotating ice flakes in the air, and then exploded in the air, forming a mist of purple fire.

The purple fire did not rise, but fell like a heavy object. It drenched Alice's icy flakes and made them melt invisible. After pouring several meters in this way, the purple fire slowly disappeared into the air.

However, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw a wave of light spurs on the back of the twenty-odd alien lizard dragon on the entire mountain wall, followed by fireballs blasting onto the bridge. Zero eyes dazzled, his eyes shot out thin golden flames. In an instant, the route, angle, and arrival time of the fireball appeared in his mind one by one. At the same time, a complete interception plan has been formed.

"You go first." Ling shouted, the anti-gravity field turned on, and he floated into the air to meet the fireballs. Then, with the power of reloading the warhead, the fireball shot from the sky was blasted into the air. After the explosion, the purple flame gas, which was obviously heavier than the air, was released with an invisible force field. For a time, the purple flames stretched on the bridge, like a purple sky.

The team rushed forward at full speed.

At this time, several lizard dragons jumped off the mountain wall, blocking the way of the team.

"give it to me!"

Ye Liu gave a soft drink, and the more crowds came out. This time, instead of flashing with a ghostly body technique, he rushed straight. The girl caught a bunch of black electric lights in her right hand, and when she was about to encounter the lizard dragon, she waved a knife with her hand. The black electricity broke through the air and screamed fiercely. In the eyes of everyone, the world suddenly turned into black and white. After a short discoloration, the three-headed lizard dragon turned into blood and flesh and flew to the ground.

The team almost stepped on the fragments of the lizard dragon body to enter the passage. As Ye Liu said, the air flow in the passage was obviously stronger than in other places. At this moment, Zero's figure flashed into the passage, he pulled away and flew back, but he did not forget to wave a golden wave of light outwards, his fate broke through the sky, and several alien lizard dragons that had followed him were smashed. Zero shouted at the same time: "Jin, Alice. Block the exit!"

Jin immediately slapped the wall of the passage, and the rock in the direction of the exit suddenly became soft and collapsed with a bang. Alice released the freezing gas with all her strength, froze the smoke, dust, Shi Shuo and other things together, forming a thick barrier. As the external lizard dragon screamed, the sound of impact and explosion sounded frequently. For a time, they couldn't overcome the obstacles arranged by the two brothers and sisters of Jin and Alice.

"It seems we can breathe a sigh of relief." Ling patted the dust on his body and laughed.

The channel twists and turns, and gradually extends upward. Finally, after 20 minutes, Zero and they came to the surface. Looking back with a searchlight, I saw a section of the foot of the mountain extending to the left and right. The bare ones did not grow any underground plants, and the top of the hill was not high, it was only ten meters above the ground. Therefore, the lizard’s dragon cave is actually located at a depth of 40 to 50 meters deep underground.

"Look over there!"

Leah made a short call, pointing in one direction. There was a faint light in that direction, like the light of fire seen from far away. This is the only place where light can be seen in the underground world. Behind the misty light, is the silhouette of a high mountain. From this distance, you can see the upper half of the mountain, and the lower part is hidden in the darkness.

It is only a silhouette, and it is not difficult to see that the mountain is top-notch and steep, like a sharp knife thrusting upwards. Zero nodded and said: "That's it, do you remember the mural that you saw in the advance base of the Shadow Clan, the one that the Shadow Clan people looked to the rear. The mountain in there should be the one in front. Titan Hall Right behind that mountain!"

The team set off, but did not go so hastily this time. The passage of the dragon's cave had been blocked by them, and even if there were other passages in it, they would have been lost early when the lizard dragon chased it out. What's more, it is not a good thing to keep marching in a hurry, as it puts an excessive burden on everyone's physical and mental strength. The Titan Room is not only their stop, but also the most dangerous place in this underground space.

Regardless of what is called the God of Darkness, or the dark core is anything but ordinary. Since it can affect the ecology of the underground world, and even create life like lizards and rat people, it is enough to prove its danger. God knows whether there will be more terrifying guards in the Titan Hall.

Silent all the way.

Fortunately, the light behind that mountain seems eternal, otherwise without the guidance of this light, walking in the underground world like this would make people crazy. Moreover, it was not peaceful along the way. The occasional alien beings harassed the team. Of course, their fate only became a corpse and became the nourishment of this land.

It was estimated that when the team had walked 30 kilometers, a loud bang suddenly came from behind. The loud noise came from under the feet, and the whole ground was shaking. This makes everyone think that there is an active volcano in the ground, of course, there is no volcano in the ground. The rumbling sound was because the earth was cracking.

The source of the crack was in the direction of the Dragon Cave, and from there was a continuous roar of giant beasts. A huge power rose from the direction of the Dragon Cave, and then a certain angry will swept from far and near. Zero and they didn't even have time to hide their work, and they have been swept away by this will. Just passing by, the will flowed back like a tide, and then the heavy pressure of the mountains enveloped everyone, it was the feeling of being locked in by the will of something.

The howling of wild beasts sounded in everyone's mind. It was clearly not a human language, but everyone understood the meaning of the howling: I found you, damned invader! You will pay for my dead children!

Near the Dragon Cave, the ground had cracked a full seven or eight meters wide, followed by the flat surface began to arch, and then a fluffy heat wave exploded from the crack in the ground. Firelight loomed in the cracks in the ground, a bit connected to the center of the earth. But obviously it hasn't reached the center of the earth yet, and it is more likely that there is a river of magma beneath the earth. The fire shines from below the crack, and then a huge shadow rises.

First, a scaly paw slapped on the edge of the ground seam. Only one paw was as big as a hill. The old scales on the claws each have the size of a table top. And the pitch-black claws that plunged into the ground, flowed with almost metallic luster under the firelight!

The connecting four claws stretched out from the crack in the ground, they grasped the two sides of the crack, and then forcefully pulled a mountain-like body from the crack. Under the fire, it was a huge shadow like a mountain. The fire light from under the crack only illuminates the lower body of this behemoth, allowing Ling to see the abdomen covered with scales and several feet like mountain peaks from a distance.

The upper body of the giant beast was concealed in the darkness, and only six groups of bright blue lights lit up in the dark. Under the blue light, a silhouette of a tyrannosaurus-like head could be vaguely seen. It uttered a thunderous roar in the darkness, and the sound was as real as it was, and it actually stirred up a storm in this space.

Of course, it is impossible to feel any wind and waves in the Zero Line, which is dozens of kilometers away. But you can clearly feel the huge coercion of that giant beast, and the fiery anger in the coercion.

"You did hear the word "children" just now, didn't you?" Zero smiled bitterly: "It seems that we have annoyed their mother."

After looking at the mountain-like figure in the distance for a while, Ye Liuzheng expropriated the land, spit out a word from his mouth: "It's too big to cut."

"This thing should be the huge shadow that appeared in the Mural of the Shadow Clan people? It's terrible, there is also the Abyss Lord here." Jin Weizhi smiled bitterly.

Ling said calmly: "It's not that we haven't slaughtered the Abyss Lord, but now we have to hurry to see if we can enter the Titan Hall before it catches up. All creatures have a boundary, especially the Abyss Lord. Or, just cross that mountain. Leaving its territory. At that time, it may not continue to chase us."

Behind him, a roar sounded. With the violent shaking of the earth, the giant beast that emerged from the abyss has already rushed in the direction of Zero and them. Its speed is not fast, on the contrary, it is very slow, but its huge body shape is enough to make up for the lack of speed. No matter how slow it is, it will cross a distance of 20 meters in one stride. Under such a span, the speed of the giant beast is already comparable to zero.

"You despicable invaders, wait to be punished by me, Beligaoge!"

The roar of the giant beast's will sounded in everyone's minds. Except for zero face and no change of color, everyone else showed their own painful expressions. It was this abyss lord who squeezed his own will into the spiritual will of everyone. The zero mental power was so strong that Nicholas would suffer, naturally, he was not afraid of this will echo like a spiritual shock.

But other people don't have his mental power like a sea like a sea after all, even those with the field of perception ability like Leah feel a headache, and other people feel even more uncomfortable. Fortunately, these people are high-level, otherwise, just this mental shock would be enough to paralyze their brains.

"Hurry up!" Ling called. He picked up Leah first, and went ten meters away in a flash.

Everyone in the back ran closely in the dark earth. Behind everyone, the earth's shaking and wailing continued to sound. Beligaoge was approaching with anger, and it stepped on a paw, leaving a terrifying claw mark on the ground. The tail thick as the peaks behind him swept from time to time, and then swept a certain unlucky hill to the ground.

Behrigaoge is so powerful that the coercion it exudes forms a huge shadow in everyone's hearts. Now they can feel how accurate it is when the Shadow Clan people place the shadowed image of Bergog on the mural. It is like a shadow lying across the earth, making people feel powerless and hesitant.

The chase between the two sides started on the ground like this, even though the team had advanced at full speed, they continued to shorten the distance for Bergog. Fortunately, they finally came to the foot of the peak. Everyone ran up the mountain road, the wind was breathing in front, and everyone's cheeks were hurting. However, life, the shadow of death is getting closer, and Beligaoge is already approaching the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, through the unknown light behind the mountain, one could already see the whole picture of Bergog. This is a huge lizard, it is like those purple lizards, covered with only part of the bony carapace. But Berigaoge's bony carapace was as thick as an armor plate, and the sharp fangs like sharp blades in the open mouth of the blood basin were daunting.

Its head is also covered by the stomach, without eyes, only six round spars are embedded in the head. But compared to the Purple Lizard Dragon, the size of the spar on Beligaoge's forehead was not small. A larger volume means more energy can be stored. On its wide mountain-like dragon, there are three rows of thick crystal thorns!

When Bergog was approaching the mountain, his head was almost halfway up the mountain. The three rows of crystal thorns behind the Abyss Lord gradually lit up, and then a bright yellow light lit up in his mouth. The energy is spinning and brewing like a storm, like a violent storm is coming. The hairs on his whole body were erected, and he hadn't felt this kind of extreme danger for a long time.

He threw Leah towards Jin and shouted: "Avoid, I'll lead it away!"

In an instant, the four empty energy stones lit up in sequence. Zero released his power, and a faint golden beam of light emerged from him and rose into the sky. The surging energy attracted the attention of Berigaoge, and the zero force flashed in the opposite direction of the team, and at the same time shouted: "Big reptile, here I am!"

Berigog roared, spitting out a fiery torrent of energy from his arrogant open mouth. This hideous beam of three meters in diameter has bright yellow at the edges and a thick dark gold at the core! It plowed from halfway up the peak, chasing the zero behind and across the mountain, the beam of light continued to spread, sweeping across the void and some low mountains in the distance. In the dark underground space, it left a very bright trace.

When the trail of the beam slowly disappeared, a series of light spots lit up on this track, and then large and small light spots flashed at the same time, and finally turned into a lengthy explosion that lasted several kilometers!

Jin and the others almost pressed their bodies tightly to the mountain, and the mountains shook wildly, and huge rocks from above were constantly being shaken down, rubbing them and falling below them. The flames of the explosion passed over them, and everyone released their defensive field and bounced the high-temperature flames out. But even so, the defensive field is also consumed at an extremely fast rate.

This is only being wiped by the flame after the explosion. If it is directly hit by the beam, it is estimated that it will be vaporized and evaporated at the moment of contact.

However, after releasing this terrifying energy beam, the crystal thorns behind Beligaoge suddenly became dim, and even the six crystal stones on his head were no longer dazzling. Obviously, releasing such a terrible attack is also a great burden for it, even if it is the Lord of the Abyss, it cannot easily offset this consumption.

Of course, with its huge size. Even if energy is not used as a means of attack, there are few opponents by pure brute force and sharp minions, so Berigaoge did not intend to keep a hand, but Huo did his best to annihilate these invaders. Zero guessed right, this mountain was the border of Bergog's territory, and if these invaders were allowed to turn to the other side of the mountain, Bergog had no choice but to give up no matter how reluctantly.

Because on the other side of the mountain, there is a border that it cannot touch.

The flame is burning, this fire belt that stretches for several kilometers will not be extinguished so easily, and its existence also demonstrates the force of Bergog to other creatures in the underground world. Therefore, Beligaoge regretted not killing the intruder, but he didn't care so much.

It took a few breaths, and after regaining some energy, it turned its head to where Jin and the others were. As the ancestor of the lizards, Beligaoge possesses more advanced detection methods than those of alien lizards. Several complex waves can oscillate back and forth, forming a clear panorama in the brain of the Abyss Lord. The invaders couldn't hide their existence at all, and Bergog found them easily.

When this big lizard was about to hit Jin and their location, a magnificent and huge might appeared from above. Berigog raised his head naturally, and a dazzling light appeared in the panorama. The intensity of the brilliance directly explained the amount of energy. Bergog was a bit at a loss. The figure of the invader was obviously much smaller than him~lightnovelpub.net~, it was as small as the filthy rat men in Behemoth Canyon.

But the energy he released was not less than his own. Beligaoge felt provoked. It opened its mouth wide and let out a demonstrative growl. The visible circle wave shook and spread, shaking the mountains that had already returned to calm.

Lingzheng was floating in the sky above Bergog, he had opened all the energy stones, and completely aroused the strength of the eleventh floor. The aura he put out alone, like a huge tornado connecting the sky and the earth, lay in front of Bergog, competing with the huge aura of the abyss lord, but never fell to the wind.

Zero knew that if he couldn't send Beligaoge, he wouldn't be able to get to the Titan Room. In this case, fighting cannot be avoided. Facing Berigaoge, there was peace in Zero's heart. This is not the first time he has faced the Lord of the Abyss, Angie Gullit under the Cossacks base that day, and the ice-winged Malrogg in the Storm Fortress, all are tyrannical.

At that time, facing these terrifying lords, Zero still seemed a little immature. But now, he was able to resist the pressure of the Abyss Lord with his own power, and made Beligaoge feel threatened.

This is proof of growth, and it is an obvious milestone on the road to the top power!