War Lord

Chapter 87: sleepy beast

Across the tarp, the light in the cage looked dim and cloudy. However, in this dim light and shadow, gray beast pupils lit up. Afterwards, an IP popped out of the prison.

The IP buzzed and trembled, and stabilized after a while, maintaining a sharp claw-like form. Behemoth used its electric claws that popped out of his fingertips to pick up a piece of meat in the cage between the iron plates. The high heat that comes with the electric claw immediately caused the piece of meat to be cooked quickly, and after a while, the smell of burnt meat wafted out of the cage.

Behemoth put the meat in front of his nose and smelled it, and an image of a giant steel-clawed rat appeared in his mind. This mutant giant rat lives underground for many years, feeding on mud and rotting corpses. Their claws are harder than steel and sharper than sabers to facilitate the movement of giant rats in the ground. However, their meat is not delicious at all. The long-term consumption of mudstones and corpses with radioactive substances has caused the muscle fibers of the giant rats to carry corresponding severe toxins.

Of course, in terms of Behemoth's physical fitness, this toxin has not been put in its eyes. It's just that the giant rat still has sour-smelling meat slices, which really makes it unable to appetite.

Behemoth suddenly missed the unfettered life in his hometown.

In the eyes of mankind, the southwest land is regarded as a forbidden land, but in the eyes of Behemoth, it is a paradise for life. There, countless strong vitality that humans don't know lies in that mysterious land. Animals, plants, and humanoids are everywhere. Before Elk Town was rebuilt, all lives followed the principles of the jungle, living hard but fulfilling every day.

However, after the rebuilding of Elk Town, the increasingly frequent human activities have taught many young lives, including Behemoth, not to step into that gray area. But young lives often have rebellious factors in their blood. Behemoth is no exception. As one of the most powerful species in the Southwest, Behemoth, who is born with thunder and lightning as his weapon, does not pay attention to those seemingly fragile humans.

The beast that committed the original sin of arrogance accidentally entered the gray area during a hunt. But Behemoth did not immediately exit this buffer zone and return to the depths of the earth. On the contrary, when he saw a group of humans appear under his nose, Behemoth suddenly wanted to change his taste.

So a conflict broke out, and the sudden appearance of Behemoth and that tyrannical ability caused this group of humans to suffer. Their individual abilities are not necessarily huge, but through cooperation, they are matched with some tools that Behemoth has never seen before. In the end, he was captured alive at the cost of 11 lives.

After that, Behemoth was imprisoned in such a giant cage. Its hands and feet were shackled with steel needles embedded in it, and the steel needles were pierced into Behemoth's body, directly embedded in some of its joints. These things allow Behemoth to perform only small-scale activities. Once the activity is too violent, the steel needles pressing on the bones and nerves will also release high-voltage currents, thereby paralyzing its body functions.

Behemoth can use lightning as a weapon, but his body does not necessarily have the conditions to resist high-voltage currents. After several futile resistances, Behemoth suddenly realized that he could not go back. As the little human girl said during the day, even if she let it go, she couldn't find her way home.

Thinking of this, Behemoth's breathing suddenly intensified. Silent anger climbed into his heart again, and the giant beast let out a thunderous roar, and slapped the palm of the giant rat's meat fiercely towards the cage. The sharp claws made of IP grasped the cage, wiping out a bright electric spark. But apart from shooting the cage to tremble slightly, nothing has been done.

This cage looks simple, but its material is very special. Even Behemoth's electric claws could not leave even a scratch on the cage. The violent exercise caused pressure on the steel needle in the bone and blood, followed by the release of a high-voltage current of 1500V, which caused Behemoth to scream, and the huge body also fell heavily to the bottom of the cage.

It was panting violently, and the high-voltage current made its neural response turbulent and slow. Therefore, an exclamation from outside the cage fell in Behemoth's ears as if it were coming from a far away place.

A corner of the tarp was suddenly lifted, and a childish face appeared in Behemoth's black vertical pupil.

Behemoth remembered this girl, he had seen her during the day. If it weren't for the sudden mania that triggered high-voltage electricity to temporarily paralyze the body, Behemoth vowed to tear this beautiful little face with his electric claws. It hates humans, whether it's the hateful man with a big belly, or the beautiful girl like an elf in front of him, as long as it is a human, Behemoth will never like them.

Moni looked at Behemoth, the behemoth was strange to her expectations.

Behemoth has a lion-like head, but his body with a long mane is a humanoid. Behind it stretched a pair of eagle wings that hung against the body, but it was a pity that the giant cage restricted its freedom, otherwise Moni would be able to see its majestic posture soaring into the sky. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

The behemoth should be a king who lives freely in the jungle, not a cargo trapped in a cage.

Monnie suddenly felt a little sour in her nose. When she saw Behemoth during the day, she felt that this behemoth had a lot in common with herself. Now, this feeling is getting stronger.

Seeing Behemoth twitching slightly, there was an expression of pain in the beast's pupils, and Monnie stretched out her white arms into the cage without even realizing it.

Behemoth let out a threatening growl in his throat, God knows how much he wanted to bite off the snow-white arms, then looked at the human being in front of him and groaned in pain. But it can't move now, so it can only watch the little girl gently put her hand on her face.

Following that, the sound of heavenly singing faintly floated from Monnie's mouth.

The usual lullaby, when sung from Monnie's mouth with her eyes closed, has a strange magical power. Listening to the singing that was as soft as breathing, the mania and rage in Behemoth's eyes quietly subsided. Monnie's singing reminded it of her hometown. On every quiet night, Behemoth liked to fly to the highest mountain in the land and listen quietly to the wind from the sky.

In Monnie's singing, Behemoth gradually calmed down, and even her eyes softened as she watched Monnie. The giant beast slowly closed its eyes, a drop of turbid liquid appeared at the corner of its eyes, and then quietly disappeared among the brown hairs.

Behemoth suddenly felt that perhaps not all humans are so hateful.

At least, the human girl in front of her is no longer so annoying in her eyes.

However, just as the girl and the giant beast in the warehouse were enjoying a rare moment of tranquility, the door of the warehouse was suddenly opened, and then Campbell's voice rang: "Quickly, pull the big guy out for me. Hey, little girl, you Why are you here?"