War Lord

Chapter 874: value

[Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Chau Niu, Lose Shoes, Jiang Yuan, and Xiang! ]

"I understand. The whole thing is that you sacrificed the entire clan to save Fengwu, and even pulled other people in." Nodding and saying, "Black Owl, to be honest. I think the way your clansmen do not That’s right. They also have the right to survive. You use all the supplies to save a person, and you don’t care about their life or death. Of course they have the right to oppose. Then because of this, you have turned them all into what they are now. Hei Xiao, this shouldn't be the work of a patriarch."

"Shut up, I don't need you to teach me how to be a leader. To me, family is everything!" The black owl furiously said, "What about you? Wouldn't you try to save your loved ones? Or do you prefer to hypocritically bear the reputation of the righteous, and then ruthlessly sacrifice your family?"

"Does the value judgment for you depend on the number of people?"

Zero calmly shook his head: "I will use my best to save my family. Among them, the interests of most of my followers may be sacrificed. But I will compensate. One thing I will never do is for my family. And betray your followers to something else!"

"Black Owl, in fact, your father did just that. He used his promise to protect the clan in exchange for clan supplies to save his daughter's life. He has already told you what to do, but you, obviously, have taken another path. "Zero said calmly.

The black owl went stiff, trying to say something, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

Ling shook his head and said: "What's more, you asked Feng Wu before doing this. Is she willing to do this? Is she willing to take the life of her tribe in exchange for her own survival? Have you ever thought about it if she knew all this? , Then she, who is carrying the lives of her people, is she able to bear the heavy burden?"

"You haven't thought about this? More importantly, you handed Feng Wu to the Dark God and became its new host. Is this Feng Wu still your sister Feng Wu?"

"Shut up..." Black Owl trembled lightly all over: "You don't know anything at all! What qualifications do you have to teach me this way?"

"Elder Black Owl."

Leah took a step forward at this time, then looked at the cocoon behind her and said, "Do you know why we found this place? When we arrived at the pyramid on the surface, we almost gave up. It's your sister, Fengwu. Call me. She wants us to save her, so Feng Wu doesn't want to be parasitized by the **** of darkness at all. Do you understand?"

"I told you to shut up!" Hei Xiao said with a twisted face: "I only need Feng Wu to come back, no matter what she becomes, she is my sister! But the God of Darkness has not been able to complete it for a long time because of the lack of necessary genes. Fragment. When I heard Amanda's imp that you have the ability to reverse the holy medicine, I knew that the missing gene fragment of the Dark God is you. As long as the gene fragment is completed, Feng Wu will be able to return."

"So you took the initiative to cooperate with me and let me enter the gate of the palatine teeth. Elder Black Owl, if you are willing to put this mind on how to balance the relationship between Feng Wu and the people, maybe you don't have to lose anything now." Said.

The black owl smiled, with a mad smile: "You are wrong. I didn't lose anything. As long as you kill you, Feng Wu will be able to get a new life. At that time, we can be together again. Then leave this ghost place, what Titan Hall , What black earth, Feng Wu and I are bored!"

He made a gesture, and the shadow people who were dominated by the Zerg trembled all over. Alienation occurred one after another. Some turned out tentacles from behind, some turned into animal claws, some grew fleshy wings and flew into the middle of the hall, and some turned out a huge one on their chest. Eyeballs. For a time, all the Shadow Clan members turned into alien beings. Their energy aura surging in the hall, like a wave of anger.

"Black Owl, hand it to me."

Zero said, and opened the empty energy stones one by one. The power of energy rose like a rocket, and under the influence of its power, the whole hall began to tremble. A pale golden beam of light appeared from the body, and the beam of light rose from the ground, almost reaching the dome. And zero slowly lifted into the sky in this beam of light, and a circle of force field visible to the naked eye appeared around them. They collided and restrained each other, forming an energy storm!

The Shadow Race Alien Species seemed to instinctively perceive zero danger, and retreated in front of the momentum he released. The black owl knew that it was the power that the ruler was afraid of zero, which had nothing to do with the species and will, but just out of pure instinct. The eleventh-order zero seems to stand at the highest level of all beings here.

Perhaps, the Wind Dance after the perfect combination with the God of Darkness is an exception. But now, she has no trend of breaking out of the cocoon.

The black owl stretched out his arms and pulled out an animal tooth. He sneered and pulled off one end of the animal tooth, and then sent it to his mouth. Seeing some circumstances, Moni exclaimed: "It's the holy medicine! The black owl wants to use the holy medicine!"

Without frowning and striding, people and power disappeared cleanly. In an instant, an energy storm appeared behind the black owl, and zero-handedly probed towards the black owl. The elders of the shadow clan suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke and walked away. Skim the floor, follow the wall to the dome, and then fix it to the top. With the other hand, he poured the contents of the beast tooth into his mouth, and threw the catching beast tooth away.

The teeth of the beast fell to the ground, and the inside was hollow, and there was still a little dark purple substance remaining inside.

"It seems that you are really crazy, you actually used the holy medicine. You should know what it is." Ling Shen said.

The black owl slid down from the dome: "Of course I know, to put it bluntly, it is a stimulant that stimulates the growth of the dominator. When the dominator starts to grow, it will greatly enhance the host's power and have a short period of self-awareness. "

"Hei Xiao, you are very thorough. You don't even know how to incarnate yourself into a beast, and let Feng Wu come back..." At this moment, Zero had to sigh Hei Xiao's persistence.

"Who told you, I will become a beast." The black owl began to tremble slightly, and on the surface of his pale skin, bright red tows passed under the skin from time to time: "The transformation has already begun, but because of the God of Darkness I have the authority to gain self-consciousness for much longer. As long as you get rid of you within the time limit, the Dark God can stop this transformation for me."

"So the holy medicine is just a strength booster for me!"

Zero looked at the hall and suddenly exerted force. He had already hit him before the black owl didn't react, and the zero fit knocked him out of the hall together. The two dragged a pale golden flame tail, flew out of the gap, and smashed many alien meat cocoons that had lost their nutrients. Rushing straight to the middle of this biological factory, Ling Cai forcefully pushed the black owl out.

Fighting here, at least he doesn't have to worry that his aftermath of the battle will hurt his companions.

Black Owl landed, he lifted off his outer robe, revealing the tight sleeveless clothes inside. On the pale arm, the bright red lines have already begun to climb. The color is different from when Moni used the holy medicine. Moni has a dark black pattern, while the black owl is a red that tends to kill. When these bright red lines climbed on his face, the black owl pressed his forehead with his hands in some pain.

When he let go of his hand again, his eyes had turned into blood red, and several concentric circles formed with circles of black lines instead of the original pupils. As the two prismatic red spars in the shoulder socket floated up, the spars flickered. The circle of force field oscillated away, seeming to form a kind of co-shock. The black owl yelled, and light thorns composed of energy emerged from the forehead, elbows and knees.

After these light thorns grew, the black owl gasped for a few hasty breaths, then grinned and said to Zero: "Let you wait a long time, let's start!"

Petty actions replaced language, and he strode towards the black owl. The biological factory shook him frequently, and the power was like a prehistoric dragon running on the ground. Black Owl also greeted him, but he was at another extreme. The shadow clan elder landed silently, fluttering like a breeze, a fallen leaf.

The two collided in the middle distance, and the golden light and red flames became the only color in the arsenal!

In the hall where Feng Wu is located, everyone feels the space is shocked. That was the result of the collision between Outer Zero and Black Owl's energy, and then the light in the hall dimmed slightly, and the scenery in front of him was a little distorted. The shadow race aliens are even more vain and drunk. Obviously, it was affected by the invisible force field formed by the confrontation of the power of the two great powers outside. The force field distorted their perceptions, which made the aliens appear in these situations.

Ye Liu suddenly flashed away.

Her figure appeared from time to time, and every time she flickered, she cleverly passed through the gap between the force fields, and her perception was not hindered at all. Only those with extremely fast speed and keen perception of Ye Liu were able to freely penetrate the edges in the force field where they escaped. Soon, Ye Liu approached one of the alien species. It was an old shadow clan, his appearance seemed unchanged, but before Ye Liu approached, he suddenly spit out a bunch of tentacles from his mouth!

It's just that the perception of the alien is affected, and the tentacles that went straight to Ye Liu's chest have deviated from the original goal. This was undoubtedly a fatal mistake, and a black lightning popped out of Ye Liu's hand. Lightning flashed across the alien's neck, Ye Liu didn't even look at it, and rushed to the other alien who was swaying in the air. As for the old Shadow Clan, a blood line appeared between his neck first, and then the wound opened up and down, and his entire head fell off his neck.

The battle in the hall just started.

With Ye Liu's attack as a signal, the battle broke out. The shadow clan controlled by the dominator obviously does not have the concept of a team. They all rely on instinct and the original ability of the host to attack, and occasionally use special organs or abilities after the mutation. But in general it is like a disc of loose sand, but, it is worth noting that each of these shadow race alien species has a minimum of eight steps. And two of them have reached the level of ninth rank. One is a guy with meaty wings that Ye Liu is staring at, and the other has a huge eyeball on his chest.

The Shadow Clan people with fleshy wings on their backs chased Ye Liu up and down. Although they were both Tier Nine, no matter whether it was skill or experience, this alien species could not be compared to Ye Liu, a girl who had experienced many battles. Although Ye Liu couldn't fly, her energy thread connected everywhere in the dome. Any silk thread can be her leverage point. In this way, when the battlefield is confined to a hall with a limited height, two wings may not necessarily be more flexible than her.

It's just that this alien species will sprinkle patches of purple-black mist from its wings from time to time, and these mists are highly corrosive. Ye Liu was swept by the mist in the chase, and immediately his skin was scalded by flames, and countless small, red blisters immediately formed. So she had to carefully avoid these poisonous mists, and for a while, she could finally kill this ninth-order alien species.

As for the ground, Hai Wei and Moni joined forces to reach another Tier 9 alien. The giant pupil on that guy's chest will continuously release force fields of several natures, and force fields such as gravity, perceptual distortion, and high temperature are used alternately. To make the battle painful, the two girls have to carefully pass through these force fields to approach their opponents, and on the other side they have to attack distractedly.

If it weren't for both of them to be good at close combat, it would be extremely difficult to resist this Tier 9 attack in this ever-changing force field.

As for the others, the tacit understanding between Alice and King does not need to be questioned. From the beginning, Jin used the rich earth elements in the ground to create four rock puppets. Although these three-meter big guys are cumbersome, they can't be used as a meat shield. In addition to the limited space in the hall, the four rock puppets moved forward to block most of the alien species. At this time, Alice will put a cold gun, the Queen of Frost no longer uses cheap spinning ice flakes, and once shot is Frost Ray.

She is very stingy with the use of rays, but every time she points out, there must be a alien species that has formed frost.

Leah, who was the weakest in combat power, retreated to the back. In the protection circle of everyone, Leah was not idle either. Every few seconds, she would send out a mental flog to a certain alien species. This kind of mental shock reaches the heterogeneous brain, causing a certain amount of harassment to the dominator in it. Mental flogging will not kill them, but it can disrupt their dominance over the body, allowing alien species to make mistakes and creating opportunities for their companions to attack.

The battle in the hall broke out, and the war in the biological factory was also in full swing.

After the initial head-on collision, Zero and Black Owl did not have such a brutal style of play again. Both of them are known for their speed and explosive abilities. After using their special skills to fight, the two turned into wind, like invisible things entangled together. In a short moment, I don't know how many rounds have been staggered. The weird thing is that no one can beat anyone.

In Black Owl's hand, there were two more short knives made of pure energy. These two short knives don't have any weight, and every time they approach zero, they will always lightly hand them toward zero. However, the short knife couldn't touch Zero's body, and only left slash marks with energy and flame on the wall or some alien meat cocoons in vain.

Zero is also fast moving, but every fist he makes comes with the power of reloading the bullet. Black Owl is extremely light, he is extremely heavy. With heavy fists and kicks, there was a thunderstorm sound, crackling in the air non-stop. But every time he saw that he wanted to hit the black owl, the opponent turned into a black mist and drifted back, which seemed to be the universal ability of the shadow clan. The shadow clan alien that bumped into the breeding room before also used this method of movement.

So the two used their own skills to continue this battle that they would never encounter.

The two figures collided together like a gust of wind, and then suddenly separated. Only then did the air burst into the air like a heavy artillery bombardment. Several waves of air flow from strong to weak, spread out under the feet of the two people.

Gazed at each other fiercely, and both sides flickered at the same time and slammed into each other. In the rapid advance, Zero stopped abruptly. After stopping for a while, he rushed forward suddenly. Faster than Black Owl expected, he hit the front line and blasted his fist.

The fist front brought out a faint cone-shaped ripple, and the black owl was so recognizable that it turned into a black mist and bypassed Zero again. With his back facing the black mist, the corner of Zero's mouth slightly pulled up an arc. His lips moved lightly, as if meditating on something. At this time, the black owl retreated to ten meters away, and people jumped out of the black fog. Suddenly the pressure behind his back increased greatly, and the pupils of the black owl shrank, and the zero in front of him had disappeared.

Space jump!

The black owl yelled and turned his head back, and the two knives pulled out an afterimage and hit the zero that appeared from behind. Countless sparks suddenly appeared between the two of them, and the clash of fists and blades continued. The ring-shaped shock wave swept away, exploding the meat cocoons within 30 meters around the two of them one by one!

In a short moment, the two did not know how many times they fought, and then they separated suddenly.

A wound appeared on Zero's face, followed by blood mist on his chest and thighs, and seven or eight stab wounds appeared one after another. These wounds are long and deep, and the deepest one can almost see zero and the pale golden bones that have infiltrated metal particles~lightnovelpub.net~ Black Owl is also not well, there are not many injuries on his body. There is only one place in total, and the injury is on the chest. A clear fist mark collapsed on his entire chest, and the flesh and bones inside had become a mass of paste. There were two thin lines of blood left in the black owl's nostrils. He wiped off the blood indifferently, and the two knives turned lightly in his hands, and said softly: "Come again."

In fact, the black owl's injury is heavier than zero. Firstly, he used the holy medicine to forcibly increase his strength, although his strength was close to the eleventh level, he was not on the same level as zero after all. Secondly, his physical strength is inferior to Zero. After Zero advances to Tier 11, the biggest improvement is not ability, but physical strength. That seems to be the evolution of instinct, in order to lay a solid foundation for the promotion to the twelfth rank.

But at this moment, the black owl has been urged by the holy medicine to trigger the dominator in his body. The dominator is transforming his body in order to become a suitable breeding ground for survival. In the process, Black Owl's pain nerves may have been severed, and even with such an injury, he didn't care at all. This is very similar to the Disorder, or that the God of Darkness and Prosius are originally one.

Even if the core is split now, the creation of the God of Darkness also carries the handwriting of Prosius. Perhaps the alien species can also be regarded as another branch of the disordered. Therefore, they have many commonalities in essence, such as knowing no pain, no fear, only killing and rage!