War Lord

Chapter 875: Black and White Girl

[It's the Chinese Valentine's Day again, I wish all my friends and lovers will finally get married. At the same time, thanks to Brother Xiang and Daniel 371 for their monthly support, thank you! ]

In the biological factory, the two figures are entangled again. But this time, that kind of silent battle was not there, but a fierce battle with fists and swords. Zero has roughly figured out the laws of some of the black owl's abilities, just like his atomization. The duration is probably between two to three seconds. As long as you catch the moment when the atomization ends, you can catch the black owl just like the last time.

After letting Zero intercept twice, Hei Xiao gave up the strategy of evading the atomization and waiting for the opportunity to attack. Instead, it turned into a frontal violent attack. The expression on his face became more and more savage. Under the influence of the dominator, reason was constantly compressed by the **** nature, which made the black owl become violent and did not know how to avoid it. Zero is like facing a mad tiger, he calmly confronts, and with a calm heart, he perceives all the attacks of the black owl.

The central brain array is operating at full speed, calculating the black owl's attack route with almost cold feelings, and when the time can be replaced by injury, which attack can be suffered, and which must be avoided. Even Zero hadn't noticed it. At this moment, a pair of golden pupils floated with a symbol. The symbols are slightly different, it seems simple, but if you subdivide it, you will find that it is composed of more tiny symbols.

All the micro-talisman floated in light and dark, and the power of the eyes of the gods began to activate, allowing Zero to constantly approach the realm of omniscience. At this time, he exudes a mechanical coldness. Each action is the result of rigorous calculations, and even the part that the black owl hits is the data obtained after calculation. As a result, the black owl's injuries continued to increase, and the severity of them even began to threaten their lives.

Fist and knife staggered again.

Black Owl's knife tore a bone-bearing wound on Zero's shoulder, at the cost of being blasted into meat powder by Zero's right shoulder blade. The whole right arm was straddled, bones shattered, and nerves died. However, the alien does not have the super regeneration ability of the Disorder, so the black owl does not expect this arm to be used. He brutally cut off his arm with a blade, then looked at Zero frantically.

Ling had blood stains on his body, but none of them hurt the vitals. Relative to the dark owl, he was terribly calm.

The two are like two ends of a balance, one is fierce as flames, and the other is cold as frost.

In the next moment, Frost and Flame clashed again.

In the hall, the shadow clan alien battle of Alice and others continued.

In midair, two figures shuttled like ghosts. Ye Liu used the energy threads all over the hall to chase the ninth-order alien species with meat wings. Her figure would never stay in the same place for more than a second. Under such extreme speed, the guy with meat wings. The space that has been forced to dodge is getting less and less.

When this guy dodges, he kept releasing the extremely corrosive poisonous mist. However, the mist released now is not as dense as before. The opponent's energy and breath are falling, and in the process of being chased by Ye Liu, it consumes far more than Ye Liu.

When it released the poisonous fog again, this time Ye Liu actually fit into the fog, and then flashed out again. The girl clasped her head together so that important parts of her body were tightly protected. As for other places such as hands, feet and powder backs, they use their own energy as defense. In addition, the poisonous fog is not as strong as before, so after passing through the fog, Ye Liu's skin is only red, but not even a blister floats.

However, her cutting was fatal. After the poisonous mist was released, the Meat Winged Alien thought that Ye Liu had to evade, and then attacked in a roundabout way. This gave it about a second to be used, but at this moment, Ye Liu suddenly passed through the fog and had already arrived in front of it in an instant. In the eyes of the alien species, Ye Liu waved his little hand, and a black electricity between his palms turned and slashed!

It screamed, and at the moment when the black electricity was cutting its head, the only option was to avoid it downwards. With wings and flaps, the alien fell rapidly, and it was able to escape the black electricity in Ye Liu's hand. The alien just showed a triumphant smile in the air, suddenly his smile stiffened, and then dozens of purple lines slowly appeared on his body. That was where purple blood floated on the surface of the superficial wound, but the slight wound just now suddenly expanded.

It was like a purple-black grid appeared on the alien's body, and then it scattered into pieces and fell to the ground. When the purple blood was spreading in the air, you could see the blood exploding continuously, forming a blood mist.

Just when Ye Liu ejected into the poisonous mist with a silk thread, she had already triggered the vibration of all the energy threads above the dome. Then use a feint attack to push the alien species downwards and let it pass between the energy threads. In this way, the alien species is tantamount to passing by a laser laser net, and it is strange that it does not become a pile of minced meat.

On the ground, there was a clear cry of Moni.

The silver-haired girl rushed in quickly, the death assault in her hand had been connected to the scabbard, and it became the shape of a gun blade. Moni was holding the gun blade, using her waist as the origin, alternately rotating the gun blade with her hands, forming a sword blade storm that enveloped the giant pupil alien species. The blade of the gun blade pulls out faint ripples. These ripples are sharp and deadly cutting waves that can split the alloy into two.

The giant pupil was very aware of the alien species, and the spar pupil in his chest continuously released several alternating force fields, so Moni's movements became a little uncoordinated, and even the storm of the gun blade turned from a loud cry to a low cry. However, taking advantage of the voice of Moni attracting her attention, another petite figure appeared behind the alien, with short golden hair jumping in the wind, Hai Wei almost leaned to the ground, two long legs separated to stop her figure, one The slender arm pressed the ground and used force to support it, and the person slammed into the back of the alien like a cannonball.

The huge sound of breaking through the air behind him shocked the alien, but Haiwei's speed and short distance made it even lack of response, and the girl had already grabbed her wrist. Haiwei pulled the alien species' hands back, and the person stepped on the alien species' back, pressing it to involuntarily straighten its chest, exposing the giant pupil-like spar to Moni's blade!

The death assault immediately set off a sharp howling sound, the tip of the gun revealed a faint silver brilliance, and the tail flame was pulled out like a flag to the giant pupil of the alien's chest. Seeing that it was about to break into the spar, the alien species suddenly screamed, and the spar broke apart in the center, biting Moni's blade like a big mouth.

Then the spar began to vibrate. This time it was not an invisible force field, but a strong shock wave. As soon as Zhenbo appeared, Moni and Hai Wei immediately turned pale at the same time. The shock waves released by this alien species continuously trigger miniature shock effects on their energy and even their bodies. If this continues, when the explosion reaches a critical point, the two of them will be shocked into blood mist.

The shock wave continued, and bleeding lines began to escape from the eyes, nose and mouth corners of the two of them. At this moment, the shock wave suddenly interrupted, and then several continuous black lines flickering appeared on the alien's body. When Ye Liu's body fell gently on Moni's side, the spar on the alien's chest clicked several times, and several huge cracks appeared. Then the frantic energy jet came out through her body, Moni pulled her blade back, and danced the spear blade to spread the silver ripples.

Hai Wei also screamed, catching the alien species and slipping from her armpit with one hand, but she didn't know what technique she used to swish the alien species away. The alien fell to a corner not far away, and then his body swelled and exploded instantly. The entire hall lit up, and energy and flames spread to the sky. The white light lasted for a few seconds before it extinguished, and the place where the alien exploded was turned into a ruin. The wall tens of centimeters thick collapsed and the cracks caused by the explosion almost extended to the entire wall. Several thrilling cracks appeared in the dome, and gravel and sand were continuously spilled on it.

Fortunately, when Ye Liu took the shot, most of the organization of the spar had been cut off, splitting and dissipating the originally integrated energy, otherwise the damage caused by the explosion of the crystal would not stop there, and it might even blow up the entire hall to the sky.

Hai Wei lay on the ground, her short hair curled up by the flames passing over her head, and a few thin ash smoke rose up. She flapped her hair and complained, "Ye Liu, when she makes a move, she can't make a notification."

"I told you, didn't you let the enemy know about it, idiot!" Ye Liu said solemnly.

Moni was stunned for it, and then with a serious look, she turned back and killed the other aliens that surrounded the three of Alice. Ye Liu, Haiwei, and Moni fought against the two strongest alien species, but the remaining ten or so Tier 8 alien species were all handed over to Alice, Jin, and Leah. Even if the two sisters and brothers of Alice are good at cooperating, Leah's mental flogging with them keeps creating opportunities for them.

But the strength of the alien species is there, although they have killed three or four, but next, they can almost only passively defend. After Moni joined, Ye Liu and Haiwei also pounced on the alien species one after another, which made the pressure on Alice and Jin greatly reduced.

Leah also breathed a sigh of relief. She has been repeatedly using Mental Flay since just now, and now she has consumed almost the same mental power and energy. If there is no foreign aid, they may not be able to support it for long. But at this moment, Leah's mind suddenly burst into a voice.

This will is so rough and tough, it appeared directly in Leah's mind: "Brother!"

Leah groaned in a low voice, with a splitting headache. Looking at other people, they seemed to have heard this voice. Alice's faces were pale, and they all pressed their foreheads with their hands. Behind him, the light suddenly burst. Leah reluctantly turned her head, only to see the entire inner cocoon revealing ten thousand rays of light from the inside out.

In the light, something cracked. Then, an invisible wave spread from the cocoon. This wave was extremely strong and overwhelmed everyone, including the alien species, to the ground.

In the bio-engineering stone, after Zero and Black Owl separated again, their injuries became more serious. At this moment, the two of them looked at the hall at the same time. Ling frowned, and Black Owl looked ecstatic.

"It's Feng Wu, I heard her calling!"

Then strong light shot out from the gap in the wall, swept along with a wave of waves. Zero shook, but Black Owl backed up a few steps before standing still again. After the fluctuation, there was a dark flame of energy, which almost blasted out of the gap in a jet-like shape, and the giant alien species was the first to bear the brunt. The alien corpse quickly eroded in the energy flame, the outer shell melted like softened cheese, and the muscle tissue inside fell apart.

When the flames rolled back, the giant alien had turned gray. With a click, it exploded into a cloud of dust and scattered.

The space is dead silent.

Then in this dead silence, something stirred like a heart. The strong and powerful heartbeat filled the halls and factories, and it became the only sound here.

In the hall, Leah opened her eyes and saw a white foot fall next to her. Then came the other foot, but the sole of the foot was made up of countless black fibers entangled together. It doesn't even have skin, and can see dense red blood vessels embedded in black fibers.

The contrast between black and red was so strong that Leah could barely breathe.

Leah could raise her head only after walking with her two legs, one white and one black.

She saw Feng Wu.

Or in other words, she saw a monster.

Only half of the life that emerged from the cocoon in front of her belonged to Feng Wu. The right half of the body has soft and flowing black hair, a whimsical white powder back, straight buttocks, and a tight and slender leg. However, on the left side, there was a pitch-black body, and the muscles that hadn't fully grown were constantly squirming, like thousands of bugs squeezed together.

Even, on Feng Wu's left shoulder, it was not an arm that stretched out, but a bunch of twisted and wriggling tentacles!

She just walked towards the gap and whispered: "Brother, brother..."

"Wind Dance!"

The black owl dropped zero and strode towards the gap. But when Feng Wu appeared from the gap, the black and white body shocked the black owl beyond any more. Even at this moment ~lightnovelpub.net~ Black Owl's reason took over, and the pupil on the right returned to its usual appearance.

"Feng Wu...how could this be? How could you become like this!" Black Owl yelled: "It shouldn't be like this, the God of Darkness told me that you will be better. But how could you become now? It looks like this!"

On the girl-like face on the other side of Feng Wu, the eyes changed from empty and confused to gradually focusing. When the black owl's figure was reflected in his pupils, his eyes turned into Wushuang's painful sadness: "Brother, please kill me. Don't let it turn me into a monster, I don't want to be like this..."

"Brother, help me!"

Looking at such a girl, Zero sighed. It seems that Feng Wu relied on her own will to break away from the cocoon before the Dark God had completely transformed her, so she became what she is now. Maybe when the Dark God completes the entire transformation, she will still be the same. But under the skin, it has become a structure like a black bust.

Fengwu at that time was no longer Fengwu, but just the dark **** with the appearance of Fengwu.

Such a simple truth, but the black owl can't break it. In other words, he does not want to see through?