War Lord

Chapter 876: Invasion

Hei Owl staggered towards Feng Wu, his back trembling constantly in Zero's eyes. At this moment, he didn't have the appearance of fighting fiercely before. Falling into Zero's eyes everywhere, the Black Owl looked desperate now, as if he could knock him down or even kill him with just one shot. But Zero didn't do this, he just watched the Shadow Clan walk up to Feng Wu.


The black owl suddenly screamed, and his voice was like a wolf howling at Yuechang, full of sorrow. He caught Feng Wu's shoulders and shook vigorously: "You told me that you will return me a good Feng Wu. Then answer me now, why she became like this. I know you are inside, answer me quickly, You dark bastard!"

Feng Wu was shook a few times by him, and suddenly his eyes turned into a **** color. As if the eyes were full of blood in the ocean, a violent and cruel breath came out from both eyes: "How can inferior life understand the beauty of advanced life. The ugliness in your eyes is the ultimate in mine." The beauty. As a life created by me, don’t you think this is questioning me as the creator?"

The voice was cold and hoarse, with a taste of indifference to everything. What was in the body was no longer Feng Wu, but the God of Darkness. Or, it should be called the dark core!

"Don't fart!" Hei Xiao's face was distorted with anger: "I don't care about inferior life and advanced life, I only want Fengwu! I only want my sister to come back, you give her back to me, bastard!"

With a flutter, the black owl's whole body is in need. Zero's pupils shrank slightly, and in his eyes, a black flower behind the black owl was slowly unfolding. That was a bunch of tentacles on the left side of Feng Wu. Now it penetrated the black owl's body and stretched around, trying to burst the black owl's body.

Hei Xiao spit out a big mouthful of blood, he stared at Feng Wu's left face desperately. Suddenly yelled, the short knife in his hand bounced, and the stern knife light slashed across the tentacles. There was a long roar from Feng Wu's mouth, like a wounded beast back and forth. Among the severed tentacles, a clear water-like liquid was continuously sprayed out.

The tentacles that remained on the black owl did not stop moving because of this, but shook more violently, further expanding the black owl's wound. Zero sighed, trying to step forward to suppress the dark core. As soon as his feet were lifted, a faint ripple swept across the ground in front of him. Lime flew on the ground, and a deep trace appeared. The black owl didn't turn his head and said, "Don't cross that line, otherwise, I will kill you first!"

After speaking, look towards Feng Wu again, the blush in Feng Wu's eyes is receding. It seems that because the dark core was injured, the girl's will once again had the upper hand. She gritted her teeth and walked towards Black Owl: "Brother, that's enough. What you have done for me is enough. I am tired, brother, I don't want to fight it anymore...Brother, kill me . End it all."

"Feng Wu..." Hei Xiao's hand holding the energy short knife trembled, just like the ambivalence in his heart.

The dark core seemed to feel the crisis and rose from the sea of ​​will. Feng Wu trembled completely, her left eye was already scarlet, and her right eye was still barely in place. She yelled: "Hurry up, brother. It's going to kill you, quickly, while I'm still..."

At the end of the speech, Hei Xiao had already hugged her together. Then there was a chill in the left chest, and something passed through the warm body. In the dark, Feng Wu seemed to hear a distant roar. In her right eye, there is a glimmer of floating load. Gradually, she closed her eyes, and a clear tear was drawn down: "Thank you, brother."

Feeling that the body in his hand was getting colder, the black owl trembled all over, and finally couldn't help raising his head, and let out a heartbreaking roar: "Wind Dance..."

The roar stopped abruptly, and thousands of thin black lines suddenly penetrated from the heart part pierced by the wind dance. They were as hard as steel wires, easily pierced the black owl's body, and then suddenly unfolded. There were countless cracks in Hei Xiao's body, and he shook it, in the spray of blood mist. The part below the head and above the waist was fried into a ball of minced meat!

Hei Xiao's head fell to the ground and turned twice, facing zero. The expression on his face is still frozen in the complex emotions mixed with anger, sadness and despair. But death came so quickly that it was almost too late for the nerves of the face to react, and everything was over.

Ling stared at Feng Wu who was still not down. He could be sure that Feng Wu was dead, but the thing in the girl's body was obviously not dead. In the center of the black wire like a steel wire, something floats like a flower bud. It was a lump of meat, it kept squirming, and finally turned into a face that resembled Fengwu. This face screamed like a beast, followed his mouth, and spit out a prismatic black spar.

Dark core!

Know what it is in a moment.

After spitting out the dark core, the fleshy face, black thread, and even Feng Wu's body quickly melted. Fibers, internal organs, nerves, and even bones melted into a blood stream in just a few seconds. The dark core fell to the ground, and as soon as it touched the ground, a row of insect-like arthropods protruded from both sides of the spar, and it wanted to escape.

Zero snorted, flashed in front of him, and blasted towards the dark core with a punch. The fist showed a golden glow, wrapped the front of the fist, and blasted out a roar of heavy artillery through the air. Seeing that it was about to hit the dark core, a scream suddenly sounded in Zero's mind. Screaming is like a steel needle, piercing deeply into Zero's brain. In an instant, the main brain and the two sub-brains suffered varying degrees of damage, which also made Zero's boxing front lose its way.

The dark core took the opportunity to hit the ground with its arthropods, which was able to withstand the zero-crossing punch. The iron fist hit the ground, bringing up a cryptic force field. The force field spread, and the ground shook first, and then the meat cocoons nearby collapsed and shattered like an invisible giant hand. With two thin lines of blood flowing from between his nose, he resisted the pain of a knife from his brain, and reached out to catch the dark core in the air.

In the void, energy fields converged to capture the dark core. This spar suddenly exploded and exploded into a cloud of black mist. However, the black mist did not dissipate, but rolled back like spirituality. Zero pupils dilated violently, and the golden pupils even spewed thin flames. Under the full capture of the eyes of the gods, a picture in his mind freezes.

So it was clear that it was not some black fog, but the dark core splitting itself into millions of units in an instant. Each unit is a miniature core, they are like some kind of particles, they come together to form the form of fog. And as the black fog rolled back, countless black threads were pierced from the fog, and the trajectories of the black threads were all different. To capture them all, the digital model built is as high as a skyscraper!

Obviously, Zero is still unable to handle such millions of data, so it has to do its best to defend it.

First, he unfolded his own defensive field, and then some lines on the tactical uniform were lit up to form a shield. In the end, Zero waved and pulled out a golden thread. In the biological factory, a golden light flashed first, and then the golden thread turned into a wave of light and raged towards the dark core, but fate was broken to attack and defend. However, none of these can stop the silk threads of the dark core. They passed through the golden waves of light like invisible objects, and pierced the defensive force field and energy shield.

Finally, the black thread pierced Zero's body, penetrated the skin and muscles through the contact points, and finally entered the blood vessels!

In an instant, the dark core completed the entire invasion process. Zero's heart is discerning, this thing is looking for its host again. There is no doubt that it has taken a fancy to its own body.

When Leah, Jin and others ran out of the hall, they happened to see this scene. Everyone was stunned. After the dark core quickly entered Zero's body, some black lines began to appear on the surface of his skin. The lines faintly appeared from time to time, and the area continued to spread, which was a sign that the dark core within Zero's body had begun to invade.

Leah wanted to walk over, and Ling suddenly stretched out her hand and said, "Don't come here!"

Alice pulled her back at the moment, with zero headaches, and the invasion of the dark core was more violent than he thought. Almost as soon as he entered the blood vessel, he started a war with the cells in his body. In just a few seconds, zero's cells were wiped out by one third. The dark core was transformed into countless terrifying cells in his body.

These cells are red on the outside and pitch black at the core. The surface is covered with spikes. As soon as the cells are close to zero, they use the spikes to pierce the walls of the cells, and then go in. After a while, it will burst out, and the zero cells will be destroyed and swallowed, which in turn will become nutrients to nourish these invaders.

A cell-level war took place in Zero's body. This was a battle he had never experienced before. Zero had no experience in dealing with this form of war. At this moment, his body temperature keeps rising, and the blood in his body is like boiling. Under the skin, the pitch-black lines appear from time to time from the beginning, to the clear freeze frame step by step now. They continue to spread towards zero whole body, representing the body area occupied by the intruder.

At this time ~lightnovelpub.net~ you can clearly see that the black lines are spreading to the two parts of the heart and brain, which are the expected locations of their attack. Once the two vital organs of Zero are successfully invaded, they can seize control of Zero. For the dark core, it is obvious that the body of an 11th-order powerhouse is more suitable to be the host than Feng Wu.

It's a pity that the dark core has overlooked one thing.

Memory group!

When the body sends out a danger alarm, driven by instinct, the memory group in the zero body starts to work. They first formed a kind of defensive cell, this kind of cell is gray-white, their body is huge, about four to six times that of ordinary cells. As soon as these cells are formed, most of them are blocked in the blood vessels leading to the heart and brain, while others rush towards the invaders.

These defensive cells can swallow two to three invaders in one go. As soon as the invaders are swallowed by them, the outer acupuncture wall coat will melt, and then the inner cell core will be assimilated. After a while, the body of the defensive cell will expand, and then split into one or two similar cells.

In this way, with the defense cells, the invasion speed of the dark core was effectively suppressed.

However, the battle has just begun!