War Lord

Chapter 877: Cell War

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Su in the war, Dragon who can only be vegetarian, and Little Pig for reading books! There is also a reward for Monster Night Wasteland! thank you all. This month, I have to prepare the opening chapter of the new book for review, so this part is estimated to take up a part of the time, so this month’s update will be updated every day for the time being. The opening chapter is ready, and two changes will be resumed immediately. It has been more than two years since this book was written, and it is now nearing completion. I will try my best to give everyone a satisfactory ending! Then, let's fight the new book again! ]

After resisting the invasion of the dark core, the memory group formed another type of cell. This cell is tiny, only half of normal cells. Its body is gray and white, and the core has a little dark gold color. These are attacking cells. If the cells generated by the memory group are regarded as an army, then these attacking cells are the forward of the army.

After they were produced under scrutiny, they pulled out several front lines to attack the invaders. These cells quickly slid into the invader's camp in the blood vessels, and they often got into the core cell together with two or three cells, and then the outer cell coat melted, and the inner dark gold core suddenly exploded. The three or two cores exploded together, and the resulting shock instantly shook the intruder into powder.

These attacking cells are like death squads, they are continuously generated by the memory group, and then burst into the intruder's position. So on Zero's skin, those dark lines gradually faded down.

After creating aggressive cells, another type of cell was added to the memory group. This cell is dark red, with countless tiny tentacles growing on its surface. It will wander on the battlefield of attacking cells and invaders. Followed by the tentacles surging, capturing the fragments of the attacking cell core exploded. After capturing four to five fragments, this cell divides.

It will split into three to four attacking cells, these dark red cells are like medics on the battlefield. Recovering the fragments of the attacking cells, and then dividing into new cells. As a result, the number of attacking cells immediately increased by an order of magnitude, and it is still increasing.

The types of cells generated by the memory group are different, and the division of labor is different. They are like a well-trained army, and the various arms cooperate with each other. Defense, rush, and rescue are all in order. In contrast, the invading cells of the dark core are more like a wild army. They have only crazy offenses, but no tactics, and no teamwork.

Under such circumstances, in this cell-level battle, the invaders are gradually at a disadvantage. The invading cells of the dark core are constantly being destroyed, and every cell that is destroyed is a loss for it. Perhaps this loss was minimal at first, but as the battle progressed, when the number of lost cells reached an order of magnitude, it would be a huge trauma to the dark core.

The dark core began to shrink the invading cells, and they concentrated in a few areas instead of dispersing in various blood vessels. Naturally, they wanted to fight with the cell army of the memory group. The invading cells of the dark core are undoubtedly extremely powerful. They are full of aggressiveness and aggressiveness, just like a low-altitude bomber whistling and flying, wherever they go, ordinary cells have no power to fight back.

For now, there is no cell of life that can resist the invasion of the dark core.

It's a pity that it hit the iron plate this time, and the zero-activated memory group can generate various substances. What the memory team is best at is that when zero's body is damaged, it will automatically record the damage and quickly establish a set of targeted defense mechanisms. In this way, if zero cannot be destroyed in a short time, then zero can continue to evolve. In theory, Zero can even travel between stars. If his body can be tyrannical enough to enter outer space without dying for a period of time, the memory team can completely transform it into a state suitable for survival in outer space.

Therefore, although the dark core cells are tyrannical, they are not yet overwhelmed by the memory group.

When the dark core poses a decisive battle pattern, the memory team is also not welcome. They have generated a fourth type of cell, which is very similar to the invader, all with thorns all over the body. It's just dark gold, and as soon as it appears, it mixes in the attacking cells and enters the array of invaders. The new dark gold cells are very aggressive, and as soon as they approach the invading cells, they will slam into each other.

Then the dark gold needle sticks on the outer layer of the robes will penetrate into the invader's body, and then a ray of dark golden light will invade the core cells, and the invading cells will be quickly filled with this golden light. When the dark golden light filled every corner of the cell, the invading cell was transformed in this way.

In this fourth type of cell, the memory group has written the gene fragments of those communicator cells. They have the ability to spread their own characteristics to other cells and quickly repel them and transform them into the same kind. As a result, patches of golden ripples spread in the invader's cells. Every second, countless invading cells are repelled. And the invading cells that are deficient in battle will spread further.

By this time, the dark core had been retreating steadily. Its invading cell battle damage has reached an unacceptable level, even if these cells are closed and restored to the dark core, there will be some irreparable damage. The dark core began to retreat, separating some of the invading cells against the cell army of the memory group, and the rest began to retreat.

But soon, the dark core found that this abacus could not work either. Those defensive cells have quietly walked behind the invading cells at some point, and surrounded the battlefield with the previous types of cells. Although these defensive cells are less aggressive, invading cells cannot break the line of defense formed by them. On the front line, a large swath of gold was rushing like a tide, so Zero heard a scream in his mind.

In that voice, there was clearly a smell of fear.

It turns out that the dark core is also afraid, perhaps after it separated from Prosius, it had to evolve its self-awareness in order to adapt to the environment. In this way, although it can evolve on its own, but with consciousness, it will also have biological-like emotions. That is the inherent instinct of life, even the dark core is no exception. Perhaps after it became the **** of darkness, it never expected that one day it would be forced into such a desperate situation.

The battle continues, the cell army of the memory group has begun to shrink the front, and it is only a matter of time before all the invaders are wiped out. The dark core is also aware of this problem, it seems to have made a decision, and then a low, slightly hasty voice sounded in Zero's mind: "I surrender! I can give up resistance and even open up my will. You will become me. The master rather than the host, as long as you don’t destroy me, you will gain even greater power."

I have to say that this is a very tempting proposal. The dark core is the source of power for Prosius, and its value is by no means measurable by ordinary biological organs. Just think about it, even if you just get the seed disguised as a dominator, humans like Moni who only have potential can leap into a ninth-order powerhouse. Then get a complete dark core, and maybe Zero can step into the twelfth level, or even a higher level!

But this idea just arose, and it was immediately extinguished by Zero. If it is something of other nature, zero may be a gamble. But this is the dark core, and God knows if it will leave a back door for itself. It would be sad to fail to become its owner at that time, but to become its host.

Strength is important, but strength from oneself should be insured whenever possible. Zero gritted his teeth and responded in his mind: "I refuse!"

His will was faithfully executed by the memory team, and the cell army increased the intensity of annihilation. For a while, the front line of the invading cells was likely to collapse. The dark core suddenly gathered all the cells, and they gathered together and quickly reorganized back to the original prismatic spar appearance, instead of appearing in the form of cells. At the same time, the surface of the prismatic spar sprayed out a faint black flame, which is the performance of the full defensive performance.

In this state, the dark core will not be swallowed so easily, and there will be a chance to escape Zero's body. It's just that the memory team doesn't seem to want it to get what it wants. The countless golden cells swarmed up, and when they hit the dark core, they would be burnt to ashes by the outer flame. But there are too many golden cells. Except for the self-produced memory group before, a half of them come from assimilated invading cells.

As a result, zero blood vessels were filled with large patches of gold. They are like soldiers who are not afraid of death, rushing forward and then attacking the dark core. Under the constant impact of the golden cells, the flame of the outer layer of the dark core became lighter and lighter, and finally extinguished completely. Without the protection of the flame, the golden cells began to attack the dark core's body.

Their golden spikes can only make an almost imperceptible gap on the surface of the dark core at a time, and once the golden thorns enter the dark core, they will be exploded by a burst of concussive force emanating from the depths of the core, and then The core will secrete a dark substance to fill the gap. It's just that there are too many golden cells, enough to quickly consume core energy.

By this time ~lightnovelpub.net~ the dark core has reached the end of the war. It can only passively defend against the invasion of the golden cells. When the golden cells are depleted by two-thirds, the surface of the dark core is already riddled with holes. It has no power to repair the gap, and can only shrink the energy to the center. . At this time, the golden cells began to spread their own gene fragments into the dark core, trying to change their genes and make them assimilated.

This is something that has never happened before, and even zero knows nothing. Once the assimilation is successful, what will the dark core become? No one knows this question. As the golden cells continue to attack, they also intercept the dark core gene fragments for the memory group. Zero's brain plexus immediately began to operate and began to decipher the dark core. But judging from the established data model, the time required to completely decipher the dark core is not as long as it is almost the same as deciphering the mystery of nothingness.

The dark core has changed at this time, its outer layer has been filled with gold, only the center is still pitch black. Its self-consciousness seemed to disappear, and no strong volition of will was formed again, only the pure sense of shock that still had energy deep in the core came. Suddenly, a circle of material around the core suddenly broke apart.

The core has been polished away from the edges and corners, and now only a round crystal the size of a fingernail remains. This is the final and purest substance of the Dark Core. It has been restored to its original form, even more pure than when it was stripped from Prosius!