War Lord

Chapter 881: guest

After firmly suppressing the entire army, Zero began to withdraw from the world of perception. When the end of consciousness swept across the world unintentionally, he found that some gray fluorescence was extinguished at the edge. Zero couldn't help but move his consciousness today to the place where the fluorescence disappeared, so some fragmentary pictures came in one after another. In these pictures, there is mostly a silhouette of a tall man.

Zero knows what it is only from the power emanating from that silhouette.

Albert is here!

No matter how he came in, his arrival is an indisputable fact. I completely withdrew from the world of perception, spent about a second to adjust myself, then opened my eyes and looked at the people: "It should have been a rest for everyone, but we have guests here."

Most of the guests who come at this time will not be friendly. Jin and others smiled helplessly, and they were all ready to fight again.

But from the perspective of perceiving the world, Albert is still far away from the Titan Hall, and it is impossible to encounter it in a short time. But he must fight with this man as soon as possible. As long as he is from Asmo, Zero does not intend to let him go. Now that Albert has smashed into Zero's home court, there is no reason why he can easily retreat. Now that the alien beings in the underground space have established contact with Zero, this is like unfolding a huge intelligence network. Nothing about Albert's movement can be concealed from Zero's eyes and ears. What Zero has to do is to use her own advantage to bury this man.

There is no doubt that Albert is not simple. The eleventh-tier strongman is not so easy to eat, if you change the location, it will be difficult for Zero to leave him completely. But after he obtained the dark core and had the authority to control the alien army, Albert entered the underground, that is, he picked the wrong battlefield.

It was already forty minutes after leaving the Pyramid and returning to the Titan Room. In the Hall of the Titans, the two high-ranking alien species that had ceased war were divided into two obvious camps, seemingly waiting for the arrival of Zero. When Zero One appeared, ordinary batmen and giants bowed their heads and knelt down. The Black Batman and the Scarlet Giant also expressed their awe to Zero in their own ways.

In fact, these two alien beings have their own names. The bats resembling vampires are named Drake, and those high-ranking black bats are Mobirek. The giants are Orgrimmar, and the scarlet giants are Orgrimmar.

Ling looked at them, and there was the core that there was no need to communicate with each other, and a simple idea, whether it was Drake or Ogmar already understood. These were once the two life and death enemies of the underground world, but now they receded quietly like a tide, and only the elite Mobileek and Orgrimmar remained. There are nine more in Mobirek, and seven in Orgrimmar. A total of sixteen alien beings who have reached the ninth rank will be a surprise for Zero to give Albert.

"Ansura, you stay." Zero said.

The commander did not refute, he returned to the pyramid alone. Zero took the other people and the Tier 9 alien species to leave. Albert's location has been confirmed. He has passed through the channel in the lake. A large amount of gray fluorescence disappeared. It was the little murloc who was killed by Albert.

Albert was on the shore of the lake, with tooth marks all over his body. It was caused by the attacks of many murloc larvae in the lake. Those alien species comparable to piranhas did not even bite Albert's skin, which just made the big man very upset. Anyone who is chased by thousands of piranha-like monsters in the water will not feel happy, especially when they bite some private parts.

A corpse of a little monster floated in the lake, and they made Albert's energy come to life. The big man looked a little depressed, and it was obvious that such a large number of monsters appeared in the lake and he was also very surprised.

"What the **** is this!" Albert looked around, and it was pitch black everywhere, except for the faintly flickering fluorescence in the distance.

It took more than an hour before he came to the giant mushroom forest that was zero passing by at that time. When he saw some underground moles gnawing on dried mushrooms, he also tried to take a bite, and then vomited all of them. There is plenty of water in the dried mushrooms, but it is full of sour and astringent taste, which can not be used to supplement the water. Although the water in the lake was radiant, Albert hadn't paid attention to it. Unfortunately, the place gave him some unpleasant memories, and Albert also dispelled his plan to return to the lake to draw water.

He is not afraid of those crazy little monsters, but when he thinks about the scene of being "greeted" by thousands of opponents, Albert can't afford the idea. He didn't notice that shortly after he appeared, the originally active mole had quietly left, and all the fluorescent lights scattered on the giant mushrooms had uniformly turned red.

This is a danger sign.

Usually when the "red light" is on in the giant mushroom forest, it is Canoresa who is here.

Canoresa is a special alien, it does not reach the level of the abyss lord, but there is no race. It is the only one. When the Dark Core created it, the setting for Canoreesa was to sacrifice the ability to breed offspring and all the possibilities of evolution, in exchange for the power and aggression that were only lower than the Lord of the Abyss. Based on these points, Canoreesa tends to be a biological weapon rather than a heterogeneous in the ordinary sense.

In fact, the original intention of the dark core design lies in the assembly line production of this biological weapon. It was just that after creating a Cabresa, the Dark Core fell asleep, and therefore did not continue to produce new ones of its kind. So this Cabresa lived near the Giant Mushroom Grove, feeding on underground moles or all creatures that dared to invade its territory.

Obviously, Albert has been included in the food menu.

Canoresa is as big as a mountain, with a spiral carapace on its back, resembling a giant snail. It is a soft creature, and a number of fleshy whiskers protruded from the carapace. While the fleshy whiskers squirmed, they dragged the thick carapace forward slowly. Canoresa's head and main organs were shrunk in the carapace whose defense power was comparable to that of an armor plate, and only the organs that prey, that is, those octopus-like fleshy whiskers, were pushed out of the shell.

Like many underground creatures, it has no eyes, and it uses countless special muscles under its tentacles to sense vibrations to identify the location of food.

The one who established a connection with Zero also has this Canoresa. Now ordered by Zero, it is ready to attack Albert. As Canoresa approached, Albert felt a little bit. Suddenly there was a loud wind in the darkness ahead, and a dark object drew towards him. Albert "Huh", judging from the sound of the wind, the impact of the thing has reached a ton.

This is by far the most threatening attack he has received in the underground world.

Albert raised his arm to the grid and slammed into Canoreisa's fleshy whiskers, making a somber voice. The entire giant mushroom forest was shaken, and the giant mushrooms around Albert swayed from side to side.

Following the beards patted from the darkness, Canoreesa's slap was not simple. The beards would roll back and shrink before attacking, and then eject, thus forming a huge impact. Albert shook his hands frequently, but he only had two hands, but Canoreesa had more than a dozen whiskers! After a series of high-frequency slaps, Canoresa changed his strategy. Two fleshy whiskers wrapped Albert's hands and separated them from left to right. Then the other fleshy whiskers flicked again and again like a giant's whip. The body of the big man.

Constantly withstanding nearly a ton of impact force is by no means a pleasant thing for Albert. A huge red mark was quickly left on his body. Albert snorted, holding the flesh beard in both hands and pulling back. Casareno’s huge body in the dark was pulled to slide across the ground, all the way. Overwhelming countless giant mushrooms, they finally appeared in Albert's eyes.

"What kind of monster is this again!" Albert sighed, but he was not idle. He exerted strength on his feet and strode towards Canoresa.

At a distance of three meters, Albert jumped high, put his hands up and put his hands together in front of his face, and blocked Canoresa's lashes. Then he kicked his feet heavily on the thick spiral shell, and the shock wave overflowed in an instant. Canoreesa kicked Albert slowly and fell to the side. When it hit the ground, there were a few noises from the thick shell. Howling like a beast.

Canoresa was hit hard, his flesh beard loosened. Albert took the opportunity to get rid of the two beards and rushed to Canoresa's thick shell. As he lifted his iron fist and blasted the thick shell with wild hammers, there was a gloomy muffled sound in the giant mushroom forest, as if the gods were beating the war drum, and the light red ripples continued to spread and flow. The ground under Canoresa trembles constantly, and turbulences of mud and sand are continuously shot from all around, and choking dust and smoke rise.

As a biological weapon second only to the Abyss Lord, Canoreesa is naturally not as easy to kill Albert as the little murloc. After the initial violent attack, Canoresa began to counterattack. It slapped again with its fleshy whiskers, and lashed at the guy on the thick shell fiercely. This time, not all the fleshy whiskers have joined the ranks of the flogging. Some of the fleshy whiskers rose up like a snake, opened a mouthpart from the front end, and then shot out a few venom from it.

These venoms sprayed on Albert's body ~lightnovelpub.net~ and suddenly boiled on his skin. Albert only felt as if he was sprayed with a polylic acid, and it burned him to scream. But the venom didn't cause any obvious damage except that it burned his whole body red, but these things splashed on nearby giant mushrooms. The place where the giant mushroom was splashed with the venom quickly turned black, and then was corroded and festered. In less than a minute, the giant mushroom had turned into a pool of acidic water and penetrated into the ground.

Seeing that the venom had no effect, Canoresa simply rolled Albert with his fleshy whiskers like a snake. A few thick fleshy whiskers are enough to wrap Albert tightly, and then the fleshy whiskers exert their strength, intending to grind the man's bones into pieces.

As the fleshy whiskers continued to entangle, there was a continuous slight tremor from inside. Suddenly, Albert's roar sounded, and a reddish light shone from the cracks in the flesh. The whiskers suddenly swelled outwards, and Canoresa's panicked cry came from the thick shell. In the next moment, the meat whiskers exploded and turned into blood and minced meat. Albert was shrouded in a **** flame. He opened all the energy stones, carrying the power and strength of the eleventh order, like a meteorite, and slammed into the behemoth below.

With a bang, Canoresa's thick shell shattered like paper, and Albert directly smashed into the snail shell.

Then there was a scream of giant beast resounding in the giant mushroom forest, and the cry echoed for a long time.