War Lord

Chapter 883: kill

The behemoth canyon is full of **** smells, and some low-level alien species don't even dare to enter the canyon. The blood in the air was filled with the smell of high-level alien species, which was like a declaration of sovereignty, which made the low-level beings completely afraid to cross the thunder pond.

Obviously they were right to do so, because a massacre was taking place in the canyon.

Albert was covered in blood, of course, most of the blood on this body belonged to Drake. Hundreds of Drake charged at the big man like locusts, and Albert's fists and thighs were sometimes his bald heads to greet them. Albert's whole body can be used as a weapon, no matter whether it is punches or kicks, the power is amazing. At least, Drake, who is not good at strength, cannot withstand a frontal blow from the opponent.

Even if their average level reaches about rank six or seven.

Albert has activated four empty energy stones, and waves of **** aura continue to spread. Once rushed into these ripples, the Drakes would feel blood boiling, and if they couldn't suppress the drowning, they would explode and die. But even so, Drake still fought forward and succeeded, like moths fighting a fire, without sacrificing impact on Albert's reef, which seemed to never collapse.

Naturally, this is not the case.

The **** tide is one of Albert's abilities, and when activated, a space similar to the domain will be formed around it. In this space, the qi and blood of all beings will boil uncontrollably and even explode. For enemy creatures that explode, their blood essence will be drawn by the force field to attract Albert to replenish the energy and stamina consumed.

Maintaining the **** tide itself is not an easy job. Its biggest role is the destruction of a wide area and the attack method that is difficult to defend. It is just an additional ability to absorb the essence of the enemy's blood. So Albert can't count on it to achieve a consumption balance. Relatively speaking, Albert is a good player with a single point of destruction. In terms of ability, lack of scope of attack is his inevitable shortcoming.

If Nicholas was here on the day, a single shot of the archangel sword would be enough to strangle Drake. Albert has no such ability, even if it is the only wide-area ability, the **** tide can only detonate a dozen Drakes at a time. In terms of efficiency, it is not in the same order of magnitude as Nicholas.

So Albert could only kill Drake awkwardly, and during this period, the energy consumption was even more intense. After all, Drake is completely different from the alien species he encountered before, they are agile and have wisdom. Obviously Albert could kill them with one punch, but sometimes he had to use two punches, or more.

While Dedek was pestering the big man, the giant of Oghma arrived. Wearing a deep blue biological armor, striding like a mammoth, the ground trembles under the feet of the giants. The power released by the two hundred eighth-order giants alone is enough to make Albert crumple. Raised eyebrows. The power that came from behind Drake was rough and strong, and it was obvious that the second biological weapon that joined the battlefield was taking the route of pure power.

And their rank is higher than this kind of Batman, which means that Albert's blood?? **** tidal efficiency will be greatly reduced, and he will need to consume more energy to kill the same number of power types. weapon.

In an instant, Albert decided to fight quickly. He has already felt that it is not good, if there are some higher-order weapons, such as Tier 10 or even Tier 11. Then maybe he would be buried in this underground for some reason.

All eight hollow energy stones were turned on, and Albert's energy increased at an explosive rate. The whole body's muscles blasted continuously, as if there was a volcano hidden in his body, and a dark red light came out from under his skin, shining a blood red in the valley. The range of the **** tide doubled and wrapped dozens of Drake together.

The Drakes seemed to be wrapped in an invisible net. They struggled desperately, but the blood vessels in their bodies swelled uncontrollably, and then burst into masses of blood mist. In the blood mist, dozens of dark red light qi was drawn by the force field to gather towards Albert, and then crashed into his body. Supplemented by these essences of blood, Albert's fatigue was slightly relieved, his eyes bleed through, like two light bulbs.

The Batman who entangled Albert was slightly reduced, and the bat who still entangled him also flapped their wings and flew away, breaking free from the force field of the **** tide. Drake did not retreat, but gave the battlefield to the torrent of steel behind him.

The Giant Oghma is here!

Before a giant roared, the ground cracked with his thighs. It arched its shoulders, and its body showed a misty blue light, like a ball of blue flames hitting Albert. Albert didn't dodge, he let out a low growl. The sound was like summer Yu Lei, and a dozen Drakes shook and drunk in the air not far away.

In an instant, the giant slammed into it. Albert greeted him uncompromisingly, and the two slammed into each other, producing a crackling sound. The invisible shock waves flowed away, and the giant Ogma slammed into the air for Albert. The huge body was twisted and deformed in the air, and all the biological armor on that body was shattered, and blood was squeezed out from it!

The Tier 8 giant caused Albert to live and die, and Si Yi's shock wave caused Drake to drop seven or eight in the air. When he landed without any struggle, Drake had a bleeding in his mouth and nose and he had turned into a corpse.

Although Albert killed a giant and took seven or eight Drakes with him, he was not happy at all. In his original expectation, this collision should smash the giant to pieces, rather than leaving a relatively intact corpse. This shows that the giant's own physique and the armor on his body have constructed a defensive power that is a line higher than Albert expected.

In terms of defensive power alone, I am afraid that it has almost caught up with the ninth-tier defense. Even if he is a Tier 11 powerhouse, it will not be a pleasant thing to face an opponent with Tier 9 defense. Especially when such opponents are not a few, but hundreds, the mood becomes even worse.

After a while, Albert has fallen into this ocean of steel. Drake is not idle, they are waiting for this opportunity. When the giant Orgmar caught Albert's gaze, the Drakes also launched an attack. They are agile in stature, interspersed in the gap between the giants of Oghma, frequently handing cold knives to Albert, or blasting out high-frequency screams in mid-air, making Albert dizzy.

Albert soon discovered that even if he could kill a giant with a single blow, it would take a lot of time to smash one by one. The big man who entangled the two high-level alien species in it did not notice the appearance of a rosy figure on the ridge on the left side of the canyon. One of them was watching the changes on the battlefield with his golden eyes.

Zero arrived, besides Jin and Alice and others, there are sixteen elite alien species up to the tenth rank behind him!

"He wants to leave." Ling said lightly.

Jin and the others also watched the battlefield. Among them, Moni could be regarded as an expert in leading the war. In the two years of confrontation between Black Earth and Blood Knight, her eyes were equally venomous and sophisticated. On the battlefield, Albert seemed to kill all quarters, but in fact, the front line moved slowly towards the entrance of the canyon. Albert is consciously moving in that direction, once he gets rid of the entanglement of the alien legion, if the eleventh-order powerhouse deliberately escapes, it is indeed difficult to keep him.

Of course, that was the situation when the zero-sum elite alien species did not come. As for now, it's quite different. Through the core, Zero issued instructions to the elite alien species behind him, and the Mobileeks quietly rose into the air, moving in the direction of the entrance silently. Orgrimmar turned back and left, they would completely cut off Albert's retreat.

Zero can already foresee the ending of Albert's death here, even if Mobileek and Orgrimmar will be damaged in battle, but this ending will not change.

On the battlefield, Albert let out a sharp roar. He caught the head and feet of a giant and smashed it down. At the same time, he bent his knees towards his lumbar vertebrae, and a sore fracture sounded, and the giant overwhelmed his vertebrae. Albert grinned slyly, grabbed his legs with both hands and moved, swept several giants and Drake outwards and fell.

There was a gap in the encircling circle. How could Albert fail to grasp this opportunity and immediately threw the giant at many alien species, and then rushed with all his strength.

Seeing that the scene of Xueling's forcibly breaking through was about to be repeated again, suddenly several black fireballs floated silently from a high altitude~lightnovelpub.net~ The fireballs seemed weak, but they made Albert stunned. He immediately settled in shape, and hit the fireball in the sky with several punches. The fist wind was like a pillar, and the volley detonated the fireball. The black flame that died did not churn upwards, but rained into the space around Albert.

This black flame, which seems to have no power, carries an unusually high temperature. Several Drake and the giant accidentally rushed into the range of the fire curtain, and suddenly their flesh melted, and the whole person turned into a fireball. Albert snorted, creating a defensive field around his body to protect his body, and then rushed out of the fire curtain. But the fur on his body was burnt, and the surface of his skin was blistering and scorching, even for him, life below the tenth level is absolutely dead in this kind of fire curtain!

This is also the result of Albert detonating the fireball ahead of time. If they are hit, the temperature will be even higher if they are directly at the heart of the explosion. That is the unique ability of Mobirek. They can form a circle of yellowish inflammation on the outer layer of the body. The yellowish inflammation has a high temperature of two thousand degrees. And the faint and melting flames thrown by them can reach an explosive heart temperature of as high as 3,000 degrees, which is definitely not something ordinary beings can afford.

After a wave of faint and flaming attacks, the four Mobireks rushed down from a high altitude with their flame tails. They emptied their hands in mid-air, and the faint flames condensed into two short knives. This is a faintly yellow blade, and the energy particles of the blade vibrate at a high speed, resulting in as sharp as a high-frequency blade. At the same time, the Yellow Blade also has the effect of high heat. When the eight yellow blades greeted Albert all together, Great Hanton felt a headache.